In the past few days, Zhuge Qiu has not thought about how to deal with Huang Chengyan, and he is even embarrassed to see Huang Yueying.

"Shouyi is not only a great talent, but also a really wonderful person, I didn't expect that these were invented by you."

In Xiahou Wei's mansion, since what happened last time, Xun Yu and Cheng Yu have become frequent visitors here.

Even after Chen Qun took the guilt of Jing, he came here more than once to make a scene.

"It's over." Zhuge Qiu just smiled at their.

Watching them eating hot pot happily, Zhuge Qiu felt that they were here to rub rice.

"Guiyang, Lingling, Changsha, and Nanjun counties are all sending letters, expressing their willingness to obey the dispatch." Cheng Yu also began to tell Zhuge Qiu about the progress as he ate.

"Shouyi, Prime Minister Yu is preparing to send troops in three days, I wonder what you think?"

"I think I can wait two more days, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Xun Yu and Cheng Yu and said.

"Shouyi What does this mean, as the saying goes, soldiers are fast, since there is such a good opportunity, why not enter the army as soon as possible, so as not to dream more at night?"

Xun Yu asked a little puzzled.

"Now that Liu Bei and Sun Quan's alliance has failed, and he has turned his face with Liu Qi, this is already a fact, and Liu Bei cannot solve it in a short time."

"Cao Gong's army is pressing the realm, if Liu Bei wants to protect himself, since he can't rely on Sun Quan, then he can only rely on himself, what do you think Liu Bei will do?"

Zhuge Qiu was also in no hurry, as if he had long thought that they would ask such a question.

"If I were Liu Bei, I would definitely continue to send people to discuss the alliance with Sun Quan, and my lips would be cold, and there may not be a turnaround."

Cheng Yu thought about it and said, in his opinion, this method is the safest.

"Yes, exactly." Xun Yu also agreed.

"Indeed, this plan is indeed optimal, but Liu Bei also has another way to go." Zhuge Qiu nodded with a smile.

"What way?" Xun Yu subconsciously asked.

"Could it be to take Liu Qi and occupy Jiangxia, so that you can expand your strength, even if you can't alliance for a while, you can resist our army for a while longer."

Cheng Yu's reaction was very fast, and his face changed immediately.

"If this is the case, Liu Bei's reputation will be completely ruined, and he will not be able to argue with Liu Qi." Xun Yu felt that since Liu Bei walked the world in the name of the imperial uncle with benevolence and righteousness, wouldn't he be a slap in the face by doing so?

"Excuse?" Zhuge Qiu smiled, "Why should he argue, besides, in the chaotic world, strength has always been respected." The

two immediately understood, just like Cao Cao, some of the things he did were also scolded miserably.

But so what, the northern Dading, ranked as the prime minister, nominally, under one person, above ten thousand people, in fact, even the emperor has to look at his face for three points.

"Miao, if so, once Liu Bei sends troops and we take Jingling, we will be even more famous in the division, and we can attack it unprepared."

"It would be even better if we could lose both."

Zhuge Qiu listened to the horse fart of the two of them, and still didn't say anything more.

It is only a little difficult to lose both, after all, Zhuge Liang still has a level.

It's just that this time I bet on Yang Mou, if you hit Jiang Xia, I will hit you.

If you don't fight Jiang Xia, I will also hit you, and the initiative has never been in Zhuge Liang's hands.

Xun Yu and Cheng Yu had enough to eat and drink, and after returning they told Cao Cao what Zhuge Qiu thought, and Cao Cao naturally agreed.

In the direction of the tomb, indeed Liu Bei did not disappoint.

Zhuge Liang has already begun to arrange the matter of taking Jiang Xia.

"Lord, if it is as the Lord said, the person who made the plan must think that we will take Jiangxia, so we must be quick to attack Jiangxia this time."

"It's fast enough to give Cao Cao's army no chance to react, and even if it attacks Jiangxia, Lingling will have to leave some people to guard."

Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Bei, and then looked at Guan Yu and Zhang Fei and said.

"It's light to say, you just come up with an idea, we have a total of more than 10,000 people, can a few thousand people take Jiangxia?"

Zhang Fei snorted coldly, with a bit of distrust for Zhuge Liang's scheme.

Zhuge Liang's reaction to Zhang Fei was not surprising at all, originally Zhang Fei did not have a good face for himself.

Coupled with the fact that he was recognized again and again before, he was defeated, and naturally this is even more so.

"Did the lord forget that when Liu Qi Gongzi came to Jiangxia, it was still Liang who took the idea for him, Liu Qigongzi has a weak personality and a good heart, as long as the lord cooperates with Liang to act in a play, he will have the opportunity to outwit."

Zhuge Liang did not answer Zhang Fei directly, but looked at Liu Bei and began to speak.

"Liang is willing to go to Jiangxia in person."

Although I know that this is a little unorthodox, I'm sorry for Liu Qi, but now I can't help it.

He has failed many times, and this time to take Jiang Xia, in addition to Liu Bei's order, he can also prove himself through this time.

In this way, when the time comes, my life here will be better in the future, and when I give advice, I will be more admirable.

When Liu Bei heard Zhuge Liang's words, his eyes also lit up, "This is a good way, if you can outwit Jiang Xia, the soldiers are not bloody, they can also avoid the use of swords, and the people can also be spared from military disasters." "

If Zhuge Qiu were here, he would definitely give Liu Bei a roll of his eyes and take a sip.

It's really shameless, now I know about the people.

"Okay, Kong Ming, just follow your plan, if you can take Jiangxia, you will be the first merit."

Liu Bei waved his sleeves and said that he would do what Zhuge Liang said.

Zhuge Liang answered, and then led the people to set off, not daring to delay for a moment.

As soon as there was movement to transfer troops, Cao Cao's side received news in the starry night.

"Duke Cao, you can send troops."

Zhuge Qiu did not have any hesitation this time, and immediately said to Cao Cao.

The army rushed straight to the mausoleum.

Jiang Xia, at this time, Liu Qi's body has also recovered under the medicine prescribed by Zhuge Qiu, but it is basically impossible to be completely cured.

"This divine doctor really lives up to its name, and my body is already much better."

Liu Qi looked at his subordinates and said happily.

"Congratulations Gongzi, but I didn't expect Liu Bei, who is known for his benevolence and righteousness, to be such a villain."

"Report, Gongzi, Lord Xie, Zhuge Kongming asks for a meeting."

"Kong Ming?" Liu Qi was also surprised and stunned for a moment.

"Gongzi, Zhuge Liang is Liu Bei's person, and now he suddenly visits, so I have to guard against it." General Xie on the side reminded.

"But... Kong Ming was kind to me, and I came to Jiangxia thanks to him.

"Gongzi, didn't the divine doctor leave you a tip, saying that if Liu Bei sent someone to ask for advice, Gongzi could come and ask for advice."

When Liu Qi heard this, his eyes also lit up, "You don't say that I almost forgot, yes, see what the divine doctor says." "

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