After hearing this, Jia Xu was also stunned in his heart, if this question is not answered well, then it is not a question of his own future.

Most likely, it was a matter of his own life.

During this time, Zhuge Qiu wanted to become the wind of the super family, which was a lot of people's questions, but they didn't dare to say it directly.

Who knows what Cao Cao thinks, if he answers wrong, then he will take his own life.

This is a more fatal question than asking yourself who is optimistic about being the son of the world.

"Under the stupidity, King Wei's meaning is a little incomprehensible, and now the family has been gradually eradicated by King Wei, so why come next?"

"Could it be that King Wei is asking, who will Shouyi attack next?"

After thinking about it, Jia Xu decided to pretend to be confused, saying too much at this time, it would definitely be no benefit.

"Don't pretend to be confused with me, what I'm asking is, after these great families are replaced, who will be the new big family, or the super family?"

Of course, Cao Cao knew that Jia Xu was pretending to be confused, in order to tell him that he was not interested in these and did not want to mix.

But this time, he really wanted to see what Jia Xu thought.

"This... I really don't know, if King Wei really wants to ask, I also ask King Wei to forgive me for my innocence first. Jia

Xu saw that this time it might be vague, so he looked embarrassed and said.

"Well, you can safely say that I won't blame you."

After hearing Jia Xu's words, Cao Cao immediately smiled and nodded.

If you don't blame it, it's not your own decision.

"If King Wei really wants to ask like this, then in his humble opinion, for a long time in the future, the Cao family will be the largest family."

Cao Cao also did not expect Jia Xu to say this.

He also thought that Jia Xu would fight again and say that a few perfunctory people came out, and even he thought that Jia Xu was really forced by himself not to know what to say, and would say Zhuge Qiu's name.

But what Jia Xu said turned out to be their Cao family, and I have to say that this answer was very unexpected.

"Your answer is very surprising, but I'm afraid it's hard to be convincing, why is the Cao family like this."

Cao Cao looked unbelieving, obviously asking Jia Xu to say the reason.

Since you said that my Cao family will become the biggest family, then there must always be a reason, and I can't let you talk nonsense.

"Everything depends on the merits of King Wei, King Wei is determined to be in the world, then the Cao family is naturally the same, this ambition is in the world, isn't it the biggest family?"

Jia Xu looked at Cao Cao and lowered his head after speaking.

He knew that what he said was still very bold, but he couldn't mix it up, so at this time, he could only wait for Cao Cao to judge by himself.

Of course, Cao Cao knew what Jia Xu meant.

If Cao Cao really wants to replace the Great Han in the future, then he will be the emperor.

And he is also an emperor with real power and power, and after getting rid of the current family, others do not have this foundation.

Then the royal family must be the biggest family.

"Your words are bold, but I heard some rumors that Shouyi will become the biggest super family."

"If so, do you still insist on your own opinion?"

After Cao Cao took a while, he looked at Jia Xu and directly mentioned, with a posture that you can't put on.

"Such remarks?" Jia Xu looked very surprised.

"King Wei, this is a divisive scheme, it cannot be trusted."

"Moreover, Shouyi is your son-in-law of King Wei, and he is already a family, so even this does not affect the judgment of Xia Gang."

Jia Xu quickly looked at Cao Cao with an advisory look and said.

"Go down, I know."

Cao Cao immediately raised his hand when he saw Jia Xu like this, and he had nothing more to ask.

As soon as Jia Xu heard this, he immediately felt like he was on the verge of amnesty, and directly took his leave and left.

Looking at Jia Xu's departing back, Cao Cao couldn't help but laugh.

"This Jia Wenhe is really an old fox, but his words are not unreasonable."

Of course, Zhuge Qiu did not know these things.

Although Jia Xu has a good relationship with Zhuge Qiu, he also knows that talking more on this issue will harm the two.

However, both Cao Cao and Zhuge Qiu agreed to go to the banquet, and this matter still needs to be discussed.

"Shouyi, do you think the Yang family is sincere this time?"

"What's the sincerity, besides, Lao Cao, do you care if they are sincere?"

Zhuge Qiu asked indifferently, but he didn't expect the Yang family to invite Cao Cao too.

It seems that this Yang family's appetite is not small, and he can understand that he wants to get rid of himself, but he didn't expect that even Lao Cao was directly included.

It's really courageous enough, from this point of view, this is still stronger than the Lu family, and the Lu family has done more just to get rid of themselves alone.

I felt that I was the one who influenced Cao Cao, but I didn't see that Cao Cao had actually been fighting against their family all along.

It's just that many times he needed to compromise.

"It makes sense, when they go to the banquet, whether it is true or not, they will not stay, because assassinating King Wei is enough to make a reason."

Cao Cao smiled, sure enough, Zhuge Qiu had already seen through this matter.

The time to go to the banquet soon came, and the Yang family at this time was brightly lit and very lively.

Patriarch Yang personally brought the people of the clan to the door to greet him.

"See King Wei."

"I've seen Lord Situ."

Everyone echoed and saluted, and Cao Cao naturally smiled so that they didn't have to be polite.

In his eyes, these people in front of him were no different from dead people.

The dead people's salutes naturally don't care so much.

"It is really surprising that King Wei can come here, and I am very grateful to King Wei for giving us this opportunity to the Yang family."

Patriarch Yang looked at Cao Cao and said very respectfully.

"King Wei has already given you this opportunity, but whether you can seize it or not, it's up to you."

Zhuge Qiu also spoke on the side at this time.

"Definitely, definitely, we will definitely grasp it."

Patriarch Yang nodded quickly.

"King Wei, Lord Situ, then let's go in and talk?"

The Yang family and the others looked at Cao Cao and his group and made a gesture of invitation.

"So, then lead the way."

Cao Cao was not afraid, and directly followed in.

Zhuge Qiu was naturally the same, and the Yang family and the others were very happy to see that they really went in.

Although Xu Chu also followed in, they didn't have any timidity.

Zhuge Qiu naturally saw this scene, it seems that the Yang family is quite well prepared, I hope you don't let me down.

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