"What did he come to see me for?"

As soon as Zhou Yu heard that Zhuge Liang came to him at this time, he immediately muttered in his heart.

Could it be that this Zhuge Liang came to laugh at himself?

It is not impossible, the last time Zhuge Liang borrowed arrows from the grass boat, he laughed for a long time.


The more Zhou Yu thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, he didn't want to give Zhuge Liang this opportunity.

"Yes." The soldier naturally did not dare to disobey Zhou Yu's words, turned around and went out.

"Most of us are angry, so no one will be seen."

"This... I have important matters to discuss, and I am not here to mock the Metropolitan Governor. When

Zhuge Liang heard this, he was misunderstood.

"Please also tell the Metropolitan Governor that if you delay, you can lose your fighter."

Zhuge Liang said very seriously.

Seeing that he was so solemn and serious, he couldn't make up his mind, so he could only go in again.

"Why are you back again?" Zhou Yu asked a little impatiently.

"Dadudu, Zhuge Liang said that he didn't come to mock you, so let me report again."

As soon as Zhou Yu heard it, this is not a mockery, so how can it be.

"Let him in."

He wanted to see what this Zhuge Liang wanted to do, and what qualifications he had to laugh at himself.

"I've seen the Metropolitan Governor."

After Zhuge Liang came in, he saw that Zhou Yu really had a black face, and he saluted.

"Zhuge Kongming, what are you doing here today?"

Zhou Yu had already made up his mind, if Zhuge Liang really came to laugh at himself, he would definitely not be able to eat and go.

"Dadu Governor, although Dadu Governor lost this battle today..."

"Zhuge Villager..." Zhou Yu became angry when he heard the word defeat, and immediately jumped up.

"Dadu Governor, listen to me, didn't Dadu Governor find out that in today's battle, although the Cao army used the Jingzhou water army, it also dispatched a chain of ships?"

"Although there are not many people, it is also Pang Tong's plan."

Zhuge Liang knew that he had stepped on Zhou Yu's tail, and quickly accelerated his speaking speed.

If this is slowed down, I am afraid that there will be no chance to say it at that time.

Zhou Yu was angry, but since Zhuge Liang was not here to laugh at himself, the meaning of these words, he naturally understood very quickly.

"Yes, the serial plan was indeed proposed by Pang Tong, but Pang Tong fell into the hands of Cao Thief, and the serial plan was broken."

Zhou Yu frowned and said, if not, this plan will be completed, and the Cao army will inevitably rout.

"Most of the Governors said this badly, and now it seems that Shi Yuan's plan has not failed, or in other words, Cao Jun has no choice."

Zhuge Liang looked at Zhou Yu and continued to speak.

"The Cao army has many northern armies, even if there is a Jingzhou water army, but it cannot compete with the Jiangdong water army, Cao Cao's army of more than 200,000 people, if you want to cross the river in a short time, you must connect it with iron cables."

After hearing this, Zhou Yu also thought about it, this is true, a serial strategy, there are drawbacks, and there are also feasible points.

"Since Cao Jun did not act according to Pang Tong's strategy, it can be seen that he has seen through my fire attack plan, and besides, the strategy of deception has failed, how can it be done?"

"Most of the governors said this badly, Cao Thief is not doing much now, it is nothing more than time, most of Cao Jun's money and grain are stored in Ulin, if they can destroy their food and grass."

"How long can an army of 200,000 people last only by relying on Jingzhou's money and grain, so that in addition to retiring, it is necessary to cross the river in a very short time and take the city of Jiangdong to prepare for the future."

As soon as Zhou Yu heard it, Zhuge Liang's strategy was feasible.

The three armies did not move, the grain and grass went first, as long as they could destroy Cao Cao's grain and grass, even if they did not fight, dragging could drag Cao Cao down.

The 200,000 army, plus the Jingzhou army, is more than 200,000 mouths.

The two hit it off and began to plan.

On Cao Cao's side, after Gan Ning was victorious, Cao Cao was overjoyed.

"Xingba and brave martial arts, Shouyi really didn't read it wrong."

"This time Xingba defeated Zhou Yu for the first time, and promoted the prestige of our water army, I see who dares to say in the future that our northern army is not good at water battles."

"Lord, in fact, the Jingzhou Water Army can be regarded as an authentic southern water army."

Xun Yu seemed to be a little uncomfortable with Cao Cao's stunned appearance, so he reminded.

"Gongda is reasonable, it seems that our army still needs to use serial fixed warships, you go and see what Pang Shiyuan needs to help."

Cao Cao was poured with cold water, and immediately looked at Xun Yu and said with great agreement.

"I... Under the command. "

Gotta, why do you talk too much."

Xun Yu felt that he really wanted to give himself two big mouths.

"Shouyi, although this victory has taken advantage, if you want to attack in a big way, I am afraid that the water army is still not enough."

Perhaps Xun Yu's basin of cold water played a role, Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu at this time and asked.

"Shouyi deliberately let the banned serial ship go to battle this time, is it because he intends to use this plan on a large scale?"

"It's okay, but today I deliberately let Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu see it."

"Let them do something."

Zhuge Qiu quickly said all his thoughts.

"In this way, Ulin needs to send heavy troops to defend."

Cao Cao understood enough and immediately ordered.

He was well aware of the importance of grain and grass, and in the battle of Guandu, if he didn't burn the black nest and continue to fight, he would lose to Yuan Shao.

"What if they didn't think of that?"

Cheng Yu was also a little puzzled at this time.

"Rest assured, they are all smart people, they will definitely do this, and once successful, our army can only retreat except for a quick victory."

Zhuge Qiu is still very confident in this.

Finally, Cao Cao asked Xu Chu and Xiahou Wei to lead troops from the dry village to Wulin.

"Duke Cao, I'll go with them too."

Zhuge Qiu thought about it, but he still didn't trust the IQ of the two of them.

This time it's about catching big fish.

Anyway, there is a stalemate on this side of the water village, and there is no need to help yourself.

Cao Cao thought that these two people were obedient to Zhuge Qiu, and if they sent others, it might not really have this effect, so he immediately agreed.

The three did not delay, and led the men and horses towards Ulin overnight.

Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu also had a plan after combined.

"If this time is done, you and I will be able to be shamed."

Zhou Yu felt that this time the army was divided into two ways, and there would definitely be no problem.

Zhuge Liang also nodded, "Dadu Governor, everything is according to the plan." After

Zhuge Liang went back, he called Zhang Fei and Guan Yu over.

"Kong Ming, what bad idea do you have this time."

Zhang Fei was the first to be dissatisfied, looking at Zhuge Liang and asking.

"Yide, this is a bad word, victory and defeat are common things in soldiers, and the final victory, that is the final victory."

"I and the Governor of the Great Metropolitan have already made up a plan, and if this plan is successful, Cao Cao will be defeated."

After Zhuge Liang finished speaking, the feather fan in his hand shook unconsciously.

"If Tsubasa doesn't believe it, Liang can bet with you."

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