Omni Genius

Chapter 1219: Refining madness!

Chapter 1219 Refining Crazy Drugs!

First, I want to subscribe, monthly ticket ~~~ daughter-in-law's computer, all kinds of unaccustomed, code words such as turtle speed! !


The efficiency of Chu's work is still very high. In less than one morning, Ninghai has collected all the materials that can be collected, and has sent a special person to Jiangzhou to send it over here.

The rest of the materials need to be configured separately. Chu Yu is also the relationship of the old Wuling of Wu Jian. He borrowed a laboratory from Jiangzhou University and used it. He even deliberately let the school borrow from it. Several researchers gave Chu Wei an assistant.

Chu Yu has a doctoral degree in medicine and pharmacology from Harvard Medical School. Even if he is going to teach at Jiangzhou University, he can start from an associate professor. There are still few problems in the research of several districts. Some people even know that it is Chu. I am coming, I also ask for help.

Of course, on the one hand, it is because of Chu's academic achievements, and on the other hand, there is no shortage of people who know that Chu is an extremely rare beauty.

The process of configuration is not very complicated, but the domestic pharmaceuticals are obviously inferior to those of foreign countries. Chu Yu has stayed abroad for a long time. The contact has always been the top technology, even if it is more than a year back. But there is not much behind it...

These researchers came to help with the hand, but also learned from the Chu Yu here a scale and half claws, but also enough for them to be a while.

Maybe some people will immediately write a long-formed paper on a little bit of what they have learned. They will be on the national-level journals and immediately lay a good foundation for their future title evaluation.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Chu Wei, she just borrowed the facilities and conditions here!

"Working hard..."

When Chu Yu returned to the hotel with all the materials needed to configure the mad pharmacy, she seemed to have smashed a lot of people, which shows that this is not too easy.

Qin Fang was very uncomfortable to comfort Chu Yu, while also checking her body for her.

Compared with traditional Chinese medicine, these chemical reagents are much more dangerous. If you are not good, you can be poisoned. Sometimes you can't even find yourself.

Of course, many of the traditional Chinese medicines are toxic, but they are not poisoned if they are not taken. However, some of the chemical agents are directly toxic gases, which is unpredictable.

Qin Fang is also afraid that Chu Yu is too rushed, but ignores his own defense and leaves hidden dangers to his body.

Fortunately, there is no problem with Chu, but the time is too tight. She is a little too tired. It seems to be a little tired, her physical condition is good, there is no sign of poisoning, and no discomfort exists. Qin Fang is considered to be relieved.

"The rest is handed over to you, I will go to rest first..."

Chu Yu knows that the pharmaceutical still needs Qin Fang to get it. Although she has seen the formula, she even tried to configure it, but the result is that she is very disappointed.

The madness pharmacy she configured, after she passed the test, found that there was a great harm, even the pharmacy that her mentor had researched was slightly inferior.

Chu Yu did not know whether there was a problem with this prescription, or what mistakes occurred when she configured herself, or her tutor exaggerated her own results... Anyway, the result was very disappointing.

In desperation, Chu Yu gave up and left this matter to the Qin side to deal with it.

From the last time, Buxin Dan, Buxue Dan, Chu Yu knows that Qin Fang has a hand in pharmaceutical technology. Unfortunately, Qin Fang’s pharmaceutical method seems to be only available to Qin Fang himself. Others are not good. Even if she can't learn, she can only help but give up...

"Go to rest, leave the rest to me..."

Qin Fang nodded and sent Chu Yu to the room to rest. She even stole a bit of her black sweet spot with acupuncture. She felt very comfortable when she slept, until the spirit was completely full. Wake up.

After settled in Chu, Qin was able to return to his side and prepare to refine the madness...

The maddening agent is a liquid, which is definitely not the same as the pellet solid of Buxin Dan and Buxue Dan before, but the operation of the Qin side experiment, but it is not bad.

First of all, the essence of the drug is first refined, and all of these materials are first refined and refined, and the essence that is really needed is extracted. As for the useless waste, it is naturally lost directly.

The reason why Chu Yu’s own refining was unsuccessful was because he ignored this problem...

The prescription that Qin Fang took out, which broke out from Bill's body, is equivalent to the system production, which is absolutely guaranteed.

Although the side effects are also present, it is system-approved, and perhaps this is the best effect that such drugs can achieve.

The prescription of the system is naturally aimed at Qin Fang, because Qin Fang can extract the essence of these raw materials, which is the key to successful refining.

Although Chu Yu has all the materials, but these materials have not been refined, they must be forced to configure according to the prescription, which will naturally not succeed.

Even if it is really configured with pharmacy, it can't be eaten. It is estimated who is eating who is crazy!

Chu Yu forgot to tell Qin Fang that she used a small mouse in the lab to do a simple experiment. As a result, she ate the "failed madness" that she had easily configured. The madness was indeed mad. The little mouse easily killed a cage of the same kind, and then... tore himself away!

It’s just that Qin is aware of this and he doesn’t care too much, because his preparation method is completely different from Chu’s preparation method.

The madness pharmacy he configured has either failed, and even a little bit of **** has not been left, or succeeded. The attribute is just like the basic attribute given to the madness.

Of course, the quality of the quality will have a little bit of impact, but it won't be great!

At this moment, Qin Fang devoted himself to the work of refining the mad chemical.

The process of refining the essence of the drug is boring, but Ding Chen has experienced many times, but it is a bit accustomed to, slowly refining all the materials, and then began to really refine the madness!

"In refining... refining failed, proficiency +1."

"In refining... refining failed, proficiency +1."

"In refining... refining failed, proficiency +1."

"In refining... refining failed, proficiency +1."

At the beginning of refining, Qin easily ushered in continuous failures. Almost once, Qin Fang thought that his refining method was also problematic.

He has guessed that the success rate of this mad drug is absolutely impossible. Otherwise, if this thing is mass production, the destructive power is absolutely amazing.

It can even catalyze a group of ordinary people into a group of horrible thugs, and the instantaneous destructive power is absolutely enough to destroy many buildings, even the city...

And the flow of this medicine into the army, it is equivalent to let the ordinary soldiers become special forces, special forces are turned into a superman wearing underwear!

Although the effect is only one minute, sometimes a minute is enough to decide one thing, the end of a war!

Therefore, before the refining, the Qin side had already prepared for it.

The continuous failure did make the Qinfang’s confidence slightly shaken, but it did not let him give up. Anyway, Chu Yu prepared hundreds of doses for him. Qin Fang also did not believe that he had even a mad remedy. Can not refine!

"In refining... refining failed, proficiency +1."

"In refining... refining failed, proficiency +1."

"In refining... refining failed, proficiency +1."

"In refining... refining success, getting madness, proficiency +50."

Qin Fang didn't know how long it had been like mechanical refining—failure, refining—failure, refining—failure, and finally waited for such a successful voice, almost let him stop on the spot, so After a pause, I reacted, and then I waved my fist and vented my sulking in the chest for a long time.

"In refining... refining failed, proficiency +1."

"In refining... refining failed, proficiency +1."

"In refining... refining failed, proficiency +1."

While continuing to use the remaining materials to refine the madness, I went to look at the madness that has been stored in the props box.

This is the first bottle of madness that he got to the hand. After that, he can't refine it. He really doesn't have much confidence in his heart. Then the bottle of madness in his hand is the **** man of his battle. Great weapon!

The quality of this bottle of mad chemical is still quite good, reaching 86 points, it is already the top choice, absolutely a good bottle, basically can release the full effect of this mad chemical, Qin Fang also More confident about this!

Although the Qin Dynasty is still going on, the luck is not good, it is not bad, and when only the last two materials are left, Qin Fang finally refines a bottle of madness.

Only the quality of this bottle of madness is slightly worse, only 76 points, there will be a slight discount on the medicinal properties, but it is still pretty good.

But in comparison, the real use of Qin Fang will definitely be the bottle of quality 86 madness...

As for the bottle of madness in his hand, Qin Fang’s heart is still wondering if he should test it first. Let’s take a look at how much this mad chemical can increase for its own strength, or as a **** hand. The bottom of the battle mat, at least really in the war, not in the heart of the game, but also has been suppressed by the other side, it is very uncomfortable...


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