…Harvest Arts Festival! ? Fan Ning's heart was filled with huge waves.

Father Vincent lost contact while attending the 39th Harvest Art Festival in October 909 of the New Calendar.

Once every seven years, there are only more than three years left before the 40th Harvest Art Festival.

Roy said: "The selection and issuance of the title of 'Boethius Artist' is ostensibly undertaken by the 'Boethius Piano and Art Company'. Since it is only awarded to living people, we know those eras The long-dead masters are not included in this list..."

“The selection in previous years, from motion to planning, from nomination to review, was a completely secretive process. I don’t know what the evaluation criteria and details are, whether there are nodal events for assessment, and I don’t know...even many artists have arrived. When I was finally told that I had won the title, I realized that I had been included in the brewing scope..."

"What if the artists in the selection don't accept it?" Fan Ning couldn't help but ask after hearing this. "Some art masters are originally indifferent to fame and fortune or have withdrawn personalities, but as you said, the 'Boethius artist' is a secret The title is not popular in the public eye at all..."

In the art world, judging titles is like carrying a sedan chair. Not only does someone have to be willing to carry it, but someone also has to be willing to sit on it.

For those who seek fame and reputation, the more titles the better. But some art masters may not even care about world-class top honors. Congratulations to him on winning a certain title? He hasn't said yet whether he will accept it or not.

Roy shook his head and said: "The selected candidates do not need to confirm their 'acceptance' or 'non-acceptance' through specific actions."

"The discussion group is associated with seven major official organizations and is inextricably linked with the top art platforms we are familiar with around the world. Putting aside the mysterious factors, those artists who have won this title can enjoy great benefits. Everywhere they go, there will be a steady flow of various artistic resources coming to their doorsteps. They don’t have to worry about no one to operate them, they don’t have to worry about not being exposed, they don’t have to worry about not being famous, and they don’t have to worry about being worthless.”

“So, from the perspective of the general public and art lovers, they don’t need to know ‘who is a Boethius artist’. People who have received this title will naturally have a lot of people who are well-known to them as time goes by. title or position to him."

Did the father receive this title? Fan Ning couldn't help but start thinking.

Comparing this issue of popularity...

Although in Fan Ning's mind, Vincent's artistic attainments are highly valued. He not only highly summarized the romantic techniques of the academic school, but also pioneered the creation of "On the Air and Warmth of the Fields" in 1894. The first of hint-flow style...

But Fan Ning had to admit that due to various reasons such as relatively low creative output, relatively advanced ideas, too peaceful mentality, and no prominent background, Vincent's fame before losing contact was centered on Ufranserl. It just spreads out a little bit to surrounding cities.

The same goes for his art value. He has never sold any of his paintings for tens of thousands of pounds, implying that his style is still a niche style. In the past, his family's annual income could reach the ceiling of the middle class, and he relied more on others. Academic paintings and art museum operations are profitable.

Therefore, in terms of fame and fortune, Vincent has not reached the level that Roy said - according to her description, to obtain the title of "Boethius Artist" is to ascend to heaven.

After thinking for a long time, Fan Ning raised his head and tried to ask: "So...how many people are nominated in the world? How many people have officially received the title?"

Roy slowly said: "This secret selection mechanism has been running for about half a century. At first, it was not linked to the promotion of the Deep One, because the Special Inspection Department began to recover keys only in recent years. In terms of nominations, more than 50 people were nominated at one time at the beginning, and then an average of 1-2 people were added every year. There were more than 100 people nominated in total, mainly musicians and artists, but also dancers, sculptors, and poets. , philosophers and many other types of figures..."

"The number of 'Boethius-nominated artists' who are still alive now should be only about 70. As for the number of official titles generated from nominations, I don't have very precise information. Maybe multiply it by one-third. ”

"In fact, whether it is nominated or official, the scope of the world, the span of a long time, and the very small number of people... this list is extremely valuable. The people who can be selected are all famous artists with profound artistic attainments and widespread influence in contemporary times. Or a master of art.”

"I don't have a complete list, and I'm not sure who was nominated and who was official, but Mr. Fanning must have heard many familiar names, such as the late Romantic master Rolfing, who once received the title but has passed away, and who is still The living masters of Romantic music Schillings, Niemann and Svelinck - the latter we also selected his repertoire this time, as well as the academic masters of today's art world, Ascher and Mayella, and of course There was the recently deceased poet Bassani…”

Roy read out the names of several top masters and more than a dozen well-known artists. In this part of the list, Fanning did not hear Vincent's name.

But nearly four years ago, my father did get invited to the Holy Kingdom of Janus for the Harvest Arts Festival.

Or to be more precise, it was "Vincent Van Ning" who participated in the Harvest Art Festival, not the unfamiliar "fractal master Leon Leila" recorded in the work file of the Special Patrol Office.

Fan Ning still believes that he should have won the title, but maybe it was too late. He lost contact just after he got it, and the follow-up reaction had not had time to occur.

After Roy read the list, he said: "Actually, there is one thing that makes me very confused -"

"These people on the list are not necessarily knowledgeable people?" Fan Ning took over her words.

Becoming a knowledgeable person requires two major factors: "hidden knowledge" and "inspiration." Artists are good at inspiration, but whether they can access the mysterious side of knowledge and advance safely depends on each person's different life situations and destiny trajectories.

Artists can only say that it is easier to become a knowledgeable person, but "easier" does not mean "100%".

Roy said: "Well...a 'green card' issued by the discussion group for promotion to the Insightful One, but many of the people who received it are not even knowledgeable people."

"This is indeed puzzling." Fan Ning said, "But you also said before that the selection mechanism of 'Boethius Artists' was born first, and the action of the Special Patrol Department to recover the key was arranged later. This also shows that the The title was not originally used as a 'green card' to control the promotion channels of the Knower, but was linked to other purposes of the 'discussion group'."

"It's useless to think about such deep secrets." He began to use the information to further interpret: "More realistically... Is the discussion group trying to make some new changes this time? Taking tomorrow's condolence event as an opportunity?"

"I can imagine how strong the opposition and confrontational actions of major knowledgeable organizations will be after the Special Patrol Department begins to recover the keys. The selection of 'Boethius Artists' will also begin to involve the more substantive side of mystery. Sexual interests, internal differences in the discussion group may become difficult to bridge..."

"So this year, putting part of the absolutely secret selection process on the table is a preliminary adjustment made after the game between the various forces behind the discussion group?"

"Mr. Fanning's excellence is not limited to music." Roy pursed his lips and smiled, "My personal interpretation is exactly the same as yours."

"The high-level representatives of major organizations attending tomorrow should be an 'inspection team' sent by the discussion group behind the event. The purpose is to 'test the waters' of the nomination preparation work in the music field."

"Although we have no way of knowing the details of the evaluation, since it is in the field of music, several major dimensions cannot be wrong: performance level, composition level, conducting level, recording performance, live concert performance, market response, public popularity, etc. Wait... If we really want to judge the comprehensive ability of musicians, the inspection activities should not stop here. Otherwise, the dimension will be too single. I even suspect that the performance of the musicians in the next summer arts festival will also attract their attention... "

"In short, we will not be the protagonists of this level of condolences tomorrow... But since there are elements of brewing and investigation, there must be a process of 'bringing it into view'. Maybe Mr. Fan Ning can also attract the attention of the inspection team... One year The frequency of nominations for 1-2 people, for every artist who has the opportunity, from entering the field of vision to tracking and inspection, from brewing the list to motion nomination, this would have required a timeline of several years or even more than ten years to promote... "

"Do you want to go to bed first?" Fan Ning saw her covering her mouth with her hand and yawning, and reminded her with a smile, "Unconsciously, we chatted for another hour or two tonight."

"Well, let's..." the girl stretched slightly, "it went by just as fast as the last time we were in the office to select the musicians for the premiere."

Fan Ning stood up with her and expressed her gratitude seriously: "Ms. Roy shared so much valuable information with me. It seems that I have to think about some compensation plan."

"That's right." The girl nodded in agreement, "It's all secret information, and the level is not low. In return, how about a friendly price of 5,000 pounds?"

"Uh..." Fan Ning, who was moving the chair by the door, looked up.

"Is it too expensive? Then think of other ways." Roy lowered his voice deliberately, and then smiled slyly: "What I like most is that you can also write me a song, a very small one is fine, if you are willing, as long as you don't disturb me. Your original creative plan.”

"Good night." Before Fan Ning could say anything, she waved and closed the door behind her.

Watching the girl's face disappear from the door page, Fan Ning pinched her cheek thoughtfully and paced back and forth in the room where the scent of bathing lingered.

Boethius Artist Nomination...Snowman's Pass...Discussion Group...Summer Art Festival...Harvest Art Festival...Under the existing mechanism, this may be a route that can reveal the secret of one's own time travel...

Even if you don't rush in right away, you should at least take a closer look or act by ear.

At the very least, it's comparable to a high-quality concert to appreciate the performances of mature and well-known artists in attendance.

There was nothing to say all night. The opening ceremony of the Summer Art Festival the next day was at ten o'clock in the morning. However, Fan Ning got up at six o'clock in the morning. The waiter also brought the breakfast tray according to the scheduled time. There were several silver plates in it with exquisite of small meals.

Cucumber salad garnished with mint leaves and cherries, buttered cabbage cake filled with gravy, eggs, sausages, tea, and a grilled mackerel with a slight aroma of vine pepper.

After filling his stomach, Fan Ning hung the "Do Not Disturb" sign at the door of the room, and then stepped onto the red carpet in the walkway outside the guest room.

It was too early, the gas lights were always on, and everything was quiet. Fan Ning, carrying his briefcase, lowered his head and walked out of the "Boethius Hotel".

The temperature was still cool for the time being, and there were layers of filthy clouds in the sky. Fan Ning walked down the marble steps in front of the hotel, hailed a taxi, and went directly to the Santa Ramburg train station that he had just arrived yesterday.

This area was always crowded at any time. Fan Ning followed the crowd and circled several station entrances, restaurants and horse-drawn carriages.

Finally, he walked into a public bathroom at the station.

The sound of water was constantly flowing. Two minutes later, the door was pushed open, and a gentleman with a top hat, short features, and a sad face walked out of the bathroom. He wiped the water droplets on his hands with a handkerchief, and then took out a pocket watch and held it in his hand.

According to the address in the internal contact book, the Special Patrol Office's Santaranborg General Office is located at 1050 Pasbier Street, which is parallel to Parliament Street. More than 20 minutes later, "Vasius" jumped off the public carriage and saw a courtyard with the logo of the Police Department, which contained two gray twin buildings.

"Joe Vasius of the Uvransell Branch, I am here for the investigation mission. I need to call back the special contact person of Captain Salman."

Facing the eight fully armed police officers standing guard at the door wearing the uniforms of the Police Department, "Vasius" spoke indifferently.

Since I have this extraordinary hat, the best way to "report safety" to the Special Patrol Office's Uvransel Branch is to delay the information that "Vasius failed to come out of the town of Vatznai" and to have the right to report the investigation of the mysterious incident.

Otherwise, if I wait for another day or two, all the people on the train, including myself, who know about it, will probably receive a summons from the Special Patrol Office.

Fanning first thought of finding a public phone at the police security bureau, but considering that the information he had was incomplete, he finally chose this plan that seemed to have a greater operational risk but was actually more secure.

The call for safe arrival at Santaranburg was made from the Special Patrol Office headquarters, which was not only more in line with work logic, but also more unquestionable than just a familiar voice...

In case of some unreachable information, I, who was reporting to the superior unit and might be summoned at any time, also had a reason to hang up in a hurry.

High-ranking knowledgeable people are precious core forces in any organization and can be responsible for a county city branch. Even the Special Patrol Office only has two high-ranking knowledgeable people in Uvlansel. Several of the guarding police soon recognized the second-in-command of the branch and gave a polite reception and directions.

"Good morning, Mr. Joe Vasius, are you in the imperial capital?"

"A cross-regional investigation mission?"

The corridor on the first floor was sprinkled with cold carbonized lights. During the walk, Fan Ning met two people who greeted him. Judging from the other party's relaxed expression and the fact that they were not in uniform, they should not be civilian or ordinary police officers, but investigators in charge of the area.

"Yes." Fan Ning followed the character and small movements of Vasius in his subconscious mind, and his mouth twitched slightly, and he nodded in response like a paralyzed face.

Finally, he was taken to a liaison room deep in the corridor on the first floor. The police politely said please help yourself.

"Hello?" A professional sweet female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Joe Vasius." Fan Ning spoke calmly.

"Have you arrived at Santaran Castle?"

"Yes. Considering that Mr. Salman may not be able to contact directly, it is safer to call Miss Anna first."

Out of caution, Fanning did not want to talk to Salman directly. Of course, the reason he gave at this moment was also in line with the actual work.

"The captain is indeed not in the Special Patrol Office at the moment." Anna, the full-time liaison of Captain Salman, smiled and asked, "Did you arrive at the same time as the train last night?

...Under normal circumstances, can people arrive separately from the train?

This seemingly ordinary question has made Fanning sure that Anna has a certain understanding of Vasius's mission.

He thought quickly and answered calmly:

"After escaping, I found that it was early morning. Fortunately, the place was not in the wilderness, but a suburb of Santaran Castle. The passengers arrived earlier than me. "

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