Omni Genius

Chapter 1104: Xiaolong attack!

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As a dragon country, I really don’t have much affection for this small country in Luzon.

Although most of the time it is not accessible, but in recent cases, it is really irritating, at least Qin Fang is like this.

The fishing boat in Luzon, it’s okay if you sway freely, but you can cross the border to salvage the shipwreck under the dragon country, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Although these wrecks have been sunk for hundreds of years, it is still a dragon country. Naturally, the people of Longguo are salvaging. There is no such thing as a relationship with Luzon.

Now that the ship has come to salvage, and it has just been seen by Qin Fang, it is natural that there is no need to be polite with these Luzon monkeys...

It is not necessary to kill people. The Qin party is not the kind of butcher who kills innocent people!

But if the ship dares to continue to play this idea, then Qin Fang really intends to leave it.

Qin Fang and Tang Feifei first returned to the sea and stayed in a place far away from the salvage ship. In the sea, Qin Fang took Tang Feifei to protect himself. There was no problem at all.

The real thing to do is the little dragon. After the Qin Fang settled them, Xiaolong’s huge body was immediately rolled over to the salvage ship not far away.


Luzon salvage the ship.

A middle-aged man with a rough, dark-skinned man leaned against the ship's side and looked at the blue ocean below, with a cigarette in his mouth, which seemed to be a pleasant look.

Just looking at his appearance, I can see that this is definitely not a dragon country. How to look like an indigenous people in Southeast Asia.

"Captain, everything is ready, ready to go..."

Another black-skinned man in a sailor suit ran over. The tone is very respectful and it seems to be very fearful to the captain.


The captain’s mouth blew. The cigarette that had burned more than half of it crossed a beautiful arc and then fell into the vast ocean.


Then he stood up and said this, and rushed to the front.


The salvage boats are moored on the surface of the sea, and the salvage facilities are gradually being released to the bottom of the sea.

In general, many of the equipment on the salvage ship is very expensive, and some positioning and sound wave detection equipment need special customization to get it.

Of course, that is relative to the large-scale salvage fleets of the international level.

These fleets reduce some unnecessary losses in order to reduce costs. They will be prepared before salvaging, such as the positioning of the shipwreck, the approximate number of treasures in the shipwreck, and so on.

Any time you salvage, the price paid is extremely expensive. Once salvage failed. If there are too few treasures to be salvaged, then this time the salvage will lose money, and sometimes even the blood is gone...

The international level salvage the rich. There are a lot of people who get a night of fishing and get rich overnight, but in the same way, some rich people are worth a million yuan, they can be put down at once, and all the family products may be lost, and they will owe a debt.

Like this ship. At most, it is just a small fight, and the equipment used is second-hand goods that have been eliminated. The accuracy of the detection is also difficult to grasp.

However, although the equipment is a bit simplistic, the position of the ship is extremely accurate, but it has been confirmed after a lot of steps.

These Luzon people have no money, but they also know that many of the ships that are silent in the sea carry a very large amount of wealth.

Most of these wrecks come from the Longguo, especially the Damingbao, and of course some Japanese warships.

During the Second World War, Japan occupied Southeast Asia and robbed countless treasures to be shipped back to Japan. However, many of them were either warships or hit the rocks. If they were hit by gunfire, they also loaded a lot of treasures. ......

Any of these vessels, if they are salvaged, can get a fortune.

However, many of these wrecks are silent in the waters of the Dragon Sea, while the Dragon State garrisons in the South China Sea are not many. Except for some important islands, most of the other areas are empty, even if they cross the border, they rarely Will be discovered...

As a result, the ship owners of these salvage boats moved their minds. During this season, during the most important Spring Festival of the Dragon Kingdom, they would break into the waters of the Dragon Kingdom to salvage these shipwrecks.

This boat is one of them.

To be exact, this boat is considered to be the leader of these inbound salvage vessels because the captain of this vessel has a very deep research in this regard.

Even he does not need to use those sound wave detection equipment, just feel the sea water flow rate, the angle of the ocean rolling, the concentration of fish, and so on, you can determine whether there is a shipwreck in the depths of the sea.

Although it may not be very accurate every time, at least it is more accurate than other ships. So far, several shipwrecks have been salvaged...

It’s just that the previous luck was not very good. It’s not that the sea is too deep. They can’t salvage any good things. It’s all the common goods that are salvaged. After all, the offshore waters of Luzon have long been unaware of how many salvage boats have been swept. There are local boats in Luzon, as well as those international fishing fleets...

This salvage point is determined by the captain's stepping on several times. Because it is in the waters of Longguo, it has hardly been discovered here. He is even sure that this time he can certainly salvage good things.

In the past, the naval vessels of the Dragon State will come out from time to time. They did not find a suitable opportunity together. Until now, they finally seized the opportunity and prepared to come and salvage.

This small salvage boat, the fishing equipment on board is extremely simple.

It is said that it is a salvage equipment. It is better to say that it is a simple fishing net. It only adds some nets woven with steel wire. Such a net is very strong and it is easier to control under the sea.

The fishing nets have been put down, and the cables are very long, so that this can ensure that the seabed can be obtained. This sea area is not particularly deep, and it is already relatively offshore.

If this is not the case, they don’t want to salvage these small salvage boats...

The captain personally stood on the deck and commanded, while the logistics detectives kept reporting on the bottom of the sea to ensure that their fishing nets could reach the shipwreck.

"Captain, there seems to be something over there..."

But at this time, suddenly the sailor screamed and pointed to the small sonic radar on the ship.

"To shut up!"

At this time, the captain seemed to be immersed in his own dream of making a fortune. He was suddenly disturbed by the scream of his own hand. His face would not be very good, and he immediately yelled.

"Captain, this...this is really something!"

The sailor was obviously very wronged, pointing to the radar screen is very innocent.


The captain gave a slight glimpse, but he still walked over and looked at it.

"What is this ghost thing?"

As a crew member who has been dealing with the ocean all the year round, he is also a veteran voyager. As soon as he sees the light point on the screen, his face is also surprised.

This spot is detected by sound waves, and is approaching them at a very fast speed, which looks like a huge fish in the ocean.

At least from this individual point of view, they can rule out the possibility of submarines. Whether it is the dragon country or the United States, the submarine cannot be so small...

"Maybe a whale..."

When I think about it, the captain can only use such an explanation to convince himself.

The image displayed by the radar is not very accurate. It can be ruled out as a submarine, then the only thing left is the fish in the ocean.

In terms of length, it seems that the biggest whale in the ocean is more suitable...

"When the brothers stop first, wait for this whale to be hands-on..."

The captain thought for a moment, looking at the direction of the light point, he still ordered it.

Although whales are not as daunting as the great white sharks, people who run at sea know that if they don't need it, don't take the initiative to provoke it.

This gadget reminds us of the hugeness and strength. Once it is irritated, it can be much more fierce than the great white shark. Especially for the salvage boats like them, they can directly flip their boats... ...

Upon hearing the captain's order, the salvage net that was being released also immediately slowed down, trying not to bring too much water waves, so that it would not be discovered by whales.


"No, the captain, the whale is coming to us..."

Such deceleration and slowdown, without too much fluctuations in water flow, said that whales generally turn, but stop, and will not continue to move forward.

However, this spot on the radar, not only did not have to slow down a bit, but went straight to their ship...

As the spot gradually approached, the scan results displayed on the radar became clearer and clearer, and the slender body gradually became complete.

"Captain, this is not a whale... It seems like a huge sea snake?"

The radar observer immediately could not help but scream.

Sea snakes are marine life and the most poisonous creatures in the world, but in general they all live in the deep sea and are rarely close to human ships.

The length of the sea snake is generally not small, but it is not too outrageous. The one that grows to a length of three or five meters is considered to be an adult super large sea snake.

However, when the length of the observed "sea snake" seems to exceed 10 meters, it is not surprising that it will not work...

"sea snake?"

The captain heard the news, and it was a slight glimpse. At the same time, some of the fears that remained in my heart gradually dissipated...

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