Omni Genius

Chapter 1457: Refining Pei Yuan Dan!

First, I asked for a subscription, a monthly pass... I was beaten by Qin Fang, and Ji Xiang was not angry. He knew that Qin Fang was telling the truth, and maybe even left him a little face.

As far as his current strength is concerned, unless the shallow warehouse has suffered a very serious injury, the strength is not as good as before, maybe he still has a little chance.

However, this possibility is not too big. At the beginning, his withdrawal from the killer alliance was calm and faded, but he did not hear about injuries.

"Are we not a lot of people?"

Ke Jixiang said with a smile, his eyes were swept away from several people around him, but the meaning is quite clear.

When they were three people, they were able to withstand the three divisions of the service department at the beginning of the guru level. Four people could directly encircle them, and even the service department Sanzang was abolished.

Nowadays, the strength of the four of them has made great progress. Together with the two masters of the Department of Service, Sanzang and Qin Zi, it is not necessarily the case that there is only one in the middle of the division.

In particular, Ji Xiang used to be familiar with some of the Qin’s tactics, but he felt that this was an opportunity...

The red ghost is shallow, and this is a very famous predecessor in the killer league. If you can kill such a strong figure, it is quite good for them to be famous in the killer alliance and even the underground world...

The underground world is a strong person. In such an environment, becoming a cutting-edge master, it is truly famous, but it also bears a very heavy mission at the same time. If you fail to do so, you may become a stepping stone for others.

Of course, the reason why the strong are called the strong is because they are on the shoulders of countless people on the altar.

Since they can step on others, they must be prepared to be trampled by others... One person cannot always be a winner, and everyone has a time to fail!

Why did the red ghost Shokang Jian fade out at the beginning, and it is still a mystery! Perhaps it is the teacher's request, perhaps he is tired of such a killing career, perhaps for other reasons... For example. He does not want to be a stepping stone to a later person!

In short, Akasaka is a successful strongman, a legendary figure in the underground world. Although he has faded out, there are still many people who want to step on his body.

For example, Ji Xiang now has this idea...

Of course, Qin Fang’s heart is not lacking in such a plan.

only. Now Qin Fang is temporarily not considering it.

"Are you going to kill the shallow warehouse now? Or wait until your strength is improved? Maybe... you can step directly into the guru!"

Qin Fang did not slap the skin with Ji Xiang, and he sent it in a sentence. Finished licking his rabbit meat. It seems that this matter has nothing to do with him.

"Eh... you mean..."

Ji Xiang stunned for a moment, then stared at Qin Fang with his eyes straight, and his mouth was a little bit smashed, obviously what he thought of.

However, his words reached the mouth, and it was hard to hold back, and his eyes also inadvertently crossed the beautiful cherry blossoms sitting in the corner and appearing very quiet!

obvious. Although Ji Xiang sometimes speaks and jumps, things are still very clear. He should not say anything if he shouldn’t say it.

There are seven people here, and the four of them are absolutely one group. Qin Zi also has no problem, even the service department Sanzang is also a little more reliable, only the cherry blossoms ... absolutely must be wary, beware, and then beware.

Don't look at the cherry blossoms now, the words are not spoken, the skills are all blocked, but she can listen, can see, can write, or it is possible to reveal the secrets of several of them.

"Everybody has a good rest tonight, and tomorrow we will have to go out for four..."

Qin Fang did not say much, Ji Xiang understood his meaning on the line, but simply explained it, Qin is convenient to eat and drink and go back to the tent to sleep.

Ji Xiang, a few of them are no exception. After eating, they are all back to the tent. After a day of war, they consume a lot of money. It really needs a break.

Seeing that the Qinfang four people are gone, the three tribes of the service department have also returned to the tent to rest. In fact, it is the cherry blossoms themselves to rest, and the service department Sanzang also takes care of the vigil.

As for Qin Zi, her intention was to directly strip the Qin bed’s warm bed, but in the end she gave up the plan...

She found out that although Qin Fang did not say anything, she could feel that Qin Fang seemed to be quite exhausted. She needed a good rest to recover. How could she bear to disturb?

Nothing in the night.

This night is still quite calm. There are no beasts like tigers and wolves on the prairie. In addition, there is a master of the costume department, Sanzang, who has watched the night, but there is nothing unexpected.

Early in the morning, Qin Fang, who had a full sleep, felt a hundred times more powerful. The whole person seemed to be completely new.

"Old man, you take care of them during the day..."

With the service department Sanzang greeted a bit, Qin convenient and Ji Xiang, Wukong monk, Song Qingshan three people left from the campsite side.

Although Qin Zi wanted to follow the Qin side, but seeing Qin Fang to do very important things, and she also got a task from the Qin side, naturally gave up this plan, deliberately stayed.

Moreover, the strength of Qin Zi has skyrocketed, but there are few people who know this news. Besides the Qin side, the Wukong monk knows this. Ji Xiang and Song Qingshan vaguely know, but the service department Sanzang and cherry blossoms are obviously not clearly……

This is a dark chess buried by the Qin side. As for when it comes in handy, you have to see if there is any need for it.

In the early days of the service department, the three Tibetan masters were basically as bad as luck, and they met a master who was stronger than him. For example, the red ghost, Shimura Ken, who also entered the grassland, basically couldn’t bring him. Similarly, no one can treat the two beautiful women under his protection.

Not to mention, if you encounter a shallow warehouse, the service department Sanzang can also block for a while... If necessary, Qin Zi may also shoot.

Two master-level masters, killing the legendary killer like Shokura Ken may be a bit of a hassle, but self-protection is no problem, even the person who can abuse each other...

Since this is the case, Qin Fang is naturally very reassured.


In fact, Qin Fang did not go far, but returned to the island of Huxin.

However, this time, Qin Fang did not enter the secret land again. It was not easy to crack the formation method. Secondly, the Qin Dynasty always felt that the Qin side felt very uneasy.

Perhaps the one that is hidden in the dark room, the horrible to the extreme level of the beast, may be other potential threats...

However, due to safety considerations, Qin Fang still feels relatively safe on this lake island. This large island protects the secret land and also cuts off the internal and external links.

How many powerful anti-sky existences in the secret land are also blocked by this array, but it is impossible to rush out...

"Some couples, I am going to have alchemy right away, can't be disturbed, so please ask a few brothers to protect me..."

The lake island is not too big, basically you can see it at a glance, but it is also difficult to guarantee that no one will come across the lake.

This lake is so big, there is only one such lake island. If someone comes over, it is easy to find them, and it will inevitably be disturbing.

"Do not worry, there are us guarding here, no one wants to be close to here..."

Ji Xiang immediately patted his chest and promised that he almost planned to even let the mosquitoes pass.

Subsequently, Ji Xiang and other three immediately went to the three orientations of Huxin Island, each staring in one direction, so that they could monitor the entire lake. If someone is close, they can also find it in the first place.

The Qin side stayed in the center of the island, that is, next to the big island of the island, he began his alchemy mission.

Said to be alchemy, in fact, is refining.

The medicinal herbs are all ready, and Qin Fang first directly extracts each medicinal material into the most basic medicinal essence. This is a very delicate job, and it is also quite a time-consuming.

With regard to the refining of these kinds of medicinal materials, it took more than an hour for the Qin side to complete. After the completion of the Qin dynasty, Qin Fang finally could straighten his waist and sigh, "I can finally make alchemy!"

The process of alchemy is much simpler. It is also a very boring and mechanical work. It only needs to mix the essence of the drug according to the ratio of Danfang, and then directly choose refining.

The progress bar starts at zero and is always read, which is the end.

“Refining success, get Peiyuan Dan +1, skill proficiency +50.”

When the progress bar was read, if Qin Fang got such a reply, it was natural that the refining was successful, and there was an extra medicinal drug in the props box of Qin Fang.

“Refining failed, earning waste +1, skill proficiency +10.”

If you get such a hint, then it means that the refining has failed. Qin Fang is not getting nothing. He still gets a medicinal herb, but it is not the Pei Yuan Dan that Qin Fang needs, but a waste. Dan.

Waste Dan, the defective products obtained by the failure of refining the medicinal herbs, is also an medicinal herb in appearance, but it cannot be eaten.

If this kind of waste Dan is eaten, it is basically drug poisoning. At most, the luck is better.

But if the luck is not good, the power of a waste Dan is even more terrifying than the most terrible poison under the sun, which directly causes seven holes to bleed and die.

Of course, what kind of harm this kind of waste Dan will bring is not known to most people, and only Qin Fang who has the ability to detect can understand it one by one.

The alchemy teacher did not dare to try the waste Dan easily. Most of them were thrown away directly, but Qin Fang decided to leave these waste Dans... (to be continued)! ~!

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