Omni Genius

Chapter 2006: Strong enemy with the same road!

But in fact, the map of the wild and small secrets is quite large, and other areas can also go...

However, the predecessors of the five major sects will strictly restrict the scope of these disciples' activities... It is really too dangerous for the peripheral areas, and even the esteemed masters may fall there, let alone the masters and masters of the district.

"Kid, hold..."

When I saw Qin Fang, the snow-free face was slightly better. When I put the jade card on the Qin side, I also specially reached out and photographed Qin Fang’s shoulder to show encouragement.

"No. 1 jade brand..."

When Qin Fang got the customs clearance card, he simply looked up...

The front of the jade brand is just a simple pattern. The carving is not a special exquisite, it can only be regarded as general, and the back of the jade brand is a standard Chinese character "壹", which means that this is the first jade brand... naturally also according to five Send a big place to collect.

The second jade brand is of course Li Wuhua, and then three to six are cold ice, can not, Wu Tian, ​​Long Xiangfa Wang and so on... These are the safe rooms that are guaranteed in the wild and small secrets.

This customs clearance jade card is specially made, using the best of the best and the fat of the sheep fat, and there is still a little release in the vague!

"Snow Jade Essence?"

What surprised the Qin side is that this jade brand is actually an extremely rare material, Xueyu Essence... Although it has not been able to be fully formed, it has been mined, and it has made a lot of discounts, but it is also an amazing treasure.

"I really want to be greedy..."

Qin Fang smiled and said a word.

Xueyu essence is a good thing. If it is used for cultivation, the effect is not weaker than Lingjing. If it is used as medicine, it is even more powerful than Wannian stalactite...

Although both belong to the genius treasure. But there is also a difference. Wannian stalactites must be warmed up for thousands of years to form. But Xueyu essence does not have to be raised for hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years. This alone can already explain The problem is.

Qin Fang has already had a lot of stalactites in his hands, but if he can greet this snow jade essence, Qin Fang will definitely not be polite...

However, he is just a joke, it can't be done.

This jade card is equipped with a very strong prohibition, even if he can temporarily be in his hands. It is not too difficult for the five major sects to ruin it. It is better to not waste this idea than to waste such treasures.

"The disciples of the evil sect and the magic gate also came to receive the customs clearance card..."

And when the Qin side entangled the snow jade essence made of the customs clearance jade card, the snow was clean and there was a cavity.

"Eh... how could this be?"

"Why can the people of the Devils and the Evils receive the customs clearance card..."

"We have just lost nearly ten people, why not let us fill in the five main sects. Instead, give it to the evil sect and the magic door?"

When the snow was clean, the words of the five major sects suddenly swayed.

In the previous war, the evil sects and the five major sects were not lost. In particular, the 30 disciples who were short-listed were not very old, and their strengths were relatively weak. They were attacked by evil masters. Put it. Directly lost nearly ten people, equivalent to one-third.

According to normal circumstances, these ten places will be replaced by the younger disciples of the five major sects. Each of the sects will be added a few, so that it is unbiased!

but. This situation is quite strange today.

The masters of the magic gate and the evil sects swayed and appeared, but they also snatched the customs clearance cards belonging to the five major sects... The five major sects can calm down and have ghosts.

"It’s no wonder that the dusty face will be so ugly..."

However, Qin Fang seems to understand some, and it will be such a reaction to snow dust, it is not surprising.

It is estimated that the blood emperor, the evil emperor and the madman reached an agreement. The magic gate and the evil sect paid a certain price. The five major sects of the sect were giving up some places to the evil sect and the magic gate...

"Okay. This matter has been decided... no need to fight!"

However, the five major sects of the sects are useless. The sects seem to have learned some insiders from the madman. After some thoughts, they agreed to it... This will be announced by Snow. of.

"Master, what is this all about?"

The Qin side took the opportunity to get to the side of the Qing Dynasty, and asked in a small voice.

"The specific agreement, I am not convenient to tell you ... can only say that the evil sects and the magic door people, they are not going to occupy our five major sects of the cultivation room, but to the wilderness of the secret!"

Obviously, the content of this agreement is quite secret. Although Qin Fang has made great contributions to Kunlun, but he is not qualified to know, the Qing dynasty is just a simple explanation of what can be leaked out.

"The reason why they left them a customs clearance card is actually for their life..."

Of course, I will not forget why the people of the evil and the magic gates can also receive the customs clearance card.

That jade card is equivalent to the opening key of a brief transmission array. When it is dangerous, you can use it to transmit... This will save you a life!

The Qin side just glanced at it and will enter the wild and sorcerer and the master of the magic door with them. They are also young and handsome young people, and they are also the future hopes of evil sects and magic gates... they are not I hope that these elite disciples will have an accident, and this will get the customs clearance card from the five major sects to save their lives.

The jade card is equivalent to a one-time transmission symbol. Once it is used, it will be automatically transferred to the safe training room. When the cultivation time is over, everyone will be kicked out by the wild secret...

"It takes a lot of energy to open a wild little secret. In addition to consuming a lot of Lingjing, you need a top master to host... In the past, it was all hosted by a madman. This time, the blood emperor and the evil emperor will help. The opening time to maintain the wild little secrets will also increase, at least from the original three days to six days!"

Of course, the Qing Dynasty has also revealed such a very important message.


Qin Fang also nodded.

However, in his heart, he is thinking about other things.

He knew it earlier, and the evil sects came out of this nest because they had a map of a wild and secret place in their hands... Although it was only a residual picture, it was at least much stronger than nothing.

The evil sects enter the wild and secret environment for the whole wilderness, and they will inevitably go deep into it to explore...

The people of the Magic Gate have also come. Although the Qin side is not very clear about the purpose of their trip, they know that most of them should be similar. They may even have a similar map in their hands.

"Evil sect, magic door..."

The same light shone in the eyes of Qin Fang, revealing a murderous murder.

The evil sects don’t say this for a while, but this time they have been attacking the Qin side again and again... from the five masters, to the half-step of the Qingyi bat Wang Weichunqiu, and then there is a blood arrow Fu Hongyun. , Shi Songyun, etc., this feud is not a small one.

Before, the situation was compelling, and Qin Fang was unable to retaliate. Naturally, he could only conceal himself...

But in the wild little secrets... it’s hard to say.

The people of the magic door, basically come from the blood magic sect...

The Qin Fang and the other parts of the Magic Gate have no deep hatred, but the blood and the demon are incomparable... Now the **** demon disciple appears in front of his eyes, and Qin Fang naturally does not give up the truth.

"It seems that this pretty little secret trip will not be so lonely..."

After calculating this, Qin Fang’s face also showed a bright smile.

Originally only three days, then Qin Fang is naturally going all out to attack the Grand Master...

But now that time has doubled, even longer, it has provided plenty of time for the Qin side...

"All the disciples who have received the customs clearance card, the collection... the wild little secret is about to open!"

The sound of snow and dust was ringing again.

Qin Fang and others are also lined up in the order of the customs clearance cards they received... Qin Fang is the first one, and Li Wuhua and others are behind him.

As for the demon gates and evil sects, they were not originally directed at the small secret cultivation rooms, so the jade cards they received were also the last number, and naturally they were also at the bottom...


When the Qin side waited in line, they suddenly felt that a terrible force was released, and then two equally terrible forces joined it... Apparently the three Xeons took the shot.

Qin Fang and others only felt a fierce cicada in the ear, and the surrounding air seemed to be shaking...

Then I saw that there was less than five meters in front of Qin Fang, and there was a void portal in the middle of it...

This portal opened, although it seems to be invisible, but there is a very mysterious breath transmitted from the nearest Qin Fang immediately feel refreshed.

"The wild gas..."

Some people who knew the goods immediately exclaimed...

This is a kind of aura that is unique to the wilderness. It is stronger and more terrifying than the vitality... A little inhalation is equivalent to a few days of hard work. If you can cultivate for three days in the rich wildness. It is exactly equal to suffering for several years.

It is no wonder that the five great sects of the sects regard this savage little secret as a cultivation of holy places... Especially when some people need to rush, they are pressing their own strength and choosing to break through here!

The rich wild power is enough to support them to make breakthroughs, the success rate will be much higher... even the wildness can bring a lot of unexpected beauty!

"Everyone, come in!"

There is not so much nonsense in the snow, and immediately burst into a bang, Qin Fang is also holding the customs clearance card, the first one has entered this mysterious and wild little secret! (To be continued)

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