Old-time musicians

Chapter 73: The Secret of the Enlightened (4K 2-in-1)

"It's not accurate to say that it is superior to the Special Patrol Office." Roy shook his head.

"In fact, on the contrary, the Special Patrol Office plays a leading role in the discussion group. It is not an organization of knowledgeable people. As far as I know, the discussion group only has seven people, and each official organization in the world has one member. Quota. It tends to be a coordination platform for coordination or discussion.”


"The world, not the empire?" Fan Ning keenly captured this key point.

"Yes." Roy nodded, "The leader of the discussion group is Special Patrol Hall Pogorelic, and its members include the Guidance School and the Bologna School in the Northern Continent, the Holy Sun Church, the Lingyin Discipline Society and Tuke in the Western Continent. Weir School, and the Fanghui Temple in the Southern Continent.”

One hall, three schools of thought, three churches. Fan Ning thought for a moment and then asked: "Is Marquis MacAdam a member of the discussion group?"

"Dad is the president, but he is not the 'advisor' behind the Bologna School, nor is he the member who represents the school in the discussion group." The girl smiled mysteriously, "In short, Roy's knowledge of the discussion group is limited to this. , Dad has naturally heard more inside secrets, such as the list of members, content of discussions, purpose of existence, etc., but his attitude is always kept secret. "

Fan Ning asked: "So, the Special Inspection Department's implementation of the task of containing the climbing path of Huita Gate is the discussion group's intention? The so-called preparation of the nomination list of 'Boethius Artist' is also the discussion group's intention?"

He remembered that when he was puzzled by Vasius's words, Roy said he would tell him after he got out.

"These two things are related, and your understanding is in the right direction." She said, "In most cases, the meaning of the discussion group is ultimately the meaning of the group leader Pogorelic. Of course, his decision-making also depends on Take into consideration the opinions of other members, especially in the current situation.”

"The movements of the Special Inspection Office in recent years, apart from petty troubles and daily control, have three main purposes: to investigate and study the abnormal area, to collect the remains of the Origin God, and to recover as much official information as possible in the name of the discussion group. The key to the door held by the Knower Organization."

"Recovering the key controls the promotion channels of the Knower, and integrates the promotion trends of high-level knowledgeable people, the core backbone of major organizations, into the management of the discussion group."

"Are they crazy!? Are they so lenient?" Fan Ning felt more and more something was wrong after hearing this.

This is simply the most outrageous news Fan Ning has heard so far!

Control the promotion channels of the Insightful One? What a joke.

These are two completely different concepts from controlling the entry channels of knowledgeable people.

How many comprehenders can be alive in an organization at the same time? The mastery of the Huita Gate and the key knowledge is the core hidden knowledge that every knowledgeable organization has inherited to this day. The nature of this matter is simply equivalent to a person rushing into the village and announcing to the whole village " From now on, I will dig everyone’s ancestral graves together.”

If this is not outrageous, the most magical part is that the Special Patrol Office is only the control agency of the Tioleian authorities, but it has reached out to the three continents of the north and southwest.

Although it is nominally said to be "unifiedly managed by the discussion group", it seems that the key is still controlled by the representative members of the seven official organizations. But if a high-ranking knowledgeable person from someone else's family wants to be promoted to the Insightful One, why should he be placed there? "Discussion group" to discuss collectively? None of their business?

Good guy, world police?

"But I don't understand something..." Fan Ning frowned, "How does the Special Inspection Office achieve this kind of control effect?"

"Regardless of whether they are well-fed or not, just talking about the matter, if you want to control something, you should indeed follow the institutional route and establish an operating model that makes it impossible for people to cross the line, instead of setting a rule like 'violators will be punished'" The Special Patrol Office's idea of ​​"hunting down" is an empty and purely ideal after-the-fact rule, but how do you recover the key? "

"It's okay if it's in the form of a key for a unique object. Others...for example, I guide the school to hold the key to a door. It's a secret ritual, or a set of elixir formulas, or a special work, even if it's a special patrol The inspector found out the secret, but I made my key and he made his key, but I just ignored him. How can I recover this key? Maybe the Special Inspection Office sends people every day, and the spirit is guarding it. Why don't you let me pass through Huita's door?"

Roy said seriously: "That's why another name for recovering the key is called 'containment gnosis'."

As the daughter of Marquis MacAdam, she obviously knows a lot of secrets about the level of the Knower, which are difficult for other knowledgeable people to see.

"When Vasius opened the 'Lightless Door' before, Mr. Fan Ning may have felt that the biggest difference between those who understand and those who know is that in the process of passing through the door, they learned a kind of knowledge inside the Huita. A unique mystery that is closer to the radiance - 'Gnosis'."

"Strictly speaking, gnosis is also a kind of hidden knowledge, but it is of a higher level. Judging from the descriptions of people who have successfully promoted to the understanding, they are 'more difficult, more noble, more magnificent, magnificent and fascinating. A high-level summary of the mystery of the Seven Phases of the Aura, an essential revelation of the origin of the Lord of Witness'."

"Gnosis is enough to bring about some essential changes in the body or spirit."

When Fan Ning heard this, he remembered the "Oakgon Codex" he had brought out from behind the secret door.

He recalled: "I accidentally read a few sentences from a certain taboo document "The Ascension of Chariots to Heaven". Those vague words are describing some of the physical or spiritual pain of 'people who pass through the door'. Dramatic change'…”

"There seems to be some obscure metaphor in it, saying, 'The blessed one descends into the chariot and exercises to ascend to heaven, because he holds the key, because he shows the seal, because he knows the secret.' Is this statement? Is it related to the ‘acquisition of gnosis’ you mentioned?”

"It seems that Mr. Fan Ning has also heard about mysterious things at this level." Roy nodded, "The reason why the Deep Ones are extremely powerful is precisely because after receiving the spiritual knowledge through the Light of First Awareness, they mastered a The mystery is called the "Secret Technique of Chengyu"... The "Chengyu" here is what you call "descending into the chariot". With the help of the "Secret Technique of Chengyu", the enlightened can continue to climb the Hui Pagoda. , you can also practice it on the surface of the world - direct the terrifying invisible power from the movement."

...the secret technique of Chengyu. Fan Ning chewed on this word, and he finally understood where the Knower was so tyrannical.

"However, knowledge is always accompanied by danger." Roy continued: "Ordinary hidden knowledge alone can change a person's personality and cognition in a slow and unconscious process, while gnosis is even more dangerous. It has both ordinary hidden knowledge and There are also some lesser-known characteristics of it. What I know about are three simple points——"

"First of all, gnosis has some living mystical characteristics. Receiving gnosis is essentially using one's own spiritual body as a container to 'accommodate' it, just like using ritual vessels to accommodate aberrations or migrant creatures!"

...Use yourself as a container to "contain" it? When Fan Ning heard this, he once again thought of the fascinating knowledge in the path of the "Ashless Gate" and the cascading cries of Julius after joining it, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

Obviously, not only did she fail to contain the knowledge, but she became part of the knowledge herself...

"Furthermore, unlike most hidden knowledge that takes the form of language, the prototype of gnosis is transcendent. Although it can be expressed in a concise secret form, language will collapse and distort it to varying degrees... What is contained in a door Gnosis, different enlightened people will use different secret transmission wordings to describe it. These wordings are good and bad, just like the existence of keys, but no matter what kind of secret transmission, they cannot be completely restored. Show it as it is.”

"Last and most important point, since hidden knowledge always tends to be known by fewer people, and gnosis is more secretive and more exclusive, once a certain gnosis has been contained by one or two people, it will not be able to pass through the door again. For those who do not know it, their observations and secret descriptions will deviate even further from its original appearance. Not only will the invisible power that can be mobilized by the 'Chengyu Secret Technique' be greatly reduced, but it will also be even more difficult to continue to climb."

When Fan Ning heard this, he finally understood why the Special Patrol Office allowed the Harmony School to create "phantom people".

In the final analysis, this is another application of thinking on the situation of "from the majority to the minority" in the "Law of Implicit Knowledge Transmission".

First, control the "phantom man" to pass through the door, contain the gnosis, and occupy its most advantageous "observation position" or "descriptive perspective". Later, the understanding of it by the promoted person will be seriously distorted.

Even if this organization originally had a Insighter who passed through this door, the key he holds is basically equivalent to being useless.

What should be done when a high-ranking knowledgeable person recognized by the discussion group needs to be promoted? Fan Ning didn't know the specific operation, but he was very clear about the production principle behind "Illusion Man": by calling on powerful concentration and vivid imagination, he materialized something that should only exist in the imagination of his mind.

Based on this characteristic that "phantom people rely on human memory, thinking or consciousness to exist", find some extraordinary means to peel off or shield the gnosis of "phantom people", so as to give "Teng" the advantageous observation or description angle of gnosis. "Come out" is theoretically possible, and killing the "phantom man" simply and crudely is also one of the ways.

"If we follow this logic, the Special Inspection Department will definitely plan to 'mass-produce' the Phantom Man." The tragic scene of the graduation concert once again appeared in Fan Ning's mind, "You said, these guys are not on the road to transforming into complete evil gods. On the way to the organization?"

If that happens one day, Fan Ning feels that it’s not just the Theoline Empire that will be finished.

"Last time they were looking for a way. After that, they are more likely to attack those who have violated the ban." Hearing Fan Ning's concerns, Roy frowned, but her analysis was calmer, "Those who have violated the ban should be given priority." The group of perpetrators is larger than imagined, and the inspiration is more suitable for making "phantom people". They intensify the search and suppression, and impose high-pressure punishments while punishing the guilty and making meritorious services. This is much less condemned and resisted than attacking ignorant people, and it is just right. Necessary to maintain law and order in the empire"

"It seems that we have found an explanation for the increasing intensity of control on the mysterious side in recent years." Fan Ning thinks it makes sense.

At this time, Roy seemed to have remembered something and showed a reminiscing look: "Speaking of which, until the day of the graduation ceremony, I thought that it was Mr. Fanning who exchanged the premiere qualification with the Special Patrol Hall for Miss Nehemiah's membership. prepared by"

Fan Ning was a little confused as to why she suddenly mentioned this matter, and subconsciously said in surprise: "Didn't you ask me at that time? I seem to have told you."

Roy leaned on the armrest of the sofa, supported his chin with his hand, and looked at Fan Ning with a smile: "Yes, that's right. With the strong style of the people in the Special Patrol Department, how can they talk about exchanges with others? They There has always been no discussion between the two parties. It seems that some of the secret past of Miss Nehemiah's family has been included in the intelligence network of the Special Patrol Office."

This happened to be what Fan Ning was confused about, so he didn't pay much attention to why Roy suddenly seemed to be in such a good mood. Anyway, Fan Ning, who had a beautiful smile, continued to look at her, waiting for her explanation.

The girl said leisurely: "In the centuries-old history of the Bologna School, there were three families at the core: the Bologna family who studied the hidden knowledge of the 'Hidden Lamp'; and the alchemist Okegan who studied the hidden knowledge of the 'Fountain of Painting' family; and the McAdam family who studies the hidden knowledge of 'disaster'..."

"Now, only our MacAdam family is relatively prosperous. The Oakgun family split off and became the notorious Harmony School. Due to various reasons, the Bologna family declined earlier than the Harmony School split. It became There are several branches, and some titles are gradually lost to inheritance... But according to my guess, Miss Nehemiah's ancestors should have a certain bloodline of the Bologna family, which can open the 'Anonymous Door'. Her family later made meritorious deeds in battles. , regained his title, and eventually joined the Bologna School, which is indeed a fate with a mystical flavor. "

Roy's narration solved some of Fan Ning's doubts, but he still felt that Joan's experience of being inadvertently promoted to a "key" knower and becoming the key to the "Broken Key Door" was a bit tortuous and bizarre.

"You just said that there is a connection between the Special Inspection Hall's containment of gnosis and the discussion group's preparation of the so-called 'Boethius Artist' nomination list at tomorrow's condolence event."

"It can be understood that it is a green card issued by the discussion group." Roy nodded. "The Special Inspection Department gradually recovered the key to the Huita Door, so that the promotion of the Knower is strictly controlled and must go through the discussion of the entire discussion group... and those who have been nominated as 'Boethius Artists' will not be promoted to the Knower. Subject to this restriction!”

…What a strange connection this is. After hearing this, Fan Ning fiddled with the pen on the table and fell into deep thought.

One is a mysterious upper-level control mechanism, and the other sounds like an honor or courtesy that belongs to the artist. There is no direct relationship.

After a while, he recalled a detail again: "This 'Boethius artist' can be exempted from control restrictions by just being 'nominated', instead of getting a 'title'?"

"That's right, just a nomination."

"You can have such a privilege by being nominated. Wouldn't it be better to actually get the title?..."

Fan Ning couldn't help but have a strong curiosity about this "Boethius artist".

"As far as I know, in addition to the privileges of nominees, those who receive the title will also enjoy another honor." Roy sat on the sofa and stretched his body.

"——They will be invited as major participants to attend the highest-level art event in the world today: the Harvest Art Festival held every seven years in the Holy Kingdom of Janus."

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