Where would Zhuge Qiu know that he began to expose his identity and began to cause trouble.

He was still having fun with Gan Ning, and Gan Ning gradually understood.

"It's amazing that Sir can invent such a magical thing."

"It's just basic." Zhuge Qiu said with a smile.

After teaching Gan Ning, Zhuge Qiu sent Gan Ning away.

After eating and drinking, it is natural to sleep beautifully.

"It's not good, sir, the big thing is not good."

When Zhuge Qiu was dreaming, Xiahou's duck voice sounded outside.

"What are you kid doing, the ghost roars to death."

Zhuge Qiu scolded angrily, he was dreaming that Sable Cicada and Lu Lingqi were serving him together.

I wipe, no, how can I have such a dream.

"Sir, something really happened, someone targeted you."

Xia Hou Wei looked at Zhuge Qiu and gasped and said.

"Who is targeting me, can you see clearly with one eye?"

"It's Chen Qun Chen Changwen." For his Zhuge Qiu's joke, Xia Hou Wei didn't mind, the relationship between the two was so familiar.

"Chen Qun?" Zhuge Qiu was stunned for a moment, "I haven't seen him again, why did he target me." Originally

, the first thing he thought of might be Xun Yu and Cheng Yu.

After all, today in Cao Cao, they obviously have a very good opinion about the first gong.

"Chen Qun was the grandson of Chen Yin, the elder of Taiqiu, and the son of Chen Ji of Dahongxu, and was appointed by Liu Bei as a Yuzhou commander in his early years. When the lord entered Xuzhou, he was made a subordinate of Sikong Xicao Jiao, and later transferred to the military of the prime minister.

"And then, why did he target me?"

After listening to Chen Qun's introduction, Zhuge Qiu was still a little inexplicable, it was impossible to say that this guy was avenging Liu Bei.

"I don't know about this, I heard that he is dissatisfied with Shouyi You Jinyan Lord pursuing Liu Bei and asking Sun Quan."

Xia Hou Wei told Zhuge Qiu everything he knew, and it was precisely like this, so he hurriedly came to Zhuge Qiu.

"Oh, this is a fool, leave him alone."

After hearing this, Zhuge Qiu raised his hand and said, Cao Cao's army is going south, this conquest of Liu Bei and Sun Quan, do you still need to open your own mouth?

"Then I'll go back to the prime minister like this?"

Xia Hou Wei also knew the meaning of stupidity, and asked immediately.

"Just go back like this, if you feel that the number of words is not enough, you can stupidly force three times."

After saying that, Zhuge Qiu closed the door, instead of thinking about Chen Qun's stupidity, it was better to think about how he could have such a dream.

At Cao Cao's place, Chen Qun was still persuading Cao Cao with righteous words.

"Lord, this person is so old and in such a situation, embarrassing and embarrassing, the Lord must not be trusted."

"Lord, General Xiahou is back." Xu Chu didn't have a good impression of Chen Qun, so he immediately spoke out without anger.

"Let him in." Cao Cao immediately spoke.

"The last will see the Lord."

"Hurry up, no need to be polite, how is it, you went to see Shouyi, what did he say?"

Cao Cao immediately asked Xiahou Wei not to be polite and quickly got down to business.

"Well, my lord, then I will say it."

Xia Hou Wei did not forget to glance at Chen Qun, and he could already imagine Chen Qun's expression.

"He... That Shouyi said, don't pay attention to Chen Qun's fool.

Xia Hou Wei said and immediately lowered his head, although he couldn't see it, he knew that Chen Qun's face must be difficult to see the extreme.

"He... Did he really say that?

After a while, Chen Qun's face was as dark as the lid of the pot, and his voice was a little trembling.

"What else did he say besides that?" Chen Qun looked at Xia Hou Wei and asked.

"Shouyi also said that if you feel that it is not enough, it means that Chen Qun is stupid, stupid, stupid."

"Okay, a good Zhuge Shouyi, I'm not done with him."

Chen Qun felt that he had never seen such an arrogant person before.

"Lord, you have also seen that this Zhuge Shouyi is so arrogant."

"Today, I Chen Changwen must argue with him clearly."

Chen Qunqi directly flicked his big sleeves, and then directly pulled Xia Hou Wei.

"Let's go, let's go find him, I want to see what he has the ability to be so rampant."

Cao Cao knew that if this matter was not resolved, he was afraid that Chen Qun would make a fuss.

He regretted it a little, and he knew this earlier, so he didn't mention the first merit.

He could only go with him to see what Chen Qun said, how Zhuge Qiu planned to solve it.

When Chen Qun came, Zhuge Qiu was already half-leaning and waiting in the courtyard.

"It's all coming." Zhuge Qiu glanced at everyone and said with a faint smile.

In front of him, a man with a dark face and the same as the bottom of the pot, with wide eyes, stared at himself.

No need to introduce it, Zhuge Qiu can guess that this should be that Chen Qun.

"Well, you are righteous, so rampant, you have humiliated me so much."

Chen Qun immediately opened his mouth to look at Zhuge Qiu, and he was directly angry.

"Whoever insults others will be humiliated, and I think I have no grudge or enmity with you, but you have targeted me and counted me in front of Cao Gong."

"If you are for business, then it is okay, each has its own opinion, but you touch your own conscience and say, are you for business?"

Chen Qun did not expect Zhuge Qiu to be so rigid, Cao Cao was here, he even dared to directly refute him.

For a while, he was really a little weak-hearted, because he knew very well in his heart that he was not entirely out of business.

No, if you don't speak at this time, doesn't it confirm that you are for your own selfishness, so you put small shoes on Zhuge Qiu in front of Cao Cao?

"Now it is winter, it will soon be the beginning of spring, at this time there is a big move of troops, the supply of grain and grass is huge, I have already checked, Jingzhou has more money and grain than Jiangxia, but you let the lord attack the tomb first, so that once the time goes by, there will be a shortage of food and grass."

"Not only that, but it has also greatly reduced the number of people who cultivate the land, so that I am afraid that next year's grain will be affected."

Chen Qun looked at Zhuge Qiu in disbelief and said.

After years of war, countless deaths and injuries, even though the north was much more stable, there were still not enough people who cultivated the land, and most of the young and middle-aged people were conscripted into the army.

The ability of the elderly and children to cultivate the land is very limited.

"Prime Minister, Mr. Wen Ruo has already sent a letter to strictly clarify this matter, and he is definitely not alarmist."

After hearing this, Cao Cao also frowned, grain and grass, every time is grain and grass, this is really a fatal problem.

But it cannot be ignored.

Chen Qun frowned when he saw Cao Cao, and his heart became even more proud.

"Zhuge Shouyi, if you can solve this problem, then I will not say more, not only acknowledge your talent, but also apologize to you immediately."

Chen Qun looked at Zhuge Qiu, and his voice raised a few decibels and became confident.

I thought I could see Zhuge Qiu's appearance of retreating in the face of difficulties, but the next sentence made him stunned.

"It's that simple?"

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