Omni Genius

Chapter 1105: Flying dragons go out to sea!

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The salvage boat is put on a very large fishing net. The mesh is not very big, but basically some small fish can be drilled from these meshes.

As for some of the larger fish, there is no way to do it. I just want to collect it in the net together...

Compared with this sturdy fishing net, even if the fish are slightly larger, the strength will be much higher, but the damage to the fishing net itself is not big.

But the most feared thing about these salvage boats is that they encounter big guys like whales when they are salvaging...

Once you accidentally net it, perhaps the whale itself is badly sinned and even trapped inside, but its huge body, the horrible power, not only poses a great threat to the salvage ship itself, but may even The treasures in the shipwreck will also be destroyed together...

Imagine a giant whale that is more than ten meters long and trapped in a sturdy big net. When it struggles, it will inevitably slam in the net.

The power of the fish in the water is great, let alone the whale. Don’t think that the ship is more than twice as big as the whale. If you really want to do it, the boat may not be the opponent of the whale. ......

So the captain will let people slow down and try not to disturb the whale.

Now I heard that this is just a sea snake, and the captain is naturally much easier.

The sea snakes are relatively slender and are mollusks without spine. The nets of their salvage nets are large enough. Even if the sea snakes are fished in, they can still be drilled out of the mesh...

In this way, the captain naturally does not need to worry about it.

"Continue to go offline, continue to the network..."

Since you don't need to worry about it. Naturally, it is the most important thing to hurry up. The captain immediately directed the next net. Now time is money. Every delay of one minute may be a bad thing. He is naturally not willing to waste.


"Boat, captain..."

Didn't wait for him to have any movements here. The sailor who was responsible for observing the radar was called again.

"what happened again?"

The captain was suddenly furious, and his heart was even more furious. This kid was too illiterate. He thought that he would wait for this time to go back and must fire this kid. There is too much nonsense.

"The sea snake...the sea snake...biting our cable...and...and..."

The sailor was also scared by the captain, his mouth trembled and pointed at the radar screen. For a long time, he could not make a clear statement.

"Mom, there is something to say... What sea snake bites the cable? What do you say to your kid?"

The captain was even more angry, and his heart was determined to expel the boy's mind. While he was angry and roaring, he walked over and looked at the radar screen.


But this look, immediately found that the sailor said is true. The slender body of the "Sea Snake" has already bitten the cable they put on.

Almost as soon as he was surprised, the sailor who was responsible for laying the cable and salvaging the net immediately called it. "The captain, the cable is stuck..."


just. The captain had not had time to pay attention to the mourning of the crew there, and couldn’t help but watch the radar screen burst into a foul language.


Because he witnessed it, the "Sea Snake" was biting the cable they were laying down at the moment, and was quickly rushing from the depths of the sea at a high speed.

One end of the cable is connected to the fishing net. The "Sea Snake" is now swaying with the cable, and immediately pulls the fishing net that is about to be put to the end and comes back together.

On the radar, it is very clear that the "sea snake" is pulling the cable and is swimming fast from the bottom of the sea. The speed is quite fast, almost rushed up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If it is not certain that this "sea snake" will not directly hit the bottom of their ship. It is estimated that they have already let them sail to escape.

"The ship, the captain... it... it is directed at us...and is coming to us!"

This is the case, the sailor of the observation is still incredulously looking at the radar. The war is screaming, the tone is incomparably frightened, and there is a little bit of despair, as if the end of the world is in front of you.


"To shut up!"

This kid is too courageous, but he was scared to see this scene. The captain immediately slaps him and slaps him.

At this time, it is not a time of chaos. If all the crew members are like this kid, then they will not have to mix at sea.

This is nothing but a messy sea snake. It is not a matter of too much importance. There is no need to make any fuss...

If you are afraid of this kind of thing, then if you encounter the storm or tornado at sea, then this kid can’t live to be scared to death...


The captain's tone was extremely harsh, and he suddenly scared the boy out of his voice. He could only hide his neck and hide aside. He didn't dare to scream.

For this result, the captain is still quite satisfied, he will no longer pay attention to him, and instead consider how to deal with the situation at hand.

"Captain, it hasn't slowed down yet..."

After being repaired by the captain, this kid was a lot more honest, but he didn't dare to be surprised, but he couldn't help but remind him of the speed displayed on the radar.

"Not slowing down yet..."

This time, even the captain also figured out that something was wrong.

From the data displayed by the radar, this "sea snake" is only a few tens of meters away from the sea at this time. If it does not slow down at this time, it is likely to directly rush out of the sea.

If only the ordinary fish rushed out of the water, it would be a lot of fluttering in the air, and then continue to fall back into the sea, and basically has no effect.

The problem is that this "sea snake" is very large and more than ten meters in length. Such a high-speed sprint is likely to be very high when it rushes out of the sea, but it now pulls the huge fishing net...

Once the fishing net was forcibly pulled out of the sea and then fell again, the angle of the sea snake would not be able to completely cover the entire ship.

It's very hard to put it out on such a big net, let alone put it up, it is a torture... It still means taking it back from the sea.

But if the whole net cover is on the ship, then it is even harder to recover.

If it is at that point, their salvation will definitely fail, and it will be enough for them to collect the net for a while.

"All the guards, take the guy..."

At the thought of this, the captain's face suddenly became quite ugly, and that was not the result he wanted, immediately ordered.

All the crew members heard a glimpse of it, but they quickly put down their own work and immediately ran to the cabin to take the guy.

The sailors on these salvage vessels are not good. They are usually equipped with some weapons. Even some Luzon fishing boats and salvage vessels occasionally cross the border to pirate and rob some merchant ships.

This ship is no exception, and naturally it also carries a lot of weapons.

Soon, the sailors came out. Everyone had a guy in their hands, a pistol, a fishing gun, and some similar weapons.

Not too strong firepower, but for those fish, but more than enough, even encountered some fierce white sharks, killer whales, they are not afraid.


Almost as soon as these sailors were ready, they heard a huge splash of water on the surface of the sea. The sea was constantly tumbling, and at first glance, there was definitely a big sea beast.

Everyone looked very nervous, and the "sea snake" was about to appear... all of them raised their hands and aimed at that position.


at last……

That "sea snake" is out!

A huge, strange head was first rushed out. It looked very weird and had two huge horns. At this moment, its **** mouth was biting the thick rope, and it was faintly visible. Sharp teeth...

Then, the slender silver body gradually rushed out of the water. Between the sparkling, the scales on the silver body projected the light of the road, and the eyes seemed to be unable to open. Like.

"This is... what monster?"

Everyone is stunned, such monsters in front of them, they have never seen them, and it seems that they are not known creatures, as if they are from myths and legends.


It was only the shock of the sailors that the captain's heart was much more stubborn. He immediately woke up from the surprise and snarled with a very angry voice.



So caught up by the captain, the sailors also returned to God, and raised the weapons in their hands, aiming at the small and slender "monster" that was quickly rushing out of the water.

This is not a monster, it is precisely the Qin party appointed to deal with this salvage ship.

It was just that Xiaolong had just rushed out of the sea and was immediately attacked by the sailors on the salvage ship. The bullets did not pour on it, and those sharp fishing guns all shot at its body.

Dangdang ~~


When these bullets and fishing guns hit the dragon's body and hit the dragon scales in the body, they immediately made such a sound, such as hitting the metal, and the sound was exceptionally crisp.

The dragon scale itself is the most powerful defense of the dragon's body surface, so it is so easy to be broken... Even in the face of these bullets and fishing guns, it still can't hurt it.

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