"Zhou Cang, everything is going according to plan."

While waiting, Zhuge Liang did not forget to look at Zhou Cang and instructed softly.

"Yes." Zhou Cang replied.

Looking at Zhou Cang's response, Zhuge Liang didn't say anything more, if it weren't for Zhao Yun being messed around there by Zhang Fei and finally being driven away, where he needed to choose Zhou Cang.

"Sir, it's been so long, has this Grand Prince Liu Qi really met with us?"

After a while, seeing that someone had gone in to report for so long, and there was no movement, Zhou Cang couldn't help but ask.

"Don't worry, Grand Prince Liu Qi will definitely see us."

Zhuge Liang is still very confident in this point, when Liu Qi asked for the plan, he had already seen Liu Qi's character clearly.

"Mr. Kong Ming, our eldest prince has a request."

As soon as Zhuge Liang finished speaking, Liu Qi's people had already come out at this time.

"Thank you."

Zhuge Liang answered, and then led the people forward.

"Slowly, the eldest prince said that he saw only Mr. alone."

When Zhou Cang stepped forward, he was stopped by the guards.

"By what? I came with my husband, and I want to protect him. When

Zhou Cang saw that he was stopped, he immediately became angry, which was different from what Zhuge Liang said before.

"I'm sorry, this is what our son meant, security issues, we don't have to worry about being responsible."

"Zhou Cang step down."

Zhuge Liang was also a little surprised in his heart, but now is not the time to fall out.

"Just wait here." Zhuge Liang looked at Zhou Cang and instructed.

"Mr. Kong Ming is here." When Liu Qi saw Zhuge Liang come in, he immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Kong Ming has seen Liu Qigongzi." Zhuge Liang also bowed, looking flattered.

"Sir, you don't have to be polite." Liu Qi raised his hand to signal.

"Liang has no face to see the son." Zhuge Liang did not get up, but watched Liu Qi lower his head again.

"What does Sir mean by this, thanks to Sir's scheme, I was able to come to Jiangxia and escape a disaster."

Liu Qi looked puzzled.

Zhuge Liang snorted in his heart, this should not be Liu Qi's reaction.

Isn't this pretending to be confused?

"My lord plotted to kill his son, Liang thought there must be a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" After Liu Qi heard this, his face changed, "Sir means that I wronged him?"

"Why don't you look at what I look like now, sir, is it necessary for me?"

Although he adjusted it, some symptoms were still there, so Liu Qi immediately looked at Zhuge Liang and asked.

"If Sir is here to be a lobbyist for Liu Bei, then please give up."

Zhuge Liangfu was not only not afraid of Liu Qi's displeasure, but relaxed a little in his heart, which was Liu Qi's reaction.

It seems that before, I just thought too much about myself.

"The eldest prince is benevolent, and he must not wronged people, but Liang is worried that someone among them will provoke it, Liang heard that it was a divine doctor who diagnosed the prince, can you let Liang confront him."

Zhuge Liang is confident that as long as he sees people, he will be sure and turn everything around.

Even if he can't turn it around, he can see this divine doctor, is it the person who Liu Bei has repeatedly seen through the scheme.

"Confrontation, there is no need." Liu Qi directly raised his hand and refused.

"Mr. Kong Ming, I miss that you are kind to me, and this matter has nothing to do with you, I can't bear to offend you, and I am afraid that I will be in a different place with a different person."

"Come, please Mr. Long go down and rest, so that you can be guarded."

Soon, General Xie led the people before to Zhuge Liang and took it.

"Gongzi, this... What does that mean? Zhuge Liang couldn't believe it.

"Sir, see for yourself."

Liu Qi laughed, since he controlled Zhuge Liang, he also directly showed it to Zhuge Liang.

I saw that it was clearly written that if Liu Bei sent someone to ask for a meeting, it must be to take Jiang Xia, so that Liu Qi could be well guarded and take down the person who asked for it.

"This... Who left this, this is a measure of discord?

Zhuge Liang's heart was shocked again, could it be that every step of his own was in that person's calculation?

You know, the strategy of attacking Jiangxia was all temporarily set by Liu Bei, and he planned it temporarily, which could also be expected in advance.

"This is where the divine doctor stays."

Lost to a langzhong yourself?

Zhuge Liang still wanted to ask something, but he was directly taken away.

"Gongzi, all the people have been placed, so what should we do next, why doesn't Gongzi directly execute people."

Liu Qi glanced at the people beside him, shook his head with a smile, "Kong Ming is kind to me, and killing is unrighteous."

"And what the divine doctor said is also a prediction, and the truth needs to be verified."

Liu Bei and Guan Yu were leading everyone towards Jiangxia at this time.

"Big brother, do you think Kong Ming can do it?"

Guan Yu looked at Liu Bei and couldn't help but ask.

"Since Kong Ming came out of the mountain, he has claimed to have no strategy, but he has become a plan."

After Liu Bei heard Guan Yu's words, he was also very depressed, obviously even the water mirror said that Zhuge Liang was powerful, but it was Wolong.

"Liu Qi's ability, I am still clear, Kong Ming should be more than enough to deal with him."

In the end, Liu Bei felt that he should still believe Zhuge Liang.

After all, Zhuge Liang personally went to Jiangxia, if there was really an accident, then he was not the first to die.

"Speed up the march, and you must take Jiangxia in one fell swoop tonight."

After Liu Bei finished speaking, he directly stepped forward.

Seeing this, Guan Yu didn't say anything more, and led the centaurs to chase after him.

Night gradually fell, and Cao Cao let Xiahou Wei and Cao Chun lead the men and horses at this time, and they were also about to reach the tomb.

"Yuanrang, is this gentleman you said really such a god?"

Cao Chun listened to Xiahou's blowing all the way, and couldn't help but ask.

"That's of course, wasn't he the one who persuaded Zhao Yun last time, didn't you see it." Xia Hou replied immediately.

"If you don't believe me, don't you still believe in the Lord, besides, when have I ever looked away?"

Xia Hou Wei said proudly, as if he was talking about this matter, and he and Cao Cao had the same eyes.

Cao Chun looked at Xia Hou Wei, who had only one eye, and shouted, he couldn't look away, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

If you look at this again, won't you be blind?

In this way, the night is getting deeper and deeper, but there are many people who can't sleep in this dark night.

Liu Bei led the men and horses to finally arrive in Jiangxia, and he was already able to see the head of Jiangxia City.

"Now this Jiangxia City looks silent, Kong Ming's strategy should be done, if not, Jiangxia City will not be like this, but there is panic."

After Liu Bei saw it, he was immediately overjoyed.

As soon as the words fell, before Guan Yu could speak, torches were all over the city, and the archers were already aiming at them.

"My good imperial uncle, you really don't die."

Liu Qi also appeared at the head of the city at this time.

Liu Bei immediately cursed when he saw it, "Damn, I was pitted by Zhuge Kongming again, so I quickly withdrew." "

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