Omni Genius

Chapter 1084: Sorcerer!

Song Yi’s wishful thinking is really good, and the progress in the early stage is quite good. Qin Fang has almost made a move.

However, he estimated that he did not think that the strength has not yet entered the master class of Qin, the infuriating is very solid. []

In today's era when it is difficult for a warrior to consolidate instinct, it is absolutely invigorating that it is such a pure and incomparable instinct.

Unfortunately, in addition to some long-established martial art, few people can find the rare medicine that is almost completely extinct.

Although the strength of the military is advanced to the master level, the original internal interest will gradually consolidate into infuriating, but the degree of purity is incomparable to the instinct that has been condensed by the elixir.

This is also why these warriors have become very difficult after they have entered the master class, but those who have been trained by the elixir have a great chance to attack the master level, .........,

Song Yu can upgrade from one body to the present level. It shows that his talent is absolutely one-of-a-kind, but the elixir is hard to find, and he can only slowly sculpt, polish, and consolidate his instinct. However, there is no way to compare it with the Qin dynasty who used the elixir to wash the infuriating.

Therefore, the two people are so contrasting, on the infuriating reserves, the Song Dynasty in the late Masters is undoubtedly a few higher than the head, but on the purity of the infuriating, then Song Yu is not able to catch up with the Qin side.

The dark power exerted by Song Yu is nothing but a special use of infuriating. To deal with the master of the same level, the problem is not big, and it is likely to be a miraculous effect.

But to deal with the Qin side, that is not the case. This kind of refutation of the impureness of the instinct is poured into the Qin Dynasty’s meridians, and it is immediately noticed that it seems so incompetent. Qin is convenient to discover. No, it won't work.

To deal with this kind of infuriating instinct, the Qin side only waved with a big hand, the pure infuriating influx, bringing these infuriating wraps into the meridians and taking such a circle, not only the darkness disappeared invisible, but instead Added some help to yourself.

It is only a piece of cake to know the Qin Dynasty's instinct, but it can be used to carry the ingenuity of the masters of the region.

The inaction of the gods sè resolved the sneak attack of Song Yu, Qin Fang not only did not have a slight loss of signs, but it seems to eat with the 〖 Xing〗 stimulant, the strength of the hand is getting bigger and simple, the defense seems to have met No, he has a sign of counterattack...


Song Wei is also quite hard to force him to release the darkness of the infuriating, but quite a lot, has been waiting for the mistakes of Qin Fangzhong.

I did not expect that Qin Fang had no reaction at all, and he was also full of fog.

At the beginning, he thought that Qin Fang also hidden some of his strength, and he could temporarily suppress his instinct, so he immediately increased the output of darkness...

However, this addition, Qin Fang is still like nothing, not only because of the darkness of the scorpion, it seems that the strength is stronger than before, he will not understand that he may be juggled by the Qin side?

"I want to kill you..." I think that he is a well-known master in Southeast Asia and he is still a master of adulthood. He thought that dealing with such a young man is just a matter of hand.

I didn't expect that I would eat it again and again in his hands, and even once pushed myself to such a point.

The violent attack is really refreshing, and the audience is very cool. Just for Song Wei, his physical exertion is getting bigger and bigger.

If he can no longer knock down Qin Fang, he may really want to be planted in the young hand of Qin Fang... Failure means death.

When I think of such a famous master who is going to die in the hands of a little-known little person, Song Yan’s face is even more envious.

Song Yu was extremely angry, and the whole body's skill was completely raised. There was no longer a bit of reservation. The shot was more fierce than before. The speed of punching was also faster, and the angle was also more sturdy. It’s such a yin, sinister, and people can’t help but feel uncomfortable.

Qin Fang’s eyes are also slightly stunned, and the mind is more concentrated. The darkness in the other’s boxing has been canceled, but the strength of each shot has been enhanced, and the lethality is stronger than before. Less, but also let him have to concentrate on it.

You come to me, see the move, take it easy, defensive counterattack!

The fists are whistling, the strength is pressing...

The whole boxing field was caught in a short silence. Everyone took a breath and watched the game quietly. It was so fierce that the two people played against each other very fast, almost Let the audience carry their heart every moment.

Because it is very likely that when they are so momentarily lost, this boxing match will end with a wrong move by a certain master.

I don't know that Song Yu's threat is even greater. Qin Fang's counterattacks on several occasions are also quite sharp. If it is not Song Qiang's strong strength and sufficient experience, it is very likely that Song Wei has already been defeated by Qin Fang.

The battle was still going on, and it became more and more fierce. Both of them had large drops of sweat on their bodies, floating in front of their foreheads and soaking their clothes.

But no one cares about these external things, and concentrates on this battle. I dare not have the slightest slack, and even dare not be distracted.

Song Yu seems to have realized the extraordinaryness of the Qin Fang. The original expressionless face also shows a dignified, yin 眼 in the eyes is also more intense.

When the shot was taken, the darkness was no longer necessary, and it could not be damaged to the Qin side. It seemed to be equivalent to cheering on the other side.

But the more this continues, the more the balance of victory is tilted toward the Qin side. At least the power of Song’s shot seems to gradually weaken. Although this change is extremely subtle, some people can still see it faintly. from.

"Song is not going to work..."

For example, Song Qingshan, as a master master, can still distinguish such subtle changes, and immediately reminded the two people around him.

However, he said this on his mouth, but the expression on his face did not relax at all. Even the brow wrinkles became tighter and tighter. It seemed that vaguely felt that there was something wrong with the situation. The advantage of Qin Fang The more obvious it is, the more and more obvious the situation of Song Yu, and the heart of Qu Yuancheng and Kong Er originally hanged up.

Although Qin Fang did not use the way of fighting as Song Qingshan said, but relying on the defense of the sè, is also in the endurance in the endurance.

At the moment, Qin Fang did not have any signs of persisting, but Song Wei seems to be a little bit dying...

"Marko, it seems that you are still losing this game..." Seeing that Qin Fang gradually began to master the battle, Kong Er’s fears also weakened a lot, looking at Marco, not far from the side, he naturally did not Will give up this opportunity to fight opponents.

"It’s too early to say goodbye! Winning and losing is not divided, everything is hard to say."

Was so ridiculed by Kong Er, Marko is obviously quite uncomfortable. At this time, when he did not have the final result, he would naturally not be soft, and immediately put Kong 2 back.

"Hey, dead duck mouth is hard!"

Kong Er did not doubt him. It was only when Marco was strong, but he left a contempt and continued to watch the battle.

It was Song Qingshan who inadvertently looked at Marko over there and found that the boy’s mouth was not so hard, but in fact his face always had a faint smile, even being ridiculed by Kong Er. After that, such a smile became a deep ridicule.

"There is a flaw..." Song Qingshan immediately felt that there might be a problem in it!

At this time, Qin Fang and Song Yu’s ji wars have already entered the stage of white-hot, and Song’s strength is getting weaker and weaker. Qin’s counterattacks have become more and more sharp, and gradually began to take the initiative. The chance of attack has gradually surpassed the defense.

"Kid, look at my eyes...,........." It’s just that Song Song is not so irritating. He can mix with him. The ability is not only a little bit, but in the battle of Ji, Song Hao suddenly became cold. Said.

This voice seems to have some kind of mysterious magic. The Qin side is also a glimpse. The subconscious mind looks over to Song Hao.

At this moment, Song Wei’s slightly dark eyes immediately shot a strange light, and he shot straight into his eyes.


The Qin side only felt that suddenly it was like a heavy blow in his mind. There was a moment of dullness in the moment, and the spirit was a little bit embarrassing.

"Not good..." Qin Fang’s heart was suddenly stunned and sighed a lot.

He knows that Song Song will be a very powerful sorcerer, but he is not aware of how this sorcerer is exerted.

However, it was never thought that Song Hao actually relied on such a look, and he displayed such a sorcerer. The Qin Fang, who had not been able to watch out for a moment, was immediately recruited.

At the moment of such a battle, the mind is unclear, the coordination of the body is followed by problems, and the brain seems to be unable to dominate the body, and the movement becomes somewhat stiff and dull.


Song Hao can not seize such a good opportunity, the violent fist immediately like the torrential rain poured on the Qin side.

"Uh huh..." Rao is the defensive power of the Qin side, but the master's late master's full blow, but still let him suffer a lot, can not help but send a burst of suffocation, that life value is a division The teacher’s plunging down...! .

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