"That, this lord, although I don't know when Prince Liu Qi will see him, but there is a rule for treating diseases in Xia, you have to tell the adults in advance.

"That's when I treat my illness, I don't like to wait on the sidelines, that is to say, if Grand Prince Liu Qi believes in me, he will come to see me alone, and if he does not believe me, he will leave immediately, and he will not force it."

"Okay, I'll tell Gongzi." He replied stunned for a moment, then turned and left.

This is a requirement that is excessive, not excessive, but also a little strange.

I have long heard that these people with skills are strange.

Zhuge Qiu was alone in the room, and he was also a little apprehensive, after all, although he made his own request, what if the other party did not comply

? Forget it, even if Liu Bei recognized him

? As long as he didn't know that he was planning for Cao Cao, wouldn't it be good to chase after the person he killed?

"Since the little god doctor has words first, then let me go in alone."

A somewhat tired voice came in, and Zhuge Qiu was overjoyed when he heard it.

It seems that Liu Qi is still very obedient, too, if Liu Qi is not too obedient and cowardly, he will not be driven here.

With a click, the door of the room was pushed open by a figure.

"You are a little god doctor, really young, no wonder Hua Shen Doctor has such respect for you.

When Liu Qi saw Zhuge Qiu, he said with a weak smile.

"Gongzi has won the prize.

Zhuge Qiu answered, but in his heart he called a good guy.

This is Liu Qi? But at the age of twenty-one or twelve, the whole person is as thin as skin and bones.

Although he was not welcomed, it was still no problem to eat badly, and he was so bad.

And on his face there were red maculopapular rashes, some of which had begun to fester.

It's a big surprise.

"Little God Doctor, did I scare you like this?" Seeing

Zhuge Qiu staring at him, Liu Qi said with self-deprecation.

When Zhuge Qiu was about to answer, he noticed an abnormality.

"Gongzi, keep your mouth open.

Although Liu Qi was puzzled, he still did so.

Zhuge Qiu got a little closer, almost not being smoked, and Liu Qi's gums were swollen, and his teeth showed obvious signs of loosening.

"That's it. After

reading it, Zhuge Qiu already had a rough guess in his heart, but it still needed to be confirmed.

"Gongzi, since when did you start to get sick, and how long has it been?"

"It's been about half a year, when I didn't come to Jiangxia.

Liu Qi did not hide it, which almost every doctor had asked.

"Does Gongzi often have headaches, or dizziness, easy to dream at night, inexplicable feeling flustered, sweating?"

Little God Doctor, this can also be seen?" Liu Qi was shocked in his heart.

Zhuge Qiu actually said all his symptoms, you know, dreamy, flustered, these two he has never told the doctor.

That is to say, others cannot tell Zhuge Qiu these two points.

It can not be seen that this manifestation is not a manifestation of chronic mercury poisoning, that is, a manifestation of mercury poisoning.

It seems that Liu Qi died at such a young age, and it was really strange, so coincidental, he died after the Battle of Chibi.

"Did Gongzi find that he was easy to forget, or did he start to urinate blood, and his hands and feet did not listen to the tremor


Liu Qi thought for a moment and replied seriously.

"That's good, and it can be salvaged.

"I mean, Gongzi's illness has not yet reached the point of terminal illness.

Zhuge Qiu added an explanation, now everything is clear, mercury poisoning.

"Little God Doctor, can you really save me?" Liu

Qi was also excited when he heard this, who would want to die if he could live.

Even if he dies, he doesn't want to be tortured like this.

"Yes, but to save Gongzi, you must find something that causes Gongzi to be so culprit." Why

did the divine doctor say that?" Liu Qi was a little puzzled.

"Gongzi is not a disease, but poisoning, mercury poisoning, strictly speaking, it is not poison, but it is extremely harmful to people.

Zhuge Qiu told Liu Qi his judgment.

"You mean someone is trying to harm me?" When Liu Qi heard this, the first thing that came to mind was Mrs. Cai and Cai Mao.

"I'm just a doctor, this can only be judged by Gongzi, since he got sick, Gongzi may have been exposed to a lot of cinnabar or male yellow?" Generally

speaking, mercury poisoning, this thing is more cosmetics, or occupational causes.

But these two can basically be ruled out in ancient times, and Liu Qi can't go mining.

Liu Qi shook his head, the two things of cinnabar and xionghuang, he didn't have much contact.

Zhuge Qiu was also a little puzzled, shouldn't it, aren't these two commonly used in ancient times containing a certain amount of mercury.

"Then Liu Qigongzi was in a state of sickness before the illness, did he drink any medicine, or was it a partial remedy?" Zhuge Qiu

thought for a while, if even this was ruled out, then he could only start with food.

However, it is difficult to start with food, not only for yourself, but also for poisoned people.

When Liu Qi was about to shake his head, after hearing this, he seemed to think of something.

"This... This matter... This matter makes it a little difficult for me to speak, but I can't hide it with the ability of a divine doctor.

"In fact, Qi's body is sick, there are unspeakable soreness, and there is a weakness in the intercourse, which is also one of the reasons why the father of the family does not like Qi, thinking that Qi cannot be passed down to the family.

When he said this, Liu Qi also lowered his head.

This kind of thing is difficult for any man to talk about.

Lying in the groove, you can still hear this kind of exciting news.

I really didn't see this thing.

Liu Qi was not valued, and there was even this reason.

However, Liu Qi's mention of this should mean that it may be related.

"Gongzi means that you have eaten a partial recipe?"

After Zhuge Qiu figured it out, he immediately opened his mouth and asked again.

"Hmm. This time, Liu Qi did not nod, but began to recall.

"When the imperial uncle first arrived in Jingzhou, the imperial uncle saw that I was targeted by the Cai family and was not treated well by my father, so he planned for me.

"After the imperial uncle knew my difficulties, he prepared a prescription for me. "

Well, now the truth is over, it's really Liu Bei.

Liu Bei is really enough of a dog, no wonder Liu Qi died early in history, and he got benefits.

"The divine doctor means that Uncle Huang wants to harm me?"

"Impossible, no, it won't be Uncle Huang." "

Gee, stupid lack, sold and returned to the number of people.

"I don't want to say much about this, Gongzi himself judged it, or take the medicine to find someone to check." After

Zhuge Qiu finished speaking, he began to write the formula for Liu Qi.

After everything was done, Zhuge Qiu asked Liu Qi to send someone to send him away through the back door.

"Why is this person's back a little familiar?" "

I don't know if this person has noticed the reason, if so, he can't be left behind." In

the corner of the dark, a person looked at Zhuge Qiu's back with gloomy eyes.

"You two come here..."

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