"Hey, how do you talk about this little, what is ugly comparison, I am born different, different from ordinary people, do you understand?"

Pang Tong looked at Zhuge Qiu and immediately corrected dissatisfied.

"This... Born to do this? Zhuge Qiu held back a smile and asked with a puzzled look.

"You boy, since you know that I am Pang Tong, then you know that I am a phoenix chick, and I Pang Tong spreads his wings, which is comparable to the phoenix of the nine heavens."

"Understand, understand, isn't it a phoenix." Zhuge Qiu looked at Pang Tong's confident appearance and nodded immediately.

"But sir, I have also heard a saying, this is rare that a phoenix is not as good as a chicken."

"You..." Pang Tong's face immediately became a little ugly when he heard this, "How did you kid talk, I just lost my words for a while."

"So it is."

Zhuge Qiu looked like I believe you, and then continued to look at Pang Tong.

"By the way, which small house are you, why do you have time to run here?"

Looking at the soldiers not far away, Pang Tong began to beat the chain, asking while working.

"I... I am Xun Fu, Xun Gongda's little house.

"Just that thief-eyed guy? I have long seen that he was upset, and I heard that he suffered retribution and was also sent to cast iron cables? Pang

Unified listened even more vigorously, and the first person to speak was this Xun Fu.

Thief eyebrow mouse eye, just your appearance is good to say that the thief eyebrow mouse eye.

"Hmm." However, Zhuge Qiu could only nod.

"I have long seen that this guy is not a good person, but he just saw through my strategy by luck, so he was so proud."

"What Sir said is that I have also seen him unhappy for a long time."

Zhuge Qiu quickly echoed.

"Last night, I heard that one of the guests of this Cao Cao banquet was outstanding in poetry and was out of the limelight, do you know who it is?"

Pang Tong thought that Zhuge Liang had mentioned to himself that there might be new capable people in Cao Cao's camp, so he explored the Dao.

"I don't know about this, my husband doesn't take me to the table, but I've heard that the man is outstanding and very handsome."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Pang Tong and felt that saying this in front of Pang Tong was not bragging.

"Superficial, but it's just the appearance of the skin, my talent is a thousand times better than him, and when he meets me in the future, he will make him look good."

"That, you're all like this, don't brag."

Zhuge Qiu looks like you have worked hard, and you are still bragging here, I don't believe in the posture.

"You little man, short-sighted, you know that the heavens will descend on the people of Sri Lanka, and you will first work hard for their minds, work their bones, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and mess up their deeds, so they will be patient and have benefited what they cannot."

"I, Pang Tong, am only suffering today, and it is only for a while."

After Pang Tong finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves, turned around, and no longer paid attention to Zhuge Qiu.

Zhuge Qiu was not annoyed by this, said with a smile, was taught, and then turned and left.

After Zhuge Qiu left, it was not until noon that Pang Tong saw someone coming.

"This military master, where is my food?"

Pang Tong looked at the person who originally brought him food, but he came empty-handed, and he was immediately puzzled.

"The Prime Minister said that the heavens will send great appointments to people, and they will first work hard for their minds, work their bones, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and mess up their deeds, so they will be patient and have benefited them from what they cannot

." "Sir is a great talent, comparable to the phoenix of the nine heavens, and he will be a great task."

Pang Tong listened, and suddenly 10,000 grass and mud horses rushed past in his heart.

"Nasty little brat, don't let me see you next time."

"Don't get too excited, sir. Save some strength, your meal will arrive tomorrow. When

Pang Tong heard this, he almost stumbled to sit on the ground.

No, I have to find a way to leave Cao Ying, otherwise, I have to die here.

Up and down Cao Ying, even a small house is not a thing.

For three days in a row, Pang Tong felt that he was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back.

Looking at people, he was a little in a trance, until a somewhat shaky figure appeared in front of him, which made Pang Tong feel full of spirit for a while.

"Good boy, finally let me meet you again."

Zhuge Qiu saw Pang Tong's excited appearance from a distance, and his heart was also quite emotional.

"Sir how is exercising these days, look at Sir is hungry."

"You kid less come to this set." Pang Tong was angry when he heard Zhuge Qiu's words, but now he had no strength.

But in my heart, I already have a plan, you boy, behind the black, caused me to suffer, today just borrowed your hand to help me get out of trouble.

"Boy, do you know that you are already dying, and your life is not long in coming."

"Sir, how to say this, I am a small house, why do I worry about my life."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Pang Tong, looking like you don't scare me.

"It's not just you, these thousands of Cao Jun will die without a place to be buried."

Pang Tong snorted coldly, very cold and mysterious.

"Sir exaggerated, the army of the prime minister came with the momentum of thunder, and the capture of Jiangdong is just around the corner."

"This is what Xun Gongda told you, he can fool a little guy like you, this is dangerous, how can he see through it?"

Pang Tong looked at Zhuge Qiu, looking like I had already seen through your posture.

"Do you know that the army of the prime minister went south, sitting on the thorn, seemingly having the upper hand, but it was full of dangers, exposing another weakness."

"It's okay, how can you understand a small town, today I will tell you the reason for this, send you a creation, I..."

"Sir is talking about Han Sui and Ma Teng and others in Western Liangzhou, and the army of the prime minister went south, and these two have the intention of plotting against Xu Chang." Zhuge Qiu interrupted Pang Tong's words and asked with a smile.

"Good." As soon as he finished speaking, Pang Tong was immediately stunned again.

"Did I just tell you?"

Pang Tong feels that he is going to doubt life, can even a small town see it?

"No, is that a difficult question?"

Zhuge Qiu asked with an innocent look.

Pang Tong only felt that he had been stabbed in his heart.

Obviously, Zhuge Qiu's question is not very harmful, but it is extremely insulting.

"Go, you go, I don't want to see you again."

Pang Tong waved his hand again and again, and also gave up this plan to get out.

Even a small town can see the strategy, Cao Cao must be prepared.

"Sir, you still haven't answered my question?"

"Don't bother me, I just want a quiet cast iron cable."

Pang Tong turned around directly, picked up the iron cable in his hand, and knocked it again, with a depressed face.

Zhuge Qiu also laughed after turning around, seeing if you still pretended not to be forced.

As soon as Zhuge Qiu walked out a few steps, Xun Yu was already trotting over.

"Sir, as soon as I guessed, I knew that you were here, Jiangdong sent someone, and the lord asked you to go to the meeting."

"Jiangdong is coming, who is coming?" Zhuge Qiu was a little surprised.

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