Omni Genius

Chapter 1456: The name of the red ghost!

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It was more troublesome to go in, but it was relatively easy to come out. Qin Fang directly found the location of the mountain gate and easily opened a gateway to the mountain. The four people went out so loudly.

Of course, they had just stepped out of the big island of the island, and the portal was automatically closed, and it was restored to its former appearance.

If Qin Fang wants to go in again, then it still needs to take the risk of breaking the door. This newly used portal is not good either. The big array has been automatically adjusted.

"Oh, so bad polite..."

Out of the big array, breathing a little polite outside, a few people's face is not very good, the difference between inside and outside is really too big.

Fusang Xiaofuzi is very valued for the protection of the environment. He prefers to pollute abroad, and also tries to ensure that the domestic environment is intact.

Hokkaido is located in the northern part of Fuso, and the environment is much better than the other side of the island. Otherwise, there will not be such a vast grassland.

Even if this is the case, the outside environment and the secret land still have a different origin, and the gap is not really big.

"Let's go back……"

After the feeling was over, Qin Fang also waved his hand. Four people jumped into the water and went back to the shore of the lake... At this time, the sky was already early, and if they were delayed, they could only camp in the wild tonight.

The problem is that the four of them can have nothing like tents, or it is more appropriate to go to the Department of Sanzang and join them together.

Twenty minutes later, the four people from the Qin side came wet from the water, and the service department Sanzang and Qin Zi also immediately came over.

"You can be considered back..."

The service department Sanzang said with a smile, "If I don't come back, I really don't know how to go tonight..."

It seems that I did not expect that a few of them will go there for a long time, and there is no news at all. They are also quite worried.

After all, Qin Fang, they are four people, but they went almost for a whole day. But there is still no news, it is really disturbing in their hearts.

Especially when the night is coming, it is even more daunting on such a deserted grassland.

Now that they saw the Qin party, they came back. It was mentioned that the heart of the blind man was put down, especially when they noticed that they did not have any missing parts, which is even more reassuring.

"Old man, look at your fuss. Can our four big living people still lose?"

Ji Xiang smiled and said, hit a haha, and then went straight to the fire department where they were hiding.

The climate in Hokkaido is cold, and today it is summer. However, on this grassland, the temperature is not too high at night, especially when the Qin party has just come up from the water, it is very reasonable to take warm.

Of course, some of them in Qin Fang know that Ji Xiang used this method to cover up where they went and what they did on the day...

Although the convincing department of Sanzang and Qin Zi are considered to be their own people, it is necessary to guard against it, not to mention that there is a cherry blossom, a woman who is a friend of the enemy!

"I don't know when you will come back, I will go get some tents. I am going to guard you back here..."

When Qin Fang and several of them came together to warm up, they found that there were already several tents in this area. Surprisingly, the service department Sanzang could not help but smile.

This old devil is an old fairy, and he thinks it is more thoughtful. Preparing these things, but let the Qin side save a lot of things.

"I also got some wild taste. Let's try it together..."

Not only does it have a place to live, but there are also a few rabbits on the fire that are about to be baked. Even if they eat it, they will get it together. Naturally, it is also the merit of the service department.

After a while, a few people gathered around the fire, and they hung up with the golden rabbit meat. They went out for a whole day and didn't eat much. Rao was Qin and they were a little hungry.

"Right. Qin Shao, when I went to get the tent, I heard a message..."

Several people sat there and ate, and the service department Sanzang was quietly leaning over, and screamed with Qin Fang.

"what news?"

When Qin Fang was eating, he asked a little strangely.

The old guys like the Department of Sanzang are very rich in experience. At the same time, the judgment of the matter is quite accurate. Since this is said, this news may be really useful for them.

"Someone has come to this grassland..."

The service department Sanzang seems to have long expected the Qin side to respond, and replied in a very small voice.


Qin Fangyi, the brow was slightly raised, and there was a little surprise in his eyes. Only then did he look at the service department, "Who?"

Although Ji Xiang had heard the words of the service department Sanzang, they did not care, but noticed the reaction of Qin Fang. Several of them also raised their heads and looked at the service department Sanzang.

"The person is quite prominent, one of the six holy places, from Kyoto..."

The service department Sanzang said, grinning.

"The one at Anping Shrine?"

Hearing here, Qin Fang also refused to continue to eat meat, his brow slightly wrinkled, and some doubts asked, he naturally thought of a person.


The service department Sanzang shook his head. "It’s the one who came in person, and we can’t camp here here so safely..."

"The coming person is the grandson of that... North Bird Kojiro!"

However, the service department Sanzang still quickly opened the answer.

"It’s not that the person who came in person, everyone else...not enough!"

However, Qin Fang heard the name and identity. There was still a little bit of vigilance that suddenly vanished, and he waved his hand and said it very carelessly.

The Anping Shrine is one of the six holy places, and its strength is stronger than that of the Hokkaido Shrine. It ranks third and fourth in the six holy places and belongs to the middle level.

However, the boss of Anping Shrine is quite annoying nowadays. It is called the North Bird New One, a true top-level master of the grand division level...

At the same time, the North Bird New One is one of the six most prominent deacons in the red priests below the Taoist gods.

If we say that the great priests of Taoism have the supreme power, but in most cases they are only a spiritual symbol. The specific affairs are actually the responsibility of these six deacons.

Great things. The great priest has absolute power, but in some trivial matters, the power of the six deacons is more powerful.

As for the division of this trivial matter, this is what the benevolent sees the wise and sees wisdom. It is not how to treat the six deacons!

It can be said that Qin Fang’s trip to Fusang this time is not so much about killing a big priest who is old and weak, and almost half of his feet stepping into the gate of the ghost. It is better to kill the six deacons... even if only one . The Qin side they all got an unprecedented victory.

The six deacons have always been the people of the six holy places, and each of the holy places has chosen one. This is the most fundamental requirement. At the same time, the strength of the chosen deacon is also strong enough. Sufficient to suppress other red priests...

Otherwise, how can other red priests take orders?

Miyamoto Musashi is also a red priest, and he has been trained to reach the peak of the master class. Almost half of his feet have entered the rank of master class.

If you want to suppress such a master, there is no master-level training. Don't expect to be able to sit on the top of the six deacons. It's a little weaker. Maybe you will be killed by your men someday!

This kind of thing has not happened in the history of Taoism... It is precisely because of this kind of thing, more than once, this will have such a request.

I even made a big joke. The seven deacons have always appeared in the prominent position of the six deacons... It is said that there are very horrible enchanting masters in other sects, not only suppressing a deacon, but even suppressing the six deacons. In the end, even the big priests couldn’t suppress it, so this would not add this special...

Of course, the fierce seven deacons died. The throne of this deacon was cancelled. Even the sect of the deacon was killed by the six holy places.

Since that time, the six deacons have not moved any more, even if it is a very terrible enchanting master, and no longer expect to be a seven deacon.

However, this does not mean that such a master will be soft...but when the time is right, directly destroy one or two or three deacons, so that the six holy places are very faceless. This is also a very good thing!

This kind of thing is really too little. The six holy places are not vegetarian. They have been chosen by the six deacons. They are all outstanding people. If you want to kill such a master, it is not an easy task. !

Of course. This is all about the internal affairs of Taoism. There is no relationship between Qin and Fang. I just want to explain the terrible of these six deacons from the side.

The North Bird New One is one of the six deacons. The strength is terrible. Don’t look at Qin’s just killing Miyamoto Musashi, the equivalent of a half-step master. But for the new bird of the North, Qin will hear his name. Directly choose to avoid...

Although Qin Fang is self-confident, it is not a fool. How many pounds he or she has is very clear, he can’t do it if he sends it to death...

"Northern Bird New One is coming, maybe I will be afraid of him, but his grandson... Hey!"

Upon hearing this news, Qin Fang was relieved, and he was dissatisfied with his mouth, and then continued to lick his rabbit legs.

Several other people originally had some interest in this matter. Now, as with Qin Fang, there is no interest at all.

"Northern bird Xiaojilang does not care, it is a child who is nothing but a child. It is not enough to worry about it... However, this kid is the most painful grandson of the new bird of Beibei, and specially arranged his disciple to protect himself!"

For the reaction of several people in Qinfang, the service department Sanzang did not care, he had already guessed it, but the latter sentence is the key point he wants to say.

“Shakura Ken?”

Referring to this name, Qin Fang also stunned because he heard the name.

"Is that...the red ghost is shallow?"

Not only Qin Fang, Ji Xiang could not help but lifted his head, some did not quite ask, but also looked at Qin Fang, the two people quickly exchanged their eyes, obviously two people thought of going together.

"Yes, it is him!"

The service department Sanzang nodded and gave a positive answer.

"Who is Shikura Ken?"

Song Qingshan and Wukong monk were stunned, especially when they noticed that Qin Fang and Ji Xiang heard the name, and the face was a little dignified and excited.

As a friend and brother who have been mixing together for so long, if you don’t know that this shallow-small has already caused the excitement of these two, then it’s been a long time.

"Aoyama, you have been a little shorter in the underground world. You may not have heard of this name, but we... I have definitely heard of it."

Qin Fang did not speak, Ji Xiang explained it for him. After all, Ji Xiang’s time in the underground world is longer than that of Qin, and naturally he knows more.

"Shakura is originally the killer of the killer league, codenamed the red ghost... the six-star killer! The masters who died in his hands are really numerous... once a man who is expected to hit the throne of the killer!"

For the predecessor of the killer alliance, he also admired the reason for excluding national hostility, because this is an absolute strong.

"However, because of an unknown reason, he faded out of the killer league, and rarely took any more tasks... even gradually faded away!"

The red ghost Shokangjian faded out seven or eight years ago. The killer's killer replacement was originally quite fast. In seven or eight years, the time was changed several times. Many newcomers don't know the legend of the red ghost. .

"Only, after the talents broke out, the former killer red ghost, originally from the sang's master Shokangjian... I did not expect that he is actually one of the six holy sites of the Anshen Shrine... ”

Ji Xiang is also quite a bit of a feeling. He knows things that many old killers who have been mixed for several years know, but for the real history of the shallow warehouse, if it is not the service department Sanzang, he really does not know……

"Old Qin, is there any idea?"

Hearing the name of Asakura Ken, Ji Xiang suddenly had an infinite warfare, and seemed to want to fight against his famous long-time killer.

"What's the idea? Go back to sleep..."

Qin Fang couldn't help but rolled his eyes and then squirted him very rudely.

"Seven years ago, Asakura Ken is already a six-star killer, and that is already a master of the master level. After so many years, I dare not say that there is much progress, at least there must be a master-level junior high school. The repair of the period! Just by you? Do you think you can deal with it?"

However, in order to let Ji Xiang temporarily die of this thought, Qin Fang used a very rude swearing, and did not give Ji Xiang a little bit of face.

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