Of course, Zhuge Qiu didn't know that Liu Bei had been squatting him, and as soon as he went out through the back door, he was discovered by Liu Bei.

In Liu Bei's opinion, sending out two guards to solve a guy who looks weak should not have any problems at all.

If you want to blame, you can only be blamed for being nosy.

Zhuge Qiu walked in front, the streets were full of people, did not pay special attention, for a while he really did not be discovered.

Along the way, he was more lamenting the black heart of this guy Liu Bei, while thinking about how to take advantage of this matter.

I have to say that Liu Bei this guy can go from selling straw shoes to three points in the world, which is really awesome.

I sold straw shoes, I suffered hardships, then I played music, then I danced.

With a black heart and a thick skin, Liu Bei is a handy one.

Zhuge Qiu was walking, and suddenly only felt a pain in the back of his neck, and then the whole person felt black in front of him.

Careless, no flash.

Before losing consciousness, Zhuge Qiu's last thought.

Outside Jiangxia City, on both sides at this time, two ships were docked on the shore.

Inside the boat, Gan Ning was drinking wine with his younger brother at this time.

"Boss, is this little divine doctor powerful?"

"This divine doctor is really a god, I am willing to obey him, if it is not for him, I am afraid that my uncle's life will be gone." When

Gan Ning thought of this, he was also very emotional, and he was glad to have found Zhuge Qiu.

"When I was a teenager, I used the martial arts I learned to rob the rich and help the poor, and the villagers called me a Jinfan thief behind my back, although I am a Jinfan but after all, I am a thief, if it were not for my uncle not giving up and teaching me to read and reason, I don't know when I would be able to change my evil ways. "It's

a pity that Liu Biao Huangzu is a person with no eyes, and he doesn't know my Gan Ning's ability." When

it came to the back, Gan Ning also felt bored, and poured a sip of wine down sharply.

By the river, Zhuge Qiu had already woken up at this time.

Liu Bei's two guards had already escorted him to the shore.

Although they kidnapped Zhuge Qiu, it was still too blatant to kill people in the city.

Moreover, Liu Bei also ordered that this matter should not be made a big deal and could not be let Liu Qi know.

So they brought Zhuge Qiu to this river, intending to drop it directly and sink.

"I have no grievances with the two, why do the two harm me, if you seek wealth, even if you open your mouth.

After Zhuge Qiu woke up, he looked at the two and asked.

Mad, careless, did not expect that there were still people who brazenly beat the fools when the street was busy.

Overestimating the security of ancient times.

"Our brothers are not asking for money, and you can only blame you for offending people you shouldn't offend and meddling in things you shouldn't care.

One of them snorted coldly.

"Liu Bei asked you to kill me?" Zhuge

Qiu quickly reacted, just came out of Liu Qi, he was tied, who else could be besides the big eared thief?

"Since you all know, then don't blame our brothers. "

After that, the two of them have to do it.

"Stop, let go of my grace. At

this time, Gan Ning led the people out of the ship and went straight for it.

The two guards did not expect it, originally thought it was an empty ship, and saw that no one planned to solve this matter early.

"Don't be nosy, believe it or not, take you too..."

Before he finished speaking, Gan Ning jumped directly and stepped on the deck.

The two of them didn't expect Gan Ning to be so violent.

They were scared and forgot to react, but Gan Ning seized the opportunity and landed directly on the ground.

Naturally, they were not Gan Ning's opponents, and they were quickly knocked to the ground.

Then Gan Ning's younger brother came and held the two down.

"Duke En, are you all right

?" "Duke En, how could you be caught by them?"

asked Gan Ning along with the younger brother who arrived later.

"They poisoned people, I saw through them, and they tried to kill me.

Zhuge Qiu's eyes also became cold.

"Engong, what do you think should be done with them?" Gan Ning was also angry when he heard this, this method was shameful.

"I will give you two paths now, one is to identify Liu Bei in front of Liu Qigongzi, and the other is for me to throw you into this river. "

For those who want to kill themselves, if they can't be useful, then Zhuge Qiu will not show mercy.

If it wasn't for luck and met Gan Ning, he would have really been secretly calculated.

It seems that you can't be careless in the future, you have to bring bodyguards everywhere you go.

And it has to be your own bodyguard.

"The one who wants to kill the divine doctor is the imperial uncle Liu Bei?"

"What kind of imperial uncle, but a person with a false benevolence and a false righteousness, and a ruthless heart.

Zhuge Qiu replied angrily.

"We... We are willing to identify. After

glancing at Zhuge Qiu's posture that was not a joke, and then at Gan Ning and them, he knew that he could only choose one of the two.

"Xingba, force them to write everything down and send them to Liu Qi's Taishou Mansion.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Gan Ning and ordered.

Gan Ning was originally grateful to Zhuge Qiu, and his intimacy increased to 75, so he naturally would not refuse.

In order to prevent another accident, Gan Ning first asked people to send Zhuge Qiu back, and then went to Liu Qi's mansion.

Liu Bei was waiting for good news in the mansion at this time.

But after such a long time, there was no movement, and I couldn't help frowning.

Could it be that the two of them couldn't even deal with Xiao Langzhong?

Since Zhuge Qiu left, the whole person on Liu Qi's side also began to be suspicious.

Is it really

the imperial uncle? But the little god doctor, he has no reason to frame the imperial uncle.

"Gongzi, someone outside asked for a meeting, sent this, and the person has been quietly escorted by us.

At this moment, Liu Qi's henchman walked in and handed the thing to Liu Qi.

Liu Qi was a little curious at first, and after reading it, the whole person froze.

"Is it really the person of the imperial uncle?"

"That's right, it is Liu Lingjun's guard. The man nodded.

Liu Qi still couldn't believe it, he thought that Uncle Huang was the only one who was sincere with him, but it turned out to be so ironic.

"I'm going to see Uncle Huang and ask in person.

After Liu Qi finished speaking, he led the people directly towards the courtyard where Liu Bei was arranged.

"You take those two guards with you.

Just after taking two steps, Liu Qi turned back and added.

The group went towards Liu Bei in this way.

Liu Bei was waiting for his people to return at this time, but there was no news.

"Lord, it's not good, Liu Qigongzi came with a group of people.

"It's coming, what's the fuss, Liu Qi is my virtuous nephew."

Liu Bei said unimpressedly, as long as he killed Na Langzhong, Liu Qi would not be able to find out.

"No, no, Lord, Prince Liu Qi has escorted your two guards over. The man quickly shook his head and added an opening sentence.

"What?" After Liu Bei heard this, his face also changed, and the tea on the first floor directly spewed out: "These two wastes, why didn't you say it earlier." "

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