It's that simple?

Just a few words, with an understatement of doubt.

It's not hurtful, but it's insulting.

"Simple?" Chen Qun snorted coldly and jumped out first, "The people take food as the sky, food is the weight of the world, and the military and the people need everything, how can they be so contemptuous?"

"Shouyi, don't be angry in this matter." Cao Cao was also worried this time.

If it is said that marching and fighting, strategy is the priority, at this point, he understands Zhuge Qiu's ability, but food is such a thing.

In addition to piling up manpower and letting the people cultivate, where is there any shortcut to take.

Not to mention that if there is a drought, the flood may not be harvested, and it is possible to dry for most of the year.

"Don't worry, Cao Gong, since I have spoken, then there must be a solution."

Zhuge Qiu knew the worries in Cao Cao's heart, and it was also for him.

Although he can't be like Grandpa Yuan, he has developed a new type of hybrid rice to benefit all mankind, but to a certain extent, there is no problem in increasing ancient grain production.

"Is there really a way to keep righteousness?" Cao Cao saw that Zhuge Qiu was so confident, and he was also moved, after all, if Zhuge Qiu really had a way, it would benefit the world.

"Lord, do not be gullible, this man believes in his words, how can the Lord believe such unashamed words."

Chen Qun saw that Cao Cao really wanted to believe it, and immediately reminded.

"It's useless to talk more, three days later, you will see for yourself, and by that time, please ask Lord Chen to remember what he said."

Zhuge Qiu didn't want to explain more, there was no explanation, and it was more slap in the face than the facts.

"Since that's the case, then Chen Qun will wait and see, if you really have a way, I will personally plead guilt to Mr. Jing."

"But if..."

"If I can't, let it fall." Zhuge Qiu directly interrupted Chen Qun and said.

Having said that, Cao Cao is not easy to stop, he can only be a witness and arbiter by the way.

"Shouyi, you... Your joke is too big, this way of cultivation, how can you say that the solution will be solved.

Xia Hou Wei immediately said worriedly after everyone left.

"Don't worry, in three days, I will definitely speak for you, if Chen Qun dares to do too much, I will be the first to not let him go."

"I really have a way."

Zhuge Qiu said with a smile, but he also remembered Xiahou Wei's friendship for himself.

"Then I'll go to my room and get ready."

When Zhuge Qiu finished saying and was about to go in, Xu Chu went and ran over.

"Brother Shouyi, don't worry, Chen Qun dares to be rude to you, when the time comes, even if you are beaten by the lord, I will be angry for you."

"Okay, I'm fine, you don't have to worry, but I didn't give you this wine for nothing."

Zhuge Qiu was also amused by Xu Chu's humble appearance.

"Then what you owe... Can you pay back less money..."

"It's beautiful to think about, unless you can win it back." Zhuge Qiu smiled and patted Xu Chu's shoulder.

After a few people said and laughed, Zhuge Qiu went back to the room.

During the Han Dynasty, the agricultural civilization was not developed, the yield was not high, and there was no way to improve the seeds themselves.

But I can use the knowledge of future generations to improve the production tools and how to increase production.

Zhuge Qiu began to design the drawings in the room.

Chen Qun spread the word about himself and Zhuge Qiu.

After Xun Yu and Cheng Yu heard this, they were also taken aback, "Is this person really so rampant?

"It's true, no one has been seen at a young age, and this time I have to let him know that the sky is high and the earth is thick."

Chen Qun nodded, thinking that Zhuge Qiu actually said that he was a fool, he was angry.

"Wen He, what do you think?"

Seeing that Jia Xu had not spoken, and did not know what he was thinking, Cheng Yu couldn't help but ask at this time.

"I think maybe he dares to make such a promise, maybe there is a way?"

Jia Xu did not hide his thoughts, he was willing to believe Zhuge Qiu in his heart.

"Wen He, I see that you have really been deceived by him, this cultivation matter, how is it a child's play, if he really has this ability, I Xun Gongda will obey him."

Xun Yu said with a smile, he didn't believe it anyway.

For a while, except for Jia Xu, all three laughed.

The next day, early in the morning, Zhuge Qiu brought the drawings. Then he called Gan Ning and began to walk around Xiangyang.

"Sir, you're not worried at all?" Gan Ning was puzzled, three days had passed, except for yesterday, and he locked himself in his room.

I didn't see Zhuge Qiu worried.

"You'll know if you go somewhere with me."

Zhuge Qiu smiled without explanation, and led Gan Ning directly to Huang Yueying's shop.

Although the things he designed could also be made by Cao Cao to find someone to build, he thought that he hadn't seen Huang Yueying for a long time, so he took this opportunity to take a look.

"Gongzi is here?"

The treasurer saw that Zhuge Qiu was coming, and it was called a passion.

The last time Zhuge Qiu and Huang Yueying were together, he saw the reaction of his own young lady.

"What about Miss Huang?"

"Gongzi later, I will go and invite our young lady."

The treasurer turned around and went inside to invite Huang Yueying.

"Sir, you're here to pick up a girl?"

Gan Ning whispered on the side, the word Puff Girl Gan Ning still learned from Zhuge Qiu.

Isn't this still not doing business?

"There is no conflict between doing errands and picking up girls." Zhuge Qiu replied.

Soon Huang Yueying also came out.

When she saw Zhuge Qiu, Huang Yueying was also very happy and immediately invited Zhuge Qiu in.

Naturally, Gan Ning could only wait outside.

"You wrote a breakup letter to Zhuge Liang?"

After entering, Zhuge Qiu did not immediately take out the drawings, but hooked up, complained to each other, and made Huang Yueying's teasing face red.

Then he said something that happened to each of them recently.

After listening to Huang Yueying's words, Zhuge Qiu understood why he suddenly caused trauma to Zhuge Liang's heart when he was in Jiangxia.

It turned out to be caused by a broken love.

"I'm just telling the truth."

"Moreover, you and I are skin relatives, and Yueying naturally has no reason to marry someone else."

When he said this, remembering the incident of falling into the water, Huang Yueying blushed more and more.

"That's true, from now on, you will be my woman."

Zhuge Qiu took Huang Yueying into his arms.

Cut off the beard and cut off the beard, how strange, who calls the brother charming.

After getting tired and crooked for a while, Zhuge Qiu took out the drawing.

Huang Yueying was also shocked when she saw it, "What is this, why is it so designed."

"This is my magic weapon to defeat Chen Qun." Zhuge Qiu explained with a smile, and then asked Huang Yueying if he could let people build it overnight.

"I'll leave it to me and pick it up in two days." Huang Yueying agreed without hesitation.

"When are you going to kiss my dad?"

When they separated, Huang Yueying blushed and stopped Zhuge Qiu and asked.

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