In the hall, after entering, Zhuge Qiu found that the preparation was really like that, it was very lively, and the table cases were laid out, and there were also a lot of delicacies there.

"King Wei, please take a seat."

"Lord Situ, please take a seat."

Patriarch Yang's posture was also very low at this time, allowing Cao Cao and Zhuge Qiu and his group to take their seats first.

Cao Cao glanced at them without pretentiousness, and sat down directly.

Xu Chu stood beside him, guarding the side like an iron tower.

Zhuge Qiu sat next to him with a slightly bowed seat, he did not bring Zhao Yun, so he did not have a guard.

After they all sat down, the people of the Yang family sat down according to their generation.

"Today, King Wei and Lord Situ can give the old immortal a thin face, and the old immortal represents the Yang family."

"Now in a troubled world, it is a world of great change, and the king of Wei single-handedly determined the peace of the world and carried out acts of change."

"Now my Yang family has also seen clearly, the general trend is irreversible, I just hope that King Wei and Lord Situ can raise their noble hands and not let my Yang family end up like the Lu family."

"If it can be fulfilled, then we are willing to give all the resources of the Yang family to King Wei and Lord Situ free of charge."

Patriarch Yang looked at Cao Cao with a very low posture, and that look was also sincere.

Cao Cao glanced at them, but he did not speak, looking unbelieving.

"Sir, please also ask Sir to speak for us, we are all sincere."

The people of the Yang family, seeing that Cao Cao did not speak, looked at Zhuge Qiu and spoke.

"Yes, sir, King Wei listened to your words, and asked Mr. to help."

For a while, the people of the Yang family all looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked him to intercede, in that way, everyone's meaning seemed to be saying that Lao Cao obeyed him.

"This is simple, I don't need to say anything, King Wei never looks at what others say, but depends on what people are doing."

"So what you should do is not to say, but to do."

Zhuge Qiu looked at them and smiled faintly.

"What Lord Situ said, what he said, we will let people go to the handover tomorrow, come, let's pay tribute to King Wei and Lord Situ together."

Patriarch Yang immediately smiled in agreement and said, then raised his glass and looked at Cao Cao and Zhuge Qiu to toast.

Not only that, but so did the rest of the Yang family.

This posture has a great posture, you can't not drink, if you don't drink it, you don't give face.

It's just that Cao Cao and Zhuge Qiu don't eat this set, because they can really not give them face now.

If this had been weighed by Cao Cao before, after all, he needed their support.

But that's not the case.

"This... King Wei and Lord Situ, it is possible that there is something unpleasant about the old age, if so, then please make it clear, we can make up for it. Patriarch Yang looked at them and spoke again.

That look was somewhat embarrassing, as the head of the Yang family, he had forgotten how long it had been since he was so humble.

"You guys are well treated, but I'm worried that this wine is poisonous."

Zhuge Qiu also spoke, and it was also very direct.

"This... Wronged, how can we have the guts, if the King of Wei does not believe it, the old man can personally test the poison. Patriarch

Yang didn't expect Zhuge Qiu to be so direct, but it's normal to think that this is already the case.

If they really don't doubt it at all, then there is a real problem.

"You don't have to try, it won't be useful if you try, if you don't have other means, then we will leave."

Zhuge Qiu raised his hand and directly spoke, after all, there was no need for Lao Cao to say this personally.

In the end, it is his father-in-law, and he still has to do something for others to share.

"This... What did Lord Situ say? Patriarch Yang's face was a little ugly, but he still kept himself respectful.

"What words?" Zhuge Qiu sneered.

"I mean, you assassinated King Wei and Ben Situ and murdered the imperial court officials, this is a capital crime, don't you know the crime?"

Zhuge Qiu is too lazy to act, isn't it for a reason to come here today?

Otherwise, how could you personally commit a risk.

Besides, if you don't say it yourself, the Yang family also did it, and it is not considered to have wronged them.

"This... Lord Situ, you are trying to add to this sin. Patriarch

Yang was still not dead, thinking about whether he could continue to pretend.

It's just that Zhuge Qiu doesn't eat this set at all, or he is already impatient.

If the Yang family only has this ability, then there is no need to look at it.

"Yes, but so what? Otherwise, why do you think King Wei and I would come?

"Shouyi is right, if you want to assassinate the king, how can such a mortal sin be forgiven."

Cao Cao also sneered at this time, shot up, and scolded angrily.

"Okay, okay, it turns out that you have already made this calculation, are you deliberately watching me play ugly here?"

Patriarch Yang also did not pretend at this time, and the disguise at this time was already meaningless.

I thought I could confuse others, but it turned out to be like a joke.

"Well, since this is the case, then the old man will not pretend, today is your time of death, and the old man will die with you."

After Patriarch Yang finished speaking, he smashed the cup in his hand, and there was a shattering sound, and soon a burst of footsteps was already ringing.

Obviously, they are breaking the cup for a number, and Zhuge Qiu is no longer surprised by this.

After all, this yin is also convenient, and this cup is naturally the first choice.

"Patriarch Yang, so confident?"

Zhuge Qiu laughed, listening to this footsteps, he didn't seem to be afraid at all.

"Zhuge Qiu, you don't pretend to be a ghost here, today is your time of death, as long as we kill you, even if we die later, it will be worth it."

The Yang family master also stiffened at this time, as did the rest of the Yang family.

"Yes, today is death, and you also have to die together."

"Just you?" At this time, Xu Chu had already spoken.

"Mo said that you little trick, Sir has been prepared, but no, with Xu Chu here, you can't hurt King Wei and Mr. Wei."

Xu Chu scolded, and the weapon in his hand also waved.

The Yang family immediately retreated in fear, and soon the footsteps were getting closer and closer.

Just didn't wait for them to be happy, and the next moment they were directly stunned.

"How so? What about our people? Patriarch Yang was immediately dumbfounded, where was the person they had arranged.

Isn't it Cao Cao's guards who came in?

"Take down this group of people who assassinated the king." Cao Cao ignored their expressions and immediately waved his hand to order.

Patriarch Yang immediately lost his strength as if he was paralyzed.

"Zhuge Qiu, you are ruthless enough."

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