After Huang Yueying listened to Zhuge Qiu's description, she didn't know what to say.

After her letter to Zhuge Liang was known by her father, she confessed to Huang Chengyan.

Originally thinking about his father, he suddenly said that he wanted to see it again, and she thought that her father had figured it out.

As a result, there was such a thing.

"Last time you made it difficult for him, he still remembered it, but I'm afraid this time it will be more difficult to explain."

"Or, try to save the country with a curve, you go to your uncle and try?"

Anyway, at the beginning, Cai Mao and Mrs. Cai also tried their best to promote the good things of the two of them.

"Can this be useful?"

Huang Yueying asked with some uncertainty, but this is also a way.

"Miss, the master is here."

Just as the two of them were discussing it, the urgent voice of the treasurer outside sounded.

It was accompanied by the sound of footsteps.

Wipe, the old man is enough to run.

However, this also shows that Xu Chu may really not have a heavy hand.

With a click, the door was pushed open.

"Good boy, it's really you."

When Huang Chengyan saw Zhuge Qiu, his body trembled with anger.

"That... That's all a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding.

Zhuge Qiu could only admit with a smile.

"Misunderstanding, what misunderstanding, old man, I solved the problem, is it a misunderstanding after solving it for a few days and nights?"

"I was stunned by someone giving a backhand on the back of the head today, is that a misunderstanding?"

Especially when it came to being taught by Xu Chu, Huang Chengyan was particularly excited.

It's been many years, and no one has ever dared to treat themselves like this, even when Liu Biao is there, it is also to treat themselves with courtesy.

"Dad, what a misunderstanding, Shouyi told his daughter, he didn't know that you would go today, today's big man, purely accidental."

Huang Yueying hurriedly mediated on the side.

"While you go, sure enough, it is the female who is not left, the marriage that your father pointed out to you, you dare to regret it, today you even helped him speak."

Huang Chengyan looked at Huang Yueying, it was called a heartache, naturally, he blamed all this on Zhuge Qiu.

"You boy, what the hell did you eat for my daughter, trick her into this."

Huang Chengyan looked at Zhuge Qiu with a look of deep hatred and asked.

Of course, it is the charm of nine years of compulsory education.

But this is definitely not something to say, but when it comes to eating, Zhuge Qiu has an idea.

Zhuge Qiu turned his back first, turned around, and took out a few packs of spicy strips from the ring at an angle they couldn't see.

Then pretend to take it out of your arms.

Not to mention, Huang Chengyan was also stunned for a while when they saw Zhuge Qiu turn around and take out this thing they had never seen.

"You boy, what kind of fame are you doing, I tell you, if you want to marry Yueying, it's not so easy."

Zhuge Qiu didn't seem to hear this, and took care of himself and took apart the spicy strips in his hand.

He first ate one, and then handed it to Huang Yueying.

"Can this thing be eaten?" Although seeing that Zhuge Qiu had already eaten, Huang Yueying was still stunned.

"Can I still hurt you?" Zhuge Qiu smiled and handed it over.

Huang Yueying thought that this was indeed the case, and the faint spicy fragrance really aroused her appetite.

Soon, Huang Yueying was conquered.

Just kidding, this is a well-known ancient fetish.

Huang Chengyan watched like this, and Zhuge Qiu and Huang Yueying were eating there.

Especially the look of enjoyment on his daughter's face, and the fragrance in the air.

He could see that his daughter was eaten to death by this kid.

"You boy, don't give my daughter everything to eat, what if you eat badly."

Huang Chengyan stepped forward and directly snatched Zhuge Qiu's hand.

Hehe, I know you can't resist.

"Old man, you... How can you rob me of something, I know, the previous misunderstanding was that I was wrong, I will apologize to you immediately.

Huang Chengyan ignored it, directly ate it, and then it was like opening a new continent.

"What is this?"

After Huang Chengyan ate it, he still looked at the unopened spicy strips in Zhuge Qiu's hand.

"This, this is called a dowry, and if you eat my dowry, you agree to this marriage."

"Nonsense, this... This thing is a dowry, how can I be so casual when Huang Chengyan marries my daughter.

"Then you agreed, then I don't know how much."

Zhuge Qiu smiled and immediately went in.

When Huang Chengyan heard it, he knew that he was tricked, but thinking of Huang Yueying, who was eaten to death by this kid, he also knew his daughter's nature.

Originally, he didn't plan to object, but he was angry and wanted to teach Zhuge Qiu a lesson.

"Hmph, at least six packs."

Huang Chengyan looked at Zhuge Qiu, there were still three packs left in his hand, and he immediately spoke.

Originally, he thought that Zhuge Qiu would be embarrassed, but he didn't expect that he directly handed over everything in his hand.

Then Zhuge Qiu turned around and took out a few more packs and gave them all to Huang Chengyan.

It's so cool, I didn't expect that I could still marry my wife with spicy strips.

It is estimated that this is the first person in history.

It is definitely the existence of no one before and no one after.

"That's not enough."

When Zhuge Qiu was proud, Huang Chengyan's words pulled his thoughts back.

"Old fellow, don't you want to say what you say, and you can't regret it."

Zhuge Qiu immediately jumped up.

Mader, there is a price increase for marrying a wife in later generations. And now?

"Who said I was going to repent, I just wanted you to teach me the skill of counting."

"And who do you say is the old guy?"

Huang Chengyan's teeth itched, and this time he looked at Huang Yueying's gaze a little unhappy.

As if to say, you see, what are you looking for.

After a cordial and friendly communication, Zhuge Qiu finally left satisfied.

"Dad, you're really not angry."

"Dad only has one daughter, what can be angry." Huang Chengyan said with a sigh.

"Although this kid is not in tune and does not know manners, he is a person with great skills, and you like it."

"Otherwise, you think Dad really believed his nonsense and ate the dowry?"

After Huang Chengyan finished speaking, he left directly.

But in my heart, I felt a little sorry for Zhuge Liang.

But maybe this is fate.

After Zhuge Qiu went back, the whole person's mood was comfortable, and even looking at Xu Chu was much more comfortable.

"Lao Xu, why haven't you left yet, did your conscience find out?"

"Actually, the Lord let me come." Xu Chu touched his head embarrassedly.

"Say, has Lao Cao encountered any difficulties again?"

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Xu Chu, he could see that they were all masters who did not go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything.

But fortunately, today Ye is happy.

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