"It's Kan Ze, staff officer of the Jiangdong military aircraft, and this person came to discuss important matters."

Xun Yu did not hide it, and immediately told Zhuge Qiu everything he knew.

When Zhuge Qiu heard it, Zhou Yu's guts were still so fat, and he actually played the bitter meat plan.

"Let's go, let's see."

Anyway, no one knows himself, just go to see, in case Lao Cao is deceived, then he will not be a failure.

Sure enough, when they arrived at the water army village, Cao Cao's big tent, Jia Xu and Cheng Yu were already there.

Standing in the middle at this time was an old man in his forties, with a cloak and a robe, and he didn't know that he thought he had entered a fisherman.

Zhuge Qiu also knew that this Kan Ze was deliberately dressed like this.

"Shouyi is here, Kan Ze, what can you say."

After Cao Cao saw that Zhuge Qiu had arrived, he spoke.

After Kan Ze heard this, he couldn't help but look at Zhuge Qiu a little more.

This person, he had never heard of, was so valued by Cao Cao.

"Back to Prime Minister Cheng, Kan Ze's coming this time is a great achievement to help Prime Minister Cheng."

"Now that my prime minister is about to fight with Jiangdong, you are here now to say that you have done a great job in helping the prime minister, I don't know what you mean?"

Cheng Yu looked at Kan Ze and immediately asked, obviously it was not normal for Kan Ze to come here at this time.

"Long heard that the prime minister is thirsty for talent, and now that the war is imminent, Zhou Yu Xiaoer can't measure his strength, and he is coming down, really coming to the prime minister."

"Kan Ze, are you a three-year-old child, the war is imminent, but you came to surrender at this time, if you really have the intention to surrender, why wait today?"

Cao Cao looked at Kan Ze and immediately scolded.

"I really dare not hide from the prime minister, Zeben does not want to surrender, but Zhou Yu is arrogant and domineering, and he openly reprimanded General Huang for his own selfishness."

"Huang Gongfu was an old minister of Eastern Wu III, and now he was beaten by Zhou Yu before all the generals, and he was overwhelmed with hatred. Because he wanted to surrender the prime minister, in order to avenge me, he plotted against me. I came to offer a secret letter to the public, and since the prime minister did not believe it, I took my leave.

Kan Ze said and left.

Zhuge Qiu saw that the play was quite good, no wonder Lao Cao was deceived.

"Slowly, slowly, sir's words are bad, how can the two armies fight a child's play, the prime minister has some doubts, it is normal, what if the gentleman surrenders?"

Zhuge Qiu hurriedly pulled Kan Ze and explained.

Kan Ze originally did not really go, seeing that Zhuge Qiu spoke, he naturally looked for the steps.

"Having said that, since Prime Minister Cheng has doubts, I can't be bothered for long."

"Sir, don't be angry, since the Prime Minister has doubts, then since you are sincere, you must dispel the doubts of the Prime Minister, Mr. Fang Xian's heart."

Zhuge Qiu continued to pull Kan Ze and spoke.

Kan Ze seemed to have a reason when he heard it, and if he didn't want to prove it, then wouldn't he have hit his own mouth, how to prove that he was sincere.

"Then with this adult's intention, how can we dispel the suspicion of Cheng Xiang?"

Kan Ze looked at Zhuge Qiu and began to ask.

"Sir once said that Zhou Yu beat General Huang Gai for no reason, but Sir also said that this old general is an old minister of the third dynasty, how can he easily surrender because of a reprimand?"

"This..." Kan Ze seemed to make sense when he heard it, so it seemed a little hasty and not so believable.

"Then with the meaning of adults, how can you win trust?" Kan Ze looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked further.

"At least one more beating, so that you can win your trust."

"If you think about it, if General Huang Gai is severely beaten by Zhou Yu again, it will show Zhou Yu's arrogance and arrogance, so General Huang Gai's intention to surrender will also be even more helpless."

After hearing Zhuge Qiu's words, Kan Ze felt that something was wrong, but when he thought about it, it seemed to be true.

If you surrender after being beaten once, wouldn't it be unreasonable and inconsistent with the status of the third old minister.

"Shouyi's words are reasonable, and I dare not reuse a person who can surrender at will because of a small matter."

Cao Cao also immediately echoed at this time, although he didn't know why Zhuge Qiu said that, but he felt that it made sense.

Kan Ze is gone, his mood is also very complicated, he doesn't know, he is considered a success, he went back, what should he say?

"Old General, most of the Governors have come to see you."

Huang Gai was lying on the bed at this time, after all, Zhou Yu's club beat down, and he was also a flesh bloom.

"Why did the Metropolitan Governor come, if this is seen and spread to the ears of Cao Thief, wouldn't it be a bad thing?"

When Huang Gai saw Zhou Yu, he immediately opened his mouth to remind.

"The old general doesn't need to worry, I naturally came here to hide from his eyes and ears, but the old general has suffered."

Zhou Yu looked at Huang Gai and comforted, after all, this bitter meat plan, every beating, it is true.

"As long as I can defeat the Cao thief and keep the foundation of Jiangdong, I Huang Gai is willing to repay it with death, and I will not worry about small injuries."

Huang Gai immediately said with a loyal face.

"Gongfu, this Kan Ze should be back soon, I don't know if there is news?"

Zhou Yu looked at Huang Gai with a touched face, and then asked, after all, this is the ultimate purpose of the bitter meat plan.

"No news yet." Huang Gai shook his head, and also felt that this Kan Ze was a little slow to do things.

"General, Lord Kan Ze is back."

At this moment, someone immediately rushed forward to report.

Huang Gai and Zhou Yu naturally did not dare to delay, and immediately asked Kan Ze to invite him.

"I've seen the Metropolitan Governor, I've seen the old general."

After Kan Ze came in, he saw that Zhou Yu was also here, and immediately saluted.

"No need to be polite, quickly talk about it, how is the matter, can Cao Thief believe in the strategy of surrender?"

Zhou Yu quickly helped the person up and asked.

He was still very confident in his strategy, and Cao Cao was not in desperate need of an internal response at this time.

"This... I don't know if Cao Cao believed it or not.

Kan Ze hesitated, but still told Zhou Yu and Huang Gai all of Zhuge Qiu's words intact.

"That seems to make sense, but I didn't think it through."

Zhou Yu pondered, and after some thought, he turned his gaze to Huang Gai.

"Metropolitan, you... What do you mean?

Huang Gai looked a little flustered, "Dadu Governor, even if the veteran has a heart, this... This body can't eat it.

"Gongfu, didn't you just say that in order to keep the foundation of Jiangdong, you can open up?"

"Dadu Governor I..."

"Bold Huang Gai, you actually disobeyed the meaning of this Dadu Governor, came to people, and pulled Dadu Governor out."

Zhou Yu waved his big hand and immediately turned his face.

"It's not good, Kong Ming, Dadudu, beat up again." Lu Su got the news and immediately went to find Zhuge Liang.

"Zijing, don't panic, it was just a bitter meat plan before, and everything is over." Zhuge Liang said very calmly.

"No, Old General Huang is being beaten again now."

Lu Su was immediately anxious, and quickly pulled up the calm Zhuge Liang to persuade.

"Beaten again?" Zhuge Liang is also a little stuffy, this Zhou Yu and Huang Gai two people, bitter meat plan can still play every day?

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