Old-time musicians

Chapter 53 Hard-core column chromatography tutorial (4K two-in-one)

Fanning's mind quickly flashed through the impressions of several meetings with the two principals during this period.

It seemed quite normal.

The concentration of the extraordinary active ingredients of the "cocoon" and "pool" phases of this kind of spiritual potion that is taken continuously is already very low in a single dose. In comparison, the "derivative" phase component that is suspected to be a radioactive substance is even thinner.

The "derivative" in the pigment of the watch factory is also very thin, but there is no interference from other extraordinary components. If this healing spiritual potion had not been separated by thin layer chromatography, the spiritual perception would have looked like a blooming and surging dark green, and no abnormality would be detected at all.

If there would be any changes, they might be slow and invisible.

Fanning quickly opened the drawer, wrote a few words on the note paper, stuffed it into an envelope, and went downstairs to have the clerical staff deliver it to Roy first.

Although he didn't understand the specific situation, he quickly suggested that they stop taking the medicine and control Dean Graham.

Furthermore, the "derivative" phase components in the pigments of the watch factory are the same as the pigments of the Langevni Workhouse and the pigments scraped from the underground building!

The results of the investigation by the authorities show that the labor symptoms have nothing to do with the production process?

The results of the investigation by the Special Patrol Office show that the person in charge of the Jinlangnia Machinery Factory was subjectively unaware of the infiltration and lurking of secret organizations? Therefore, according to the principle of "ignorant people have no obligation to guard against the mysterious", the mysterious side is exempted from responsibility?

"The authorities and the Special Patrol Office are bullshitting," Fanning sneered in his heart.

"Do you want to go to the Langevni Pigment Factory in Carron now?" Shiran asked after Fanning re-entered the door.

"It's dark." Fanning shook his head, "We have to pack up and rush to the imperial capital tomorrow morning. We can only let the Guidance School dispatch the police and the Security Bureau to seal the workhouse tomorrow and arrest Stanley, the factory owner, first."

"And Julius." Joan reminded.

Fanning had told them before that Julius seemed to have become a knowledgeable person.

"She? Come with me to the capital for now." Fanning, wearing a white coat, paced back and forth in the spirit potion room thinking.

"Legally speaking, Stanley is the person in charge of the poorhouse and the factory, not her. The only two ways to deal with her are to use force or report her to the Special Patrol Office on suspicion of violating taboos. This does not seem to bring us clear benefits or trace the clues of the experience officer 'Erov'

"And more importantly, where can we find another violin concertmaster the night before leaving? "Violin Concerto in E Minor" Sheeran can't hold two positions at the same time"

"Should we inform the school of her situation first?" Joan asked.

"I just wrote it together." Fanning said, "but I really don't know who to report it to. You Bologna School are almost like a sieve. I sent the letter to Roy and let her judge for herself. "

"During this trip to the imperial capital, we should keep a close eye on Julius. This girl takes her position as the chief and her artistic reputation very seriously. At least before the end of the performance, we all have the same goal. When the effect of the concert is settled and the pre-sale of the record sells the amount of money I want, we will act according to the situation. I can roast ten of these first-level knowledgeable people with one 'Fiery Sun Guide'... During her stay, her life and sleep are under my control. I want to see if she can help me find any clues in the imperial capital."

He took a deep breath and sat down again: "What we need to do now is to completely separate the extraordinary components in the sample, and then pack the evidence and slap them in the face... Only pure extraordinary substances can facilitate the study of its mysterious properties. ”

After this key point is settled, all that is left is for Ms. Hamilton to complete the evidence loop of on-site epidemiology and occupational injury assessment, and then rely on her and Monroe's rich legal experience to raise the upper limit of compensation.

Many things are just the tip of the iceberg. If this case can be successful, it will not only help the families of this group of victims, but also be the basis for the protection of the rights and interests of the current or future potential victims of the same type of workers.

Joan has a strong interest in spiritual medicine. At this moment, she repeatedly took Fanning's unfolded thin layer chromatography plate to the back of the altar crystal ball to observe - this magical phenomenon was enough to keep her sense of novelty for quite a long time.

"Carlon, I didn't expect it to really separate extraordinary components, but I think the amount seems too small." After looking at it for a while, she raised her question again, "Is this what you just spotted on the silica gel surface with a capillary glass tube? This is probably less than a few tens of thousands of times. Even if you spot it a few more times, we may have to work non-stop for several months to separate all the components in the sample one after another..."

"As mentioned before, thin layer chromatography is just a detection method. "Fanning smiled, "And the real separation... we need to use this..."

"I have a special separation technique." Fanning pointed to the row of column chromatography clamped on the steel bracket.

Joan was looking at these slender glass columns thoughtfully, and suddenly saw Fanning took out a large flask, mixed all the extracts of the three pigments together, and then poured the two spiritual potions into it.

"Carlon, what are you doing! ?" The two girls exclaimed in confusion.

"Separation is so difficult, why did you mix them together? ... And you got four samples at once, how can you separate them? ? "

"Yes... this is your special mixing technique, right?"

"Extraordinary solvents are quite expensive." Fan Ning explained seriously, "If you divide it into one, it is divided, and if you divide it into four, it is divided. Why not do it together? Our time is also quite precious."

"Is the method you invented so stable and violent?" Joan's eyes widened, "So you can separate all the components no matter how complex they are?"

"Theoretically, this is true. By gradually adjusting the solvent ratio of the mobile phase, I can precipitate all the extraordinary components from "derivatization" to "candle"... If the components are too close to each other on the band, for example, I guess the two phases are the same. Different types of extraordinary substances will be similar, which requires a longer chromatographic column, a wider cross-sectional area or a gentler elution pressure..."

"Of course, these extraordinary substances cannot transmute each other..." Fan Ning pointed to the pile of mini sample tubes with the glass rod in his hand, "I just tried spotting the mixed solution, and it's okay. This system is still relatively good." It’s simple and has common components with each other, so don’t waste it…”

Especially the "derived" phase component, the concentration is extremely thin, and only the light and shadow brought by the underground building are slightly stronger. If not put together, Fan Ning is afraid that the size of the final precipitation will not even be the size of a fingernail...

"Watch it, I'll explain it while I'm operating it. When I need to refine some high-level spiritual elixir in the future, how about you also help me come to the pillar? Can we make money together?" Fan Ning looked at them playfully and dug in his hands. Pour two spoons of specially processed silicone powder into the mixed solution.

He connected the mixed stock solution flask mixed with silica gel to his modified "rotary evaporator", then opened the rotor and started the steam heat source.

"The steamed coelomycete lymph has to be soaked, and special solvents are quite expensive... Remember, as long as sufficient adsorption can be maintained, the silica gel should be as little as possible. The thinner it is when poured into the column, the better the separation effect will be later. , if it is too thick, there may be a smearing phenomenon where the back catches up with the front... I just use the thickest chromatographic column here because it makes it thinner..."

After the solvent evaporates, all these extraordinary components in the bottle are adsorbed in the dry silica powder, creating a faint light of mixed colors under the spiritual sense.

Fan Ning took out the sample paper, folded it into a funnel shape and placed it on the mouth of the column. Then he poured the colorful silica powder into the column.

"This is the volume ratio of pyridane: coelomycoid lymph fluid is 30:1, and a drop of the solvent of the inactivated ester of silverfish instars is added. We start with the ratio with the worst solubility and gradually increase the ratio. We must not Too much force... Judging from our previous thin layer chromatography tests, if the proportion of coelomycete lymph fluid is too high at the beginning, the extraordinary components of several phases will be flushed out together..."

Sheeran felt dizzy after hearing it, but Joan seemed to be very interested. She put on a small white mask, sat next to Fan Ning and held her chin, her exposed eyes flashing.

Fan Ning used a dropper to absorb several sections of mixed solvent, and squeezed it out from the mouth of the column in a circle around the inner wall, gradually melting the previously poured silica powder into a flocculation like the silica at the bottom.

"Remember, you have to squeeze it in in a circle like I did, and don't drop it directly, otherwise it will make holes on the surface of the sample and affect the separation purity."

When the liquid above the sample has reached a certain height to serve as a buffer, Fan Ning attached the glass solvent ball with the upper and lower ends open above the column mouth, fixed it with a clamp, and began to pour a large amount of solvent into it.

Then he closed the top glass stopper and turned on a mini steam blower connected by a rubber tube.

The solvent starts flushing the silica column from top to bottom and starts dripping from below, with the flask taking over.

In the meantime, Fan Ning continued to use a capillary glass tube to absorb the liquid at the outlet, and then spotted it on the silicone surface of the thin layer chromatography, placed it on the altar crystal ball and checked.

"You are watching when the first component flows out of the solvent, right?" Joan added some radiant spirit liquid to the altar, and then asked, "If I understand correctly, the mixture has begun to move downwards, It just takes some time.”

There was a hint of approval in Fan Ning's eyes.

This Miss Joan Nehemiah is very perceptive. In her previous life, she must have been my favorite junior sister in the research group.

More than a minute later, Fan Ning looked through the crystal ball and saw the rolling black and white light and shadow on the silicone surface.

The extended test tube rack at hand was already filled with 60 test tubes. He removed the Erlenmeyer flask, switched to test tubes and started picking them up one after another.

"Why not continue to use the Erlenmeyer flask?" Joan asked.

"Because I don't know when the 'pool' will flow out." Fan Ning explained, "If I use an Erlenmeyer flask, by the time I find the light and shadow of the 'pool' in the altar, it has already dripped and will be contaminated again. 'Derivation'... Therefore, we generally default to using test tubes to collect the first component from the outflow. This not only facilitates operation, but also ensures that cross-contamination only occurs in a part of it at most..."

"Now, please help me conduct thin layer chromatography on test tubes 1-5 in order to confirm the components." He put forward a task to Qiong.

Qiong followed the method he taught, using a pencil to draw lines on the TLC plate, marking the numbers, and spotting the capillary. The lower end was immersed in the developing agent of the glass bottle and climbed up, then clamped out and placed in the altar for observation.

"Report to Professor Fan Ning, a row of 'evolved' light and shadows of the same height."

"Put them together with the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, and evaporate the solvent on the rotary evaporator. Remember to recycle the solvent and put the proportion label on it," Fan Ning said.

"Okay!" Joan's tone was very excited.

A few minutes later, she got a large drop of silvery-white viscous liquid in the bottle that looked like mercury. According to Fanning's request, she sealed it and put it in a lead box.

In the thin-layer chromatography of the liquid in the sixth test tube, Fanning found two light shadows on the "runway", pink and black and white stripes, so he put a discarded label on it, indicating that only the solvent would be recovered later without retaining the ingredients.

Test tubes 7-18, the phase was a single pink "pool". After evaporating the solvent, a bunch of strange substances in the shape of flowers were obtained.

Fanning began to switch to a solvent with a volume ratio of 15:1 of mothane: coelenterate lymph fluid, and dripped two drops of instar worm passivation ester.

Test tubes 24-34, the phase was a single "cocoon". After evaporating the solvent, a beautiful oval green crystal was obtained.

The solvent ratio was changed to 5:1, and 5 more drops were added.

Test tubes 37-50, the phase was a single "candle". After evaporating the solvent, a pool of dancing golden liquid was obtained.

At nearly eleven o'clock in the evening, all four extraordinary components were separated by Fanning.

The two girls looked at him as if they were looking at a monster.

"Carlon, I am increasingly confused about your brain..." Xilan stared at his face intently. "Maybe you can also go to the Department of Chemistry of the Polytechnic Institute to serve as an honorary associate professor."

"No... With this achievement alone, he may be able to become the honorary dean of the Polytechnic Institute." Joan shook his head seriously, "Do you know how difficult it is to separate extraordinary components? All spiritual pharmacists are having a headache about this. I can't estimate its value at all. Just the detection method of 'thin layer chromatography' is enough to make a big change in the working methods of spiritual pharmacists, and 'chromatography' seems to be a system. It has no upper limit on value..."

"Carlon, how did you come up with it? Is it the mystical revelation in the dream? The 'key' you studied brought it to you?" Joan, wearing a mask, came close to Fanning, and her dark eyes kept blinking.

"When I was in the art gallery before, I accidentally noticed the diffusion of mixed pigment solution on paper..." Fanning briefly explained the origin of this chromatography phenomenon and the chromatography principle he "inferred".

Joan listened and said "hmm" seriously, then turned around and said: "Sheeran, we must be steady and careful. These extraordinary components themselves may not be a big deal, but this separation method and effect must not be leaked..." She lowered her voice very low and looked around the doors and windows nervously.

"This is the first time I see you reminding others to be careful." Sheeran's smile was full of playful relief.

Joan didn't care about her teasing and continued to say seriously: "... Carlon, I still don't know a lot of details. As long as you teach me later, I can keep washing bottles for you..."

"That's not the case. Let's wash them together..." Fanning gently put the used glass bottles and test tubes into the sink one by one, "It's late, time is tight, and next we need to roughly understand the mysterious properties of these extraordinary substances."

"In this way... combined with their origins, we may be able to infer many clues related to them..."

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