Omni Genius

Chapter 1907: Finalist, win!

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"Qin Shidi, here..."

"Qin Shishu, we are here..."

As soon as I entered the player area, I immediately had a Kunlun school disciple greet Qin Fang... Although the relationship between them is not familiar, it is much closer than those of other Zongmen!

Even here, the disciples of all parties are distinct, and conflicts are strictly forbidden here, and the offenders directly cancel the qualification of Dabie!

"He is the Qin party?"

"I don't think so much..."

"You dare to look down on him. When you look back, if you are unlucky, even if you add up, you will be scrapped by him..."

When I saw the Qin side, many people also talked about it. Some people were shocked, some people were afraid, some people laughed, some people hated it. But this did not happen in the eyes of the Qin side, but went straight to the Kunlun faction camp. rest.

"Lee brother, did the lottery group come out?"

Grasping a brother who had a few faces with himself, Qin Fang also asked a word.

"It's already out, you see it yourself..."

The brother was quite surprised, but he still pointed to the cardboard in the Kunlun faction. "Your group is good. The first few rounds will be quite easy. There is absolutely no trouble in the finals..."

"Yes? Thank you, I will go see..."

Qin Fang nodded and walked over and glanced.

In fact, the name marked above, Qin Fang basically does not know a few people, seeing and not seeing actually does not mean much... The reason why you have to take a look, in fact, mainly look at their opponents Grouping situation.

As the brother said, the disciples of the previous rounds of Qin Fang did not have the names of several leading figures of the five masters... To be exact, if you want to meet these opponents, it will happen in the finals. The thing is gone.

Perhaps in order to avoid the tragedy of the strong being eliminated in advance, the previous rounds of the test belonged to the finalists, only two consecutive games. You can advance directly.

Five major gates. A total of 100 players participated in the competition, and the number of each door was 25.

In two consecutive games, the most smooth situation is to directly screen out 25 people, and these 25 people can directly advance to the finals!

The number of places entering the wild little secrets is 30, and the other five places are reserved for the remaining 75 people. This competition has become quite fierce...

Of course. This is the most ideal state. In fact, unless it is a highly skilled player, or the luck of group draw is very good, it is absolutely very difficult to win two games in a row.

The grouping arrangement in front of us is actually the first two rounds of the arrangement is determined, the latter rounds need to be randomly adjusted. After all, some disciples have advanced directly because of two consecutive victories, and naturally do not need to continue the test.

"Qin Shidi, Dabi started, prepare for it..."

When the Qin side pondered this group, the brothers who spoke there also reminded Qin Fang.

If you don't go to the competition, you will automatically calculate it as a defeat. If you are wrong, it is really on the Qin side. It is estimated that it will be a little depressed... even the Qin side can still appear easily. But he also doesn't want to waste this time.

"Kunlun sent Qin Fang, against Shaolin, whoever..."

Not long after. Qin Fang heard that someone had reported his name there. At the same time, he also had his first round of opponents. He was a young monk from Shaolin... a disciple of the word generation, a small generation, and a Wukong than the Qin side. They, Xiaofa, and Wutian, all of them have been small for a generation.

Of course, the disciples of the five major sects are also based on their peers. For example, Qin Fang is a second-generation disciple of Kunlun, and then the literary generation of Shaolin belongs to the same generation, which is higher than the generation. child.

"Qin Shishu, please!"

When Qin Fang boarded the ring, he saw the young monk of the other party and immediately attacked a Buddhist monk.

This is why there is such a reaction. It is estimated that the other party is also finding that the Qin side is too young, even a little smaller than him... This one is slightly larger than the Wukong monk, and it is estimated that there are twenty-seven. Eight-year-old look.

However, Qin Fang seems to be obviously about twenty or so... It’s a bit of a high score. I heard that the strength is terrible, and it’s no wonder that there will be such a reaction.


Qin Fang is also very polite.

Even if the strength of the opponent is only the master level, although it has reached the late stage of the master class, it is only a short time before the initial entry. It is estimated that the overall strength is similar to that of the Wukong monk.


The Qin side did not take an urgent shot, but instead slammed it on the platform of the ground with a sword, and immediately issued a crisp sound.

Under the foot of the downfall, I don’t know what kind of material it is. It feels quite hard. Even the swordsmanship of the master-level masters is still on the top, and it is still motionless. At most, only some smoke is raised.

Moreover, after so many years of inheritance, these downfalls are still intact, and it is enough to show that its material is quite extraordinary... and only such a downfall is the most suitable for warriors to fight on.

If all of them are not in the dust, those who have been beaten have long been beaten...

You must know that the black boxing alliance of the underground world, the masters of the master class, only use special steel to weld into a cage, throwing two players into it, so that you can let go and don't worry about accidentally hurting the surrounding audience.

However, when it comes to masters and masters who are above the master level, then it is completely different. They will choose an open space. It can even be said to be a place like the "burial post" of the rocky stone. Let the two players fight themselves. ... As for the audience, there is no one. They can only use the camera to shoot the whole process and watch it remotely.

This is also a no-brainer. It is really a master above the master level. Once it is fully shot, the destructive power is too great. Those broken stones can be as much destructive as those bullets. Death is hurt!

Even when the underground world knows, how can the five major sects know this?

You must know that the players who participated in the five-way ratio are the masters of the ranks, and the masters of the ranks are almost ten people. The destructive power of these people is stronger than that of the masters. too much.

"Not bad!"

After Qin Fang experimented with the anti-attack ability of Fujian and Taiwan, it was also a smile of praise.


The monks apparently did not want Qin to be so boring, and the footsteps moved slightly, and seized an opportunity, and immediately launched an offensive... The practice of crossing the river to the very high level, the whole person immediately Came to an arrow.

It seems that I know that the strength of the Qin side is quite good. His shot is his strongest killing... I want to kill Qin Fang!

Of course, the "one hit will kill" here is not really to kill, just want to let Qin Fang lose combat power!

If you really want to kill the machine, those who are in the supreme position of the town are not vegetarian...

Although there are certain competitions between the five major sects, there are occasional conflicts, but the overall relationship is very close. It is not a strange thing to marry between the sects!

Every time the five factions are bigger than each other, it seems that there is a similar thing that happened in the "one thousand miles of marriage".

Of course, Shaolin is basically neglected. Tantrics have a happy pulse, but they can marry their wives, but other Zongmen are obviously impossible to marry a female disciple... but it is between Kunlun, Tianyahaige and Tianwailou. More marriages!

Especially the Tianya Haige, a little like the Magical Six of the Magical Flower, the female disciples are more, almost more than half... Generally speaking, they are self-produced, but there are some exceptions.

It is because of this relationship that the comparison between the five major sects is also on the verge.

Even if there is really a contradiction that cannot be solved, then it is time to solve it, instead of choosing the current five-party ratio...

It is for this reason that although the disciples of the five major sects are sometimes eager to win, they are still more restrained!

"It’s good..."

Don't look at the Qin side's seemingly interested in this downfall, but when he saw that the monk was killed, he wouldn't look down. He immediately sipped a cold and greeted the monk who had killed him... However, it was followed by the first move, and directly hit the body of the monk.


The monk also changed his face. Although he knew that Qin Fang’s strength was much stronger than him, he did not expect to have so much strength. At this time, the body was also shocked. The whole body’s infuriating shocks and forced the Qin. This is the palm of the hand.

I saw that Qin Fang’s palm was printed on him...

Fight! !

In the dull sound, there was a more pronounced cracking sound. It was the sound of the monk’s clothes being shattered. At the same time, the monk was also hit by the Qin Fang and fluttered in the air. It took several meters, and it fell steadily.

"Thank you Qin Shishu for your mercy!"

However, after the fall, the monk did not continue to work, but after a fight, he voluntarily retired.

The palm of the hand, Qin Fang can completely hurt him...

Only when Qin Fang was in the palm of his hand, he deliberately shifted his target and transferred the palm that should have been slamming on him to his clothes... The monk’s robes suddenly became broken. The cloth is covered, but he has almost no damage.

The monk is also quite a simple person, knowing that he has no chance of winning at all, simply directly admit defeat...

Qin Fang did not injure him, so that he can continue to maintain the peak strength, then in the next promotion, he is likely to go further... although it may not be finalist, but he also has to The Qin party's this human feeling! (To be continued...)

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