"How is it? Ms. Maria said that he has basically recovered. It may be that he had other encounters in the dream, so he slept for a few more days. Is there any sign of waking up today?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Alina smiled helplessly. For the past few days, the girls have been taking turns taking care of the two hunters who have turned into children. Gaoqi has a bed and Skadi has a bed, although There wasn't much to do either, but someone had to be watching.

"Who knows, he and Titi just fall asleep like this, and don't need to eat, drink, or go to the toilet. If only all the children were so easy to take care of - he is really a weirdo, you just put him and When Titi came back, I didn't know what expression to make, but it was quite cute."

As she spoke, Alina stretched out her hand and gently stroked Xiao Gaoqi's face.

After Gao Qi became smaller, his appearance also changed back to his childhood appearance, white and clean, very cute.

In the past, although he couldn't be said to be a pure uncle and tough guy image, he often grew full of beards without cutting for a few days, and he was a somewhat handsome adult.

But the current Gao Qi can be said to have completely lost the aura of a hunter, as cute as a little girl.

"Hey, Hui Jie may not have been as cute as him when he was a child. The boy has changed a lot. I hope that Sasha and Yinuo will not be as rough as him when they grow up."

Kicking off her shoes and taking off her military uniform, Tallulah lay next to Gao Qi, smiling and touching the little Gao Qi's head.

She is very tired these days, and it is conceivable that she will be extremely busy and tired for many years to come. Only in front of Gao Qi, the person she admires, can Tallulah relax a little.

Afterwards, Alina on the side also took off her shoes and coat, leaving only a thin shirt, and lay beside Gao Qi with Tallulah on the left and right, covered her quilt, and her chest, which was almost the same size, was clamped His little head.

Tonight, it was the turn of the two of them to take care of Gao Qi.

"Don't say when he wakes up, just wake up. I heard from Sister Maria that it will take a few months at the shortest before he grows into an adult—really, is God so troublesome? Being with this guy After that, I got used to all the gods and ghosts."

And then Alina sighed.

"Fortunately, we planned to confess our love to him after the previous fight, but he suddenly became a child. It feels weird to confess to him again."

Alina looked at Gao Qi with love for her lover and concern for her child, these two emotions made her confused.

"Don't you like children the most, then continue to like them~~"

"What are you talking about, that kind of liking is different from this kind of liking, completely different."

"That's double liking, double love, how good it is, think about it, no one in the world can provide such a novel experience to his lover except Gao Qi, Ms. Lilia is so full of maternal love, before I’ve been enduring it all the time, and now I can’t hold it anymore—after a few months, even if we want Gao Qi to be smaller, do you think he will be willing?”

"That's true... No, no, this can't be confused! Tallulah, you changed the concept again."

The deer girl and the dragon girl soon began to laugh and fight, and the antlers on the top of their heads collided with the dragon's horns from time to time.

Falling in love with the same man with her best friend, if in other literary works, this kind of thing would probably cause a million words of stomachache. Tallulah has also read many such novels.

However, with Gao Qi and the girls around him, this is not a problem at all-isn't it better?

"Besides, Gao Qi, he can't be regarded as a child~~~ Alina, look, child, how can there be such a thing?"

Speaking of getting up, Talula suddenly smirked, and stuffed the slender hand that was outside the quilt into the quilt, as if slowly drawing circles on Gao Qi's body.

"Talulah, don't bully Gao Qi, at least wait until he wakes up and ask for his consent... Hmm."

Seeing the thick quilt rising slowly from between the two, Alina's voice paused, of course she knew what it was.

During this week, plus today, Tallulah and Alina stayed with Gao Qi for three nights, the rest of Frost Star and Magellan for three nights, and Lilia took care of the remaining night and noon every day.

Because, only Miss Lilia is believable! These two guys, Frost Star and Magellan, would definitely steal it if left alone!

On the first night, the three of them were quite normal, but on the second night, Tallulah couldn't hold back and started teasing Alina, making her flush with shame, and it got worse today.

"I told you that Mr. Gao Qi helped me subdue the Black Snake that night. Let me tell you, the caliber of Xiao Gao Qi's firearms is now more than his before?"

The skin was slightly red, and the blood of the red dragon in his body was boiling in Tallulah's excited heart. That night, the "unconscious" Mr. Gao Qi in his sleep opened a strange door for Tallulah, facing the drowsy Unable to resist Gao Qi, Tallulah was even more excited.

But in front of Alina, Tallulah, who is usually serious and serious, became more mischievous. Only here, she is not a leader with heavy burdens, so she can be more comfortable.

"Come on, come on, it's amazing, give me a kiss?"

Slowly rubbing against Alina's antlers with the dragon horns on top of her head, her gray eyes were full of encouragement and anticipation, she even lowered her head, and gently kissed Gao Qi's forehead.

"Talulah, didn't we agree, when Gao Qi wakes up, we will give ourselves to him together... ah!"

Alina still wanted to refuse, but before she could finish speaking, she felt her stomach burning hot—Talulah used Gao Qi to attack her!

"Hey, my corona sword is very powerful. It has been like this, and Mr. Gao Qi is also very uncomfortable. Why don't you help him relax and relieve pressure?"

"You, you, you bad boy, you are not allowed to treat Gao Qi as a toy!"

Finally, her face flushed completely, and Tallulah and Alina started fighting immediately, and it was only after a few minutes that they calmed down.

"Really... It's okay, only this time, when Gao Qi wakes up, he has to apologize to him! I also have to apologize to Miss Skadi!"

"Yes yes yes~~"

One left and one right, Tallulah and Alina faced each other sideways, each holding Gao Qi's little hand, looking at the man who gave them happiness and future, their thighs crossed together and slowly swayed It took a while before it stopped.

And the thighs of the two became warmer than before.

"I have to bother me to wash the quilt again—don't let Shuangxing and Maimai know, this is the last time."

"Yes, yes, thank you Alina~~"

The two looked at each other and smiled, their cheeks blushing.

But in the next second, Tallulah's expression changed, and she covered herself tightly with the quilt.

"Hey, those two guys, why are you here—"


As soon as the words fell, outside the bedroom, accompanied by the sound of keys, two light footsteps walked in, without any concealment.

"I can smell it, Nana, I knew it, the two of them must be stealing! I can't smell it wrong, we want to save Qiqi from the bad woman—for Titi!"

"That's right, Tallulah, Alina, I knew that you two bad girls would definitely attack Gao Qi, and I want to prevent you two from slipping into the abyss of crime—for Skadi!"

Soon, accompanied by a biting cold wind, the door of the bedroom was blown open, revealing two figures outside the door.

A little penguin and a little rabbit, as well as a white-haired little killer whale in cute children's pajamas who are being held in their arms and falling into a long dreamland - Trumpet Skadi!

Magellan moved slightly, his small nose, and golden eyes immediately looked at the high bulging quilt.

"Well, it's already - it's too, too wasteful, and it also stained the quilt, it's too much! How can you bully Qiqi like this!"

The demons in the north have disappeared, and the little penguin's expedition mission has come to an end, but she doesn't plan to return to the headquarters of your life in Colombia to report on her duties, but plans to return to the Tower of Babel with Gao Qi after the integration movement is on the right track— Anyway, there is also the Rhine Life branch.

In the future, this explorer will return to the northern border. Without the influence of demons, a large area of ​​land here needs to be explored by explorers.

However, the research on demons is enough for her to write a lot of papers. During this period, Magellan plans to spend it with Gauchy-it is best to give birth to a little penguin immediately. The life of an explorer is very busy!

On the other side, Frost Xing was holding little Skadi in his arms at the moment, accusing these two bad women who sneaked away with a serious expression.

"Yes, that is to say, you are taking advantage of others' danger, and if you are capable, you can wait until Gao Qi wakes up-and you are behind Skadi's back. This is too much. This is a violation of discipline! It's a matter of style! It’s time to write a self-criticism!”

However, while saying this, her eyes did not leave the raised quilt for a moment, and she couldn't help swallowing her saliva—to be precise, since she was slapped by Gao Qi a week ago, every time she As long as you go to Gao Qi's side, you must not look at his face.

Since her body temperature returned to normal and she was able to use Originium skills without damage, Frost Star's frozen heart was also melted by Gao Qi. Now she not only always has a face that can make the members of the snow monster team The cute smile that was moved and cried, and the behavior became more comfortable and free, and even gradually developed into a comedian.

After all, in the past, she was not willing to be a three-nothing! It's just that the face is frozen!

Soon, the two rushed to Tallulah and Alina, kicked off their shoes, climbed onto the bed, lifted the quilt, and put Skadi and Gucci together while swallowing. , while pounced on the little dragon and the little deer.

"The crime is conclusive!"

"Arrest immediately!"

However, Tallulah and Alina, the two leaders and life managers of the integration movement, did not give in so easily.

"Mai Mai, I want to ask, how do you know what this smell is like? You seem to be very familiar with it."

"Ah, this..."

Facing Tallulah's question, Magellan immediately turned his head in embarrassment.

"Yelena, I remember, you two didn't eat breakfast this morning, saying that you were full. When I greeted you when I went to brush your teeth, you didn't answer, and you didn't even open your mouth—can you tell me why? You two last night What did you steal?"


Faced with Alina's questioning, Frost Star also began to look around.

"You two are more exaggerated than me!"

"How dare you talk about us!"

Soon, Alina and Tallulah turned the offensive.

"That's it, what's the matter! I want Kiki now!"

"Come on, Frost Star, we are not afraid of them!"

Soon, on the narrow bed, the four girls began to fight.

After a while, the room finally became quiet, leaving only the sound of kisses and a faint sucking sound—it seemed that they had reached a consensus?


Consciousness rose from the deep sea, and after spending some time happily together, Gauchi and Skadi waved goodbye to Sister Egil and left the dreamland.

Although the will has recovered, Gao Qiduo delayed for some time because he felt that there was no danger from the outside world.

Just after waking up, he yawned, and first saw the little killer whale girl beside him who was sleeping peacefully.

"Titi, wake up—huh?"

But at the same time, several gentle touches, as if the feeling of being kissed, made Gao Qi tremble, and at the same time, he couldn't help but lower his head.

Then, he saw, four beautiful girls who were immersed in it, they, they—they were eating people! Eat hundreds of millions in one bite! What happened during his sleeping period!

"Ah, Mr. Gauchy!"

The arrogance just now disappeared, Talula immediately waved her little hand when she regained her senses, trying to explain something, she knew that the image of a good student and a good boy that she had always had in Gao Qi's heart might have completely collapsed.

"Eh, eeeeeeee—I, I..."

And Alina, a good girl who is usually gentle and serious, completely crashed and buried her face in the quilt because she showed such an image in front of Gao Qi.

"Kiki, I, we're just... I, I'm not Magellan!"

Although the little penguin is usually enthusiastic and cheerful, at this time, he directly retracted his head into the collar of the raised sweater, and began to really imitate the penguin—or rather an ostrich.

"...Gauchi, stop talking, there's nothing to explain—I want it now."

As for Frost Star, she suddenly put on a straight face and returned to her former iceberg beauty—but the big ears on the top of her head that turned into helicopters showed that she was just completely smashed out of extreme shame.

Seeing the shy expressions of the four girls and Titi who was slowly waking up beside him, Gao Qi, who had figured out what was going on, sighed, folded his hands on his chest, and lightly beat the four of them one by one. .

The job in the dream has just ended, but the mission in reality is not over yet.

"You four, the bad boys who attacked others while they were sleeping, are you mentally prepared to be retaliated against?"

On the second day, when the integration movement started, several people were late for the first time, and everyone made a self-criticism in the gratified expressions of the soldiers.


Alas, I haven't done much activities these days, this eighth level is so difficult, I really clashed with the self-destruct warlock.

Tomorrow this volume will end, and the Yanguo chapter will begin~~ It will end tomorrow, and I will go to another place in Usas!

Everyone wants to see those girls, as long as they are from Yan Kingdom~~

Epilogue (below): The occurrence of the Chernoborg incident.

The years go by like tides, and the changes of time to the world are more terrifying than the high gods.

As if in the blink of an eye, three months passed.

The impact of the disappearance of the demon has spread to the whole world, but for every ordinary person living in Ursas, life soon returned to normal.

The only thing that has changed is that the supreme emperor officially signed the decree for the development of the northern wilderness, which opened the era of great development belonging to Ursus.

Although I don't know why, the northern border, which has been blocked by the army, suddenly began to open to the public, but the big landowners and small nobles who realized the opportunity soon joined them and became a member of the pioneers.

Of course, this is not just what Ursus is doing—Yan Kingdom, Sami, Dong Kingdom, these countries close to the northern border also responded at the same time, and began to send pioneering teams into the north.

Then, Victoria and Letania, the two old colonial powers, and Colombia, the emerging empire, also joined them.

Although they have no direct territorial border with the North, Letania can fight openly and secretly in Bolivar and Colombia half a terra apart. There is no reason why they can't do it again-this is no man's land, next to you It's your turn? Demon? What is that, can you show evidence to prove it?

They understand that they can't beat Ursas, but another battle of the four emperors is unbearable for any country, and the same is true for Ursas, no one dares to shoot the first shot, so there is a lot to talk about of space.

Soon, the representatives of various countries conducted ad hoc consultations that lasted for several weeks. After a series of intrigues and mutual compromises, the countries quickly divided the territories of each country, and the four countries in the north also got their satisfaction. return.

In fact, the land occupied by the northern demons is much larger than imagined. Not to mention the two small countries of Dongguo and Sami, even Yanguo and Ursus cannot completely eat this huge white land—after all, After the demon disappeared, natural disasters began to appear on this land almost instantly, and it was not completely safe here.

Up to now, the development of the northern territory is nothing more than people's gossip after dinner.

However, among the chatter of the people of Ursus, more and more, an organization called "Integration Movement" appeared.

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