Zhuge Qiu was also puzzled, it was really that the emperor was not in a hurry with the eunuchs, this Zhongjing was so modest, but the people around him looked angry.

Sure enough, the king of Yan is good, and the little ghost is difficult.

Huang Zhong looked at Zhuge Qiu with a worried face, but he knew Zhuge Qiu's identity.

Although this Zhongjing's medicine boy is indeed a little excessive, his words collide, but how to say it is also in his own home.

If something happens to him, how much his face is not good-looking, he is also responsible.

"That... That gentleman please don't be surprised, it is all for the child's illness and anxious to make a speech.

Huang Zhong quickly looked at Zhuge Qiu, and then apologized in place of Zhang Er.

"It's okay, why should I think about him, the medicine boy of Hua Shen Doctor was also so rude at the beginning, but now he has to call me an ancestor."

Zhuge Qiu really wouldn't be too concerned with such a subordinate.

Besides, his purpose is to win over Huang Zhong, so how could Huang Zhong's face not care.

Zhang Ergang wanted to say something, who would not brag, but Zhang Zhongjing on the side was shocked.

"You... You are the little divine doctor in Hua Tuo's mouth?

"The little god doctor didn't dare to be a doctor, but just randomly instructed Hua Tuo some medical skills, and at the same time accepted an apprentice."

Although Zhuge Qiu said lightly, the suspicion of pretending was very large, but that was also an admission.

"Little god doctor and great talent, Zhang admires."

Zhang Zhongjing immediately obeyed.

"Just half a month ago, I discussed medical techniques with Huashen Doctor, and the insights in it made Zhang suddenly open."

Zhang Zhongjing thought of Hua Tuo's somewhat stunned appearance at the beginning, he couldn't forget it, and he was happy like an old child.

But he can also understand this, and later, under his own questioning, Hua Tuo told himself.

He worshiped a little divine doctor.

As soon as Zhuge Qiu heard it, good fellow, Hua Tuo learned so much with great interest, but he was just to pretend to be forced in front of Zhang Zhongjing?

"I beg your pardon for being reckless, I wonder if the adults can take a look for the children."

Huang Zhong was also surprised and happy in his heart, if Zhuge Qiu was really stronger than Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo, then Huang Xu was not saved.

"Zhang Er, don't you hurry up and make amends to the little god doctor."

"Under the eyes, Tarzan was blind, and he collided with the little god doctor, and I asked for forgiveness."

Zhang Er saw that Zhang Zhongjing had spoken, so naturally he did not dare not obey.

He didn't expect that he would be so unlucky, and he would meet the right lord with just two words.

Zhuge Qiu just glanced at Zhang Er and ignored it, and then entered the house with Huang Zhong.

The light in the room is not very good, and as soon as you enter, you can smell a smell of Chinese medicine.

"Children are sick in bed all year round, and the medicine stone is unbroken, so this medicinal smell will not be dispersed for a long time, don't be strange."

Huang Zhong sighed while explaining, thinking of what happened to his son, his heart was also very uncomfortable.

"Those who practice medicine will not care."

Zhuge Qiu said lightly, and then went directly inside.

"Ahem, dad, is Doctor Zhang coming back, my body, I know myself, I can survive so far, it is already satisfied."

As soon as I entered, a weak voice came out accompanied by a cough.

Zhuge Qiu was the one who saw the bed at this time, he was in his thirties, but he was already full of white hair.

The whole person is as thin as the skin and bones, Zhuge Qiu is a little worried, if the movement is big, will this bone directly drill out from under the skin.

Zhuge Qiu also did not expect Huang Zhong's son to be so sick.

He only knew that in some book records, Huang Zhong had a son, Huang Xu, who was very liked by Huang Zhong, but V was weak and sick, and eventually the white-haired person sent the black-haired person.

"This... Who is this? Huang Xu asked puzzled when he saw Zhuge Qiu who came in.

Then the whole person coughed violently again.

"This adult is also a little divine doctor." Huang Zhong quickly explained, "He is also here to see you.

"Thank you, Mr. Young."

Zhuge Qiu motioned for Huang Xu to lie down, and there was no need to say more.

This Huang Xu became ill like this, and he has lived until now, I don't know how much he has suffered.

Zhuge Qiu began to consult Huang Xu.

The more diagnosed and treated, the more solemn Zhuge Qiu's face became.

This Huang Xu's vein has floated to a point, no wonder Zhang Zhongjing is helpless.

Today's Huang Xu is like an oil lamp that forcibly continues his life, and it is almost time to run out of oil.

A breath of atmosphere seemed to blow out Huang Xu's oil lamp.

The others also saw Zhuge Qiu's solemn expression.

Huang Zhong also sighed, and what had just risen was as if it had been extinguished.

"Huang Gongzi's illness has been too long. If there is a solution for a while, it is indeed difficult, but we must do our best.

Finally, Zhuge Qiu looked at Huang Zhong and said truthfully.

There is no room for lying about healing and saving people.

"Thank you adults, it seems that the child's illness is hopeless."

Huang Zhong sighed and also expressed understanding.

"There's hope."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Huang Zhong and spoke.

He did not simply comfort Huang Zhong, but he thought of the system.

Now if there is anything that can change his life against the sky and let Huang Xu survive, then it is only this system.

As long as you save Huang Xu, winning over Huang Zhong is a matter of a word.

Huang Zhong just said thank you, he only thought that Zhuge Qiu was comforting himself.

Zhuge Qiu didn't explain much, and left directly after a few words.

Zhuge Qiu, who returned to his residence, immediately entered the system, wanting to see if there was anything that could save Huang Xu.

The most used in the system is the lottery, and since the last draw, there are now fifteen hundred points.

That is, the most common lottery can only be drawn seven times.

Now it's just a fight.

After thinking about it, Zhuge Qiu began the lottery.

After some prayers from the young man, the fifth company began.

God, you have to bless me this time,

"Congratulations to the host for getting a thank you for your patronage."

"Congratulations to the host for getting a piece of mirror."

"Congratulations to the host for getting twenty packs of spicy strips."

No, I took these useless things three times.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining an invisibility talisman."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a pill of all diseases."

That's great.

Zhuge Qiu jumped up directly, and he was really sleepy and sent pillows, God treats himself well.

Even the thank you and spicy strips before Zhuge Qiu looked at it were much more pleasing to the eye.

Pills for all diseases, take a pill to get rid of the disease.

Sure enough, the system will always exist at the plug-in level.

The next day, early in the morning, Zhuge Qiu went to Huang Zhong's mansion.

However, Huang Zhong was not there, and only Huang Xu was on the sick bed.

"Lord, please save the father."

Zhuge Qiu was confused after hearing this, "Something happened, say it slowly." "

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