Omni Genius

Chapter 2007: Wild mystery!

When I entered the portal, Qin immediately felt the difference from the outside world...

The body clearly feels a special sense of firmness, and the pores of the whole body are completely open, and it is easy to lie in it, breathing the very different atmosphere inside... It is difficult to describe the strange feeling in words. It seems to have entered another time and space!

"This is... wild gas?"

Although he had already felt a little bit of arrogance overflowing from the portal, he was not particularly strong, although Qin Fang did not care too much, just as a high-quality aura.

But now, Qin Fang has completely changed this concept...

Gently sucked a bit of wild gas, Qin Fang suddenly felt a lot of spirit, and the speed of the body's infuriating speed was also improved a lot... The whole person is like a stimulant, full of power!

Before, Qin Fang suffered a considerable loss in the battle with Li Wuhua, and suffered some injuries. The strength is also slightly weaker... But here, Qin Fang suddenly has a feeling that the injury is completely eliminated.

Even strictly speaking, as long as he absorbs more wild power, his strength can even be more terrible than that that broke out in the war... even if he has not yet entered the rank of a big division, he dares to say that the battle of the Grand Master level Master's.

“Is it really working on my own?”

This discovery is also a surprise for Qin Fang...

Since he cultivated the four-image qi training, he has been cultivated into four elements, but most of these elements are stored in the Dantian of the Qin Dynasty. They are almost completely incapable of mobilization...only some of the energy absorbed in the small Kunlun world, perhaps Because it is impure, it is isolated by the other four elephants. On the contrary, it can be used by the Qin side. Condensed into a secret sword.

Because of this, Qin Fang’s secret sword can only be used twice at most...

That little amount of vitality, even one tenth of the total amount of the four elephants is not enough. If those four elements can be used, Qin Fang’s continuous use of ten or twenty times is no problem. That is the supreme powerhouse, in the case of sneak attack, there is the possibility of killing!

Unfortunately, this can only be the dream of Qin Fang...

The four-image vitality has been slowly growing, but the Qin side is incapable of using it.

but. After entering this wild little secret, these four-image elements that have been moving in motion have actually run on their own... Although they still don’t listen to the command of the Qin side, they are completely different from the dead bodies of the previous dead bodies. .

Even Qin Fang also found out. The four-image vitality actually wraps around the impure elements, and constantly goes to the shackles, and this part of the condensed spirit is more pure, and has grown a lot.

Qin Fang can be sure that after these enthusiasm has been condensed, the power of his vitality sword will definitely increase substantially. It is not necessarily impossible to directly double it.

The main thing is. These elements are not integrated with the four-image vitality, and they are still independent. After the condensing, they have not only not reduced, but have been strengthened by the four elephants... In the past, they released the most secret swords. It may be released three times now!

"It’s not a sanctuary of the five major sects..."

Although I just entered here, the Qin side has already felt a lot...

It is no wonder that the masters of the five major sects have been relentlessly developing this holy place for thousands of years, and even many of the supreme masters have fallen here, but everything they have done is worthwhile.

same. This is also why the five major sects have always maintained a coalition relationship, together protecting the existence of this holy place...

For thousands of years. How many equally powerful sects, such as Lushan and Xueshan, have gradually declined, even falling apart, but the five sects still stand still, always maintain the status of leaders, and also have a place to practice this place. Very relevant.

Although it has only been opened once in five years, there are only three days at a time... But the disciples who have entered here to practice are all elite disciples of the five major sects. Many people have entered a higher level at the end of each cultivation.

The Supreme Master is the strongest force of the five major sects, but the number of masters is the real foundation of the five sects... This is also the place where other sects cannot match!

"At least six days... enough!"

Feeling the power of wildness, Qin Fang’s heart is full of hope for his own progress.

The place where he is not the same as other people is that he is practicing too fast, and the difficulty of breaking the advanced level is also improved many times... even if he has accumulated for a long time, and the repair has already reached a big Master level, it is difficult to break this level.

In order to make a big impact on the success of this class, Qin Fang has made quite a lot of preparations... I don’t want to use all kinds of medicinal herbs, but also precious insights such as Jinlongyu, Wannian stalactites, and even Qinfang. I am still considering whether to take the last one of Qinglongdan's strong promotion at the crucial moment.

This is mainly because I am afraid that the wildness will not meet my own requirements, and the time for cultivation is too short, I have to make plans for it...

However, the sudden changes today have caused the Qin side to take a lot of risks and even hang up, but they have also exchanged a bigger and better chance for the Qin side... Actually let the three strongest people join forces to open up the wilderness. In the small secret, the cultivation time has been doubled.

If there is such a long time, if Qin Fang is still unable to break through to the rank of the Grand Master, then he can really pull his sword to wipe his neck...

The transfer array method was run a bit, and Qin was immediately transferred to a real wilderness...

According to the account of Zongmen, in the process of transmission, he should have opened the customs clearance card and directly transferred himself to the practice room... The secret is too dangerous, and the supreme power may fall, not to mention Said to be a master-level, master-level master.

However, Qin Fang is not in a hurry to do this, but intends to first see how wild a small secret is a place...

As for self-protection...

Qin Fang is still somewhat sure...

Entering the wild little secret, it will be separated from the outside. When necessary, Qin Fang can completely use the person Yuan Jindan... As long as he wins a certain time for him, he can open the customs clearance card and directly transfer it to practice. Secret room.

More importantly, there are small dragons and silkworms lurking in the Qin Fang, and they have actually become instigated, and they have sent messages to the Qin side...

The wilderness is so rich, it is more high-end than the ordinary heaven and earth aura, it is very suitable for them to absorb, even they can completely get rid of the Qin side of the body, come out freely ... is not that kind of short-term activities, but For example, the free and free activities of the dragons entering the sea and the tigers returning to the mountains.

Although Xiaolong and Shenzong seem to be inconspicuous, they are indeed very powerful. As long as they are not too strong opponents, they can not only protect themselves, but also easily protect the safety of Qinfang.

"Maybe, practicing a secret room is not my best choice..."

Understand this, Qin Fang could not help but think of it.

The five major sects cultivated the secret rooms, mainly in the safe and secret considerations... The five major sects sent disciples to practice, although it is the meaning of honing disciples, but the wild secret is too high-end, safety is always placed First place.

But safety is in the first place, and tempering naturally means no meaning...

Under the protection of Qin Fang himself, Xiaolong, and the silkworm, it is the most meaningless for the Qin side! Instead, he wants to intuitively touch this wilderness... although it is temporarily a wilderness.


When Qin Fang felt his ears humming, he knew that he should have been transferred to his destination.

During the transmission, Qin Fang can only close his eyes. The scene of light and dark intertwined can easily hurt people's eyes. Even the masters can't hold back. It is the best way to close your eyes... By the end of the transfer, he entered the secret and he could open it.


When he opened his eyes, Qin Fang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It’s a real fairyland in the world.

The place where he settled was at the foot of a winding mountain, next to the waterfall that flowed down... A silver-white practising from the sky, the shocking roar, directly let Qin’s ears lose consciousness again.

Below the waterfall is a large pool of water... The clear waters of the lake are clear, the breeze comes with a touch of water vapor, and it makes the Qin side feel refreshed, and the wildness is comparable. The Lingquan that Qin Fang met in the underground palace.

The waterhole is not closed. There are some gravel stones next to it. A small stream circling down the stream, the stream is slowly flowing, and it seems quite quiet.

Turning his head, the eye is the existence of a lush virgin forest, but the surrounding is full of flowers and flowers.

A few butterflies in the flowers are slowly dancing, quite leisurely...

"It’s a fairyland on earth..."

Qin Fang couldn’t help but sigh a bit...

Although Longguo also has some beautiful scenery, such as the mysterious dragon frame ... but compared with the front, whether it is the scenery, or the aura, almost no longer a grade.

Everything in front of you is more like the existence of the legendary peach blossom...

"Just, don't know if there are anyone here..."

Qin Fang could not help but stunned.

But the result is very clear, most of them are no one... At least there should be no such wilderness in the wilderness, otherwise the predecessors of the five major sects have been busy here for thousands of years, and there is no reason to have contacted them once! (To be continued)

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