Old-time musicians

Chapter 49: Poglelich (4K 2-in-1)

After knowing the true origin of the "art gallery key", many previous questions were explained.

First of all, since it is part of the "prism" under the glow, it is not surprising that this "art gallery key" can naturally gather the brilliant spirit liquid and allow oneself to maintain the dream connection with the "inspiration endurance" that is not in line with common sense.

Secondly, when I was just promoted to a knower, I tried its mysterious characteristics and found that it could be materialized in the astral layer of ordinary clear dreams and in the "Qiming Church" in the secret realm of Yiyong, but it couldn't be materialized in the outside world of Yiyong - the witnesses in the high places could look at any place there at any time

There was also the matter that I accidentally left the key in the "Qiming Church" on the eve of my meeting Mr. F in the "Hidden Light" town when I set out for Santalan Castle and encountered the mysterious incident of the train.

Some mystical factors have repeatedly warned.

Maybe it comes from my own spirituality, maybe from other people, or more likely, from the key itself.

After all, it ranks first in the time sequence.

"In addition, there is a third part of the believers." The voice of the saint continued.

"Judging from the recent developments of the mysterious side, the former Mithraism may have split into another extremely secretive, completely unknown, and previously unseen heretical force - the 'Snake Sect'!"

"The predecessor of the God's Advent Society should have been the 'Snake Sect'."

"What philosophy this branch leans towards, what great achievements it is pursuing, and why it instigates the people to go to the abnormal area, is now unknown. However, in some recently seized banned books and banned volumes, it was discovered that this organization had also studied the "Bull Slaughtering Picture" and was tracking down the whereabouts of the 'No. 1 Key', which is related to the 'True Word Viper' that controls the 'Evolution' phase, or it may be the mysterious substance she needs"

"In short, the Mithraic cult's activities have been long unknown, and its doctrines are shrouded in mystery. There is an unconnected gap in the inheritance history of the major knowledgeable organizations today,' The 'Originalists', 'Disenchantists', and 'Snake Sects' could not know what happened between the three divided sects.

"But by comparing the various types of mystical knowledge circulating today, we can 'look over' the original research results of Mithraism, how they played a role, and how they changed.

"For example, when my church appeared, Saint Sebastian no longer seemed to think that 'Trinity' and 'Time Sequence' were two completely different paths. After studying the 'Theme of God' in D minor that he left behind, Saint Apollo of the New Calendar believed that this might be a revelation to find 'Key No. 0'. Moreover, as mentioned earlier, the Society of God's Advent is also looking for 'Key No. 1'. Looking at it this way, the New Calendar's Knowers Organization tends to believe that they are essentially two sides of the same coin."

Fanning nodded.

So, the mystical symbol that refracts the glow seen in the sky now is not a simple triangle.

It is a prism with two flat triangles.

Perhaps if you want to achieve the great feat of the "Trinity", you need to control or integrate the "Key of Time" as a prerequisite.

"Although the 'Trinity Theory' and the 'Time Combination Theory' are not completely opposite now, the divergence of Mithraism's attitudes towards 'faith' and 'study' has had a profound impact."

"This divergence has gradually formed two distinct oppositions between 'church' and 'school' in the later organizations of the wise, and many new witnesses have also been included in the vision of worship or study."

Fanning vaguely understood why the saint said before that he had Key No. 1, "except for being careful, it may not be a bad thing."

Because the Key of Time is a mysterious substance related to great feats, and its status is very high.

The Holy Sun Church originally only had clues about Key No. 0 - just clues - but now Key No. 1 is delivered directly to the door.

The saint thought that it was very likely that in the previous game between the apostles, Vien had "intercepted" the key item of the God's Descent Society by some means, and then transferred it to the key figure "Lavoisier".

Of course, in Fanning's eyes, the person who "intercepted" was actually Vincent or Fan Chenxun.

If this is true, then wouldn't he have offended both the Special Patrol Office and the God's Descent Society, and jumped back and forth between the two? ?

Fanning suddenly felt that his father was a ruthless person.

"Now that the false masters of the God's Descent Society have seized key No. 1, I think we must take countermeasures. The holy object of Quan Tonghuiguang must not fall into the hands of guilty people." He considered it and tried to propose:

This matter has become clearly unsafe.

From Fanning's own perspective

To be honest, I don't know how many times I have narrowly escaped danger. There have been more than four times since I went to the southern continent: Blue Star Dream, Bathhouse Attack, Saint Archene Hospital, "Carnival"

Since the God's Advent Society is coveting this thing, if the church can propose a reasonable way to keep or cover it up, Fanning will definitely consider it seriously.

The "Lavoisier" self-created key is such an important secret that the church has already "guarded it to death". Why not continue to use the free high-quality safe?

The unlocking authority of the safe is still in the hands of a senior executive like himself, who can use it at any time.

From "Lavoisier's" perspective, he must have such an action of "proposing to discuss the custody of key No. 1" to be reasonable.

"You decide how to deal with it." The saint shook his head.

"The Key of Time Sequence is by no means an ordinary mysterious substance, not to mention that Key No. 1 belongs to the 'future' in the time sequence, and the power it contains is related to 'fate'. You can hold it for forty years without knowing the source. It’s okay, there must be some kind of rationality during this period.”

"It should be noted that the key figures of our church in various historical periods have always relied on the 'Secret of Illumination' to dispel the darkness and guide the way forward. If the revelation that Vienne found when facing the conspiracy of the Divine Advent Society was to give the key to It is safe only if it is in the hands of a strong person in my church. He will not give it to a child who is only eight to nine years old, and my church will not change the path created by the seer."

Fan Ning did not expect that the previous rhetoric of "implanting another's mistakes" would have "side effects" on this issue.

Just listening to the content seemed very reasonable, but when he thought that the "plot" mentioned by the saint was completely wrong, Fan Ning couldn't help but feel helpless.

"I heard from the bishops that you have been investigating matters related to the Abnormal Zone." The other party asked.

Finally it came to this.

This is a topic that Fan Ning clearly wants to "talk about" in the plan.

The Abnormal Zone is extremely dangerous. Since we are going to "Lavoisier", we must achieve maximum help from the church.

"The testimony of the bishops is true." Fan Ning nodded, saying the same thing as he said in front of the Pope, "The 'God's Theme' was buried in the ground, and there was an unknown prophecy brought out by the director, and it was spread everywhere. , I must go to inquire and reveal all the secrets.”

"I see that the director knows a lot about abnormal areas and is the leader of the discussion group. He must have accepted the responsibility of promoting art and protecting the people. The investigators under him are very knowledgeable about false prophets and false teachers who harm people. They tortured me, purified me, and shot me, but I couldn't find any mercy. Wouldn't it be good if I was sent by myself and relied on their strength?"

The saint's long robe automatically moved without wind, but his tone remained low and indifferent:

"Bishop Lavoisier thinks this way, which is what a normal person should think about. Indeed, the Special Patrol Office has too much information that other organizations do not have. In the final analysis, that prophecy was brought from the abnormal area by someone sent by Pogolelic. But look at the ending of Fanghui Temple and you will know that it is impossible to achieve an equal cooperative relationship with them. Pogolelic will not really take anyone seriously. "

Although he had expected this answer, Fan Ning still looked puzzled and asked:

"What the Saint just said about 'Mithra' was a thorough examination of the origins of the church and the school. So what does this Boglichi mean?"

"Is he doing the deeds of 'faith'? Is he doing the deeds of 'study'? They show off their pride and arrogance, making an image of arrogance before God, speaking arrogant words and treating the righteous lightly, causing every city to All the people are looking forward to punishment on him. Isn’t this good?”

He really wanted to take the opportunity to find out something about Pogolic's past.

The core layers of various official organizations must have been probing and collecting information about him over the years. Not to mention the secret level, at least the secular level, there should be some relatively systematic information.

For the first time, the saint sat down on the table next to the stone lamp, and a seat with golden light appeared immediately.

Obviously, facing a high-level church official, a key figure, and a person with unlimited potential, he thought it was necessary to tell Lavoisier this information.

"Actually, the Special Patrol Office is an extremely young force."

"Compared with those organizations of knowledgeable people that have been inherited from before the New Era, its history is only more than two hundred years old, and it is not as long as the years I have lived." The saint sat up straight while narrating, holding the armrests of the chair with both hands. , there is still no emotion on his face.

"The history of the Special Inspectorate can be traced back to the early 8th century. At that time, the Hoffmann Dynasty in the Northern Continent was in its twilight years. There was no such thing as 'control' over mysticism in the world. Unofficial knowledge As long as they do not confuse people and endanger public security like esoteric believers, official churches and schools will basically not trouble people with idiosyncratic pursuits."

"The predecessor of the Special Patrol Office at that time was code-named 'Biantian'. It was an underground organization funded by the emerging industrial class, headed by knowledgeable people who had studied the secrets of 'Expiration', and intended to launch a steam revolution. Because it initially relied on They contacted taverns in major cities, and the original founder was called the 'curator' by their subordinates."

"After the Hoffmann dynasty was overthrown and the country of Diolen was established, the 'Transforming World Underground Organization' became the 'Special Incident Inspection and Investigation Office' and officially became one of the official extraordinary forces."

"At that time, their strength was already relatively strong, but they had not yet reached out to all continents, and they did not have widespread tensions with the original established forces. On the contrary, they still had relations with the two schools of thought in the northern continent. There was a honeymoon period of cooperation, which of course can be called a Machiavellian strategy. This group of people first reached some kind of agreement with the two schools of thought, and launched the 'Second War of Persuasion' in the name of the Steam Revolution. The Lingyin Discipline Society was driven back directly, and the foundation of our Holy Sun Church in the Northern Continent was greatly shaken.'

Only then did Fan Ning realize that, just like the differences between the Mithraic 'originals' and the 'disenchantments', due to the conflict of ideas between the church and the school, the contradictions should have been more complicated and changeable, but now they have been too prominent. The special patrol hall was built over.

"After the first-generation 'Director' of the Special Inspection Department retired, several directors were replaced one after another. The industrial technology of Diolain developed rapidly and had an increasing influence on various continents. But from the mysterious side, It was a period of steady development until Pogolelic took the position."

"Pogorelic was also born in the 8th century of the New Calendar, but in the last year, 799. In the eyes of several saints and advisors of the church and school, he was initially just a talented newcomer. "

"He is from the north of Tioleon. He comes from a family of small and medium-sized stone mill owners. He is not a prominent class, but he has enough food and clothing. His parents' expectations for him are to learn the skills of stonemason and run a family well, and marry into a small noble family. Miss, I will inherit the legacy of my ancestors and strive to move up the family hierarchy when I can. However, this person has higher ambitions. He is determined to become a famous figure in the field of arts and crafts, not in the commercial field. Purely artistic.”

"To be fair, although Pogolelic was not born into an artistic family, his family's business is somewhat related to art, which somewhat helped inspire spirituality and inspiration. He has mastered the form and structure since he was a child. His accuracy was far beyond that of ordinary people, and he had developed very solid drawing and color skills in his youth. When he was 16 years old, he finally convinced his "fairly enlightened" parents and got a chance to go to the Western Continent to pursue The conditions agreed upon were: to be admitted to a first-class art school in San Porto and to complete his studies, and after graduation, the family would no longer interfere with his marriage and career choices. "

"Pogolelic chose to apply for the Sculpture and Art Design major at the Janus Royal Academy of Fine Arts, the top art sanctuary in San Porto."

"In the year 815 of the New Calendar, Romanticism had not yet arrived, and it was the golden age of the rise of Authenticism. However, the examination works he submitted seemed not to be welcomed by the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. The examiner's comment was, 'Under the aesthetic appearance of classical balance, from The Mannerist tendencies of the late Revival movement lingered on.'"

"Pogolelic failed the boarding school exam in San Porto for two consecutive years. In 817, he applied for the architectural design major and still failed. In 818, he applied for the oil painting major and still failed. "

"As the years passed, it became increasingly difficult for him to formulate the words he needed to write back to his family."

"In the year 819 of the New Calendar, Pogolelic's financial situation was already very difficult. The income he earned from teaching and selling paintings in his spare time was not enough to offset the large expenses of living, studying and creating in San Porto. Moreover, the family had a large amount of money. An ultimatum for him to return home.”

"On the one hand, he did not compromise with his father, but on the other hand, he actually made a concession and re-applied for the oil painting major at the University of King São Perto."

"There is a gap between the grade of this university and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. It can only reach the first-class threshold. At this time, Pogolelic has turned 20 years old. In terms of his spirit, this choice is a bit reluctant, but he may feel that since he has already If you have a dispute with your family, if you can make arrangements for your studies and determine the path of your professional art career first, you will have opportunities for further study later, and there will be room for relaxation in the relationship with your family."

"What happened next?"

Fan Ning gradually became a little surprised. This was the third time he asked.

The saint’s voice was calm:

"Later, I failed the exam again."

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