Failed again? ?

Fan Ning really couldn't imagine that a person like Pogolic would have such an experience when he was young.

"But what is very strange is-" the saint continued.

"Relevant documents show that during the latter period of his stay in San Porto, in order to earn living expenses and supplies, Pogolelic took some private art lessons in his spare time."

“Different from the upper-class apprentices from famous families, these young people who come to Pogorelic to study art are not from a very high social class. Most of them are civilian workers, company employees, small civil servants, country squires or wealthy farmers. They are also relatively talented. It is limited, and the teaching content is mainly based on traditional basic courses of academic or religious schools. As for motivation, some people study for fun and entertainment, some want to learn craftsmanship, and others are in a similar situation to Pogolelic, who learned from their neighbors. People from rural areas or small towns came to San Porto with the artistic dream of "not knowing whether to live or die".

"But in the same year, at least five of the art students he taught were admitted to the first-class university in San Pelto, and two of them were even directly admitted to the Janus Royal Academy of Fine Arts!"

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝗍𝗐𝗄𝖺𝗇.𝖼𝗈𝗆]

"What pictures did they draw? What kind of laws did they follow?" Fan Ning couldn't help but stare in surprise.

"It's very classical, very traditional, and very basic student work." The saint said. "It is worth mentioning by the way that half a century later, in 869, a young man found someone in a remote collection hall through various channels. Here, at a not-too-high price, I got a failed painting by Pogolic. This man was Colin Davis, the father of the current Inspector General Owen Davis. He was promoted to the third level of Xu Xiao and became one of the core senior members of the Special Inspection Department. It is unknown whether there is some connection between them. "

"In short, this is another historical record that reflects Pogorelic's temperament and talent. It is not that he was incapable of being admitted to the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, but he just disdained to use those step-by-step works that were not his true creative intention. "Top prize"

"But if we look at the change of colleges he applied for before, when he was an ignorant person, his character was still somewhat contradictory. He was conceited, but not purely conceited. He insisted on himself, but was not purely self-willed. He seemed to want to both To declare that I am not mediocre, but I still want to get some worldly achievements to prove myself."

Much like some "academic masters" who behaved erratically in middle school in previous lives, Fan Ning secretly commented in his mind, and was also trying to analyze the ins and outs of this person's character from some of his past actions.

It's like a middle school student who uses advanced methods to solve big math problems throughout the article. As a result, he always loses some extra step points because he doesn't meet the intention of the proposition. You say he doesn't care about the score. He will repeatedly test the edge of the "score standard" and try to get the perfect score next time to prove himself. You say he cares about the score. But he is unwilling to exchange it for the smoothness he despises. The elementary solution of

Very strange person.

"For five years, Pogolelic's academic results remained the same, and a strange economic turnaround occurred because of this - the students paid a large sum of money, either personally or in the name of their families."

"This is definitely not a bad thing. It indirectly proves that strength is on the one hand. What is more realistic is that we can't even afford the tools for painting and carving. The rental place can be exchanged from the alley corridors to the apartments on the street. No more thinking about whether to buy a stick of paint or a bag of bread the next day.”

"It stands to reason that I have the conditions to continue studying."

"But it's hard to guess what Pogorelic's mental state was at that time. He seemed to have given up the idea of ​​becoming a professional artist overnight, and planned to change his profession other than being a stone shop owner and an artist. He gave the students' thank you money After returning to the family, he left San Perto almost penniless.”

"He joined a mercenary army."

"Ever since the Lingyin Discipline Society was banned from preaching in the Northern Continent, there have been disputes over territory and military friction between Tioleon and Lydia for many years. There are many private armed groups doing this kind of work on the border. The leader of this mercenary company is a Tiolean who makes money very quickly and loses his life very quickly. He is very ambitious and has a sense of loyalty. He chose to engage in this hard-working business because he desires to live a life of luxury and enjoyment."

"But after Pogolelic joined, things seemed to go extremely smoothly. The leader found that he had completed the wealth he originally planned to seize in twenty years in one year, so this man suddenly didn't want to do it anymore and returned to his country to recuperate. Enjoyment”

"It just so happens that Tioleon has an opportunity. Due to the rapid industrial development in those decades, Tioleon's urban population and economic volume have grown exponentially, and there is a need to further strengthen the security of the mysterious side. He had the motivation and confidence to expand his army externally. In the year 820 of the New Calendar, this leader directly sold the mercenaries to the regular military at a high price. The military paid some people to be dismissed and recruited some people according to its own employment principles. "

"At that time, Pogolelic was naturally a candidate for the leadership position in the mercenary army, and he was valued by the military because of his excellent combat shooting skills and combat command capabilities. Just when he was about to become a young and promising imperial officer, Another piece of 'internal information from the Police Security Bureau and the military' attracted his attention——"

"There is a mysterious official organization called the 'Special Patrol' that is recruiting for a position called 'Investigator'. The Imperial Police and the military system are the two key groups of people to be developed."

"Boglierici compared the characteristics of several types of 'suitable to be investigators' listed by the Special Patrol and found that he seemed to be very consistent with one of the types, especially in terms of grasping the physical structure of things and the skills of using carving knives."

"When he officially joined the Special Patrol, the records of his activities were not kept in the secular society and were not so clear."

"But within the official organization, basic information is semi-public."

"Boglierici became the chief inspector of the Special Patrol in 821 of the new calendar, when he was 22 years old."

Such a timeline made Fanning feel really shocking.

It should be noted that in 819, Boglierici was still studying and teaching art in San Perto. In 820, he gave up being a professional artist and joined the mercenaries, and stayed in the mercenaries for a year!

In other words, he went from being exposed to secret knowledge to practicing dream control, from becoming a knower to the middle and high ranks, and then promoted to the first level of profound knowledge and becoming a senior official of the Special Patrol Office. All this happened in just a few months!

And what's more terrifying is that he used a self-created key!

"After that, his semi-public resume was basically known to the official knowers above the high ranks."

"The Special Patrol Office has been controlling hidden knowledge carriers such as taboo books and mysterious paintings since the 1920s, prohibiting the mention of strange powers in public, and incorporating the official knowers of Theolian into the establishment management, and severely investigating and punishing those who violated the ban. This series of measures and suggestions were proposed by Boglierich after he joined the Special Patrol Office as the Chief Inspector for a few months. The then director fully agreed with this."

"This not only further weakened the control of my Holy Sun Church over the Northern Continent, but in fact, the autonomous interests of the two schools were also damaged to varying degrees. The latter was actually the Special Patrol Office in the 'Second Persuasion War' ally in the world."

"Boglieric, as a controversial and 'ambitious' inspector, appeared in the vision of the top leaders of the extraordinary forces for the first time. At that time, in addition to my church, the top leaders of the two schools of the wise were also very dissatisfied with him, and they were passive in their work during this period."

"But in the year 830 of the new calendar, Boglieric, who had been in contact with the mysterious for less than ten years, has become an executive and served as the director of the Special Patrol Department. I am afraid that he will not be on the same level with these wise men."

"The first thing the 31-year-old director did after taking office was to promote the entity operation of the discussion group."

Fanning nodded slightly. He understood what this so-called "physical operation" meant.

In fact, the mechanism of official organizations jointly discussing abnormal areas had a precedent as early as the third history, and the current "discussion group" was established in the last century.

It's been a long time.

But it was just a nominal "shell" before.

As Sir Viadrin once commented, "In terms of the length of time from generation to generation, the average spread of the abnormal zone is not much compared to the vast world. On the one hand, people have enough time to use their imagination, and doomsday theory will not lead to excessive social disorder. On the other hand, for those in power and extraordinary organizations, the abnormal zone is more of an academic, ideological or conceptual issue than a practical problem."

The function of the discussion group has always been a "must-have, but not urgent" thing.

Only since Poglieri took office as director, the "abnormal zone spread mechanism and response strategy" was put on the discussion group's agenda as a regular agenda. Under the dual effects of leading research status and strength factors, his identity as the leader of the discussion group was quickly determined.

"In the 846th year of the new calendar, Poglieri informed the extraordinary world of the law of the spread of the abnormal zone, and gave the naming system and judgment criteria of the "grid", requiring all extraordinary organizations to urge the cultural departments of the authorities of various countries to unify the standards when managing, evaluating and serving artists."

"In 849, Poglieri concluded that "the Harvest Art Festival belongs to the scope of the discussion group's functions and responsibilities and should be managed by the discussion group", and he himself is the leader of the discussion group. So from the 30th session of that year, this top art event that has lasted for more than 200 years, the dominance is actually in the hands of the Special Patrol Office."

"In 850, the discussion group promulgated the "Boethius Artist" selection mechanism, but it has not yet been linked to mysterious behaviors such as passing through the door."

"In 875 , the Special Patrol Office began to set up garrisons in other continents in the name of "strengthening discussion group exchanges", which means that the scope of Boglierici's control has exceeded Theolian. "

"In 890, Boglierici began to plan the investigation and search for the wreckage of the Source God. It is worth mentioning that the investigation team of the Special Patrol Office returned from the B-105 abnormal area before that, and the prophecy of "Sunset and Moon Rising" was also brought out by this operation. "

"In 910, 60 years after the "Boethius Artist" selection mechanism was implemented, Boglierici asked the discussion group to use this as a basis to control the door crossing authority, and asked the Special Patrol Office to come up with a specific plan to achieve control. "

"In 912, researchers from the Special Patrol Office came up with a plan to control the "Phantom Man". "

"In the summer of 1914, Pogolelic launched a call for 'potential artists' in the name of a discussion group, with the intention of making the 40th Harvest Art Festival two years later 'achieve the most fruitful results since the Romantic period'. In fact, In order to realize the comprehensive control of the human art industry by the Special Inspectorate, shake the authoritative evaluation system that has always been dominated by the 'academic school' and the 'ecclesiastical school.'

“In the autumn of 914, after the ‘Meat Sacrifice’ incident, we began to plan for the second exploration of the abnormal zone. By now, the preparations should have been more than halfway done.”

The timeline reached his own era, and Fan Ning confirmed some things that he later experienced personally.

Finally, I have a comprehensive understanding of this person's past experience.

Terrifying talent, elitist, deep-seated control and dominance mentality, slightly contradictory personality when young, but the result of his struggle with himself just illustrates his pure maverick self-confidence, and he has extremely clear goals at every subsequent stage. Goals and clarity of thought.

Moreover, the "main lines" of the different stages are also clear - the investigation of the abnormal area is the core, and the mysterious control and artistic interference are the two wings of the same body.

"In general, during the first half of the period when Pogolelic became director, his series of management and control methods, his mysterious talent and strength, and his contribution to 'responding to the spread of abnormal areas' have left a lasting impression on everyone. What is left is a coexistence of five points of dissatisfaction and five points of prestige.”

"But later everyone gradually discovered that this person is not just conceited or ambitious."

"In fact, on issues like investigating secret organizations or curbing the spread of abnormal areas, everyone clearly has a common position, but even if other official organizations cooperate with his actions or transfer some of the organizational interests, he still cannot get a good result. After discussion, we still won’t be regarded as a true ally.”

Trust is the factor that has the greatest influence. What kind of benefit distribution plan can be negotiated is directly linked to the trust of both parties.

When Fan Ning heard the saint's comments, he thought of another saint, "Master Lucter", who once made almost the same comment:

"Pogorelic fundamentally distrusts all official organizations except the Special Patrol Office. Deep down in his heart, when thinking about things, there is no difference between an official knowledgeable person and a esoteric believer. According to some people who have been privately The original words circulated below make it seem as if these people, like secret organizations, are 'intruders' or 'subversives' who need to be careful and controlled."

Intruder! ?

This word may have come naturally to Master Lückert at the time.

But now that he was having a secret conversation with the Saint, and Fan Ning was recalling it intentionally but not intentionally, he always felt that it sounded a little strange.

Do you consider yourself an intruder?

Is Vincent, who is suspected of being Fan Chenxun in his previous life, considered an intruder?

Is Mr. F, who is suspected of being Scriabin in his previous life, considered an intruder?

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