"This is originally a bright design, master, you look at the drawings, it is also a bright painting, and the craftsman who just went out can also prove it."

Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Bei and was immediately stunned, and subconsciously explained.

"Kong Ming, don't make trouble, you can't grab Zhuge Qiu's, now his wooden bull flowing horse is already widely used."

"You, when did you start imitating Zhuge Qiu."

Liu Bei sighed, it seems that the previous incident hit Zhuge Kongming very hard.

"Imitate, why does Ryo need to imitate others?"

Zhuge Liang seemed to see Liu Bei's thoughts.

Liu Bei also saw Zhuge Liang's attitude, and it seemed really impossible to think about it.

Zhuge Liang has not even come out of the mansion in the past few days, and he only received the news today, the printed newspaper.

His own speed is already very fast, and Zhuge Liang will not be able to make it unless he receives news a few days in advance.

"Kong Ming, you still mourn."

"Someone has already invented this thing."

In the end, Liu Bei looked at Zhuge Liang with great regret, but he was already used to it.


Zhuge Liang didn't believe it, and when he took the printed current affairs newspaper brought by Liu Bei, his whole person was stunned again.

There was also a brief picture of the wooden bull flowing horse in the newspaper, and the date stung his eyes even more.

"God, since you gave birth to my Zhuge Kongming, why did you give birth to a Zhuge Shouyi."

After speaking, Zhuge Liang directly picked up the axe left by the carpenter on the side.

"Kong Ming, don't get excited, don't think about it."

Liu Bei's face suddenly changed when he saw it, and he quickly stepped forward to persuade, wanting to stop it.

Although this Kong Ming is useless, but it was invited by his own Gu Maolu, that also has a role.

As long as it is not against Zhuge Qiu, in fact, the rest is quite normal.

"Master, Liang can't think about it, since this thing, he Zhuge Qiu has already made it, what use do I want it for?"

After Zhuge Liang finished speaking, he directly slashed an axe on the wooden bull flow horse.

With a vent, soon the wooden bull horse was cut down.

Looking at the pile of things that fell apart, Zhuge Liang did not feel the slightest good feeling in his heart.

He felt as if he was living in Zhuge Qiu's shadow, and he could not surpass it no matter what.

"Lord, this family will be defeated, if they break the net, it will be our chance, otherwise, we will never have a chance to win again."

After a while, Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Bei and spoke.

"You mean this is most likely our last chance?"

Liu Bei saw that Zhuge Liang seemed to slow down, and then he also became solemn.

"Almost." Zhuge nodded

, "Although Cao Thief is holding the Son of Heaven hostage to order the princes now, the north is stable, and Zhuge Qiu has invented many things that are beneficial to the people's livelihood."

"Now that the lives of the people in the north are gradually stable, they are only afraid and unwilling to start a war in their hearts, once Cao Cao divides the resources of the family, then it will really be strong and strong, and all materials are not in short supply."

"We are in a corner of the world, how can we resist? Even if it is consumed, it can consume us to death.

Zhuge Liang smiled bitterly, he did not expect that unconsciously, he had come to this step.

Originally thought that if he went down the mountain to assist Liu Bei, he would be able to show his strengths, but he ended up losing again and again.

has become a joke in the eyes of the world, and the real Wolong has become a fake Wolong.

"Then Kong Ming has the opportunity to prove yourself this time, you have to take advantage of it."

As soon as Liu Bei heard this, he immediately held Zhuge Liang's hand, and then said with a solemn face.

"Master, can you talk well."

Zhuge Liang was suddenly speechless, which pot does not mention which pot, don't I want to prove myself?

"Kong Ming, everything is up to you." Liu Bei glanced at Zhuge Liang and said.

Seeing this, Zhuge Liang didn't want to say anything more, so he could only answer, "Don't worry, Lord Liang, Liang will do his best." "


Of course, Zhuge Qiu didn't know that Zhuge Liang also made a wooden cow flowing horse, and his side was now preparing to let Deng Ai ask the Cui family for money.

"Sir, what if the Cui family is in trouble?"

"He doesn't dare, if he dares to pay the bill, I can directly copy their Cui family."

Zhuge Qiu said very indifferently, this matter is making a fuss, how dare the Cui family pay the bill.

It's like when they decided that they didn't dare not ship the goods and pay the bills, this is a truth.

"Then I'll go."

Deng Ai saw that Zhuge Qiu said this, and he no longer delayed.

Cui Fu, Cui Fu, they are also in a hurry at this time.

"Is there anything you can do?"

"Patriarch, there is really no way around this, if you don't give it, Zhuge Qiu will definitely take us directly."

"But if we give it, then other families, especially the Lu family, will definitely not tolerate us as the head of the family said."

"Useless stuff." Cui Fu scolded, this is also the most difficult thing to do.

It's not just a matter of money, during this time, the attitude of several of them towards themselves is already very telling.

"The head of the family, Deng Ai came, saying that he wanted to see the head of the family."

At this time, someone was already outside the door to report.

"Dad, let's not see him first."

"Hide, hide until when, if we hide, will the Lu family look up to us?" Cui Fu scolded.

"Let him in, then go to the account room to get the money ready, you all go out."

With Cui Fu's words, everyone went out.

Soon Deng Ai was already here, and when he saw Cui Fu, he still held his fist and saluted.

"Patriarch Cui, junior is polite."

"When the adult is polite, the adult is deeply trusted by Mr. Zhuge and will definitely have a bright future in the future, why is the adult here?"

Cui Fu pretended not to know Deng Ai's intention and asked.

"Now that the goods have arrived, it's time for the owner to deliver the money."

"Why, my lord, are you afraid that the old man will not be able to pay the bill?"

"Don't dare, Mr. said, the Cui family is a big family, Lai account naturally will not, but the Cui family master is busy with affairs, and the Lu family is troublesome to the family owner, this little matter, the junior comes by himself, so as not to trouble the Cui family master."

Deng Ai looked at Cui Fu and replied very calmly.

"No wonder Mr. Zhuge trusts him, he really can speak well."

"Don't worry, the contract has been decided, and our Cui family will not pay for this money."

Cui Fu looked at Deng Ai and replied with a smile, obviously satisfied with Deng Ai's answer.

"Lord Deng, after this silver money is withdrawn, remember to tell your husband, there will be more opportunities for the two to cooperate in the future."

"Then thank you for taking care of the Cui family master, the gentleman said the same, if the Cui family master is in need, the gentleman will also do his best."

Deng Ai looked at Cui Fu and replied, listening to Cui Fu's words, he knew that Zhuge Qiu's separation was completed.

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