Omni Genius

Chapter 1908: Two consecutive victories!

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"Qin Shidi, you are really relaxed..."

When Qin Fang easily walked down the stage, some of the second-generation disciples who had finished the test also came to Qin Fang Daxi, and of course they also inevitably envied some hate... It is really the end of the Qin party's test.

"Several brothers are not easy to win..."

Qin Fang also said with a smile.

Now I have a mood to give him a happy, basically the first to win.

The strength of the second generation of disciples is generally stronger than that of the three generations of disciples. As long as they are not too bad luck, they can basically break through and win... Correspondingly, the possibility of encountering Waterloo by the three generations of disciples is the biggest.

This is also the relationship of their own qualifications...

Talent is better, generally will be promoted to the second generation of disciples, those talents can only be three generations of disciples!

Perhaps there are some more hard work, or what kind of adventures, three generations of disciples can also have quite abnormal strength ... but this is very rare.

"The next round is not so easy..."

Several brothers couldn’t help but smile and said.

The first round can only be regarded as a warm-up, the second round is the real test... Win, you are naturally easy to enter the finals, the qualification to enter the wild little secret is at your fingertips; if you lose, then continue to compete for the final admission volume Let's go!

“I wish everyone could easily appear...”

Qin Fang is also not good at saying anything. He can only send blessings to everyone. However, he is not particularly worried. Unless he encounters a perverted black horse like Li Wuhua, he is basically unlikely to encounter any resistance.

Because Qin Fang’s first game ended relatively quickly, but naturally he took a relatively long time to rest... At least an hour was waiting, and it was the turn of Qin’s second round.

"In the second round, Kunlun sent Qin Fang, and it was easy to play against Tianya Haige..."

After hearing his name, Qin Fang immediately boarded the ring and waited for his opponent to arrive.

This is easy. Qin Fang heard the sword and the breeze said. It is the second generation disciple of Tianya Haige, but it is a bit inconspicuous. The strength is not particularly outstanding, but it is also not to be underestimated. If he dares to oppose it, then it is very likely that the ship will be overturned in the gutter.

"Mr. Brother... please!"

Soon, a young man who seemed to be honest and loyal came up, about twenty-eight. Almost already stuck in the threshold of 30 years old, the strength is also quite good, reaching the peak of the master class, only one step can rush into the ranks of the division.

Qin Fang also very politely greeted the other party, but also instinctively lost a scouting skills in the past.


However, just when the other party said "please". Qin Fang was suddenly exploding a few fine eyes in his eyes, and looking at this easy-looking look has become extraordinary!

Of course, such a reaction, even if it is easy for outsiders, it is all about him.


"It seems that the penetration of evil sects is much stronger than I thought..."

Qin Fang sighed in the heart, because this Mo is simply the ease of the Tianya Haige that he wants to play against, but from the master of the evil sect... Accurately speaking. This person is Li Moyan from the Tianxie.

Although the names of both people are accompanied by a "mo" word. But it is really two completely different people...

However, from the reaction of others. This Li Moyan actually changed into a relaxed appearance... Qin Fang did not see any flaws, and most of them also had the secret technique similar to his metamorphosis.

"I really can't underestimate the heroes of the world..."

Found this, Qin Fang could not help but feel a touch.

The deformation technique, although it was Qin’s stunt, has only been passed to Tang Feifei alone, but the similar stunts are obviously not unique to him. These have been passed down for thousands of years, but they are never lacking. Weird stunts.

"What should I do with this opponent?"

Although he knew that the opponent was the insider of the evil sect, he was hesitant about how to deal with this person.

Directly think of ways to make this Li Moyan exposed?

Or defeat Li Moyan in the normal way, and then report this news to the Qing dynasty, let these big men deal with...

"The sinister person may not be the only one, or don't scream the snake first..."

However, Qin Fang has already seen a Chuyuan and saw this Li Moyan. God knows how many of these five sects are participating in the evil sects... and the evil sects have already planned If you come over and mess up, I am afraid that there are still big troops outside.

At this time, Li Moyan was exposed, and the five factions were really lively...

After considering it, Qin Fang decided to pretend that he didn't know anything. He just wanted to concentrate on getting the finals in the finals. As for the extent to which the evil sects and the top five masters would eventually fight, it is not that he needs to ask questions. Things.

The five major sects, sent five Supreme Powers to sit in the town, and invited the judges, the number of Supreme Powers reached seven or eight... Want to take advantage of so many Supreme Powers, at least on the evil side It is also necessary to dispatch so many supreme powers.

Can the evil sect... Is there so many supreme masters?

Although the evil sect possesses the "evil emperor" among the "four emperors" who are the strongest masters in the world, the "mad empire" Chu madman who is the strongest supreme and the celestial building of the five sects is not vegetarian.

Let’s not say whether the evil emperor will be there, but even if he personally comes over, he will not be able to take advantage of it!

However, the battle at that level is indeed not the Qin party that can participate now. Even if he has the best cards, even the weakest Supreme Power, he can't cope with it, even in the suffocating field of the Supreme Power. In the middle, he has no chance to escape!


When Qin Fang’s thoughts were numerous, Li Moyan’s role was relaxed, but he had already screamed and killed him to the Qin side... and, as soon as he was shot, he was very famous in Tianya Haige. Yang palm!

Tianya Haige is the original Tianshan school. In fact, most of the school is also inherited from the Tianshan school. Tianshan Liuyangzhang, Tianshan folding plum hand, etc. are all compulsory disciples of the disciples... Don’t think this is What a big road, it is definitely a very powerful stunt!

"Good to come!"

To be honest, although Qin has contacted quite a few masters, there are even some strong masters at the top of the ranks, but those who are not foreigners or scattered, really no one is born in these famous schools.

Even if it is the five major clan of the Thousand Islands on the Devil Island, the thousand skills are their true heritage. The martial arts is only incidental. It is only passed down for thousands of years. They are a bit of a slap in the end, and this will produce a lot of Wu. Learning a master, but it is a little behind the thousands of skills!

That is to say, the five major families of the thousand gates are still considered as scattered repairs, and they are completely incomparable with the famous schools of the five major sects.

The five major sects of the Zongmen, the martial arts of the disciples in the door are very profound and very powerful, and often practice some rare secrets.

It’s like the sword breeze. His actual strength is the beginning of the big division, and there is still a certain gap in the middle of the period. But when he and the Qin side dealt with the mercenary leader of the big master level, the battle broke out. The force is also quite powerful, at least in the middle of the big division.

This is the benefit of a famous school. There are many rare secrets that can be cultivated and studied...

As a close disciple of the Qing Dynasty, Qin Fang’s second-generation disciple is also qualified to cultivate a lot of secret techniques. Unfortunately, he just entered the Kunlun Gate and did not even go back to the gate, let alone The Tibetan Classics chose to study secrets.

At this time, "Mo is easy" shot is quite a powerful killing ... ... apparently also with the same idea, intends to kill the Qin side, so that you can easily win two consecutive victories and qualify for the finals. It is.

"Mo is easy", Qin is easy to know the strength of this, absolutely more powerful than the sword Qingfeng knows, even the general master-level master, may not be able to win him.

"Hidden is good..."

Qin Fang’s eyes are getting closer and closer, and the corner of his mouth is also showing a faint smile. He sighs in his heart... He knows that this is not the real strength of “Mo is easy”, he deliberately concealed his own I have never been to school.

So many people looked at it. Once he exposed his identity as a sinister disciple, he would immediately become a prisoner... So many supreme powers sit in the town. How can a warrior at the top of his master class resist?

However, "Mo is easy" is also unlucky enough ... ... who is not good, but met the Qin side, it is doomed to be unlucky!


When Mo's easy hand was about to approach the Qin Dynasty, Qin Fang's body and ghosts moved incomparably, and there was a "easy" side in the blink of an eye, and then when the other party's mind was undecided. , a palm banged out!

The same is a palm, banged on the "Mo easy" body, even if his strength is also quite embarrassing, but still directly hit by the Qin side!

Compared with the previous ones, Qin Fang at least gave him a few faces... After all, the relationship between Qin Fang and Wukong monk is good, and the Shaolin disciples are also somewhat tolerant, and the general interest is also Qin Fang is quite satisfied.

However, this "no easy", Qin Fang is not polite, and even did not give him the opportunity to admit defeat, a direct blow to knock him down...

Look at that face silly standing in the ring, watching the referee announce Qin's two-game winning streak and advance to the finals, this "Mo is easy" face is completely green ... completely mad, He was given a "shadow" by Qin Fang! (To be continued...)

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