"Patriarch Cui, how is it, are you still satisfied?" Deng Ai looked at Cui Fu, who was already stunned, and asked deliberately.

"You... What kind of organ are you? "Cui Fu's heart is as uncomfortable as eating a fly, satisfied, I am satisfied with a fart.

"Well, this is the wooden ox horse designed by Mr. for transportation."

Deng Ai did not hide it, but said with a smile and pride.

In his opinion, everything Zhuge Qiu did was worthy of making him proud and honored.

"The Lu family is jealous of our cooperation and wants to deliberately sabotage, so Mr. invented this thing in case of emergency, and the Cui family owner can rest assured that it will be delivered on time."

"Thank you Patriarch Cui for sending such a big business."

As if he didn't know what Cui Fu was thinking, Deng Ai continued to smile and speak.

Cui Fu's heart was like there were thousands of grass and mud horses.

Thank you, uncle.

Also jealous of cooperation, who wants to cooperate.

But at this time, he can only be dumb and eat Huanglian, and he can't say it directly.

"What I said is that Mr. Zhuge is really a clever plan."

Cui Fu echoed with a smile.

It wasn't until Deng Ai and them left that Cui Fu's face became ugly.

"Master, this... They have such skills, but in fact, it is not entirely a bad thing.

"Put your shit on, he took the goods away, and we're going to be in great trouble."

Cui Fu saw that there were such stupid people around him, and immediately scolded with a black face.

"Go back."

With a cold snort, Cui Fu took the lead in getting into the carriage, and the whole person was full of unhappiness.

At the same time, the news of the transportation of wooden cattle and horses also spread quickly.

Even many people thought it was strange and went to watch it from afar along the way.

For a while, the wooden bull and horse became the hottest topic of discussion.

"This Zhuge Qiu must have done it on purpose."

On the family's side, the Lu family master was the first to jump out.

"How can so many wooden cow horses be designed in a moment."

"Yes, it seems that they are really iron-hearted, they want to go against us, the Lu family master has to be careful." Patriarch Yang also frowned.

"Be careful, I think someone did it on purpose."

"Who do you say, I asked everyone at the beginning to make this suggestion."

Cui Fu saw Patriarch Lu looking at him, and his face suddenly sank.

The thing I was worried about finally came.

"Then I don't know, when Zhuge Qiu went to Cui Mansion with great fanfare, who knows what you said."

Patriarch Lu sneered, no wonder he was angry, after all, this Zhuge Qiu showed the means.

That really made him see the crisis and endangered the fundamental interests of their Lu family.

"You... Are you suspecting that our Cui family is colluding with Zhuge Qiu? Cui

Fu immediately took the case, obviously unable to stand the targeting of this Lu family.

"Don't, don't be impulsive, don't be angry."

"If that's the case, aren't we just in the middle of Zhuge Qiu's strategy?"

"It's just a small trick, don't bother."

Patriarch Yang hurriedly came out to play the round field to reconcile, at this time, they couldn't let them quarrel here like this.

"Yes, yes, you can't hit that kid's plan." Several others quickly chimed in.

The Xie family could only laugh and couldn't speak.

I am afraid that at this time, I will set myself on fire and lead this spearhead to my own body.

At the beginning, Zhuge Qiu also went to their Xie family, if this is true, they are also the object of suspicion.

Under everyone's persuasion, no one talked about this topic anymore.

However, it was also unhappy and dispersed, and Cui Fu was the one who was the most unhappy.

"Haha, sir, you're right, I followed Cui Fu all the way, and his face was black when he came out of the Yang family."

"And the people of the Lu family are the same."

Zhao Yun couldn't help but laugh when he thought of their black faces.

"Shouyi, in this case, wouldn't it be possible to take the opportunity to convince the Cui family again, I am willing to go in person."

As soon as Xun Yu heard this, this was a good opportunity, and he immediately took the initiative to ask for help.

"No need, we just wait, this time they come to us."

Zhuge Qiu immediately raised his hand to stop him, "At this time, if we go to find them, won't it seem that we are anxious?"

"And our action is fast, and the other few will not be so tight for the sake of interests, because they are also afraid of forcing the Cui family to our side."

"Just go with the flow and wait for the moment."

As soon as Xun Yu heard this, he immediately knew that he was indeed anxious.

In the next few days, Zhuge Qiu and his group, everything was as usual.

On the contrary, the news of the wooden bull and horse spread farther and farther, the land of Jiangdong.

Sun Quan was also full of emotion, "Is this person really omnipotent?"

"In this way, the Lu family will be defeated, and the other families will also be defeated."

Lu Su also sighed on the side, although he was not surprised, but he still sighed.

"Master, this is actually not a bad thing for us."

Lu Xun glanced at the two, and then stood up and spoke.

"If the family loses, they will definitely not sit still, they will only fight with Zhuge Qiu to break the net."

"There is some truth in saying that." Sun Quan thought about it, too.

After all, looking at the virtues of those families in Jiangdong, you can see one or two.

If the father and brother had not compromised and given them enough benefits, I am afraid that this Jiangdong foundation would not be so stable.

"Good, you should pay more attention to this matter." Finally, Sun Quan looked at Lu Xun and instructed.

"That... What is Zhuge Kongming doing now, but I heard that he even sold his hut in Wollongong.

Just as everyone was about to leave, Sun Quan thought of something again, and looked at Lu Xun and asked.

Now Lu Xun is in close contact with Zhuge Liang, and it sounds good to say that it is cooperation.

But he feels that more often than not, he has a companion when he loses.

"I don't know." Lu Xun shook his head.

"Ah Qiu."

"It's finally done."

On the other side, Zhuge Liang rubbed his nose, looked at the thing in front of him, and said excitedly.

Liu Bei was about to look for Zhuge Liang, and he was also startled by this movement.

"Kong Ming, what are you?" Liu Bei looked at Zhuge Liang puzzled and asked.

"Master, Liang is going to look for you, what do you think of this object designed by Liang?"

Zhuge Liang called Liu Bei into the room, and at this time Zhuge Liang asked the craftsman to go down as well.

"This is the wooden bull flowing horse?"

"The Lord knows? Ryo hasn't chosen a name yet, but the name of the Lord is very good.

"What's so good, haven't you been paying attention to the news lately?"

"Isn't this the wooden bull flowing horse designed by Zhuge Qiu, and now the Lu family is already angry and corrupted."

"You wouldn't say you designed it, would you?"

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