In the face of this fact, the infected should not target those healthy people who are also at the bottom and fear them, but unite them to oppose those who create this difference and create this discrimination.

Although many soldiers expressed doubts, there were more voices of approval. Many infected people were actually sheltered by healthy people in the same village after they became ill. They were handed over only when they couldn't hide it.

Integrating sports, you can't be a **** who draws a knife to the weaker, absolutely not.

Compared with the difference of whether they are sick or not, poverty is the biggest commonality between infected and non-infected people.

Tallulah directly raised a question, a homeless poor person who lacks food and clothing will die faster, or a mineral patient with a job will die faster?

Obviously, poverty is more terrifying, and poor ore patients are even more desperate. The force that brings together the members of the integration movement is by no means pure ore disease, but the oppression and tyranny of the Ursas government. Sri Lanka's great lack of virtue!

After all, in the current integration movement, there are not so many people who hate healthy people who do not suffer from ore disease, and it is still a pure resistance organization.

Without the secret manipulation of the old black snake and the subsequent seizure of the house, even if the integration movement suffered setbacks and failures, it would never degenerate into a tool of the Ursus, and the criminals in Chernobog and Longmen A terrorist organization of infected people who committed heinous crimes.

In fact, many of the obstacles that Gao Qi expected were a little paranoid. The plasticity and correctability of the current integration movement are much higher than he imagined.

The existence of two enthusiastic people, Gao Qi and Skadi, has completely disappeared the prejudices of many people. Even if Tallulah plans to unite with more healthy, poor farmers and workers in the future, they And there was nothing to complain about—no one could in good conscience say that Mr. Gooch and Miss Skadi were bad people.

Tallulah answered everyone's inquiries, more and more integration movement fighters, and even guerrilla soldiers came over, listening to Tallulah announce her next plan to everyone in the most simple and understandable language and practice.

Making a revolution also costs money. She never planned to let the soldiers follow her to die for nothing. On the contrary, Tallulah planned a more radical approach than the original path of integrating the movement, and—to make everyone willing , without hesitation.

In the end, Tallulah, who spent a whole morning with a dry mouth, finally got a piece of leisure and returned home with all the soldiers.

She began to think seriously that she should take in those scholars and people of insight who were persecuted by the Ursas authorities as soon as possible in future actions, and create a group of... political cadres that Mr. Gao Qi said?

To be precise, it's called a political commissar?

In short, although not everyone, at least half of the fighters chose to believe Tallulah's words, and those fighters who were about to leave the integration movement also decided to stay here for a while to see if she could do what she promised. That way, let them really see a bright future.

Change does not happen overnight, but Tallulah believes that this will be a good start.

However, before that, she, and Gao Qi, must persuade the last person.



In Tallulah's hut, the stove was still burning slowly, driving away the last sliver of the cold spring.

The old man, as tall as a mountain, was sitting silently on the iron bench that he had been folding and carrying with him so as not to damage other chairs. Across the tea table, he was looking at the silver-haired Draco girl across from him.

"Would you like tea, Mister Patriot, or coffee? Gauchi and Alina are preparing lunch, and we can eat and talk—he makes really perfect coffee."

Smiling and looking at the old man in front of her, Tallulah skillfully tidied up her wooden table which would be used as a dining table during three meals and usually used as a desk, and looked at the old man in front of her.

Once upon a time, she would feel guilty when facing the patriot, but now, Tallulah can look at him confidently, and she has the confidence to answer all the questions that the shield of the infected may ask.

"...I can see that you have grown a lot, Tallulah."

Bozhuo Kasi can feel that Tallulah has changed, changed a lot.

In the past, although Tallulah was passionate about her gaze, she always felt unconfident in her heart, because Patriots had much more seniority and experience than her, even if they were equal The leader of the two organizations, Tallulah still hides a trace of inferiority in her humility.

The patriot knows that it is her lack of confidence in herself, and she is not even sure whether the path she is on is correct—of course, the patriot is not sure whether the path of the guerrilla is correct, but he will not hesitate. keep going.

But now, in the eyes of this young girl, the patriot saw a strength that had never existed before—that was absolute self-confidence, absolute pride.

He had and witnessed this kind of power before, whether it was when he left Kazdel, when he met His Royal Highness Theresa, when he was awarded the title of captain, when he personally received the medal from the former emperor, or when he was with himself. When the famous general fought on the battlefield, when he faced the Silver Spear Pegasus...

Patriots did not understand what Tallulah said. In his opinion, the gap between infected and non-infected people was too great to bridge. She is the leader—even if she will lead the integration movement to the abyss, she will still be the leader.

"It's just... I just happened to meet a good teacher. Mr. Gao Qi helped me a lot. He is definitely not what he said. He is a hunter who only knows how to fight."

Hearing the patriot's question, Tallulah's gray eyes lit up, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became brighter. She subconsciously looked at the tall man in the kitchen on the other side of the hut. In addition to admiration, there are many other complicated emotions.

"I don't believe in the existence of the gods, but he did come to hunt the gods—if the gods guided him to meet me and change the integration movement, then it makes sense?"

Looking at the patriot opposite, Tallulah confidently sat back on the wooden chair.

"Then, next, I will explain to Mr. Patriot in detail the direction of the integration movement. First, we need to find the most suitable soil for the development of the integration movement in the northern plains and also in the south, and find the most oppressed rural areas. Develop it as our base, knock down the big landlords, distribute the land to farmers, serfs and tenants, and then those decaying mobile towns..."


"Some people may think that if one place grows stronger, or captures the mobile city, and establishes a flourishing base, the power of Ursus will unite in an instant, forming a terrifying torrent of steel, and destroying it in an instant, but I Say—no, Ursus is strong, but definitely not as strong as we thought."

Wearing an apron, standing in front of the stove, Gao Qi ignited the firewood with the flame in his hand, and began to heat up the rapeseed oil in the pot, while introducing her and Talula to the two girls beside him. issues of discussion these days.

"The contradictions between the various factions of Ursus are much deeper than expected. No one would care about the affairs of other people's territories. Even if they encounter the integration movement head-on, firing two shots is worthy of His Majesty the Emperor—unless it is a demon, no one People make them so united."

Before coming to Ursus, Gao Qi had always doubted whether the environment here was enough to inspire revolution, but after he really got to know Ursus, he understood—it was too suitable, 100% suitable.

He was even sure that without the Black Snake, even if Tallulah would suffer setbacks and sufferings, in the end, she would cheer up again, and the position of Emperor Ursus might be overthrown by her.

For promoting the reform of the integration movement, his concentration is no less than fighting against demons and superiors, so although Senior Sister Maria was very angry today, Gao Qi still asked her and Titi to take Magellan to Lilia There, wait until tomorrow to switch to my own shift.

"Okay, my great revolutionary Gao Qi, now your battle is to prepare the scrambled tomato with feathered beast eggs in front of you, instead of telling me and Frost Star the truth you talked about—do you think the two of us can listen? understand?"

On the side, a pair of snow-white slender hands put the beaten egg into the oil pan in front of Gao Qi—Alina raised her eyebrows slightly, and hit his head with her antlers pretending to be angry.

"Look, Yelena's gaze has completely stopped—ah, the skin on your face is dead, every time I see you like this, I'm terrified."

Behind Gao Qi, Frost Star was stretching out his cold little hands, constantly rubbing Gao Qi's big face with a little stubble, in order to avenge his surprise attack this morning—well, in fact, he was still yearning for physical contact.

But maybe it was the topic Gao Qi was talking about. It was too difficult for her, a child who hadn't attended school for a few days, to understand, so Gao Qi didn't talk for long before her gaze became a little dazed, gray eyes He began to look out the window, and concentrated on feeling Gao Qi's warm body temperature.

This made Gao Qi can't help thinking, he must hurry up and popularize the necessary knowledge for this future little boss of the integration movement.

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay, my biggest strength is that I'm tough—and why can't I, Miss Alina, I know, you know exactly what I'm talking about, but you don't even care, do you? "

There was a smirk on the corner of his mouth, and Gao Qi looked at this very young Elafia girl who was not inferior to Senomi in terms of momentum.

These days, because Gao Qi often talked with Talula at night by candlelight, and often went to the classrooms in the village to find children to play, so he quickly won Alina's trust, and she never honored Gao Qi again. "gentlemen".

In real contact, Alina's cleverness and occasional venomous tongue quickly made Gao Qi fall in love with her—to be precise, he fell in love with her for the second time.

She is indeed an ordinary village girl whose greatest wish is to live a stable and peaceful life, but she is indeed indispensable to the reunification movement. Although she is not a political commissar, she is a real confidant sister.

In their spare time, the two of them occasionally discuss parenting experiences together, and exchange views on the children and older children they take care of—Alina will complain about Tallulah’s bad habit of staying in bed, while Gao Qi has more girls at home The deeds of their giant babies can be exchanged.

Although Gao Qi may have the girls in his family exhale the blood rage rock avalanche hammer, bomb jumping waves, and calcified weird scissors on his face, but Gao Qi feels that Alina is a She is the best marriage partner, and it is a great blessing to marry her home.

Of course, that's what Gao Qi planned.

"Hmph, don't be so talkative and full of lies. I don't intend to be what you call a "political commissar". I'm just a little village girl. I'm already very happy to see people around me happily spend every day."

Puckering her mouth, Alina took out a jar of precious salt and sprinkled it into the stir-fried vegetables in front of her. She stood on tiptoe and hit Gao Qi again with her long antlers.

That's what she said, but the corners of Alina's mouth couldn't help but raise slightly.

She has weak origin stone skills, although she can't detect the hearts of human beings, but she can feel the sincerity of the other party with a little use.

And this Mr. Gao Qi, whom he has known for more than a month, is the most sincere group just like Tallulah.

Not only did he teach Tallulah many things, but he also taught Alina herself a lot. Not only did he win the love of children and soldiers, Alina could also feel that every time he talked about Gao Qi, Tallulah That obvious smile on his face.

No one disliked him, and so did Alina.

As someone who has always been with Tallulah, Alina knows that perhaps the little red dragon she has been taking care of has not realized what kind of emotion it is, but she can see it.

Fits, fits—

Tallulah did not hide her own background from Alina, and Alina also knew her tortuous experience and noble blood.

For anyone else, Alina would have felt that he must have asked for something, but Gao Qi was different-if Tallulah could be with him, it would be perfect!

【Oh, it's a pity that he's a guy with... so many boats, otherwise I'd have to match Tallulah with him anyway. No, Tallulah doesn't seem to mind too much. 】

Looking at Gao Qi in front of her, Alina couldn't help curling her lips—When Gao Qi was chatting with others, he never concealed the numerous lovers in his family, and even had a sense of pride in offering treasures, and he was with Scar every day. Let's distribute dog food together.

His overly direct and sincere approach made Alina completely unable to feel ill at ease, and instead felt a little—envious?

[Anyway, the person who is so in tune with Tallulah can't be found even with a lantern, so I have to keep him here tonight, and make a good side note—]

"Gao Qi, tonight you-"

After making up her mind, Alina was about to speak when she met Gao Qi's gentle gaze.

"As for you, Alina, self-sacrifice is a good thing, but I think Tallulah will also feel that you also need to be happy, the important one."

"Wh-what are you talking about! The food is going to be mushy!"

Slightly dazed, Alina hastily bumped Gao Qi with the antlers, and then turned her back.

As for how red her face was, only she knew.

"You and Tallulah are staying here tonight—there's a meeting!"


The man in the painting has been re-enacted, and I don’t know when the next new event will be—probably the end of the month? Just in time for the New Year's Opening of the Yan Kingdom?

I really want to buy the hot-colored cheongsam, but I don’t have enough source stones, so I don’t want to spend money on it... But I suddenly found out that the raid in Chapter 9 didn’t seem to be done, and I still have to buckle it!

46. ​​Alina's thoughts~

In the hall of the hut, Tallulah was telling the mountain-like patriot her ideals and the knowledge she had learned from Gao Qi in an excited and excited tone.

In the kitchen, Alina fell into deep thought.

She can't discuss the future of the integration movement, but... she can discuss the future of a person.

Alina is a good girl, although she doesn't think so, but everyone around her thinks so.

As she herself said, she has an ordinary background, ordinary experience, and ordinary family. As an Elafia who grew up in Ursas and never even left the village, she has an ordinary life experience for herself. The future has never had too much hope and expectation.

No way, a fawn can be happier in Sammy and Casimir, but in the country of the giant bear, what extra thoughts can there be?

Even three or four years ago, Alina always thought so.

Originally, she was just an ordinary rural girl. As long as she worked on time, although her life was not much better, she could barely make ends meet.

However, following an accident, she suffered from ore disease, and she had to worry about more things.

In her village, the infected and non-infected people get along just like ordinary people. Under normal circumstances, many healthy farmers even help the infected and provide wrong information when the pickets come.

Conversely, once the infected person's picket team did find out that there was an infected person in the village, that infected person would not hesitate to stand up to prevent others from being implicated.

Alina knows that one day, the picket team of infected people will come to her, maybe tomorrow, maybe never, but she has no extra expectations for her own fate, she just hopes that before that, her own Live as happily and peacefully as possible with those around you.

However, soon, someone broke her peaceful life.

Tallulah, the girl who is a mixed race of Drake and dragon—in fact, if Tallulah hadn't explained it herself, Alina wouldn't even know what these two races are.

That night, Alina had finished work early and planned to go to bed, but the grandfather of the infected person in the neighbor's house suddenly knocked on the door and brought her into the house.

They took in an infected girl who was wearing an Ursus military uniform and was seriously injured. It can be said that each of these characteristics on her body may cause disaster to the entire village, but Alina and the villagers still accepted it. her.

And this red dragon girl told her that all the sufferings they suffered were undeserved, and completely changed Alina's life.

Like her own Originium skill, Tallulah is passionate like a flame, and she will dare to fight against any injustice.

After the grandfather of the infected died to protect Tallulah, Alina saw the anger that really belonged to the dragon. The blazing flame instantly burned the pickets of the infected to charcoal. Their terrified wailing, Ali Na still has not forgotten.

It was also because of this, but after everything was settled, Tallulah seemed to have made up her mind to change the status quo of the infected, and after sending an invitation to herself, Alina chose to hold Tallulah's hand.

Alina didn't want to do anything for the infected. In fact, she also knew that her existence did not change the status quo, but the angry Tallulah made her feel uneasy.

She always felt that there was something wrong with Tallulah, she was a good person and a kind girl, but there was darkness and gloom hidden in her heart, even if Tallulah hid it well, that gloom made Alina especially Worry.

So, she caught up with Tallulah and became the first member of the Reunification Movement.

Alina couldn't save all the infected people, but she felt that if she only took care of one person, she could still do it.

Later, Tallulah also admitted that there is indeed a darkness hidden in her heart—not rhetoric or description, but a dark soul that is actually hidden.

That soul wanted to force Tallulah to become a saint. Even if she flinched and wavered a little, Tallulah would instantly become another person—Alina didn't fully understand it, but it probably meant that.

It's so vicious, just like those witches and ghosts who cursed others in the legend of Ursas, so vicious and hateful, Alina is very concerned about Tallulah, not only observing her mood and thoughts all the time, but also There is also a lot of care in daily life.

It's not so much that the two are best friends, but sometimes Alina always feels that she is Tallulah's mother—no, maybe the mother of an ordinary child doesn't even need to bother so much.

Even a few months ago, Tallulah always frowned when no one was around, as if thinking about something, Alina encouraged her and comforted her all the time.

She is still an ordinary deer who has not read many books and can only educate and enlighten children at most. No matter in terms of knowledge or knowledge in her mind, she is far inferior to Tallulah, but... even a powerful integration movement leader, She also needs someone to talk with her.

But...Alina knew that this companionship could not be forever—she was a patient of the ore.

Although Talula is also a patient of ore disease, in fact, the effect of ore disease on her is minimal. As long as she is properly cared for and has a regular life, the ore disease will not continue to aggravate.

And Alina is very weak and extremely fragile, and she herself is not sure when the ore disease may suddenly worsen, and she may die in an accident like other fighters of the integration movement—she has this kind of premonition.

But she was still worried about Tallulah, this girl who likes to get into the wrong corner, if she is not enlightened, she will easily get into a dead end and hit the south wall with a **** head.

Alina once reminded Tallulah that if she was gone one day, she hoped that Tallulah would be strong on her own. Although Tallulah fully agreed, Alina knew that if this stubborn little dragon could If she made a change, she wouldn't be Tallulah, and she wouldn't be the leader of the Reunification Movement.

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