Therefore, Alina has been seriously looking for someone who can replace herself, take care of Tallulah, and at the same time make her sober and calm down when necessary.

It's a pity, at least not so long ago, this person didn't exist - Froststar can physically freeze people, calm down or something... She is not the kind of person who can correct and change others.

Alina has no other skills, but she is the one who understands people's hearts the most. She knows the personalities of the acquaintances in the integration movement, even Mr. Patriot.

If Tallulah is no longer Tallulah, these people... I'm afraid they can't do much.

Although there is a feeling of unfounded worry, Alina is still very afraid, afraid that everything she cherishes now, and everything that Tallulah cherishes will disappear and fall apart.

But... less than a month ago, she noticed a turning point in things.

When Gao Qi returned to their home with Tallulah for the first time, when Gao Qi took Sasha, who was reluctant, and Ino, who was sticking to him, to her small classroom for the first time Alina felt... this is an extraordinary man.

Although he always claimed to be an ordinary hunter, Alina could see that he was extraordinary.

As for his purpose of coming here, Tallulah has always been secretive to herself, and she also did not tell others. Although Alina was a little puzzled, seeing Tallulah's determined and worried expression, she also agreed. .

Gao Qi is kind and friendly, and gets along well with every stranger. Even the villagers who initially rejected him because of his status as a non-infected person quickly became friends with him.

He came back to help at the school from time to time, and the children looked forward to Gao Qi's brother coming to give them lectures every day—it was quite enviable.

Even that icy Yelena didn't reject him now, she always stayed by his side, turned him into severe frostbite with that hypothermia, and then recovered after drinking a vial of blood—only he could Get along well with Frost Star in this way.

as now—

"To be honest, I think my wok is already hot enough. Otherwise, if I boil a pot of water and you hold the pot to warm it up for a while, I can't cook with you hugging me like this."

"It will be cold soon, do you think I haven't tried it, the origin stone warm baby we seized from the army is touched by me once, and the magic circuit will be damaged immediately, and only you are the only one I can touch A constant heat source."

He hugged Gao Qi's waist from behind, and put his face on Gao Qi's back. Although Shuang Xing and Gao Qi spoke in a cold tone, Alina could secretly observe that on her stiff expression, Rarely showed a subtle smile.

"Hurry up and finish the cooking. If it's delicious, I'll allow you to touch my head and ears."

The big gray and white ears tapped Gao Qi's back twice. Frost star knew that this guy had no resistance to furry—she didn't hurt Gao Qi in vain. In return, she would allow Gao Qi to turn back every time. Come over and touch her ears, anyway, she is very happy.

"Hey, I'm excited when you say that."

As soon as the words fell, Gao Qi's cooking speed immediately accelerated.

It's not surprising when you think about it, a Carters girl who has never been in contact with others because she was afraid of frostbite more than ten years ago, now suddenly meets a person who doesn't get frostbite, if you don't get close to him, That's weird.

And Alina also knows that the reason why Frost Star got close to Gao Qi is definitely not the simple use she said in her mouth. Her heart is easier to alienate people than the Originium skill. If she doesn't really recognize Gao Qi, then she will definitely not Put on such a cute face.

【Hey... This is more intimate than expected, Yelena, this guy, no way—you have to speed up! 】

Apart from Frost Star, Alina knew that Gao Qi also easily won Tallulah's respect—not just respect.

Although Tallulah also told her that Mr. Gao Qi also belonged to a certain longevity race and was much older than he looked, Alina knew that her respect for Gao Qi was definitely not just because of age and his strength.

Tallulah is very kind to everyone, but it is not easy to gain her respect.

But these days, Tallulah brought Gao Qi to the house more and more frequently, and the two of them either talked by candlelight at night, or whispered directly in the dark in order not to disturb Alina's sleep.

Although Alina only had a half-knowledge of the content of the discussion, once Gao Qi found out that he was eavesdropping, the way of discussion became more understandable.

Alina didn't understand the theoretical part of it, what is the encirclement and connection between moving cities and moving villages, what is the difference between guerrilla warfare in the snowfields and guerrilla warfare in the south, the distribution of land and the establishment of base areas, the necessity of spiritual construction and discipline in the army... But she knows , the world described by Gao Qi is a truly hopeful world.

Although at the beginning, Tallulah had objections to Gao Qi's theory, neither understanding nor approving it, and even felt that the other party was a bit too idealistic, but soon, Gao Qi used the social survey evidence obtained from traveling more than half of the world , and the Rust Hammer Organization, Babel Tower and other non-governmental organizations as cases, completely convinced Tallulah.

After that, after making up her mind to correct the path of the integration movement, Tallulah's feelings for him completely turned into respect, and she even regarded him as a teacher.

He changed Tallulah, which changed the Unification Movement.

As for Alina, she felt that she had finally found someone who could take care of her all the time after she was gone, and rescue her from the darkness at critical moments.

Alina made up her mind to let Gao Qi and Tallulah be together, and not only the current friendship, but definitely go further.

Miss Xiaolu can see that Tallulah's feelings for Gao Qi are not only admiration as a student, but also a girl's longing for an outstanding man—it's just that this guy usually doesn't think about emotional issues at all, and doesn't think about it at all. I used to be a steel straight girl who I needed to fall in love with, so I didn't discover this relationship.

What Alina has to do is to channel out this feeling.

As for Gao Qi...Although he is good in everything, Alina knows that this guy has a weakness that many men have - he has nothing to do with cute girls.

If it wasn't like this, he could completely refuse to be frostbitten by Frost Star every time, and he wouldn't have no intention of refusing in the face of that Miss Magellan's blatant offensive.

Alina knew that there were nearly ten girls in this guy's family, and from Gao Qi's account, they were all better at fighting than the other, and more talented than the other... They all got together like this!

But now, Alina understands that if Talula doesn't take the initiative to rush forward, this guy Frost Star will be there first!

Finally, the dishes were cooked, and Alina served them without waiting for Gao Qi to make a move, walked into the hall, looked at Tallulah with a smile, and looked a little terrified.

"Tonight, let Mr. Gao Qi have a meeting at home, just the three of us!"


Yesterday, my mother was discharged from the hospital after surgery. She didn't update or write a leave note. I'm sorry.

Sure enough, the production team communicated that the new activity is Dayan—I bet that the young chef brother is just as cute as Suiyue Ansel Reinhardt!

47. Approval of comrade patriots!

Alina's invitation surprised Gao Qi.

Although this good girl treated Gao Qi very kindly, just like everyone else, she had never specially invited herself to her house before that.

Before that, Tallulah often brought Gao Qi to her house, and the two chatted for half the night. The half-superior and one Chimera were so energetic that they basically wouldn't end the discussion because of sleepiness.

Therefore, Gao Qi is always a little embarrassed when facing Alina. After all, it is like bringing her boyfriend to his shared room. Awkward.

Of course, if you are an old hunter who is new to Terra, you may feel at a loss for this invitation, but Gao Qi has already trained a thick-skinned King Kong under the repeated tossing of his own girls.

Since the little deer invited him personally, he naturally readily agreed, and planned to take this opportunity to increase his friendship with Tallulah and Alina!

What happened to the revolutionary leader, the leader also wants to fall in love, the leader also needs to have a private life! Even if Tallulah's generation can't complete her mission of liberation, Gao Qi can help her create a descendant who inherits her will... is it considered a weak claim?

There is no way, Gao Qi is this kind of super scumbag who has lived among thousands of flowers and never let him go!

Finally, after discussing for several hours at a stretch, having a brief lunch made by Gao Qi in the middle, and discussing from noon until sunset, Tallulah and Patriot finally ended their long discussion.

During this period, Frost Star went back to the guerrillas to continue training, while Alina continued to teach the children, and there were only three people left in the room.

"...Talulah, your theory is very novel. Maybe Ursas had such ideas before, but they were quickly suppressed by the military and police. I am ashamed to say that my team has also held such a role. I also paid the blood price for this—but obviously, your theory is more detailed and worth thinking about than those scholars who spread such ideas in the city."

Patriot stood up from his iron bench, and stretched out the prison with the sound of metal friction. Even as a Wendigo, he felt a little parched. He rarely spoke, almost I finished speaking for a month today.

"I don't know if the path you chose is correct, but I know that you have no hesitation in your path. This is the character that a leader must have. Whether it is right or wrong, you cannot let anyone see your hesitation."

Stretching out his hand, he patted Tallulah's shoulder lightly with his metal claws. Patriot's tone was much softer than what Tallulah had known him before.

"You should be aware that I didn't approve of you before. It was because I thought you lacked the decisiveness and even ruthlessness that a leader should have. But now, I see your determination, Tallulah."

Looking at the young girl opposite, who was still full of energy even after several hours of debate, her bright gray eyes seemed to be burning with flames, the patriot felt a force from her, a wave of power. An irresistible force.

He has only felt this power from a few people - the former emperor of Ursus, His Highness Theresa, and the general he once followed.

"Ahaha... Actually, I'm also very nervous. After all, it hasn't been long since Mr. Gao Qi told me these knowledge and theories. I want to sum up and sort out a set of methods suitable for us. Now I can barely build one. Framework, there is still a long way to go—ah, thank you."

Licking her somewhat parched lips, Tallulah let out a long sigh of relief. After making sure that she had made no mistakes, she finally relaxed and took a glass of warm water from Gao Qi's hand.

"And, in the final analysis, although Mr. Gauch has been self-deprecating, saying that his theory is just copied from others, but his understanding of Terra and the internal situation of various governments far exceeds my understanding-and he has It’s a good sentence, practice is the only criterion for testing the truth, whether it’s right or wrong, we have to do it first!”

Tallulah looked at Gao Qi beside him with a smile, and casually held his hand, feeling nothing wrong.

"...My understanding of Terra also comes from another person. It's a pity that Kelsey didn't come to the north, otherwise she might have given more help—of course, you may not be able to bear her character, Mr. Patriot You should know what a tough guy she is."

Being held by Tallulah enthusiastically, Gao Qi could only let her play with her. During this time, he has been by Tallulah's side to help her make up for some omissions, and at the same time he felt tremendous pressure.

There is no other reason. He is a science student himself. He has not studied politics for a long time.

Fortunately, Tallulah is almost a genius in this area. All kinds of theories are easy to understand. Gao Qi mentions the beginning, and she can come up with the next content. She is simply a natural political leader.

Moreover, Gao Qi also knows that in the current timeline, although the Gaul Empire is directly divided up, there is no chance of any commune revolution, but the oppression of workers and peasants around the world is also very high, and many people of insight have already proposed similar theory.

However, the range of activities of those scholars is still in the mobile city, still some distance away from the far north.

If Gaoqi hadn't spread it, Tallulah might never have received this idea—Gaoqi just acted as a theory porter.

However, once the flame is ignited, it is extremely difficult to extinguish it. Tallulah, a genius strategist, will definitely continue the theory taught to her by Gao Qi, and work out a set that is suitable for Ursus and the integration movement. line of struggle.

"Lord Kelsey...Indeed, her enmity with Ursus is far greater than mine—Mr. Gao Qi, since you understand this theory, have you ever thought about telling His Highness?"

Nodded, although he is not very familiar with Kelsey, the patriot still respects this lord, but at the same time, he also twisted his mask, and the red light in his eyes brought a little surprise and confusion .

" am I going to tell a royal heir this? Let her kill herself? I discussed this with her. Theresa is a good person. If she wants to make Kazdel better, she has to go another way. There is a way—Terra is big enough that even a different route is unacceptable."

Speaking of Her Royal Highness, Gao Qi shrugged helplessly. He knew that for Theresia, if she knew that there was a way to make people's lives better, she would change her own without hesitation. However, the heads of the royal courts that she cooperated with would not agree, and this kind of thing can only be done slowly.

"Hey... You are also very familiar with Princess Teresia, I have only seen her in the information—as expected of the founding member of the Tower of Babel!"

On the side, Talula looked at Gao Qi with a little more admiration.

You know, Tallulah has always been very curious about the mysterious Sarkaz royal court.

After all, she had seen Kosche before. After the "Snake Scale" he sent was intercepted by Theresia and Teresis, she rarely broke the defense and became furious. The fear of the ancients.

If Tallulah hadn't had to stay here because of the Reunification Movement, she might have sought the ancient Sarkaz spells to find a way to purge the dark part of her soul.

"Okay, Mr. Gao Qi, don't be self-effacing. Among the people I know, those who are knowledgeable are definitely not as brave as you, and those who are highly skilled in martial arts may not have a college degree-the only people who are both civil and military are Gao. You, Mr. Qi."

Holding Gao Qi's hand affectionately, Tallulah likes to do these small gestures when expressing intimacy, and this is the case for Alina—Mr. Strange, it is rare for her to satisfy her desire to be close to others.

"...Okay, okay, the more you talk about it, the more I blush. I asked you to convince Mr. Patriot, not to praise me."

Facing the praise of Tallulah's straight ball, Gao Qi, who was rarely praised by others, blushed, pulled his hand away, and looked at the Patriot opposite.

"I believe that you have seen Tallulah's determination... Bojokasti."

Looking at the patriot, Gao Qi rarely called him by his first name, and his tone became a lot more serious. Gao Qi, Kelsey, and Theresa were all chatting and laughing, and they naturally regarded themselves as equals to the patriot.

"Your guerrillas are opposed to leaving Beiyuan because you can only exist in Beiyuan. A purely militarized armed group, it is difficult to hide and lurk in a sovereign country. You are a pure army with no bases and no rear. Without the people who support you—it’s hard to last long and develop by fighting to support the war, the reason why the guerrillas can still exist is that you are not big, but Beiyuan is poor enough, and your path is not correct.”

The patriot's guerrillas had a high reputation among the infected in Beiyuan, but that was all. They had always only accepted fighters and strengthened themselves in battle after battle.

This method has continued for decades, but the mines in the north of Ursus still exist one after another, and the speed of destruction is not even as fast as the speed of establishment. The guerrilla army has a great reputation, but its effects are extremely limited.

"You know very well that if you want to save everyone, you can't just rely on veterans to fight one by one, but to arouse everyone's resistance, then give them weapons and teach them to fight—finally, make Ursus completely Shuffle the cards, whether they are emperors, nobles or warlords, they will all be swept into the garbage heap together.”

In Gao Qi's view, instead of letting Ursus die quickly in the decline of internal friction, it is better to give him a good time-of course, other countries will also be eyeing at this time, but that is a new issue that needs to be considered at that time.

Gao Qi knew that whether it was Speaker Witte or the current little emperor, they were neither sycophants nor tyrants. There were still some good people in Ursus, but this was meaningless to the country.

"There is only personal good and evil, not class good and evil. Mr. Gao Qi reminded me that even if the great former emperor recovers again, it is impossible to stop the decline of Ursas—we can't even fight for a Compromising at home, we must continue to fight, only by completely overthrowing this regime, can the people of Ursus survive, this is not just a problem faced by the infected.”

During her time as the head of the Ursas Gendarmerie, Tallulah witnessed countless murders and tragedies, but she could do nothing about them. She would help many people within the scope of her powers and responsibilities, but in the end they often changed Nothing.

Tallulah knew that personal good and evil could no longer redeem the current Ursus, and she couldn't even lead the infected to flee abroad to find a homeland where no one would interfere. That was an unrealistic delusion.

"Whatever the outcome, Mr. Patriot, we will raise a flag for the oppressed at the bottom. Mr. Patriot, no one knows the strength of Ursus better than you or me, but we must fight—if we die , then it will inspire future generations!"

The tail on the back unconsciously rested on Gao Qi's thigh, and Tallulah's eyes really ignited a flame, although the current integration movement, no matter facing the Ursus army, is still Demons and powers can be said to be as humble as ants, but Tallulah has this confidence.

"After all, Mr. Gao Qi and everyone are here!"

Tightening Gao Qi's hand, Tallulah smiled brightly.

"Amazing will... Tallulah, I salute you."

He lowered his head and showed respect to Tallulah. The patriots had already recognized the young red dragon. This action even surprised Tallulah.

"I admit that the Majesty I followed is dead, and now Ursus is hopeless, unity and innovation are impossible, and the road I seek is blocked—whether detailed or not, you show me There's a new way out."

As he spoke, the patriot's mountain-like body slowly fell, wanting to kneel on the ground on one knee.

"For this possibility, Tallulah, the guerrillas will fight for you, and I will also be at your disposal—"

This is an unimaginable recognition. Even in the original work, Patriot did not fully recognize Tallulah. He just felt that the integration movement was the best choice among countless endings, but now he feels... Tallulah The future is limitless.

The young red dragon deserves his allegiance as much as the great former emperor of Ursus.

"No kneeling."

However, before the patriot could make a move, a huge force lifted his heavy body up.

Gao Qi exerted all his strength, and his superior strength barely supported the weight of the Patriot. Soon, Tallulah also exerted force from the other side, bringing him back to the standing position.

"I haven't told you this yet, Mr. Patriot, the society we want to build is a society where everyone is equal. There is no allegiance or dignity, only mutual respect and recognition. If you really recognize each other, just shake hands." — Comrade Patriot?"

Saying that, Tallulah smiled and extended her hand to the Patriot.

Patriot was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and shook her lightly with his huge palm.

"Well, it seems that I still have to adapt to your new society, and the members of the integration movement also need to adapt-comrade Tallulah."

"That's right, and Comrade Gao Qi!"

And Tallulah immediately grabbed Gao Qi's arm with the other hand and shook it back and forth a few times.

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