"Shouyi, where are you going?"

Xu Chu saw Zhuge Qiu running outside so quickly, and he was still a little puzzled.

Could it be that Brother Shouyi wants to teach this guy a lesson in person?

Knowing this, I arrested people.

Where can Zhuge Qiu care about what Xu Chu is shouting, if he knows what Xu Chu thinks in his heart, he will definitely want to slap him to death.

Originally, he accidentally offended Huang Chengyan last time, but Huang Yueying asked when he would go to discuss the marriage, but he didn't dare to go.

When Zhuge Qiu came out, he saw an old man's somewhat lonely back, and scolded and left.

Although it was a little far away, Zhuge Qiu still recognized it at once, but wasn't it Huang Chengyan's back.

This is really the end of the calf, a wave of unevenness and a wave of ah, this horse, the future old man has been cleaned up by Xu Chu.

"Shouyi, this old man, didn't go far, or should I go and capture someone for you?"

Xu Chu was a little slower at this time, and he had already rushed out directly, looking at Huang Chengyan's back, and looking at Zhuge Qiu as if inviting merit.

"But pull down you, do you know what you tiger forced to do, I can tell you, he is my future father-in-law, the father of the yellow girl."

Made, if you still want to capture people back, then you can't live.

"He... He is Old Master Huang? Xu Chu opened his mouth wide, even if he was humble, he knew that he was in trouble.

"Its... In fact, this can't be blamed, who let him scold you.

Xu Chu felt that in order to drink good wine in the future, he still needed to explain.

"How the hell did you clean him up." Zhuge Qiu was speechless, how could he meet such a guy.

He suddenly felt that Lao Cao was really awesome, how the hell did he endure this guy, and he also regarded him as a love general.

"Its... In fact, it's nothing, you can't really calculate with an old man, he is in front of the public, insulting the righteous brother and telling him to shut up, he still refuses, I gave him the back of his head.

"The old man was confused."

After Zhuge Qiu heard Xu Chu's words, he was also crying and laughing, and he could think of Huang Chengyan's expression.

But fortunately, Huang Chengyan didn't let Xu Chu cut him like Xu Yu, but just scolded himself.

Otherwise, you'll be really finished.

Zhuge Qiu went directly to Huang Yueying, and this matter must be explained clearly.

On the other side, after Zhuge Liang left Jiangxia, he went directly to Liu Bei.

But fortunately, Zhuge Liang also knew Liu Bei and knew the nearby terrain.

"Big brother, big brother, look who you brought back."

In the cave, Zhang Fei's big voice couldn't help but echo.

Liu Bei and Guan Yu heard the prestige, and saw Zhuge Liang and Zhou Cang, as well as more than a dozen soldiers, all brought back by Zhang Fei.

"Kong Ming, I have seen the lord." Zhuge Liang took the lead in saluting.

"You... You still have the face back, do you see what we have become now?

Liu Bei couldn't help it at this time.

He is also a dignified uncle, but now he has been reduced to hiding in a cave.

"Master, Kong Ming is guilty, when Kong Ming arrived in Jiangxia, Liu Qi was already prepared and directly put us under house arrest."

After Zhuge Liang finished speaking, he also handed Liu Bei the note on the bag that Liu Qi had shown him.

After reading it, he deliberately left a mental eye and did not return it to Liu Qi.

After Liu Bei saw it, his teeth itched with anger, "It's another good thing that he ruined me, check it for me, I must know who he is."

"Big brother, care about it so much, I think this Zhuge Kongming is too bad."

"Still Zhuge Wolong, I don't know if it's true or not."

Zhang Fei snorted coldly again and answered.

"Big brother is already weak enough, and since having you, he has been even more unlucky."

In fact, Zhang Fei's previous sentence, Liu Bei now somewhat agrees with it in his heart.

But the following words scolded him as well.

Thinking that now in the world, it is rumored everywhere, he is a broom star, and he can defend the Lord better than Luma, and after listening to Zhang Fei's words, he naturally does not taste.

"Enough, give me two words less, Kong Ming, what do you say to do now?"

"If I can't come up with an idea again, I'm afraid I'll die here."

Liu Bei scolded and said.

Now the men and horses of Xiahou Wei and Cao Chun's faction are constantly searching, and once they are discovered, they are afraid that they will not be able to escape.

"Master, now we can only go to Jiangdong again and seek Sun Quan's help."

"That Sun Quan Xiaoer, didn't you agree to form an alliance for a long time, go now, there is still a bird to use." Zhang Fei immediately retorted.

"Lord Gong, although Sun Quan is not allowed to form an alliance, but if the Lord is willing to temporarily turn to Sun Quan, Liang will be sure to let him agree."

Zhuge Liang did not pay direct attention to Zhang Fei, but opened his mouth to look at Liu Bei.

Now it is obvious that Cao Cao conquest Sun Quan, who did not agree to an alliance before, but in order to survive, they still had to resist Cao Cao.

Now that they had lost, Sun Quan still turned a blind eye, which was tantamount to weakening the power against Cao Cao.

Moreover, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu both have the courage of ten thousand people.

Wouldn't Sun Quan be moved?

A thousand dollars are easy to get, and one will be hard to find.

"The lord rest assured, this time Liang is willing to guarantee with his life."

Zhuge Liang saw that Liu Bei didn't know what he was thinking, and seemed to be a little hesitant, so he added again.

"Well, that's all it has to do now."

Liu Bei thought about it and agreed, anyway, who can have their own defense?

If you are lucky, if you kill Sun Quan, and then you will sit on the Jiangdong foundation, wouldn't it be better than in this broken cave?

Zhuge Qiu never thought that the original defense lord said, but just used it to Liu Bei to find black, although it was also a fact.

But now Liu Bei himself is convinced, and he never expected it.

"Yellow girl, great, you're here."

In the shop, Zhuge Qiu was also relieved when he saw Huang Yueying, he was really afraid that Huang Yueying was not here, so he had to go to the mansion to find it.

"Here you are." Huang Yueying immediately welcomed Zhuge Qiu in with a smile, and then went upstairs to the room.

"Look at you, running sweaty, haven't you already negotiated with my father?"

Huang Yueying took out her handkerchief and wiped the sweat for Zhuge Qiu while blushing and asked shyly.

"This sweat may also be scary." Zhuge Qiu said a little embarrassed.


Huang Yueying was a little puzzled, didn't Dad agree to say it well.

"Actually, I... I'm here to tell you one thing, that's the one, your dad was beaten.

"Anyway, if you don't say it, in the end, Huang Chengyan will definitely say it, and you can only open your mouth first."

Huang Yueying was stunned, what happened.

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