"Kong Ming, what do you mean by this?"

Zhou Yu originally thought that Zhuge Liang had thought of some important news, but Zhuge Liang came up and asked for help, which made him a little unresponsive.

"Now looking at the entire Jiangdong, the only person who can feel the sadness of the bright heart is the only one who is in the governor."

"I wanted to compare myself to Zhong Leyi, but since I came out of the mountain, I have repeatedly lost battles, which is really a discredit."

Zhuge Liang looked at Zhou Yu and began to appeal for his tragic experience.

"You actually compare yourself to Zhong Leyi?"

"Metropolitan Governor, that's not the point." Zhuge glanced at Zhou Yu and whether the focus could be corrected.

"But since I came out of the mountains, I followed Bofu to pacify Jiangdong, establish the foundation of Jiangdong, and sit on the position of the governor of Dadu."

"Dadu Governor, Ru listened to people's words!"

"Dadu Governor, what Liang means is that now that the Jiangdong war situation is critical, and Dadu Governor has been repeatedly teased by Cao Jun, you and I need to work together to be able to overcome shame."

Zhuge Liang looked at Zhou Yu and had already scolded Zhou Yu fiercely with his eyes.

"So what do you have to do?"

Zhou Yu glanced at Zhuge Liang and felt that although he did not dare to agree with the previous words, the last sentence still made sense.

"Liang heard that the Metropolitan Governor is delaying the army with Cao Thief."

"And I heard that Dadu Governor was trying to sacrifice himself to cater to the proclivities of Longyang, who was guarding righteousness, and today he was carried back to Jiangdong, which is really high righteousness."

"Stop, Zhuge Kongming, I can tell you that these two things have nothing to do with each other."

Zhou Yu looked at Zhuge Liang, and the more he listened, the more wrong it became, and he immediately interrupted.

"I went to Cao Ying this time to find out the truth of Cao Jun and observe the deployment of Cao Jun's water village."

Zhou Yu felt the need to explain this clearly.

"Did the Metropolitan Governor find useful information?"

"I'll try again tomorrow."

Zhou Yu glanced at Zhuge Liang and replied.

"Dadu Governor, Zhennai Hero, can't shine as well, if necessary, Dadu Governor can open his mouth."

Zhuge Liang's gaze changed when he saw Zhou Yu, and he was sincerely admiring.

"Do you want to go?"

"Liang, there is still something, Liang leaves."

Zhuge Liang listened, how can this work.

"Stop for me, since this person is from Wollongong, you really don't have an impression?"

Zhou Yu saw Zhuge Liang running so fast, and immediately stopped him.

"Dadu Governor, I really don't have an impression, such a talent, and such a unique hobby."

Zhuge Liang said affirmatively.

"If you think of something, remember to tell the Honto Governor in time."

Finally, Zhou Yu waved his hand and looked at the back of Zhuge Liang leaving and said.

Not long after Zhuge Liang left, the people in the mansion immediately came in again.

"But that Zhuge Kongming, go and return?"

"No, it was the Lord who sent the IOU."


The next day, Zhou Yu came to the Cao Jun Water Village again, this time although not as warm as yesterday.

But for Zhou Yu, he also gave the green light, and directly took him to see Cao Cao, and even saved the report.

Along the way, Zhou Yu observed the water village of Cao Cao's army in more detail.

"I've seen Prime Minister Cao Cheng."

"Gong Jin is here." Cao Cao looked at Zhou Yu and also had a good attitude.

"Gong Jin is here."

"Gong Jin is here."

Subsequently, Zhuge Qiu and Xun Yu also entered the camp one after another.

The corner of Zhou Yu's eyes twitched, am I familiar with you?

"Dadudu, you have to come often, so that you don't feel flattered, seeing that you fainted with joy yesterday."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhou Yu and deliberately emphasized it.

Which eye saw that I was happy, Zhou Yu was speechless, yesterday he fainted, and plastered thousands of taels of silver.

"Presumably this is Zhuge Shouyi, I heard that you also came down from Wollongong?"

Zhou Yu looked at Zhuge Qiu, he couldn't forget the task today.

Since Zhuge Liang can't think of it, he can only rely on himself.


Zhuge Qiu nodded with a smile, the system threw itself there, it was indeed his birthplace.

"Then I wonder if you know Zhuge Kongming?"

"I know, isn't he in your Jiangdong now?"

Zhuge Qiu continued to answer.

"Gong Jin, don't mention this disappointment, Japan should have treated you well yesterday, but you turned out to be too excited, and today I specially prepared wine and dishes for you."

"Guarantee you haven't eaten."

Cao Cao looked at Zhou Yu and said with a smile, interrupting Zhou Yu to continue asking about Zhuge Qiu.

"Xie Cheng is kind and takes it in his heart."

Do you really think of me as your own?

Zhou Yu also saw the meaning of Cao Cao's interruption, and he could only put it on hold for the time being, but forget about eating.

What if you poison me?

"Is Gong Jin worried about poisoning?"

"Gong Jin doesn't need to worry, you are your own person, and besides, this food is a unique skill of Shouyi."

The people here were all human spirits, and they immediately saw Zhou Yu's concerns, and Cao Cao immediately explained with a smile.

When Zhou Yu heard this, it was Zhuge Shouyi.

The card game that Lu Su said before was invented by Zhuge Shouyi, and now he is also eating?

Since the words have already been said, he is also interested, let's see what it is.

Know yourself and know your opponent, and win every battle.

In this way, the aroma of hot pot wafted out of Cao Cao's camp.

Although Zhou Yu smelled his appetite, he was also cautious and did not eat first.

Instead, it was Cao Cao and Zhuge Qiu who took the lead in eating, dispelling Zhou Yu's concerns.

"Come, Gong Jin drink."

A group of people did not treat Zhou Yu as an outsider, and took turns to greet Zhou Yu.

Of course, all this stemmed more from Cao Cao's trust in Zhuge Qiu.

Whether it is separation or recruitment, anyway, he is not at a loss no matter what.

And even if Zhou Yu came with a purpose, they were not unprepared.

Zhou Yu's amount of alcohol is still good, but it is difficult to fight with two fists and four hands.

"Gong Jin, I heard Shouyi say that you have a wife who is as beautiful as a flower?"

After Cao Cao drank a few cups, he also let go of himself and looked at Zhou Yu and asked.

Although Zhou Yu drank, he paused when he heard this, and asked my wife what she did?

"Lao Cao, why do you always pay attention to people's wives."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Lao Cao, this guy can't be a drinker, something wrong.

But this is really not impossible, Lao Cao's wine is worth considering.

"It's a pity, Gong Jin, if you were born in our time, with your appearance, you must be a big star."

Zhou Yu was even more flustered when he heard this, he had still heard about Cao Cao.

Zhuge Qiu's words, let alone it.

You two, this is an idea to beat me, an idea to beat my wife.

Good fellow, no wonder you treat me like your own.

Cao Cao seemed to see Zhou Yu's thoughts, and when he opened his mouth to speak, he comforted, "Gong Jin, don't worry..."

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