"Congratulations to the host for breaking Zhuge Liang's plan and getting 600 points. "

Groove, cool. In

the room, Zhuge Qiu heard the voice of the system in his mind and exclaimed excitedly.

I didn't expect that this could also be, it was originally the benefit of picking up for nothing.

Cao Cao's army pressed the border, and Liu Jun surrendered to Jingzhou, which was originally the wheel of history.

Zhuge Qiu checked his system account, counting the burning of Shinye, he had 1100 points.

According to the current point status, he can only carry out a low-level five-consecutive draw, and then 100 points remain.

After praying a young man, Zhuge Qiu began a new round of five consecutive draws.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the five bottles of Feitian Maotai. "

I'm going, it's this thing again, the appearance rate is really high."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining five hundred catties of hot pot ingredients. "

Well, is this afraid that I starved to death in ancient times, it's really intimate."

"Congratulations to the host for your patronage. "

Congratulations to the host for your patronage.

Zhennima couldn't help but praise, Zhuge Qiu couldn't help but roll his eyes, only the last time remained.

"Congratulations to the host for getting a storage ring.

Without waiting for Zhuge Qiu to think more, five bottles of Maotai suddenly appeared in the room, and then a neat pile of hot pot ingredients.

On his hand, there is an extra quaint bronze ring.

"Storage rings, the host can put any item into the ring, which can keep it from deteriorating forever, except living animals.

After listening to the introduction, Zhuge Qiu's heart suddenly moved, and the Maotai and five hundred pounds of hot pot ingredients in front of him suddenly disappeared and entered the ring.

Made, a system is a cow. Zhuge Liang, I love you so much.

Zhuge Qiumei slept and showed an indescribable smile.

In the dream, Zhuge Qiu attacked Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei again and again.

It wasn't until the next morning, when there was a knock outside the door and Xia Hou's broken gong sounded, that he woke up his sweet dream.

"Do you have bad eyes, you didn't see me sleeping beautifully, what the hell are you calling early in the morning." After

getting up, Zhuge Qiu looked at Xia Hou Wei angrily, this guy was too eyeless.

"That... That, old brother, my eyes..." Xia Hou Wei said, not forgetting to point to the eye that he was blind.

"You win. Zhuge Qiu was suddenly speechless, "Say, what's the matter?" "It's

nothing, brother, I just want to treat you to a good meal." "

Invite me to dinner, are you sure?" Zhuge

Qiu looked at Xia Hou Wei, why did he not believe it so much.

Where there is a big morning invitation to eat, isn't that a good comparison?

"Hehe, two sips of wine by the way.

Xia Hou Wei was a little embarrassed and said, Zhuge Qiu's wine is too fragrant, and after drinking this wine and other wines, he can't look at it at all.

"Damn, I know.

Zhuge Qiu scolded, and closed the door directly.

"I'll sleep first, invite you to drink and eat hot pot at night, and you will first go to inspect the defense of the city, so as not to have any life affairs." When

Xia Hou heard that there was wine, he immediately left.

Originally, he didn't really plan to eat in the morning.

In the afternoon, Xia Hou Wei assigned the task to Yu Ban and Li Dian early.

He himself ran to find Zhuge Qiu.

"Brother Shouyi, I came to see you.

"Look at Mao, you hurry up and find someone to move these things to the gang room, and then let people prepare a cauldron." Zhuge

Qiu ordered unceremoniously, dealing with people like Xiahou Wei, it is easier to get along with each other.

"Okay. Xia Hou Wei immediately replied, where is there any great general's shelf.

Set up a pot to make a fire, boil a hot pot, for these Zhuge Qiu can be said that practice makes perfect.

Xia Hou Wei looked confused, "Let's eat like this later

?" "Can this thing be eaten?" Xia Hou Wei looked disgusted, but only in exchange for Zhuge Qiu's white eyes.

The two of them were busy in the kitchen, not knowing that outside Xiangyang City at this time, three people and three horses came quickly.

"Mancheng, open the city gate quickly. Xu Chu shouted, and he saw Li Dian patrolling the city from afar.

Xu Shu looked at the big banner at the head of the city, in addition to Han, there was also a dragon flying phoenix dancing Cao Zi, and he was also full of thoughts.

Did Xia Hou Wei really defeat

Kong Ming? No, I have to go to see Kong Ming.

When Li Dian saw Cao Cao and Xu Chu suddenly coming, he was also startled, and immediately opened the city gate and personally greeted them.

"Prime Minister, now that Liu Bei has been defeated, Yuan Zhi has had a relationship with Liu Bei and is willing to go to persuade Liu Bei to surrender.

When the city gate opened, Xu Shu took the initiative to ask for orders.

He must personally ask Kong Ming what happened.

"Go ahead. Cao Cao also saw Xu Shu's thoughts, and he didn't stop it, just as he also had his own careful thoughts.

"Master, why did you suddenly come?" asked Li Dian as he greeted Cao Cao and Xu Chu into the city.

"You have done so much, how can I not come?" asked Cao Cao with a laugh.

Li Dian was immediately agitated, thinking that it seemed that the lord was suspicious, "That's all the credit of General Xiahou."

"Really?" Cao Cao laughed, and almost asked directly, do you think I will believe it.

"What about Yuan Ren?" "

He... He should be in the lord's mansion, and the last general will immediately send someone to find it. Of

course, Li Dian knew that Xia Hou Wei was drinking with Zhuge Qiu, and he scolded more than a dozen words during the patrol.

"Mancheng, you will never deceive me, don't you hurry up and tell the truth, who helped Liu Bei and take Jing Xiang on this expedition?"

Cao Cao's face suddenly changed, and he aggravated his tone and reprimanded, and the momentum and coercion of the superior suddenly emanated.

Li Dian knew that this matter could not be concealed, and now that Cao Cao came to the starry night, he was bound to ask clearly.

He could only lead Cao Cao to find Zhuge Qiu and Xiahou, and at the same time told Cao Cao everything about encountering Zhuge Qiu.

Cao Cao listened with a calm face, no one knew what he was thinking.

Li Dian knew that once the Lord showed this expression, it could be seen that this matter was not small.

Shouyi, I really tried my best.

The two in the kitchen did not know that Cao Cao was getting closer and closer, and as soon as they got closer, they heard movement inside.

Xia Hou Wei shouted Zhuge Xiang while looking at Zhuge Qiu, "Shouyi, don't worry, the Lord will have me covering you in the future to ensure that you are fine."

"I'll definitely put all the credit on me."

"Don't blow it, you think Boss Cao will believe it, do you tell him that since you have lost one eye, you have seen half of the enemy?" After

drinking a few cups of Maotai, Zhuge Qiu was also a little drunk and began to float.

"You think I don't know, Xu Chu is Boss Cao's most trusted martial general.

"Don't mention him to me, he's just a reckless man, this time he still has a face to laugh at me, no, and a tiger idiot." Xia

Hou Wei was not happy when he heard Xu Chu's name, this kid had laughed at himself before.

"Tiger idiot, do you know why he is called a tiger idiot?"

Cao Cao glanced at Xu Chu, who immediately pulled him and stopped outside.

This person's words are interesting, but as Mancheng said.


"Because you don't know the word tiger." "

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