"Dad, dad, it's that he wants to spoil my good deeds, quickly take them down and arrest this slut for me."

When Han Jiao saw his father Han Xuan, he immediately spoke.

"You are so daring, you dare to bully my son in my territory."

"Huang Zhong, are you blind, don't do it yet, I really don't know what is the use of raising you."

Han Xuan saw that there were only three of them in Zhuge Qiu, and one was a woman, Huang Zhong did not dare to make a move, and sent someone to inform him, and immediately cursed angrily.

"Han Taishou, you are really a great official."

When Zhuge Qiu saw Han Xuan's appearance, he immediately understood that it was really not for nothing that Han Xuan could raise his son like this.

"Han Xuan, you can recognize this thing."

Zhuge Qiu directly took out the token that Cao Cao gave him again.

He didn't believe it, and at this time, Han Xuan dared to openly rebel against Cao Cao.

This is the second time that Han Jiao has seen Zhuge Qiu take this thing out, he didn't see it clearly at first, but this time he still couldn't see it, so he didn't care at all.

Han Xuan was different, but he recognized the token that Cao Cao gave to Zhuge Qiu.

The imperial gift of the gold token, which was given to Cao Cao in the name of the imperial court, but now Cao Cao represents the imperial court.

Now that the token is in Zhuge Qiu's hands, doesn't that mean that he is Cao Cao's person, and he is also a close believer.

Cao Cao's 200,000-strong army was still stationed in Jingzhou, and he Han Xuan was definitely not an opponent.

"Woo... The prime minister's person, Han Xuan did not know that the adult was coming, and he was not welcome, and he also asked the adult to forgive him.

Han Xuan instantly lost his previous momentum, and immediately knelt down.

Han Jiao had never seen his father like this, and he was immediately blinded, "Dad, what are you doing, get him."

"I will get Nima, quickly kneel down, and make reparation to the adult."

Seeing that his son was so ignorant, Han Xuan scolded directly angrily.

When Zhuge Qiu heard it, he was almost happy, it seems that Lao Cao's reputation is still very scary, and even the mantras of the later life have come out to scare Han Xuan.

Where did Han Jiao see his father's posture, although he was unwilling, he could only kneel.

When Zhang Liao saw this scene, the happier he became, looked at Lu Lingqi, and then looked at Han Jiao, who was kneeling on the side.

"Even our husband's future wife you dare to tease, it's just looking for death."

After Zhuge Qiu heard this, he almost didn't choke to death, lying in the groove, Wen Yuan, you haven't forgotten this stubble.

"Uncle Wen Yuan, what are you talking nonsense, I have nothing to do with this scoundrel."

Lu Lingqi glared at Zhang Liao, and then ran directly.

Zhang Liao is also not angry, in his opinion, it is normal for the girl's family to be shy.

"Han Xuan, I didn't expect that I met your good son when I first came to Changsha, how should you handle this matter."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at the person kneeling on the ground and said directly.

Although Han Xuan was soft and admitted, Zhuge Qiu knew that he could not dispose of Han Xuan, so he could only take Han Jiao first.

And the really forced fish dead net broke, Cao Cao's reinforcements had not yet reached Changsha, and they themselves burped.

"Don't worry, my lord, Han Xuan's godson will definitely give an explanation to the adult and an explanation to the prime minister."

Han Xuan saw that Zhuge Qiu only left him a face, and he didn't mean to pursue it too much, and he was also relieved.

"Come, take Gongzi down, hit thirty big boards, and be grounded for ten days and not go out."

"Sir, what do you think?" After Han Xuan finished speaking, he immediately looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked.

"If there is a next time, don't blame me for being unkind."

Zhuge Qiu snorted coldly, he knew that Han Xuan had done this almost enough.

Han Jiao can be pampered like this, which can also show how much Han Xuan loves this son, it is impossible for him to kill his son.

"Don't worry, my lord, it will definitely not, it will definitely not."

"Well, in addition, I also want to see Zhang Zhongjing and let him go to General Huang's mansion." Zhuge Qiu nodded and continued to speak.

Anyway, Zhang Zhongjing was in his own mansion, and Han Xuan naturally would not refuse this request, so he immediately agreed.

"I'll do it."

After Huang Zhong heard this, he was overjoyed in his heart, and his favorability towards Zhuge Qiu immediately increased by 15.

Han Xuan was a little more dissatisfied with Huang Zhong in his heart.

Han Xuan quickly arranged accommodation for Zhuge Qiu and them, and Zhuge Qiu did not refuse.

"Sir, will such a punishment be lighter?"

"Why, you still want Han Xuan to kill his son."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zhang Liao and said.

"But don't worry, people like Han Xuan will definitely sit on this son for a short time, and our priority is to win over this Huang Zhong today."

Then Zhuge Qiu added that he had not forgotten what he was doing here this time.

"You said the old general?"

Zhang Liao was a little puzzled, is this old general worth paying so much attention to?

"Don't look at him old, his bravery is not below you, or even above you."

Zhuge Qiu also saw what Zhang Liao was thinking in his heart and immediately explained.

"Let's go, let's go see this old general."

After cleaning up, Zhuge Qiu took the initiative to speak.

After asking Huang Zhong's residence, Zhuge Qiu and Zhang Liao went straight away.

When they followed the instructions to Huang Zhong's residence, Zhuge Qiu and Zhang Liao were both a little stunned.

"This... This old general lives here?

Zhang Liao looked at the dilapidated room in front of him with some disbelief.

You must know that in such a chaotic era today, a general does not mention the captured trophies, that is, every month's fortune is not low.

"Let's go inside and take a look."

Zhuge Qiu was also an accident, this place where Huang Zhong lived was even more dilapidated than the courtyard of Lu Lingqi and Sable Cicada in Jiangxia.

"The adult is here."

As soon as a few people entered, they saw Huang Zhong come out and looked at them and greeted.

"Old General Huang." Zhuge Qiu took the initiative to greet.

"The cold house is simple, please forgive the adults."

"Where, I don't know General, can Doctor Zhang Shen come?"

Zhuge Qiu naturally didn't mind, but asked with concern.

"Doctor Zhang has arrived, but Doctor Zhang said that my son's illness has dragged on for too long, and he can't do anything."

When he said the back, Huang Zhong sighed, and the whole person's gaze became a lot darker.

"Old General Huang, since Doctor Zhang Shen is helpless, it's better to let my husband try it."

Zhang Liao looked at Huang Zhong at this time and said.

"It's such a big breath, our husband is helpless, your husband will have a way?"

Before Huang Zhong could speak, two people in the room had already come out, and one of them was carrying the medicine box and said with disdain.

"Zhang Er must not be rude."

"This prince, the subordinate is rude, but this disease is very tricky, and it has been too long, it is indeed difficult to start."

"Unless a young divine doctor may find a way, if General Huang can find this person, he may have a chance."

Zhang Zhongjing looked at Huang Zhong and said.

"Isn't there one in front of you, didn't he say he wanted to try it?"

Zhang Er lowered his head a little and said unconvinced.

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