"Old Cao, don't say it, the more you talk about Gong Jin, the more afraid you are."

As soon as Zhuge Qiu heard it, this is also worth it, you are all famous.

"Come, Prime Minister I toast you a cup, Prime Minister kindly I receive it."

Zhou Yu quickly raised his glass and looked at Cao Cao and drank it directly.

I knew I shouldn't have stayed for this meal, although this thing is really fragrant.

But the risk is too great, and the price is too dearly.

It was better to let Zijing come to this kind of thing earlier.

Although he thought so in his heart, Zhou Yu gradually got drunk.

"Metropolitan Governor, haven't come back yet?"

Sun Quan and Lu Su, seeing that it was already midnight, and Zhou Yu had not yet returned, they were also a little anxious.

"No news yet." Lu Su shook his head and answered truthfully.

"Could it be that he was poisoned by Cao Thief?"

"If you want to kill Gong Jin, this Cao thief will not send Gong Jin back the first time." Sun Quan shook his head and pondered to deny Lu Su's speculation.

Lu Su thought about it, although he also took silver into it, but he didn't worry about his life.

"Could it be that Dadu Governor was also left to play cards in Cao Ying?"

Lu Su felt that this was the only possibility that could come to mind.

"Zijing, you go to play cards, I can understand, have you forgotten Xiaomei's letter?"

Sun Quan glanced at Lu Su and thought of the most terrible consequences.

"Tomorrow, if Gong Jin comes back, you will also come with me to greet you, and call Mrs. Gong Jin."

When Sun Quan said this, his gaze also became complicated.

"Gong Jin, worthy of me Jiangdong."

"Yes, I'll arrange it."

After Lu Su heard this, he was also in awe.

The next day, Tianming, Zhou Yu was also shocked when he got up, but fortunately he saw that there was no one around.

Thinking of Cao Cao and Zhuge Qiu's words last night, he secretly made up his mind in his heart.

Even for Xiao Qiao, for his own sake, he must keep Jiangdong.

"Dadu Governor, wake up, Dadu Governor, Shouyi said that Dadu Governor is a master of water warfare, and he wants Dadu Governor to give him some advice."

Xun Yu walked in at this time, looked at Zhou Yu and said with a smile.

Zhou Yu was also almost taken aback, but when he heard such a good thing, he was also happy in his heart.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the frightened alcohol he drank last night is not a loss.

"If you don't dare to point out, then thank you Gongda."

Zhou Yu arched his hand, packed up and followed Xun Yu out.

Zhou Yu followed Xun Yu and began to stroll around the village.

"Shouyi, is this plan really feasible?"

Although he believed in Zhuge Qiu, Cao Cao felt that it was still a bit risky to let people like Zhou Yu wander around the Cao Jun camp like this.

"It doesn't matter, most of them are their own people." Zhuge Qiu said with a smile, and soon thought of something again, "Old Cao, you don't really worry about Madame."

"Ahem, Shouyi, last night was just a drunken talk, how can I be this kind of person, since there is an arrangement for Shouyi, I am relieved."

Cao Cao's face was a little embarrassed, and he quickly looked at Zhuge Qiu and said.

"Ah Qiu."

Zhou Yu and Xun Yu were walking when they suddenly sneezed.

"Gong Jin is unwell?" Xun Yu glanced at it and asked.

"It's okay, Gongda, I don't know where Pang Tong is now, can I see it?"

Zhou Yu rubbed his nose, and then said very unconcernedly.

"Dadudu, where is this saying, Shouyi said that you are your own person, of course you can see it." Xun Yu replied with a smile.

The corners of Zhou Yu's eyes twitched when he heard his own words, but in order to achieve his goal, he could only endure it.

Pang Tong's status in Cao Ying at this time can be regarded as having improved.

"Shiyuan, Gong Jin came to see you." Lao Yuan Xun Yu greeted.

"Gong Jin?" Pang Tong felt a little strange in his heart?

Although he knew that the battle situation was not favorable to Jiangdong, Zhou Yu, as the governor of the capital, would not be arrested.

Soon he saw it, and sure enough, Zhou Yu also came.

"Sir suffered."

After Zhou Yu saw Pang Tong, he also quickly apologized.

"Metropolitan Governor, don't you suffer too?" Pang Tong thought of what happened to him, and he was also a little displeased, and looked at Zhou Yu and replied.

If Zhou Yu is caught, he will definitely not end up better than himself.

"Shi Yuan, this is a bad word, Shouyi once said that Dadudu was his own person and did not suffer."

Xun Yu explained.

Zhou Yu wanted to explain, but thought of the places he hadn't visited, so he put up with it.

However, seeing Pang Tong's gaze, it seems that something is wrong.

He wouldn't really misunderstand me about surrendering to Cao Ying, right?

Xun Yu was on the side, and he couldn't explain it.

"Shi Yuan, then Gong Jin will leave first."

Zhou Yu felt that he could only find an opportunity to explain it later and do his own business.

Looking at the back of Zhou Yu leaving, Pang Tong finally sighed, and looked at his own reflection in the water and couldn't help but rejoice.

At noon, Zhou Yu left Cao Jun's water village, and Xun Yu personally sent him out of the village.

Out of Cao Jun's water village, Zhou Yu was relieved.

Cao thief, Zhuge Shouyi, you wait for me.

I will definitely be ashamed and will come back for revenge.

Jiangdong Wharf, at this time, Sun Quan led Wen Wu has been waiting for a while.

But this time everyone did not complain, all of them knew, most of them for Jiangdong's dedication.

"Look, Metropolitan Governor, it's Metropolitan Governor's ship."

While everyone was waiting patiently, Lu Xun saw Zhou Yu's ship and quickly shouted excitedly.

Sun Quan and they saw that it was indeed Zhou Yu's boat, and quickly asked people to line up and prepare to welcome Zhou Yu.

When Zhou Yu gradually landed, he also saw Sun Quan and others on the shore.

Could it be that the Lord already knew his painstaking efforts?

But why is Madame also here to greet her?

Although he was puzzled, Zhou Yu couldn't care so much.

After waiting for the shore, he immediately came to Sun Quan and the others.

"Gong Jin, I have seen the lord."

"Gong Jin doesn't have to be polite, Gong Jin is worthy of me Jiangdong, your dedication to Jiangdong, I remember it with everyone."

Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu and helped the person up with great admiration.

"The Metropolitan Governor has worked hard, and I will remember the efforts of the Metropolitan Governor."

Lu Su and Lu Xun were all civilized and martial, and at this time, they also shouted in unison, with solemn expressions.

Zhou Yu looked at them, although he didn't understand their expressions, but he thought that he was finally understood, and his heart was full of emotion.

"For the sake of Jiangdong, I just suffered greatly, and I have no regrets."

Zhou Yu thought of this period of grievance, and finally someone understood, and he also vented it immediately.

This is a real hammer,

Sun Quan and they heard this.

People who were still a little unsure immediately believed it.

"Metropolis is a true hero."

The crowd chanted again.

Finally, Xiao Qiao walked towards Zhou Yu with red eyes.

"The husband will also mourn, and the concubine will serve the husband more wholeheartedly."

Although Zhou Yu felt that something seemed wrong, he was still very moved in his heart.

After the couple said a few words, Zhou Yu came to Sun Quan.

"Lord, this time I went deep into the Cao camp, fortunately I did not lose my life, and I have a way to break the enemy."

Zhou Yu said confidently, I have to let you know this time that I, Zhou Gongjin, am definitely not a thief.

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