When Zhuge Qiu and them arrived at the Ulin camp, it was already the next day.

At this time, Ulin was garrisoned by 5,000 men and horses, and Ma Yan led the garrison.

For him Zhuge Qiu also knew something, this Ma Yan was originally Yuan Shao's subordinate, but after the Battle of Guandu, Yuan Shao was defeated, and many of his generals surrendered to Cao Cao.

"General Xiahou, General Xu."

After Ma Yan saw Xiahou Wei and Xu Chu leading the troops coming, he immediately stepped forward to greet him.

"By the order of the Prime Minister, we have temporarily taken over this place."

Xia Hou Wei did not make a fool of his head, and directly took out the seal letter and the transfer order.

After Ma Yan saw it, he naturally did not dare to say anything, and immediately nodded and agreed, "Everything is at your command." "

He is not stupid, this suddenly Xiahou Wei and Xu Chu came, and they also brought people and horses, which means that I am afraid that something is going to happen here."

"Shouyi, when will this Zhuge Liang come back?"

After setting up camp, Xu Chu and Zhuge Qiu got together, and he couldn't help but ask.

"How do I know that."

Zhuge Qiu spread his hands, which is really difficult to say.

It depends on how delicate Zhuge Liang's arrangement is.

"But I think it's probably these days."

Bing Gui was fast, and he believed that Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang would not delay for too long.

"Pass on the order, place more spies in the shadows, and closely monitor all movements."

"Okay, I'll order it right away." Xia Hou Wei naturally believed Zhuge Qiu's ability, and went without any hesitation.

Then Zhuge Qiu pulled Xu Chu and toured around Ulin.

The terrain of Ulin is precipitous, but there is also an open land, west of Ulin and north of Yidu, and here can be rescued by Hefei's soldiers and horses.

It can be said that it is not unreasonable for Cao Cao to keep grain and grass here.

Night falls.

At this time, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu led the men and horses along the south bank and headed towards Ulin.

"Second brother, you said that this Zhuge Kongming is so confident, can we succeed this time?"

On the march, thinking of Zhuge Liang making a bet with himself, Zhang Fei couldn't help but ask.

"This... It's hard to say.

Guan Yu was also not sure that Zhuge Liang's plan was theoretically perfect every time.

But every time he executed, he always felt that he was sent to Cao Jun.

"I see that Zhuge Kongming is pretending, since he followed the eldest brother, we are even more unlucky, there are a lot of bad ideas."

Zhang Fei snorted coldly, very disdainful.

"Forget it, third brother, it's important to get down to business first."

Guan Yu frowned and said no more.

"By the way, second brother, before the eldest brother set off, did he stuff you with someone, where did you put the person?"

Seeing that Guan Yu was no longer discussing Zhuge Liang's affairs, Zhang Fei suddenly thought of something and asked.

"I also feel strange that during this time, the eldest brother put all his thoughts on Sun Quan's sister."

"I put him at the end with Zhou Cang, didn't the eldest brother say to ensure his safety."

For this matter, Guan Yu felt even more strange.

The eldest brother has never paid so much attention to an ordinary soldier.

"In my opinion, nine times out of ten, this is that Zhuge Liang's plan."

Zhang Fei snorted coldly, in his opinion, these strange things, only Zhuge Liang alone could come up with them.

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu led the men and horses to keep advancing, and on the other side, Zhou Yu was not idle.

In order to buy them time, he tried his best to attract the attention of Cao Cao's army.

During the day, he did not say anything, and at night, he also arranged for people to go to the river to harass Cao Jun.

However, fortunately, the fog was strong at night, and the water army of Cao Cao was inferior to Zhou Yu's army, so they only returned fire with bows and arrows.

"It seems that everything is as expected, and the more Zhou Yu does this, the more suspicious it becomes."

Cheng Yu couldn't help but sigh when he listened to the movement outside at this time.

"Even so, but it is false and real, and our army also has to guard against it, lest Zhou Yu take advantage of the situation."

Jia Xu looked at Cao Cao and also spoke.

"Well, Wen He's words are reasonable, and the two generals of Yu Ban and Gan Ning are summoned, and all the generals must not slack."

Cao Cao also nodded, it was difficult to distinguish between reality and falsehood, but the only thing that was certain was that the real battlefield was not here, but in Ulin.

At about four hours, finally the people and horses led by Zhang Fei and Guan Yu were already near the ground of Ulin.

Even if they were careful, they had just stepped into Ulin and had already been discovered by scouts in the shadows.

After Zhuge Qiu got the news, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

"Sure enough."

Zhuge Qiu immediately asked Xia Hou Wei and Xu Chu to prepare.

The people who came turned out to be Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, if they could catch the two of them this time.

Liu Beike really became a loner, and he didn't even have a helper.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei did not dare to be careless, and went straight towards the Ulin camp.

As long as the grain and grass are burned, then today's task can be considered a success.

Seeing the Ulin camp close at hand, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were also very sighing in their hearts.

Kong Ming's strategy finally had the time to succeed.

Then am I not going to lose to this Zhuge Kongming?

The two were thinking, when suddenly there was an order, Xu Chu and Xia Hou Wei had already killed from the left and right.

"We have been waiting here for a long time without knowing whether it is dead or alive."

Xu Chu cursed, and the subsequent rain of arrows went towards Zhang Fei and Guan Yu's army intensively.

"Damn, you really shouldn't believe this guy's bad idea."

Zhang Fei was angry and angry and immediately cursed, originally thought that Zhuge Liang could succeed this time, but the result was still this ending.

"Third brother, don't panic, follow me to kill out."

Guan Yu was much calmer, and the Green Dragon Moon Knife in his hand was directly slashed out.

In the night, the two centaurs suddenly fought.

Although Xu Chu and Xia Hou Wei are powerful, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu are determined to escape, and the two of them can't stay for a while.

The battle continued until Tianming, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei did not end until they left the Ulin Realm, and then began to collect the defeated army under their command.

"General Guan, the big thing is not good, and the person you entrusted to me has disappeared."

When Zhou Cang found Guan Yu, he was already seriously injured, his whole body was covered in blood, and the soldiers on the side supported him, so he didn't fall.

"Didn't you watch him?" Guan Yu questioned, but seeing Zhou Cang's injury, he didn't want to say more.

Cao Jun waited for work with ease and had already prepared, who could take care of an ordinary soldier at this time.

The only way to retreat as soon as possible was to restore Liu Bei's life.

"Kong Ming, why haven't they returned to the army yet?"

In the main hall, Liu Bei had already asked more than once.

Zhuge Liang was also a little puzzled, how did he feel that Liu Bei was particularly nervous this time.

"Lord and relieved, there will be news soon."

As soon as Zhuge Liang's words fell, a soldier ran in. "Back, General Guan, they're back."

"Great." As soon as Liu Bei heard this, he immediately couldn't sit still, and directly rushed out.

However, when he saw Guan Yu and them, the whole person was stunned.

"Yun Chang, what about the person I handed over to you?"

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