"Thank God, the communication was connected, Tallulah, we won! It was much easier than we imagined, and the artillerymen didn't even notice us approaching. After the surprise attack, many Ursus soldiers surrendered on the spot, it seems because They were originally transferred from Sunset Canyon in violation of the regulations, but several senior military officers who transferred them suddenly died, so they were at a loss, and we did not see the cause of death... Although many people were injured and some people were injured. A foot, but no problem! No sacrifices, this is a big victory!"

Listening to the reports from the captains of the Unity Movement on the connected radio, Tallulah breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, let's count the supplies, **** the prisoners back to the headquarters, remember, no beatings, no abuse, no abuse, treat them in accordance with our latest discipline, we will go to celebrate this victory, and Mr. Patriot must also feel it joy."

Putting down the walkie-talkie, Tallulah smiled at the relaxed companion beside her, and turned to look out the window.

Although there is nothing here, it can be said that there are no bacteria, but feeling the peaceful blood of the red dragon, Tallulah suddenly has a feeling that this place is full of vitality.

The shadow of the demon has been completely dispelled. In Lilia's instrument, various physical constants have returned to normal, and this place has become a normal world.

In another year, and in the next spring, the scene of vigorous development of all things will appear here.

And all of this was brought by one person.

Lowering her head, Tallulah saw a cute black-haired little boy who was about the same age as Sashaino and the others, wearing a loose hunter uniform.

He was lying on the laps of himself, Frost Star, and Miss Magellan, and fell asleep. On his immature face, he could vaguely see his handsome appearance when he grew up.

Mr. Gao Qi, the man she loved, who defeated the demon, became a child.

"That... Ms. Maria, Gao Qita, will this continue? When will they wake up?"

Raising her head and looking at Maria in the front seat, who was taking care of Skadi with Lilith, Tallulah asked worriedly.

"...Don't worry, they are just undergoing a transformation, and they will wake up in a day or two at most, but if they want to turn back into adults, it may take a few months, and if it is slow, it may take a year or two—you have to understand, They're becoming gods, real gods."

Maria doesn't like people in positions of power, but looking at the little Gao Qi, she still couldn't help but smile.

This guy, when he was young, was much cuter than when he grew up.

"Eh... no, one year, how could this be the case, I was just with Kiki just now, but I was in the same room, and I've been peeking at Kiki and Titi doing that kind of thing—I want to do that too La!"

Hearing Maria's words, the little penguin Magellan immediately turned into a sad face. She heard about old colleagues such as Gauchi, Sereya, Hemer, and the white-faced owl from Skadi, which made people blush. In daily life, it can be said that I yearn for it.

However, after finally reuniting in this extreme north and solving the world's major crisis, Magellan finally felt that he could have the opportunity to hand over his most precious thing to Gao Qi, and then live a shameless life together—Gao Qi Odd, he's turned into a child!

"Oh, Magellan, Miss Magellan! Come on!"

As soon as these words came out, Simone, who was driving, turned completely red-faced, and the demons had dissipated. As a snow priest, she felt that she might usher in a wave of unemployment—she was already considering whether to send her resume to Paris. Do not go to the tower.

However, Lilia on the side didn't respond.

"It's nothing. I still like children. It's not bad that Gao Qi is like this."

Turning her head, she looked at Gao Qi, who was lying on the three big girls, and gently hugged the little Skadi in her arms. In Lilia's eyes, there was a maternal love that hadn't appeared for a long time.

She felt, maybe, the relationship between herself and Gao Qi is as good as it is, there is no need to go further. After he becomes a child, at least he will not be able to attack her violently, and Lilia herself will not be so shaken...

"Hahaha, this is a good idea for you, Mai Mai, you are really like Gao Qi, you are full of that kind of thing in your mind, I am different, just pursue a soul mate, he will change when he gets smaller Little, I still fall in love with him, and I happen to bully and bully him a lot during this time, hehe~~"

Looking at Gao Qi's thighs, Gao Qi's waist was so young that it was even slender than his own, and Shuang Xing's mischievous heart surged up again.

"The big guy you want has completely disappeared. Now, Gao Qi may only have..."

Stretching out a hand that was no longer cold, but slightly warmer, Frost Star gently lifted Xiao Gaoqi's baggy pants with a smirk.

"Little j—"


Before he could finish speaking, with a loud slapping sound, Frost Star's pale cheek was slapped violently, and a wide red mark appeared.


In the next second, the eyes of all the girls present could no longer move away.


Looking at the thing that should not appear on a cute little boy at all, I don't know who it is, and swallowed lightly.

In Lilia's heart, the maternal love for Gao Qi disappeared before it was fully aroused. And Magellan's golden eyes immediately lit up.

Back to childhood, back to a hammer!

This guy, Gao Qi, didn't turn into a child at all! !


Cough cough, the next two chapters should be the last two chapters of this volume, which is also the usual final volume, don't worry, I won't speed up, definitely not!

The name Egil is indeed the **** of the sea in Norse mythology. I also changed a lot of Norse gods for the name of Sister Titi, and found that Egil is the most suitable-everyone can think of it according to the scientific research ship in Azur!

I forgot to report the results of Cheng Shan. I should have drawn about 100 draws. Anyway, all the jade I saved after the last pool was spent. Although I paid an extra 648, it was out after the first ten rounds of krypton—I Doubt this was intentional!

But the pink cat is still so cute, but it is a pity that it will be difficult to appear in the future stories—work hard!

Epilogue (Part 1): The final night of the integration movement.

The demon failed, no, the demon was destroyed.

Although the high-level officials were completely bewildered and couldn't figure out what happened, the frontline soldiers had already started cheering and celebrating.

After all, no one understands more clearly than them, and observes more intuitively—

The cloud-covered sky began to clear up, the surrounding phantoms completely disappeared, the oppressive fog disappeared completely, and those twisted, almost crazy flesh and blood creations also collapsed amidst desperate wailing sounds.

The frenzy of demons disappeared without warning!

"Victorious! For Dayan!!"

"Long live the emperor! Long live Ursus!!"

Yumen Pass, Sunset Canyon, and even Sami and the northern border of Dongguo, all the soldiers were cheering, praising the object they had just prayed for in their hearts.

The soldiers who were nearly insane after the **** slaughter and the threat of the twisted monster regained their sobriety at a certain moment.

And for many years, countless veterans who survived the confrontation with demons, but their minds were severely damaged, and became crazy after retiring, and could only be looked after in nursing homes and nursing homes, also at some point, dispelled their hearts. The nightmare of a man turned into a sane person.

All of these, all the causes and effects of all evil spirits, will completely disappear in a certain moment-this is the death of the gods.

The God of Foehn has not died, and the belief in the God of Starry Sky has long since declined, but the demon is different. His influence on the world has lasted for thousands of years.

And now, he is dead, and everything that existed in him has been erased by Gao Qi—it sounds a bit sad, but don't most mortals also pass away in obscurity?

Of course, as long as people's memory of the demon is still there, his vacant position will definitely give birth to a new **** one day, but that will be a long time later - at that time, Gao Qi will definitely supervise it carefully, It's best to give birth to a cute and cute new god.

And all of this, ordinary people can't detect it, but presumably, the high-level officials of various big countries such as Ursas and Yan Kingdom will definitely not be surprised, but more frightened.

After all, even though it is a mortal enemy, the mortal enemy you have fought against for thousands of years suddenly disappears without a trace, and everyone will feel panicked.

"The demon reaction disappeared, there is no one left, and all physical disturbances are gone?"

In Sunset Canyon, Chairman Werther almost shattered the cane in his hand. He couldn't figure out what happened no matter what.

"Yes, Mr. Speaker, as if erased by an eraser, everyone said that the monsters disappeared instantly, and the crazy people admitted to the field hospital also recovered—this is simply a miracle."

On the side, a staff officer of the legion reported the situation excitedly. He couldn't wait to join the cheering ocean outside the tent. Now everyone was celebrating his survival and the disappearance of the demons, and the soldiers of the first and second legions were especially excited.

"God... I have to notify His Majesty immediately, find out the cause of the incident as soon as possible, remember to gather the staff as soon as possible, and count the casualties-forget it, let's celebrate for a while, there is a celebration banquet tonight, ah, remember to let those group of guards throw the inner guards into the sky signed a non-disclosure agreement."

Looking not far away, it was originally planned to withdraw from the battlefield quietly, but was held back by several vanguards and shield guards. Because the demon power disappeared, it weakened a lot, and could only be thrown into the sky. Wei, Chairman Witte knows that in the future, his work may be much more.

"The fluctuation of the evil beast has disappeared, completely disappeared, Si Tianjian, check the compass again, and I will personally go deep into Saibei."

In front of the Yumen Pass, the cheers of the soldiers resounded throughout the world, but many celestial masters are still maintaining their vigilance. Several giant beast scholars also manipulated instruments to continuously observe the physical constants of Saibei. The momentum is ready to go, and we are always preparing for a possible counterattack.

"Okay, okay, don't bother, old man, I've said it all, that demon must have been slaughtered by Mr. Gao Qi, and the Yan Kingdom's soldiers can't completely wipe him out. I can feel that from now on in the world, no more There is no evil spirit—the death of the gods, it turned out to be like this, it is really, lonely..."

Beside him, Ling flicked his blue tail, poured himself a gulp of wine, and waved at Mi Mi who was slowly walking towards him in the distance, and the other party was full of joy.

"It seems that I still underestimated Mr. Gao Qi, the **** of killing gods, heh, he really lives up to his name... If Dayan wants to continue to treat Mr. Gao Qi as a 'beast', then I can't do anything about it, but well, I have already invited him to come to the university. Yan is playing, and when the time comes, you better know what to do—maybe Mr. Gao Qi can completely solve the age that you have been afraid of for thousands of years?"

Some foxes took advantage of the deterrence brought by Mr. Gao Qi after he eliminated the evil spirits, making Ling a little tougher in the conversation with the old heavenly master.

In fact, even Ling didn't expect that Gao Qi could completely solve the threat of demons. He completely killed the concept called demons. If he didn't behave so easy to get along with, I'm afraid Ling would also start to panic up.

[Oh, you really surprised me, Mr. Gao Qi, it seems that there are 12 of us, brothers and sisters, and I am afraid that we really need to ask you for help—well, it is also time to squat out of Xi's house Well, it just so happens that I have a personal lesson to teach this naughty boy, right here at... Longmen! 】

Secretly making a plan in his heart, Ling shook the empty wine gourd, smiled and looked to the southwest, the city closest to Ursas. .

"If you can really help us solve the 'year-old'... this kindness, even if it brings me and Jie together again, I'm afraid it won't be enough—in a few days, just send an invitation."

Ling knows that there are 12 brothers and sisters, and they may have to find a chance to get together.

Of course, it is definitely not just Ursas and Yan people who feel puzzled and confused about what happened in the northern border.

The impact of the disappearance of the demons is too great. If the northern border is really turned into a non-threatening land that can be used for human habitation and reclamation, then... the conflict of interests in it will be enough to reverse the situation of the entire world.

Among other things, colonialist Victoria, which lacks great virtue, and Colombia, where the great reclamation is still going on, will never miss this opportunity.

Soon, the leaders of all countries in the world will send out their most elite intelligence agencies to collect information about the godslayer who never hides his whereabouts.

And soon, whether it is the emperor, the son of heaven, the queen or the king, there will be a hunter's name on their desks who traveled across the countries, made friends along the way, and caused many big things.

—Gao Qi, if it is said that he killed the God of the Starry Sky "with the Silver Spear Pegasus" in Casimir, and killed a blood demon lord in Kazdel, it is just to let these rulers know the name of Gao Qi , so now, the name Gao Qi... will definitely become their first object of attention.


A week later, night.

Ursas, in the northern part of the province of Yinfei, is the headquarters of the integration movement.

After the battle, the fighters of the integration movement did not immediately celebrate. They still had a lot to do.

The matter of the evil spirit has been sealed in the north. Since the evil spirit is dead, there is no need to worry everyone any more.

Nearly a thousand Ursas captives from the Artillery Battalion are not a small number. In the past, although the Integration Movement would not kill enemy prisoners like Ursas soldiers, they would not bring them back either.

However, under the guidance of Gao Qi, the studious Talula quickly understood how to turn the enemy into a friend. The captured soldiers received the same food and treatment as other soldiers. Pull a little bit so that the captured soldiers and members of the integration movement understood the theory that Gao Qi taught her.

The so-called discrimination against the infected is just a means for the rulers to disperse their power and consolidate their rule. Even if the infected live worse, it cannot change the reality of the desperate life of the serfs and workers.

Unless, declare war on Ursus, declare war on everyone who oppresses the people - either linger in **** today, or choose to die in pursuit of tomorrow.

Although not everyone understands it, the fighters of the integration movement chose to believe in Tallulah, and among those captives, many children from peasant families in non-provinces and neighboring provinces, after understanding that Tallulah established a base area, divided After the theory of the land, he also chose to join the consolidation movement after reviewing it.

As for the remaining soldiers who hoped to be sent back to their hometowns, Tallulah also gave them travel expenses and rations—for those who "fleeed" from the frontal battlefield and were still captured, unless they had aristocratic background, there was a high probability that they would not Those who dare to return to the army.

This kind of behavior is aimed at establishing the integration movement. The fighters are proud of themselves as "Masters of Civilization". The integration movement will not fight to the death - firing two shots into the sky is also worthy of the emperor.

But even so, the integration movement will not bear the risk of being exposed by secrets, and will continue to stay here. Soon, they packed their bags and prepared to embark on a new journey.

Not so long ago, the Consolidation Movement seized an abandoned mobile town block, barely kicking it into motion.

There, it will become the mobile base of the integration movement. It may usher in other blocks for merger, or it may be abandoned without hesitation when the Ursas army is overwhelmed. After merging with the guerrillas, the integration movement will not only be in the snow field , but extensive guerrilla warfare throughout Ursus.

Whether it is the rugged terrain in the extreme northern ice sheet or the large uncultivated woodlands and mountains in the south, after carefully studying the large map of the entire territory of Ursas, Gao Qi and Tallulah were surprised to find that each of the Ursas The legion formed by the torrent of steel is not as terrifying and unstoppable as imagined.

Like the Udon War, the Ursas are not invincible.

The integration movement cadres trained from now on will quickly understand that theory and go to cities and villages in various places alone to gain broad mass support for the integration movement.

The warlords and aristocrats from all over the world are shirking each other and preserving their strength, which will give great convenience to the guerrilla warfare of the integration movement at the border of forces.

And the disappearing demons, as well as the land of the extreme north, which is now completely safe and where even wild beasts do not exist, will usher in the reclamation and competition of all countries.

At that time, frictions and disputes among countries in the world will inevitably arise, involving the energy of Ursus, and at that time... it will be an opportunity for the integration movement-no matter how abundant the resources of the new land of no man are, it is not in the interests of the people at the bottom.

And tomorrow, the Integration Movement fighters, who were about to set off across the snowy field and march southward for a long guerrilla journey, finally put down their work for the time being and started a belated celebration banquet.

"Oh, oh, one more, one more!"

Under the bright moonlight, in the small village that sprinkled the spring night, the soldiers of the integration movement sat around the bonfire one by one, talking, laughing and singing, or drinking happily, while playing the accordion accompaniment, while dancing cheerfully.

From now on, they are no longer a group of desperate survivors made up of infected people, but proud fighters who are fighting for the future of themselves and their children—after the laughter tonight, maybe they will welcome the next day. to die, but they never looked back.

And in this happy time, in a hut that has almost been evacuated, leaving only a bed covered with a thick blanket, Alina is sitting quietly by the bed, watching with two little boys He turned to another boy covered with a quilt on the bed.

"When will brother Gao Qi wake up? He won't keep sleeping like this...Sasha, brother is younger than me now, why?"

"What are you talking about, Ino, Sister Maria said that Brother Gao Qi will wake up soon, but he was too tired before, and as for getting smaller... I don't know."

Looking at the bed, there was a boy who was very similar to Gao Qi, but a little shorter than both of them, probably only a teenager, Sasha and Ino were chattering and making noise.

During this week, they came to see the younger brother Gao Qi every day. Although it was a bit difficult to understand, in their eyes, brother Gao Qi was almost omnipotent. It should be easy to become a child!

"Okay, okay, don't worry, you two, brother Gao Qi just needs to rest, he will wake up after a while, and he will walk with us, and you can play together...Let him be quiet for a while, Let's go to the bonfire party."

"Oh, brother Gao Qi will call us when he wakes up."

"Ah, good evening, Sister Tallulah."

Hearing the knock on the door, Alina pushed the two cubs out of the house and saw Tallulah smiling.

Soon, Talula and Alina sat back beside Gao Qi's bed.

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