"Big brother, do you really believe in this Mr. Wolong?" After

everyone dispersed, Guan Yu pulled Liu Bei aside and whispered.

"What does Yun Chang mean

?" "Big brother, although Yide speaks recklessly, but do you think that this Zhuge Kongming has succeeded since he came out

of the mountain?" "Big brother Sangu Maolu, what if you invite Nai Lang to be a vain person?" "

This..." Liu Bei also hesitated, he was not without worry, but thinking of the recommendation of Xu Shu and Mr. Shui Jingsi Ma Wei before, he still thought that he should believe Zhuge Liang.

"In this way, let me say that after Cao Cao conquered the city, the old and young did not stay, and the people left Xinye, and those who wish to follow the army can go with me."

After thinking about it, Liu Bei spoke.

Guan Yu wanted to say something, but Liu Bei raised his hand to stop him, "And look at the military master's plan." "

Shinye is originally a land of projectiles, and it must not be able to withstand the attack of an army of 100,000.

"Sir, will this Xinye City really be an empty city?" Although

Zhuge Qiu said it clearly, Yu Ban and Li Dian still didn't believe it.

"Mancheng, don't you know the skills of Shouyi brother, he said yes for sure. Before

Zhuge Qiu could speak, Xia Hou Wei was already the first to answer.

Li Dian also smiled and shook his head, Xiahou Wei was the first person to shout to kill Zhuge Qiu.

Since Xiahou Wei, as the main general and overseer, had spoken, he didn't say more.

Zhuge Qiu shook his head with a smile, of course he knew that Li Dian was cautious, Xia Hou Wei was purely drinking and drinking, plus the previous victory, this was why he trusted himself so much.

There is no need to explain anything more, facts speak louder than words.

If you say too much, then the forcing will naturally be gone.

When the army reached Shinno Castle, it was already sunset.

Xia Hou Wei immediately sent people into the city to check, and sure enough, everything was just as Zhuge Qiu expected.

Shinno became an empty city, and every corner and house were covered with saltpeter, fire oil, dry firewood and other things that ignited the fire.

"Sir is truly a man of God.

Li Dian and Yu Ban looked at Zhuge Qiu and admired it even more, and at the same time had a trace of fear.

This ability to anticipate the enemy's first opportunity is like being able to pinch and calculate.

If it weren't for the fact that they had been secretly monitoring Zhuge Qiu all along, he would have never been out of his own big tent except for eating and drinking Lasa, nor had he seen a living person, so he would have to wonder if he had done something detailed.

"Everything went according to plan, and I have to make a contribution again. Xia Hou Wei immediately ordered.

Lao Tzu won two games in a row, and when the time comes, who dares to say that I am a general who is often defeated, I must beat him.

As soon as Xiahou Wei's army arrived in Xinye, Liu Bei's spies already knew about it, and seeing that Cao Jun had not entered the city, he immediately went back to report.

Zhuge Liang was not calm at this time.

Bowangpo thought that he could become famous in one fell swoop, which impressed the whole army, but he was defeated.

"Mr. Kong Ming is worry-free, and he believes in his talent, and believes in the recognition of Mr. Shui Jing and Mr. Yuanzhi.

Liu Bei also saw Zhuge Liang's indifference, and led the people towards Xiangyang, not forgetting to comfort.

"Thank you for the trust of the lord, and Liang will live up to the trust of the lord." As

soon as the words fell, a spy was already hurriedly coming.

"Report, lord, military master, Cao Jun has already arrived in the city, but it has not entered Xinye City, but is stationed outside the city.

"What did you say?"

Zhuge Liang stumbled, almost falling off his horse.

He didn't understand why every time he planned his strategy, Cao Jun seemed to anticipate it.

"Do you make it clear whether Cao Jun never entered the city, or did he enter halfway, and then immediately withdrew again?"

Zhuge Liang asked with some gaffe, this was already the second time to slap his face, how could he not be excited.

If it is in and out, then it may be that the pawn is not properly arranged, showing the horse's feet, and you can't blame yourself all.

"Back to the division, the Cao army never entered the city.

The detective replied truthfully, not knowing Zhuge Liang's thoughts.

"How is it possible, can someone predict the enemy's first opportunity, above me?" Zhuge

Liang did not believe it, he was very confident in his own ability.

Liu Bei was also stunned on the side, is this Zhuge Liang really reliable?

But Mr. Shui Jing and Xu Shu have no reason to pit themselves.

"Military master, Cao Jun has seen through the strategy, what should I do this time?"

But now I can't care about this, Cao Jun doesn't know when he will catch up.

"For now, it can only be one word, run.

Zhuge Liang also looked panicked when he said this.

But there is no way, once the disparity in strength is caught up, it will really be over.

There is no natural barrier to rely on south of Xiangyang.

"Run?" Liu Bei doubted his ears.

But seeing Zhuge Liang's firm eyes, he knew that he had heard correctly.

Stepping on the horse, he hired a military master, but he still had to use his exclusive running skills.

However, looking at the vast hundreds of thousands of letters, his heart was also a little more secure.

Fortunately, I made another preparation.

Liu Bei immediately ordered the army to speed up its march.

Zhuge Liang looked at the people who followed, sighed and said no more, and at this time he had no face to speak.

And Zhang Fei, this reckless man, came back, and he was still a lot of troubles.

Zhuge Liang is annoyed, but Zhuge Qiu is in an excellent mood.

"Sure enough, everything is under control.

"Congratulations to the host for once again recognizing Zhuge Liang's conspiracy and rewarding him with five hundred points." "

It's not as rewarding as the Starter Pack, but it's still beautiful.

"Hahaha, Shouyi brother, thanks to you this time, I have already sent someone to send a letter to the lord, and I Xiahou took Xinye without much effort, and the big eared thief fled in the wind. Without

waiting for Zhuge Qiu to take a look in the system, Xia Hou Wei came in and gave an excited hug.

"Two big men pulling and pulling. Zhuge Qiu pushed away with a look of disgust.

However, he found that Xiahou Wei's intimate relationship with himself had actually increased to ninety.

"It's all brothers who are afraid of something. Xia Hou said with a disapproving smile.

"By the way, Shouyi brother, the Lord has sent a letter, he has already led 200,000 elite soldiers to the south, and it is estimated that it will not be long before he can join us. "

Boss Cao is coming?" Zhuge

Qiu was a little surprised, he also thought that he would help Xiahou Wei kill Liu Bei, and Boss Cao would not use it.

Now it seems that Xiahou Wei's letter made Cao Cao suspicious.

"Yes, the Lord is coming, not only the Lord Father, but also Xu Shu, who praised Zhuge Kongming before. When

it came to Xu Shu, Xia Hou Wei was obviously unhappy.

Oh, Xu Shu knows me this time, and I met it a few times when I was a bookboy for Zhuge Liang.

If Cao Cao knew that he was Zhuge Liang's bookboy, it would be okay.

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