Omni Genius

Chapter 2058: Through the sky!

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The fate of the Wind Wind Wolf King was temporarily suspended, and the purpose of Qin Fang was reached.

I took the cracked wind wolf king into the props box and let it go with the 18 beasts... Although the life is saved, the strength is temporarily unable to recover, leaving it outside without any benefit. It is also easy for Qin to become a living target of other exotic animals.

The beasts of the spirit beast king want to get the essence of dragon blood, that is the hope that they can advance to a higher level... And why do the beasts of the spirit beast level do not want to get the inner Dan and the blood of the spirit beast king?

Without hesitation, Qin Fang immediately rushed to the outside, and the snow-free body was played to the extreme, only to run the farthest distance in the shortest time... The speed of the abyss is too fast, and If the body is huge and really catches up, if it is more than a dozen kilometers away, it may not be needed for one minute, so it can catch up.

Therefore, the Qin side must now try to run a little farther, and then find a suitable hiding place, so that the dragon and the silkworm can be summoned back...

In particular, the snoring of the powerful beast in the distance is getting clearer and clearer, apparently in constant proximity, and there is not much time left for the Qin party... once this powerful alien arrives Then, the dragon and the silkworm want to get out, it is quite difficult.

The speed of the Qin side is very fast, as fast as lightning!

Moreover, he has completely let go of his steps now, and he has directly ignored everything around him... whether it is precious spirit grass, elixir, or very rare spirit beast, even if it feels the existence of wild stone He has passed straight!

With the lotus and petals of the jade, the lotus king of the supreme power is the soul slave, and the Qin side is a wild and secret journey. It is already quite satisfactory. Even if I leave here now, Qin Fang is already making a profit.

Of course, there is still some time now. If you can get more benefits, Qin Fang does not mind staying here...

However, you must first solve the trouble in front of you!


A roar of earth-shattering sounds suddenly caused the surrounding mountains to tremble fiercely... Even the Qin Fang, who was running fast, couldn’t help but scream and scream. The rumble, but also had to stop. Calm the blood in your chest!

"Qin Fang, here..."

Very coincidentally, the Qin side has just stopped, and the hearing of both ears has just recovered. I heard someone calling him!

"Hey. You are here..."

Very unexpected, actually the two guys Pang Sihai and Jia Siping... They escaped from the valley much earlier than the Qin, but they did not expect to be hit by the Qin side.

The two guys are hiding in a relatively hidden cave next to them. The cave is located on the stone wall, just above the height, you can see where Qin is standing now... It is better to understand how they will find him.

"Don't say this, come on..."

Pang Sihai was quite anxious and stumbled into the distance. Immediately shouted, it seems that the Qin side stays outside for a moment, it will be more dangerous.

Looked in front of Qin, and looked back. Then he walked under the stone wall, flew in a vertical position, and borrowed the force from the stone wall, which jumped over the stone wall about 30 meters high. Drilled into the cave.

Don't look at this cave, it doesn't seem like a big look from the foot of the mountain. But when I really got in, I found out that there is no hole in it...

The hole is small, but the view is quite open!

"look by youself……"

Pang Sihai refers to the distance and said... That direction is the direction that Qin Fang is just preparing to move on.


I don't know, I was really scared when I saw it... Even Qin Fang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but also slowly relieved.

"The beast tide..."

In that direction, about ten kilometers away, he saw a piece of black pressure, which was quickly rushing toward them... The black pressure was not a locust transit, but a strange animal, countless Different animals!

These strange beasts formed a violent beast wave, fiercely destroying everything in front of them... Those towering old trees that grew up for years, were immediately uprooted under the madness of these alien animals.

The place where the animal tide passes is like a locust crossing. It is directly razed to the ground. The trees are broken and collapsed. All kinds of exotic flowers and plants are staggered by these strange beasts. There are also countless.

Such a terrible number of strange animals raging, unless it is a very horrible beastmaster or a stronger existence, it is the general spirit beast king to evade the three...

If Qin Fang just continued to move forward, it must inevitably rush into this beast. It is estimated that it will be torn into pieces by these violent beasts... Of course, he can discover their existence in advance, then first Time to use the customs clearance jade to escape from here, it can be saved.

However, Pang Sihai’s timely call is also a way for Qin to escape. At least it’s relatively safe to stay here, and there is no need to use the customs clearance card!

"That is……"

What really surprised the Qin party was that he found that behind a beast, there was a behemoth that was striding forward.

It can even be said that the formation of the animal tide was completely driven by it...

"Tong Tian Hao..."

Although the distance is still far away, Qin Fang’s investigative skills are not useful, but from the appearance of the behemoth, Qin Fang can also vaguely guess its identity. “This is another comparable to the abyssal tiger. Strong presence... Did the previous buzz come from it?"

Through the sky, there is a strong presence of wild blood...

The body is quite strong, almost indestructible, and the defensive power is terrible... The slender arms have an unparalleled terrible power, and the fists can easily smash a hill.

And it also has a very powerful and abnormal special ability, called the **** of the law, is said to have a little relationship with the legendary celestial image... In the event of an explosion, the body can instantly expand ten times, a hundred times, let it come It is already a very large body, and it instantly breaks through the sky. It is said that this is also the origin of the name of Tongtian.

Because of this metamorphosis ability, the people of Tongtianyu are small and the number is very small, but none of them are top metamorphosis...

"The paralyzed, this is a big fun..."

Qin Fang did not expect to release the dragon, but actually led to such a perverted existence!

In addition to the metamorphosis of power, their temper is also famous for their arrogance and tyranny... Once they are worried, it is absolutely terrible, absolutely terrible for the Qin!

Far from saying this, just in front of this scene, it is already quite scary...

Just to hurry, it has created such a huge animal tide, I don’t know how many different beasts will die in it... Some of them may have been trampled by Tongtian, and some of them were trampled by other aliens. There is still a part that is scared to death...

Not to mention those flowers and trees, not much is still complete!

"Can't wait any longer, or you have to finish it..."

Seeing such a scene, Qin Fang did not dare to wait any longer. He immediately sent a message to Xiaolong and the silkworm, and summoned them to come back as soon as possible... Tongtianyu is terrible, except for the abyss and the tiger can compete with it. In addition, Qin Fang has no means at all.

Don't look at him before working with Xiaolong, Shenmian, and the monks to get rid of the crocodile king, but it is also a certain luck...

Even if it is against the Abyssal Devil Tiger, although it is still not good, at least Xiaolong can use his advantage of flying to successfully contain the abyss of the Devil...

However, if this is to be replaced by Tong Tian, ​​then there is no way to do it...

Throughout the violent and violent, the fighting power is terrible, the flesh is more horrible than the deep tiger, and its gods can instantly multiply many times, the slender arms will become very long, the dragon will fly. The advantage root is not used, it may have been pulled down before it has flown!

Coupled with its sacred method, the huge body, stepping on one foot, with a dragon full body more than ten meters long body, will also be like a small muddy, directly stepped on the flat ... Tong Tian In the normal state, it has been more than 30 meters, let alone the gods and gods!


After receiving the news from Qin Fang, Xiaolong and Shenzong did not continue to fight with the Abyss and Demon Tigers. They immediately screamed a high-pitched dragon, and then rushed quickly... Going straight into the direction of Tongtian It is.

Maybe what kind of owner, what kind of pets are there...

Xiaolong was also broken, even if he was running, he did not forget to take his own opponent!

The Abyss Demon Tiger has long been violently teased by Xiaolong. When I saw Xiaolong want to run, and no matter what else, I quickly chased it up. Now I just want to catch up with Xiaolong, then unload it, and swallow it. His blood... can be saved as a loss of his lost jade.

It rushed out like anxiously, and even forgot that it has a strong competitor that is coming to this side.

And Xiaolong, successfully led the Abyss Devil Tiger, and then visually measured the distance, immediately turned into a small four-legged snake, quickly disappeared in the air... Although the body became smaller, the flight speed was slower. But this does not affect its escape plan.

In a blink of an eye, it rushed to the hiding place of the Qin side with the silkworm, and then turned into two silver lights, and quickly disappeared into the body of the Qin... At this point, the dragon of the beast also disappeared completely. Traced.

However, the red-eyed abyss and the tigers, as well as the violently attacking Tongtian, have already hit the inevitable...

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