Omni Genius

Chapter 2536: The power of konjac!

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The sound is almost in the ear of Alphala... It’s close at hand, and even Alphara can feel the heat from the mouth of the Qin Dynasty!


So close, Alphara was also surprised.

At this time, I couldn’t attend to the rescued temple ambassadors. At the very least, I must save myself and say... So close, with Qin’s skill, it is not a problem to seriously hurt him.

Huh ~~~

Alphara is almost a subconscious one of the palms of the past... The power of the palm is very strong, it is definitely the power of the cracked stone, you can easily explode a person's head like a watermelon.

Even if it is the supreme power, it is absolutely not hurt by such a violent hand!

It can be seen from this that Alfara is so surprised and jealous of the approach of the Qin side... In order to protect himself, he gave up those who rescued the people, but he must first seriously hurt the Qin side and say the other.


With such a powerful hand, Qin Fang did not dare to slap his front...

He took advantage of the power of Ren Yuan Jin Dan, successfully dragged Alfira's footsteps, and then used such a time difference to successfully catch up with Alphara...not completely stopped him, but at least let Alphala produce The great sense of crisis is also considered to be his strategy success.

Alphara’s palm was really powerful, but Qin Fang did not marry him. The direct reflexiveness was a slap in the face.

The two men's palms collided, and the violent temper trembled around the bodies of the two. The ground was swept out of the piece of gravel by this violent shock wave, and the ground was also cracked in a large area...


Alphala was completely dragged by the Qin Fang. The two men each stepped back. The Qin side still blocked the front of Alfala and separated Alphara from those of the candidate temple messengers.

"I said it, you can't go!"

The purpose has been reached, and the Qin side has also relaxed a lot, and there is a feeling of laughter and ridicule the Alphala.

"Little Lord!"


At this time, Li Wuhua flew a candidate for the temple messenger... The bright red blood drawn a beautiful arc in the air, but also brought the screams of the candidate temple messenger.

Alphara’s emotions also immediately fluctuated greatly, and the momentum of the whole person became completely different... different from the previous calm. It became fierce and violent.

"You forced me..."

Alfala's icy, gloomy, like evil spirits from hell. Drinking a word, and the clothes on his body are also windless and arrogant.

Alphara is obviously also angry, and the mood is fluctuating quite a bit, and the power of the body is swallowed. Quite arrogant... It is the strength of the Qin side that is not inferior to the master of Alphala. At this moment, I was a little scared.

"Qin Fang. Quick hands... He wants to use konjac!"

Just as the Qin side waited for Alfala to make a move, Shi Qingfeng, who was encircling the accommodating temple ambassadors, was suddenly shouting loudly.


Hear this. Qin Fang is also a glimpse of the heart.

Of course, he already knows that Alphara is a konjac... a fascinating master of special physique, but compared to Shi Qingfeng, he does not have much fear for these special physique strong.

Konjac, the leader of the special physical strength, is said to have the horrible existence of mysterious energy!

"What about konjac? I really want to see and see..."

From the beginning of Alfala, Qin Fang was very curious about this mysterious and unrecognized Masonician. Even the investigative skills were shielded by some kind of divine power, so that Qin could not get too much information. This is even more so that Qin Fang is extremely curious about Alphara.

In addition to Alfa's basic materials such as appearance, gender, etc., the Qin side is also very interested in the special physique and special abilities of the konjac... The reason why he actively resists Alphala is that there is a certain reason to force Alphala used the konjac.

This idea, Shi Qingfeng and others do not know, otherwise they will definitely swear that Qin Fang is a madman... a madman who is more mad than Shi Qingfeng!


Alphara was also very curious to look at Qin Fang, and he gave a cold cry in his breath. "Since you take the initiative to find death, then I don't have to be merciful..."

Qin Fang’s provocation again and again has seriously violated Alphara’s bottom line, and he can’t bear it!

Facing the Qin side, Alpha stretched out his hand and directly took off the special "glasses" hanging on his eyes...


When the glasses were taken off, a violent force suddenly lingered on Alpha's body, allowing his strength to climb rapidly in a very short period of time...

Qin Fang’s brow wrinkled, and this change made him a bit surprised.

However, it is just an accident!

What is the strength of Alphara, the Qin side does not care, even if it is rapidly rising, it is impossible to reach the point of the illusion of Ashura, and it is impossible to reach the intensity of the violent release of the Son of Peter...

Such tyrannical masters were all defeated by the Qin side. How could he put Alphala in his eyes?

Really can make him jealous, that is only the power of the konjac!


At this time, Qin Fang saw Alfira's eyes... Accurately, the konjac looked at the Qin side, and the two pairs of eyes looked at each other at this moment, and suddenly there was a horrible force that instantly penetrated. Inside the Qin Fang’s head.


Such a change came very suddenly and very mysterious. Even if Qin Fang had already prepared for it, he still couldn’t even have a chance to resist. He felt a golden light rushed over and then he got into the body. .

This is what makes Qin Fang horrified...

At the same time, a tyrannical force. Immediately dragging Qin Fang’s thinking into an illusory space.

"Strong attack?"

This is the last thought of Qin Fang’s thinking and consciousness lost in the illusory space!

"Well, Qin Fangzhong recruited!"

Seeing that Qin Fang’s body suddenly stood still, the Shi Qingfeng and other people who had been paying attention to this movement in the distance were also called the face of great changes.

The konjac, a heart-wrenching horror!

It can be said that there is no chaos, and few people can resist the konjac...

Perhaps this is also the reason why Alphara is so strong this time, his konjac should have been completely awakened, and the horrible ability is also terrible, so that he can ignore many tyrannical existence.

At least enter these trials of the Holy Mountain trial. Certainly not in the eyes of Alphara... even if these people are strong and powerful. He joined hands and he was not afraid!

However, Alphara did not think that there was such a different kind of Qin Fang. Forcing him to use the konjac!

"What should I do now?"

Qin Fang was in the konjac. This is already very serious.

There are only two ways to go...

One is completely lost in the mysterious illusory space. Until ** also dies, it will completely fall and die!

The other is to break the illusory space and successfully break out from it...but. This difficulty is as big as heaven. It seems that no one has succeeded in history!

Even this second possibility is still speculation and has never been confirmed!

Otherwise, how can it reflect the strength and horror of the konjac?

"We can't help anything, everything depends on himself..."

Shi Qingfeng shook his head and smiled.

It is said that there is still a glimmer of hope, but he knows that this hope is very embarrassing... However, this sentence is impossible for him to say, too much to attack his morale and self-confidence.

"What about these people? Still killing?"

Li Wuhua pointed to the ambassadors of the Masonics who were lying on the ground. Most of them were already injured. Four of them were seriously injured, three lost their fighting power, and the other few were not threatened.

It can even be said that if a few of them really want to kill the machine, the twelve people will basically die more than half!

"This is still killing a fart... Alphara has used the konjac. If we stay here again, I am afraid that it will become the next victim. Killing these people is even more vengeful to him!"

Poseid couldn’t help but spit aside.

The konjac is too powerful. Although the strength of several of them is tyrannical, they can obviously not compete against the sinister konjac... In case it is like the Qin Fang, it would be bad.

However, Alphala hit the hand and put the eye back again...

The power of the konjac is very mysterious and powerful, but because of this, he does not dare to use it freely... Only he himself guesses how to use his power to cast a konjac!

At this moment, Li Wuhua and others are watching, and his men almost lose their fighting power. He can only rely on him to compete with many experts such as Li Wuhua... A little bit of omission can cause irreparable consequences.

"Shi Qingfeng, do you want to taste the power of the konjac?"

Alphala returned to his eyes, and his body's momentum also returned to calm. At this moment, he looked at Shi Qingfeng and others, and he was calm but not angry.

Not only that, but when he spoke, Alphara also stepped forward toward Shi Qingfeng.

The pace is slow, but it is quite steady!

However, every step of his stepping has brought great pressure to Shi Qingfeng and others... It is like a heavy hammer, a hammer and a hammer hit the heart of Shi Qingfeng and others!

Correspondingly, the face of Shi Qingfeng and others is unsightly ugly...

What do they say is also a young master who is equal to Alphala, but now several people are joining forces, but Alfa is such a threat, how can his face look good?

"Alphala, you... even if you want to steal chicken, you should at least ask me first?"

At this time, the banter’s voice appeared again, still reverberating in Alphara’s ear! (To be continued.)

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