Omni Genius

Chapter 2059: Enlightenment in the peak battle!

Second, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket ~~~~~ Today's wife's birthday, go out to eat, exhausted, really want to be lazy~~~~ Nonsense, do work!



Two powerful arrogant behemoths smashed together, and the scream of the sky was deafening, almost deafening...

The following beasts are even more unfortunate. In such a tyrannical impact, some of them are weak and directly fainted... and then unfortunately, they were killed by the escaped beasts who survived behind. .

The Tongtian and the Abyss Demon Tigers set their bodies, separated by a kilometer, and stood in the distance. The breath of the body is also fierce...

The magical flames of Haotian seem to be able to completely obscure this piece of heaven and earth... The abyss and the devil's tiger squatting on the side of the road, the look of the sky is quite vigilant, while carefully observing the surroundings.

Although Xiaolong has disappeared into the body of Qin Fang, the atmosphere of the beast has covered up to the extreme, but the Abyss Demon Tiger has fought against it for a time, and still can vaguely feel its existence... It firmly believes that Xiaolong must be lurking around. .

However, if you want to capture the dragon, this one in front of you is a huge obstacle!

The essence of the beast, it is absolutely the first treasure, the foundation has obtained it, the abyss can not only easily advance to a higher level, even in the future, can go higher and further...

Such a precious opportunity is absolutely impossible to meet, how can it be willing to share it with other beasts?

Even if it hasn't caught the dragon yet, everything is still a zero, it is not willing...


Tongtian is not a good class, the violent breath is swaying, and the magic flame of Zhou Tian is strongly dispelled by it... A pair of fierce, gloomy **** eyes stare at the abyss. The eyes are murderous.

It is also the horrible existence of the strength of the spirit beast king, only one step can be advanced to a higher level...

But with the same idea of ​​the Abyss and the Devil Tiger... it hopes that the future can go further.

Its blood is more pure than the deep tiger, and the achievement can be higher naturally. When the smell of the beast dragon appears, it immediately senses it... and immediately gave up everything, and the fiercely chased it, even at the expense. Caused such a terrible animal tide.

Although it is a kilometer away from the distance, it can still feel the breath of the sacred dragon in the abyss of the Abyss Demon Tiger.

Although it does not know what the abyss demon tiger has done. Or what happened, but it vaguely feels that the Depth of the Devil can be a big bargain... The last time is also the blood of the beast!

A trace of blood, seemingly not many, but in fact it is infinitely wonderful... even it is immediately heart-warming.

Angrily groaning, there is no hesitation in the sky. Suddenly under the feet, the whole person instantly vacated and jumped to the height of hundreds of meters. The distance of the kilometer almost jumped, and the fiercely violently smashed the past to the abyss.


The Abyss Demon Tiger has already anticipated this battle, and the anger has smashed up, and then the figure is moving rapidly. Dodge the fierce bombing of this scorpion, and quickly move and wave out its incomparable tiger claws...

砰砰砰~~~啪啪啪~~~ bang! !

The terrible existence of these two beast kings entered the decisive battle mode...

This is much more than the previous Dragon and Tiger Wars. The strength of both sides is on a level, and the horror is absolutely perfect. The random blows have the horrible destructive power of the mountains, and bombarded them on the ground, and immediately made a huge pothole.

Bombing on the beasts, those who are very powerful. Almost no suspense was smashed into meat, and even the screams were too late to come out. After a burst of blood fog, it turned into a black...

"How do you do this?"

The outside world has already been overturned, and the undulating shock wave has hit the mountain where they are located. There are caves one after another. The whole mountain seems to be shaking with violent trepidation. It is also from time to time that there are gravel falling.

Of course, Qin Fang, Pang Sihai, and Jia Siping are all masters of the ranks. The bodyguards can easily block the attack of these gravel... But if they continue this way, they will not be killed alive. It may also be buried alive in this mountain...

"Let's wait and talk..."

There is no better way for Qin Fang. Although this cave is not small, it has no channel and can only serve as their temporary hiding place...

Although it is quite dangerous here, there is a risk of being buried alive, but relatively speaking, it is relatively safe... These mountains have an endless era in a wild and small secret, and the stone is very hard, otherwise it can’t stop these. The bombardment of alien animals.

Leaving here, into the jungle below, there may be a chance to slip away from here and get out of the two kings of the beastmaster... but, more likely, it is implicated in it!

The impact of the two beast kings duel is even more terrifying than the impact of the small Kunlun world. This is equivalent to the two supreme powers in the duel, even if they only slightly wiped them. They can't help it either.

Not to mention the countless beasts below, all of them are dying, chaotic beasts, and the iron body will be trampled into a pile of meat...

There is no better way, then you can only stay here for the time being...

This level of combat, even in the wild little secrets, should be very rare! It is really too powerful to destroy. If this kind of war happens frequently, this wild little secret has long existed...

Therefore, if Qin Fang ponders these two beasts, if they are tired, they will probably stop.

In this wild little secret, it is definitely not just the two kings of the beasts. There must be other tyrannical existences. They are so desperate. If they lose both sides, they will be squandered by other strangers.

What is the idea of ​​playing all over the sky, in addition to the blood of the beast, it is also eager for the inner and the blood of the abyss, the tiger... This is the second best idea, and it can also make it advanced to higher. Hierarchical.

Abyss and Devil Tigers are also the same. Other tyrannical squads of the same level have such a desire... It is doomed that they will not fight for too long, especially if they are evenly matched, it is unlikely to be desperate!

Therefore, the three of Qin Fang are temporarily hidden in this cave...

Even Qin Fang was still sitting cross-legged and practicing there...

After the four elephants were gathered together, Qin Fang’s internal strength cultivation did not require such deliberate cultivation. The balance of the four elephants and the natural forces led to the transformation of the infuriating body into the suffocating gas, and the strength was constantly growing.

However, Qin Fang sat there, but was watching the war between the Abyss and the Tongtian...

Although they are all strange animals, not humans... However, each time they make a shot and each collision, they will bring a certain inspiration to the Qin side, and it has a very amazing improvement for his martial arts.

It can be said that human martial arts are slowly exploring and developing from these animals and animals.

There are even a lot of powerful martial arts, which are created from the observation of a certain tyrannical existence for a long time. For example, when Qin Fang and Li Wuhua played against each other, Li Wuhua’s mad dragon was the master of his master’s ecstasy. The one that protects the mountain is slowly built and perfected...

Although Qin Fang’s strength is still a lot worse than that of the madman, there is not much difference in understanding. He keeps watching these two tyrannical fights, and his heart is also realized... Slowly, eyes It was also closed, and the picture of the scene and the scene was constantly traversed in his mind. He was also caught in the enlightenment!

Jia Siping stood with his sword and stood beside him. From time to time, he flew some fallen gravel to ensure that he would not be disturbed during the Qin Fang cultivation process... He is the soul slave of Qin Fang, everything is Qin The party is the center.

Although he also has enlightenment, but at this moment he can not do so, concentrate on protecting the law for the Qin side!

Pang Sihai seems to be a bit hard, Jia Siping can not care about his life and death, he can only protect himself...

Waiting here, actually quite boring...

He knows what the Qin side is doing, and he himself tries to see and understand. He does not know whether his qualifications are too poor, his understanding is not enough, or what other reasons. Although he can also see what is famous, But I can't say one why.

After all, the time is too short, and his cultivation, understanding, and foundation in the martial arts are not in line with his strength... The evil path is a shortcut, and the root instability is the biggest obstacle, and the cultivation is more In the back, this weakness will become more apparent.

The war outside is still going on, but it is obviously not as intense as before. Countless beasts are dying in the scuffle of these two powerful players. This area is full of pits, and the ground has almost been turned over several times. The gravel and the soil are mixed with the bodies of the beasts. The scene looks terrible...

The Qin side, however, was not disturbed by this aspect. The cave was almost completely collapsed. The three of them were already half buried in the gravel, but he still did not open his eyes. Still continuing...

Jia Siping is still doing his due diligence. Although it looks tired, he will not stop...

Pang Sihai has nothing to do, but he has also studied his great poisoning industry there...

He also collected a number of precious herbs unique to the wild secrets, which can be used to configure highly toxic drugs. Although he ate a big loss in the hands of Qin Fang, it did not affect his in this respect. Professional pursuit!

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