Omni Genius

Chapter 1220: Tu San has not arrived, Tangmen first!

Chu Yu’s sleep is very comfortable. From the previous evening, I slept until the next day, which was close to noon.

Not only did yesterday's exhaustion, but the spirit of the whole person was obviously much better, and people seemed to be more beautiful and moving. []

"How?" But the first thing Chu 芸萱 chuáng was not busy with washing himself, but went to the Qin side to ask about the configuration of the mad drug.

"The success rate is too low, only two bottles..."

Qin Fang also shook his head with great helplessness. The materials of this mad chemical were prepared in hundreds of copies, but in the end only two bottles were produced. The success rate was only 2% of the district, even more than the original Qin Dynasty refining. Xindan’s success rate is even lower...

However, the Qin side knows that the power of the refining of Buxin Dan is darker than that of the madness, but the Qin Dynasty was pure luck, but this time it may be that luck is too bad, it will change. In this way!

"Oh... the side effects of the medicine..."

Chu Yu nodded, Qin Fang gave this result, then she has been a failure before it is normal, she just tried seven or eight materials, and all failures are not unusual.

However, Chu Wei is still a little worried about the side effects of this mad drug. Looking back at the reaction of the little mouse, she still has a heart and soul in her heart.

"Do not worry, the side effects are considered to be within the controllable range." Qin Fang did not care, and did not let Chu Yu worry too much.

The weakness of the use of mad medicinal agents, which is a significant drop in xing, is indeed very dangerous. If you use a mad chemical to kill your opponent, you will almost finish playing.

With the **** hands of the Trinity, even if it is prepared, Qin Fang does not dare to say that he will certainly be able to win still has great risks.

In the end, there will only be one person left to live, either living or dying. No other choice.

This mad pharmacy can be regarded as the killer of the Qin Fang pressure box. If it is used, it still can't match the huā of the **** sorcerer, then the Qin dynasty really has no chance of winning.

Only these words, Qin Fang can not tell Chu Yu, otherwise Chu Yu will definitely try to prevent the Qin side from going to the battle...

However, Qin Fang must have this battle, and there is no more suitable opponent than the **** hand. This is almost the best touchstone for Qin to step into the master.

Defeated the blood of the demons, the Qin side is almost certain, here is the opportunity to advance to the master level, as long as this breakthrough is almost barrier-free.

He has a number of follow-up plans, and some tasks require very strong strength. If you enter the master level, you can't make Qin Fang directly invincible, but you can survive better in those plans and tasks.

Shen Liang and Qin Fang have been in constant contact. Two people found a position in the corner of the hotel and sat down. They simply exchanged ideas.

"How? Is there any news on the other side?" There is no news for the Killer League, but it should be faster. Since the third is for him, I will soon be able to catch up with Jiangzhou. .

"Not yet, it seems to have disappeared suddenly, ..............."

Shen Liang shook his head, he found a relationship to find the whereabouts of Tu San, but only painted this kind of person, he will definitely not be alarmed when he wants to enter, it is not easy to find him by Shen Liang.

"Try to stare at Jiangzhou, especially near the hotel. I think he should return soon. Maybe he is already lurking somewhere now!"

Qin Fang nodded to the Nominee Alliance. There was no news for the time being. Shen Liang couldn’t find it. It’s not surprising that the necessary alert still needs to be prepared. Faced with such a person like Tu San, definitely don’t want to fight unprepared!

"Well, understand! Right, Qin Shao, Miss Tang is looking for you."

Shen Liang nodded, this time suddenly remembered things, immediately said.

"Fifi, how can she not know to call me?" Qin Fang could not help but ask some strange, this is really strange, at least Tang Feifei did not say anything about the phone two days ago, how do you need to apply today? Light up to convey, instead of calling him directly?

Even in order to confirm that his mobile phone is no problem, Qin Fang specially took out his mobile phone and checked it out!

"Er, not Miss Feifei, Miss Tang Xintang!" Shen Liang stunned, then reacted and explained immediately.

Tang Xin and Tang Feifei were a surname, but the Qin side left Tang Xin out of the mountains and threw her aside. Almost all of them had to be forgotten.

"Tang Xin? How can she find me?" This time, it was changed to Qin Fang surprised. I don't quite understand what Tang Xin is looking for. It seems that at this time she should be learning how to integrate into modern society.

"You gave her the call and I contacted her..."

Qin Fang thought for a moment, Tang Xin should not be bored to want to chat with me so simple, unless it is really something.

When he left, he did not leave his contact with Tang Xin, mainly because she did not, but Shen Liang occasionally looked after the side, and later left Shen Liang’s contact information. Tang Xin wants to contact Qin Fang instead of Shen Liang.

Shen Liang immediately left the number of Tang Xin to Qin Fang, and then he immediately left the hotel and went out to continue his mission.

The Qin side got in touch with Tang Xin and wanted to know what she wanted to tell herself.

"Tang Xin, what happened?"

When the phone was connected, Qin Fang was too lazy to talk nonsense. After a simple greeting, he immediately asked about it.

"Qin Fang, you are careful, the people of Tangmen have already come out." Tang Xin said that the tone is extremely serious, obviously it is more concerned about this matter.


Hearing this sentence, Qin Fang originally did not care about the expression, but it instantly frowned.

Really afraid of what to come!

The Qin side must face the **** demons, and carry out a battle of life and death to seek the opportunity of its own breakthrough. The other side of the Tangmen is secretly killed, and may give Qin when The party and the fatal blow.

"How did you know?"

However, Qin Fang is also somewhat strange. Tang Xin is also a traitor to Tangmen. She knows that Tangmen should appear more fearful than herself. How can she be so calm now, but instead remind herself, instead of fleeing as soon as possible?

Has the Tang heart been reversed by the people of Tangmen?

"When I was out, I accidentally discovered the unique mark of our Tangmen. This kind of mark is only known to some disciples in the inner door. You also know that we don’t have a door closed for hundreds of years, but now I see it outside. The pattern is obviously already out of the mountain, and it has been traced to Ninghai!"

Tang Xin said that he had discovered the process of the Tangmen’s whereabouts and simply told the Qin side.

In fact, it is also a coincidence that Tang Xin has already seen it can be integrated into this modern society. It has been replaced with fashionable clothes and hairstyles have been re-mastered. Together with the magical makeup technique, it is almost even Tang When the doorman touched her, she might not be able to recognize her at a glance. At most, she decided to be familiar.

But now she doesn't dare to go out easily. The Tangmen mark appears to be enough to show that the people in Tangmen have come. Maybe the people in Tangmen can't recognize it at first glance, but when they look back, they still It is likely to guess her identity...

In order to reduce the chance of exposure, Tang Xin decided to stay at home, so that people in Tangmen could not find her whereabouts anyway.

Only Tang Xin knows that in addition to the pursuit of her in Tangmen, the other person to be pursued is Qin Fang, because Qin Fang is the murderer who really killed Tang Nan!

The people of Tangmen will eventually catch up. Qin Fang is not surprised at all. From the time he killed Tang Nan in the mountains, it has been several months now. If the people of Tangmen have not appeared yet, Qin Fang really wants Despise them.

However, people in Tangmen have now found Ninghai, indicating that they are not too stupid.

Qin Fang also had some preparations for this. For example, the mother Qin Qing stayed on Hong Kong Island, and the people in Tangmen could not find it.

In addition, it seems that only one restaurant in Qinfang, as well as Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue, several women stayed in Ninghai...

"These people will not be so unscrupulous?"

When I thought about the situation of Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue, Qin Fang couldn't help but sigh. I couldn't help but want to call Tang Feifei and let them avoid it as soon as possible.

"Tang Xin, do you know what has come?"

However, first of all, Qin Fang still has to determine how many people have come over in Tangmen. This is what he cares about. To be exact, he wants to know what level of masters Tangmen sent.

"I don't know who is coming, but Tang Nan is killed. The people in his family will never give up. Even if his father Tang Huaiyuan has not come, at least his uncle Tang Huai-ming will come out..."

Tang Xin slightly considered it. She is an insider of Tangmen. She is very clear about the people of Tangmen. I simply guessed it and gave an impression to Qin Fang.

"How is the strength?"

The Qin side was a bit silent, and the situation was a bit bad, but he still asked again.

"In view of the fact that you killed Tang Nan, I am afraid that the worst strength of this disciple will not be weaker than the early stage of the master class. After all, this is a si thing. It is impossible for Tangmen to send many elite disciples to Tang Huaiyuan! "Tang Huaiyuan is the elder of Tangmen. It is the strength of the master class. Although his younger brother, Tang Huai-ming, is weaker, but long ago it was already the master of the master's peak. Now whether he has entered the rank of master, I am not very clear"! .

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