Omni Genius

Chapter 1085: Jedi counterattack! ! !

"not good……"

When Song Song suddenly opened his mouth, Song Qingshan, as a bystander, immediately felt that something was wrong, and he made such an exclamation in his mouth (double-sided princely face-to-face).

It is a pity that they are sitting in the audience area and there is a certain distance from the ring. His exclamation does not make any sense at all.

Not to mention that Qin Fang assisted in the battle at this time, completely ignoring everything in the surrounding area. In addition to the opponents, there are no other things in the eyes. These sounds are naturally filtered directly.

Song Qingshan wants to remind him that there is no way to remind him...

Almost at the time when Song Qingshan exclaimed, he saw that Qin’s body was slightly stiff, and his body seemed to be stopped for a moment... This is definitely a fatal mistake for a warrior in a battle.

Qin Fang will never make such a mistake, otherwise he will not be able to withstand such a strong and violent attack before... then it can only show that this is the ghost of Song Yu.

To be exact, it’s all the tricks that Song Yu suddenly made out.

When there is no mistake, the mistake is made, then the consequences can be imagined.

Song Wei is definitely not giving up such an opportunity. The fist that had already become a little soft seems to be strong and strong, and immediately seized such a very rare opportunity to immediately launch against the unsuspecting Qin Fang. A typical terrorist attack by a storm.

Song Wei’s strength is extraordinary, even if it has been erupting for so long, it’s still horrible at this moment.

Before the Qin Fang's defense was too good, I still couldn't see the horror of Song Song's shot. It was just that the fight against the flesh was too stabbing, but it was not as straightforward as the present (the president is not gentle and full-text reading).

The surrounding audiences were violent. Angry screaming and roaring, individual women even screamed forgotten, it seems that it has reached a high and tide like this.

Song Yu seized the opportunity and immediately displayed the strongest attack. The violent fist madly poured on the unprepared body of Qin Fang.

Qin Fang was beaten so violently, although the spiritual shackles have completely recovered. But he lost his chance at the beginning, and when he wants to turn over again, it is too difficult and too difficult.

Continuously being beaten heavily by the body, the Qin side can only barely protect the important parts of the body, those are his key points. It was quite terrible to be hit by a master like Song Wei.

In comparison, other parts of the body are not so important, although Song Yi has to take away many of the life of Qin. But Qin Fang is still barely affordable.


A series of combination punches. The Qin side is almost completely defensive, but there are more and more fists on the body. The Qinfang, who has never played so hard, has been directly beaten by the mouth.

It was not until Song Song seemed to feel that Qin’s body had suffered enough blows, or that his own physical strength could not keep up, and immediately made his last strength. In an instant, a horrible whip tui, a heavy squat in the abdomen of Qin Fang...

Qin Fang’s body flew almost instantaneously (the man’s vows read the full text). Flying a few meters in midair, and then slamming a heavy impact on the steel cage. Then I fell down the cage and squatted on the ground of the ring. It seemed that I was already dead and dead...

The body was there, motionless, and the red blood flowed out slowly, and the ground was wet and red... It looked like the scene was quite miserable.

If the body of Qin is still slightly ups and downs, which proves that he is still alive at the moment, he may have to announce that the game is over.

Kong Er and Qu Yuancheng are also dumbfounded. The original Qin Fang has taken the initiative. Seeing that it takes only a little more time to kill Song Yu, but he never thought that Qin Fang suddenly did not give force.

Even Song Yu seized the opportunity and immediately launched a very fierce attack. He looked at Qin Fang’s body that was slammed and smashed. The hearts of the two people could not help but scream.

"Kong II, I have already said, don't be too happy too... Hey, when you cry!"

Seeing that Qin Fang was taken down, Marco’s face immediately showed a smug god. At this time, naturally, he would not forget to fight against Kong 2 and immediately ran to call it.

If you are not worried about being beaten by Song Qingshan, this kid may have to go to Kong 2 and point his nose directly to open his mouth...

This is the case, this kid is still quite ugly, it seems that Qin Fang has been killed by Song Yu.

"The bastard, Laozi first abolished you..."

Seeing that Qin Fang was beaten by Song Yu, Kong Er’s heart was already quite worried. Marko’s kid was yelling again, and it was even more irritating to Kong Er, and he couldn’t wait to rush to go to Marko’s first meal. When the comeback is read in full text).

"Who wins and loses, it’s still too early to say..."

Just did not wait for the hole two hands, Song Qingshan is gently holding the shoulder of Kong Er, the tone seems quite calm.

"Aoyama, do you mean that Qin will not have anything?"

Although Kong Er is very unhappy with Marco, he is more concerned about the safety of the Qin side. If it is not a sign of life and death, they can't stop it. He wants to take the initiative to admit defeat and then rescue the Qin side.

Now, when Song Qingshan said this, for example, there was a sudden bright candlelight in the darkness, and immediately his eyes suddenly turned bright, and he was very anxious to ask Song Qingshan.

"Do not worry, he will have a way..."

Song Qingshan did not give a positive answer. He just turned his head and continued to watch the boxing match. He only left such an ambiguous word.

Even so, Kong Er and Qu Yuancheng felt that Qin Fang might have a way to reverse the situation. The two men did not take care of Marko, but watched the game very seriously and saw how the Qin side would reverse it. Such a very unfavorable situation.

"The general manager, the surname Qin seems to be no good..."

On the one hand, the two followers of the general manager also witnessed such a terrible change. Seeing the Qin Fang, who could not afford the land, could not help but sigh with such a sigh.

Qin Fang’s strength is very strong and much stronger than both of them. But the age is a lot smaller, definitely the level of juvenile genius.

It is a pity that I was not able to wait until the day when I became famous, but I was going to die on the platform of this black boxing game. I had to feel sorry for it.

In fact, every year, many young geniuses die in this ring. This Qin party is not the first one, and naturally it will not be the last one.

These two follow-up classes are also very open to see, so only such a sigh will be issued, no doubt because of the optimistic about the Qin party.

"not necessarily……"

When the general manager heard his two follow-up words, he had a funny smile on his face. Then the tone is very calm and calmly spit out these two words.

Although it is only the two words in the district, it is to let the two major shifts are a slight glimpse. All of them are bored and shocked to look at the general manager. It seems that he is surprised how he would say this.

"Does he have a chance to turn over?"

The two people couldn't help but think of this idea, although it seems that xing is small. But since the general manager said so. It is entirely possible, so they have become very much looking forward to it.

Although most of the other spectators don't understand this very well, they can't see the gap between Qin Fang and Song Yu. However, the scene of the wonderful ji battle just ended like this, but it still feels a little pity. ......

Song Yu played the yin trick on the Qin side, and many of them have already returned to the taste (dust to read the full text). Just did not blame anything, in this downfall. Originally, it was all the magical powers, each showing its power, and there was only one goal... to defeat the opponent and win. As for other things, they are negligible.

Winner takes all, loser for Kou!

This is the eternal truth, especially in this black boxing ring. It is all nonsense to say fouls and secrets. No one will care.

Rao is so, how many people still hope that Qin Fang can continue to stand up and continue to fight with Song Yu...

I don't know if the audience's call really played a role. "Cough and cough..."

With such a coughing sound, Qin Fang’s body began to respond with a slight lift, and slowly stood up slowly on the ground.

"It has been a long time since no one has beaten me so badly... you, count one!"

The blood on his body is still there, and the clothes are all red. The appearance of Qin Fang looks quite miserable, but when his body is standing up again, the face that was slightly paler is restored to the previous ruddy. .

And Qin Fang’s tone is very calm and has said such a sentence...

Yes, since Qin Fang’s debut, this is the worst time he has been beaten since he was against Shangguan Tianling. He actually let him flow so much blood...

"Mom, this old boy is really not a normal yin insurance (love's full text reading)!"

After eating such a big loss, Qin Fang’s heart is also quite awkward. He has always only yin others in his back, but he did not expect that he was given yin.

The sorcerer was quite strange, and even the Qin party did not know what to do.

The front part of this sorcerer is very similar to the enchanting sound of the magic door. It seems to be the witchcraft of the rhythm.

In short, this combination of before and after, it really is the supreme weapon of yin people.

Even Qin Fang has master-level investigative skills, and he has already known the sorcerer of Song Songhui in advance, but he did not expect to be pitted by him.

As for his injury, the Qin side protected the vital parts of the body, except for the moment that the shackles were severely hit, and the other injuries were nothing.

The reason why I vomited so much blood was mainly caused by the first hit. The key parts were severely hit, and the powerful master could not stop it.

Fortunately, Song Yuben's physical exertion was excessive, and the strength was incomparable with this heyday, and Qin Fang was wearing a silkworm gold silk armor, which increased a lot of defenses. He was so embarrassed that he only vomited blood.

Naturally, the value of life is also greatly depleted. It is almost directly the second half of Qin’s life value. If Song Hao can seize the opportunity to come back, Qin Fang may really die in his hands (the big star’s little plaything is the latest chapter).

Unfortunately, the opportunity is only once, he has already used it, and naturally it is impossible to have a second time... Qin Fang will not give him this opportunity.

Staggered the first, Qin Fang became quite passive, almost hit by Song Yu, but the key points are protected, and other parts of the game are only a little loss of health and ** Pain only.

Some of the Qin Fang props are blood-filled buns, and the buns are smashed while they are beating... So the Qin side seems to be beaten badly, but the loss is not too big.

"Mom, it seems that the blood medicine needs to be refining as soon as possible, and the buns are almost impossible to keep up!"

After smashing this calculation, the Qin side was slightly awakened, and the heart was secretly planning to refine the blood supply Dan as soon as possible. Just now it was a **** Dan, and instantly increased the health of 20, and the Qin’s endangered life value. Instantly pulled up to three-quarters of the blood, ensuring that the Qin side will not fall.

If you have a bun, you really can't stop Song Mao's next violent attack...

Qin Fang has already got his hand, and the medicinal materials have always let Chu Hao buy it. After so long, it should be prepared a lot. Qin Fang intends to wait for this time to go back. Immediately refine the blood supply Dan in case of emergency.

"You are actually fine..."

Qin Fang stood up again and again, and suddenly let Song Song, who was screaming at this time, stunned. The last round of violent attacks almost exhausted all his strength (the latest chapter of the hegemonic hegemony).

It’s time to rest for a while, but it’s only one or two.

However, looking at the spirit of Qin Fang, and letting go of the blood before his xiong, it seems that there is no loss at all... How can this not make Song Wei surprised and fear?

"Do you think that you can deal with me with your strength? Itching is almost the same for me..."

Song Yu yin him once, and he was a little bit miserable. Now the Feng Shui turns, it is time for him to deal with Song Yu.

"You just hit me so hard, now I am coming to beat you..."

In this ring, there is no such thing as respecting the old and loving the young. Song Yu will not be merciless because of his young age, and Qin will naturally not be soft because Song Song is older.

As the opponent of this life and death, from the moment of signing the contract, they are destined to have only one of them can live down the ring, not his Qin, but the other party Song...

Just a little bit worse, Qin Fang was killed by Song Yu. Since Song Song missed this opportunity, then Qin Fang naturally wants to completely change the results...

With the hearty laughter of Qin Fang and the murderous words, Qin Fang immediately broke out the strongest offensive and killed Song Song, realizing a thorough Jedi counterattack...! .


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