"Poof. After

Xia Hou Wei heard this, he almost sprayed Zhuge Qiu's face directly without a sip of wine, and immediately laughed.

Outside the kitchen, before Cao Cao could speak, Xu Chu was already directly rushing in with a face full of anger at this time.

Although he didn't know what tiger was like, it was definitely not a good word for him to be able to hear it.

The door clicked and was directly kicked open by Xu Chu.

"Who doesn't want to live when they step on a horse?"

Xia Hou Wei immediately stood up and cursed, and after mixing with Zhuge Qiu for a long time, scolding people became more and more skilled.

Then Xu Chu's face was black, and the burly tower-like figure appeared in front of him.

"Tiger force?" Xia Hou Wei shook his head and looked at Xu Chu, and when he saw Cao Cao on the side, he also woke up a little bit.

"One-eyed boy, you can say another word about tiger force. Xu Chu never expected that Xia Houwei's one-eyed man would dare to shout in person.

"Well, that... Zhongkang, the words after drinking, why take it seriously, why take it seriously.

Yixiahou looked at Xu Chu's appearance of wanting to fight, and immediately laughed.

Zhuge Qiu was also taken aback by Xu Chu's appearance, and after waking up a few minutes, the detection function immediately emerged.

Name: Xu Chu Force: 98

Internal Affairs: 20

Strategy: 10 Commander: 10

Loyalty: 99

Intimate Relationship: —5

Zhuge Qiu Soon, he quickly understood in his heart that Kenning had just said that Xu

Chuhu was forced to be heard, so he came to settle the account.

However, the intimate relationship of minus 5 is also extinct, but this guy is really loyal to Cao Cao, no wonder Cao Cao trusts him so much.

"Who are you, dare to talk nonsense here, believe it or not, I will cut you now. Xu

Chu saw that Xia Hou was softened, and then looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked angrily.

After Zhuge Qiu sobered up a little, he was not afraid of Xu Chu, but instead glanced at Cao Cao beside Xu Chu.

It turns out that this is Boss Cao, although he is not tall, but this momentum is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and the exploration data will soon come out.

Name: Cao Cao Force: 75

Internal Affairs: 92

Strategy: 90 Commander: 95

Loyalty: -

Intimate Relationship: 10

Looking at Cao

Cao's data, Zhuge Qiu couldn't help but sigh, Boss Cao is really awesome.

However, Cao Cao did not say anything to stop Xu Chu, I am afraid that he wanted to see how he coped.

"General Xu must not be angry, he is just a gaffe after drinking, mainly because this wine world is difficult to find, first-class wine. After

Zhuge Qiu finished speaking, he directly poured a cup and handed it to Xu Chu.

He had already known from Xia Hou Wei that Xu Chu was also a person who was addicted to alcohol.

And this guy is also a person with developed limbs and a simple mind.

Immediately, the aroma of wine wafted out, and Xu Chu was hooked and hungry.

"Don't think that a glass of wine can buy Xu Chu. Having said that, the body was very honest and took it and drank it.

"Intimacy plus 20.

"Where, where, come, General Xu sits down to drink and eat hot pot together." As

soon as Zhuge Qiu heard that the intimacy increased so quickly, he immediately knew that this was indeed the case.

While pouring wine, he asked Xu Chu to sit down, as if he hadn't seen Cao Cao.

Xu Chu, as Cao Cao's love general, originally did not have many rules, pulled and sat down, and drank another cup.

After a day and a night of driving, I was hungry, smelling the hot pot incense and enduring.

"Zhongkang. Seeing

that Xu Chu was about to pick up vegetables, Cao Cao couldn't help it, and glared at Xu Chu, as if to say, you are so good at fooling, what about the anger you just had.

Xu Chu was called by this, only then did he react, he sat down, Cao Cao was still standing.

Immediately put down the wine glass and chopsticks, and then reluctantly stood up.

"Duke Cao, I must be hungry all the way, it's better to drink a few cups first, I can answer your questions one by one." "

Although I didn't expect to meet Cao Cao at this time, I couldn't hide anyway.

Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu, as if he wanted to see something in his eyes, but he was unsuccessful.

It had been a long time since he had seen anyone so calm in front of him, and even the current emperor was terrified when he saw him.

"Then I'd like to hear it.

Cao Cao also sat down, and Xia Hou Wei quickly found a clean bowl and chopsticks and handed it over.

Don't look at people missing an eye, this eye power is still leveraged.

No wonder people can be promoted, it's not for nothing.

After Cao Cao took a sip of wine, his expression changed, "This wine is indeed good." "

No, this thing is in the afterlife, it's all hard currency for gifts."

"Lao Li, find your own bowls and chopsticks to sit on.

After arranging Cao Cao, Zhuge Qiu glanced at Li Dian and said.

"Do what, patrol go.

Cao Cao's words immediately shattered Li Dian's idea of wanting to take two sips.

Looking at Li Dian's back, Zhuge Qiu felt that there were only two words to describe it.

It's miserable.

It turns out that foodies have a saying that is true, there is nothing that cannot be solved with a hot pot.

If there is, then two meals.

"Zhuge Qiu, what is your relationship with Zhuge Kongming?" After drinking and eating, Cao Cao did not forget the business and began to interrogate.

"We don't have anything to do with each other today.

"What about before?" I have to say that Cao Cao's intelligence is not covered.

Zhuge Qiu originally planned to play a brush with the edges, don't say it to death, but Cao Cao heard it at once.

"I used to be Zhuge Kongming's bookboy. "

Instead of being exposed later, it is better to say it directly, otherwise Cao Cao is suspicious, but it will really be the end of the calf."

"Bookboy?" Sure enough, upon hearing this, Cao Cao's eyes couldn't help but narrow slightly.

Xia Hou Wei was shocked into a cold sweat, "Shouyi, why haven't I heard you say it before."

"If I say it, I can't be cut by you?" Zhuge Qiu glanced at Xia Hou.

"You're not afraid I'll kill you?" said Cao Cao with a sneer.

"If Cao Gong wants to kill me, he will not wait until now, and besides, I assisted General Xiahou, broke Liu Bei, took Xinye, and collected Jingxiang, which has proved my talent and innocence.

"Cao Gong is a person who loves talent, how can he easily kill me?"

said Zhuge Qiu very confidently, Cao Cao uses people in an eclectic manner, only talent, many of his subordinates are generals, which can also be seen from here.

"Now that Liu Bei's army has still not been wiped out, I wonder what you think?"

Cao Cao did not answer, but asked again.

Obviously, he was still testing Zhuge Qiu.

"If Liu Bei does not get rid of it, he will be a great trouble for Cao Gong's henchmen, and if he misses this opportunity, I am afraid that Cao Gong will have no chance."

Zhuge Qiu said very solemnly, this is not a joke.

After the Battle of Changbanpo, the Battle of Chibi was about to end Cao Cao's victory in the south.

"This statement is too serious, right?" Cao Cao also frowned when he heard this.

This time, he went south, but he wanted to sweep Jiangnan in one fell swoop.

"Cao Gong doesn't believe it?" asked Zhuge Qiu with a smile.

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