"Yuan Zhi, I am very relieved that you can take the initiative to come with the army. The

army marched for dozens of days, and seeing that it was about to reach the land of Jingzhou, Cao Cao was also in a good mood, and looked at Xu Shu and smiled.

"Cheng Xiang's words are serious, Yuan Zhi is just puzzled in his heart. Xu

Shu was angry with Cao Cao, so he didn't call him the lord, and replied lightly.

Cao Cao also knew that Xu Shu's puzzlement was just that he couldn't believe Zhuge Liang's defeat.

"Report, the lord, the general Xiahou Dajie, successfully took Xinye, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang and the others abandoned the city and fled. The

soldiers' voices were not loud, but they were enough to hit their hearts.

Xu Shu was even more stunned, Kong Ming would lose so completely?

Cao Cao is also Meng, Xia Hou Wei is

so powerful? "Master, when did this one-eyed boy become so powerful?"

said Xu Chu, who was as burly as an iron tower on the side.

This guy is so powerful, then when drinking and bragging later, how can I mock him.

Cao Cao glanced at Xu Chu, you ask me, who do I ask.

It seems that he guessed correctly, what must have happened to Xiahou Wei when he went out to fight, someone pointed out.

"Speed up the march.

Cao Cao immediately ordered, he wanted to see what happened in Xinye, why Xiahou Wei was so bullish.


On the other side, Xia Hou sneezed and rubbed his nose.

"Take Xinye this time, if I take Xiangyang again, then the Lord will definitely reward me and wait." On

horseback, Xia Hou looked at Zhuge Qiu and Yu Ban with a beautiful face.

Zhuge Qiu suddenly gave him a blank look, you have not stopped stepping on the horse and promoted to the official, and it has nothing to do with winning or losing.

"Having said that, it's just that this Xiangyang is an important town in Jingzhou, how can it be taken so easily?" Yu

Ban sighed, who doesn't want this credit, it's just difficult to get.

"With the righteous brother here, what else is difficult. Xia Hou Wei was unimpressed.

He believed that Zhuge Qiu proposed to go to Xiangyang, then there must be a way.

"If I have a letter here, I will be able to take the land of thorns without bloodshed." "

Zhuge Qiu has long been prepared, according to historical development, after Liu Biao's death, Mrs. Cai originally planned to let Liu Qiu surrender.

Now that Xiahou's 100,000-strong army had defeated Liu Bei, Cao Cao's army had come south, forcing them to surrender was just a piece of letter.

After taking the letter, Xiahou sent his henchmen to Xiangyang quickly.

According to Zhuge Qiu's meaning, it must be delivered before Liu Bei's army reaches Xiangyang.

A few days later, in Xiangyang City, Zhuge Qiu's letter was also delivered to Liu Jun and Cai, and he hurriedly summoned people to come to discuss the matter.


is said in the letter is that now the eldest prince is in Jiangxia, Xuande is in Xinye, and I have not reported the mourning, and if Pi Xingbing asks for guilt, Jing Xiang is in danger."

"Xuande has now suffered a great defeat at the Cao Army, if I take this opportunity to take Jingxiang as my inheritance, with the help of the eldest prince, I will not be able to keep it."

"If you surrender to the Duke of Cao, you will inevitably focus on the lord, and in the general trend of the world, the Duke of Cao has ruled the north alone. Dongcao Shan Fu Xun stood up and spoke.

Liu Junxin's internal and external troubles, and the people of Jingzhou were unstable, and there were naturally many people who echoed this remark, but there were also people who opposed it.

For a while, Liu Jian couldn't make up his mind.

"The letter once said that Liu Bei had the intention of taking Jing Xiang and arranged for Wei Yan to be the internal response, if I wait and watch, if he has bad intentions, I will wait to make a decision.

Cai Mao saw Liu Jun's hesitation, looked at the letter in his hand again, and immediately spoke.

"Report, Liu Bei has led his army to Xiangyang, and hundreds of thousands of people have reached the east gate and called for the formation to open the gate.

"Just let me see.

Cai Mao didn't expect Liu Bei to come so quickly, but he could also see if what he said in the letter was true.

At the head of Xiangyang City, Cai Mao and Zhang Yun looked at Liu Bei's army and people under the city.


Cao Jun is coming, and he also asks General Cai to open the city gate quickly, and Xuan De is here to save the people, and read it, and in the future, they will jointly take Cao Jun."

Liu Bei shouted and explained, as long as he entered Xiangyang, he would be safe.

"I'm afraid that you are not resisting Cao Jun here, but taking the opportunity to seize Xiangyang. Cai Mao sneered, of course he didn't believe Liu Bei's.

After speaking, he ordered the soldiers to shoot arrows and kill Liu Bei's army.

Liu Bei was just about to open his mouth to explain, but Wei Yan had already started.

Naturally, there is no need to explain this, and Cai Mao will definitely not listen.

"Well, you are Liu Bei, and you dare to quibble, and you even want to cooperate inside and outside to seek Xiangyang. Cai was angry and shocked.

I stepped on the horse to explain what I did.

Liu Bei didn't know where to suddenly kill someone, if it was usual, he might have killed him.

But now that there are chasing soldiers and hundreds of thousands of people, they will definitely not be able to attack the city, so they can only abandon the city and leave.

"I, Liu Xuande, originally wanted to protect the people of the realm, but I didn't want to harm Baixin, and I don't want to enter this Xiangyang.

After Liu Bei finished speaking, he led the men and horses in the other direction of Xiangyang City.

"Lord, now abandon Xiangyang and leave, you can only go to Jiangling, and then seek the help of Liu Qi's son. Seeing

this, Zhuge Liang immediately proposed that he had been slapped in the face twice in a row, so naturally he couldn't miss this opportunity.

Liu Bei could only do so after listening to it, and according to his intuition to escape, this was also the safest.

Wei Yan watched Liu Bei lead the centaurs away like this, and he immediately froze.

Lao Tzu has already jumped out and opened the city gate for you, you said that if you don't enter, you won't enter?

Wei Yan saw that Liu Bei left without letting go of a fart, and Cai Mao and Zhang Yun sent more and more soldiers.

Wei Yan knew that if he didn't leave, he would probably have to be caught by Cai Mao, and he would definitely die a miserable death at that time.

Wei Yan saw that there were not many soldiers left under his command, and immediately ordered to be killed out of the city.

Fortunately, Wei Yan Wuyi did have two strokes, and the general of Jingzhou was not his opponent, so he cursed and fought to the death.

After this battle, Cai Mao immediately persuaded Liu to surrender to Cao Cao after his return.

"There are such capable people in the Cao army, Liu Bei's such obscure schemes can be known by him, Cao Cao's army is coming, I can't wait to surrender, I will definitely suffer the enemy."

After Liu Jun heard this, he looked at his old wife Mrs. Cai, and finally could only nod and agree.

When Xiahou Wei and they arrived in Xiangyang, Liu Jun had already opened the city gate to greet them.

Xia Hou Wei looked at everything in front of him, and the whole person floated?

I didn't expect that I also had such a great time, and after being surrendered, I immediately sent someone to write a letter to Cao Cao to ask for credit.

When Cao Cao's army heard the news as soon as it arrived in Jingzhou, he was once again stunned.

"Cao Ren, after you lead the army, Xu Chu and I will go to Xiangyang at night, I must find out what happened to Xiahou Wei.

"Prime Minister, Yuan Zhi is also willing to go."

"Good. Cao Cao did not refuse, he did not want to wait a day late now.

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