Zhuge Liang was questioned by Zhang Fei like this, and his heart was speechless for a while, but how could he justify the fact here?

"Master, Cao Jun has insight into the deployment of our army, is it because he has made a detailed work?" In

the end, Zhuge Liang felt that there was only one possibility, otherwise, where would Xia Hou Wei have the brain to see through his own scheme?"

Although Liu Bei was also unhappy with Zhuge Liang, the only thing he could rely on at this time was Zhuge Liang.

Yanzhou Xuchang.

Several people gathered in Cao Cao's mansion were discussing political affairs.

"Yuan Rang has been attacking Liu Bei for some time, but there has been no war report.

Cao Cao sighed, a little worried.

"Lord, this Zhuge Liang has great talent, and General Xiahou is so light on the enemy, I am afraid that this battle will be difficult to win."

Xun Yu frowned, and saluted, also worried.

"Can't my 100,000-strong army break through a new wilderness?" Although

Cao Cao was worried, he naturally hoped that Xiahou Wei would win.

"Yuan Zhi, is this Zhuge Kongming really as powerful as you say?" Turning

his gaze, Cao Cao looked at a younger scribe on the other side who didn't speak much.

"Kong Ming's talent is unparalleled in the world, and those who can be left and right have never seen it, Mo said that a hundred thousand army is an army of 200,000, and it turned into flying ash in an instant in front of Kong Ming's eyes.

Xu Shu's words did not hide his admiration and praise for Zhuge Liang.

Cao Cao knew Xu Shu's skills, and seeing that Xu Shu praised him so much, perhaps there was an exaggerated element, which should not be too bad.

"If I can get the Sleeping Dragon, the world will be uncertain. When the words fell, a soldier stepped forward to report.

"Report, General Xiahou reported for battle.

"I'm afraid that the news of the defeat came. Xu Shu said coldly.

Obviously, he was still very upset with Boss Cao threatening him with his wife.

Cao Cao did not care, and took the war report with some solemnity.

Xun Yu and Xu Shu looked at Cao Cao's expression on the side, only to see that from the beginning of the solemnity, soon became a living ghost, and finally laughed.

"Okay, Yuan Rang defeated Liu Bei's army, and soon he will enter Xinye.

"This... How is it possible?" Xu Shu obviously didn't believe it, how could Kong Ming lose to Xiahou Wei, this reckless man.

"The Lord Lord's words are true?" Xun

Yu also did not believe it, although he hoped that Cao Jun would win, but Xiahou Wei was a defeated general.

"Can I still lie to you?"

Cao Cao glanced at the two, and then as if thinking of something, he directly handed them the war report.

Sure enough, the battle report was a great defeat of Liu Bei's army, and the damage of Cao Jun was minimal, and it was also written in detail that Xiahou Wei saw through the enemy's plan and almost captured Zhang Fei and Guan Yu alive.

This thing can't be fake, and if it is really defeated, it can't be concealed at all.

"It seems that Kong Ming and the like are just that.

When Cao Cao said this, he did not forget to take a special look at Xu Shu.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe Kong Ming will lose at the hands of a hundred thousand troops.

Xu Shu's face was full of displeasure and could not accept this result.

Cao Cao looked at Xu Shu stunned, but he was happy in his heart, "Today's discussion is here, everyone go back."

Wen Ruo stayed.

When everyone began to withdraw, Cao Cao shouted and left Xun Yu behind.

"Lord, General Xiahou Dajie, what does the Lord mean by leaving me?"

"Wen Ruo also believes that the defeat of Liu Bei's army is the plot of Yuan Rang?" "

I believe in a ghost, although this guy is not a pure reckless man, but he is by no means a good brain."

"Yuan Zhi could have defeated Cao Ren's army in the first place, and the talent of Lying Dragon was far above it, how could Yuan Rang have expected the enemy to win first?"

Cao Cao saw that Xun Yu did not believe it, and continued to speak, although Xu Shu hated himself for threatening him with his mother, but Xu Shu was talented and proud, how could the person he admired be so useless.

"Lord Mingjian, what does the Lord mean?"

"Another 200,000-strong army will attack Jingzhou, and at the same time, I want to see who is helping Yuanrang." "


"Here, drink.

"Don't just drink, eat a little food."

"What kind of food, I love spicy strips." Xia

Hou Wei just came in and sat down on his butt, suffocated a sip of wine, and stuffed spicy strips into his mouth.

"Brother Shouyi, don't worry, I have already sent the good news to the lord, and it is estimated that it has also arrived in Xuchang, and I have not revealed you according to your request.

"It's to write all the credit on my head, I hope you don't mind."

"You guy is so shameless, he saw through the enemy's scheme, and almost captured Zhang Fei alive and Guan Yu dared to write it." Yu Ban said with a blank look at Xiahou.

"Poof. Originally

, Zhuge Qiu saw that Xia Hou Wei was doing things according to his own requirements, and his heart was still beautiful, and after listening to Yu Ban's words, he almost didn't vomit out a mouthful of old blood.

Do you think that your brain, Boss Cao believes it?" In

the past few days, drinking and eating spicy strips have also been mixed, and it is not surprising that they are not surprised by Boss Cao's name.

"I... I don't want to show my face. Xia Hou thought about it, and he was a little embarrassed.

But the reputation of the defeated general is indeed not good.

Although Zhuge Qiu could also understand, he was also speechless.

Boss Cao is notoriously suspicious, and he definitely doesn't believe that Xia Hou has too many hats.

No, I have to help them do Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei again, otherwise Boss Cao will not be able to explain when he comes.

"Okay, brother, I'll help you show your face again. After

Zhuge Qiu made a decision, he said that he was clear about Zhuge Liang's plan to burn Xinye.

Now the army is almost resting, and the time has come to attack Xinye.

The next day, the army marched towards Xinye.

"Kong Ming, why did Cao Jun come here?"

asked Liu Bei as he looked at Zhuge Liang.

"Lord is not worried, everything can be prepared as Liang said?"

Liu Bei nodded in reply.

"Hmph, what a shit idea, give up Xinye, I see how you defeat Cao Jun.

Zhang Fei snorted coldly, he still remembered what happened last time.

"Tsubasa, please ask Shinryo once, according to Shou Shinno Shi is the next policy, if this time Liang's plan is ineffective, Ryo is willing to make amends."

Zhuge Liang said solemnly, he had already checked whether he had detailed work last time.

That is to say, it is very likely that it was just an accident, and the accidental hit made Xia Hou Wei run into it.

"Just listen to the military master. Liu Bei nodded and said, this is the Wolong that he spent a lot of effort to invite, can there be a mistake?

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