Omni Genius

Chapter 2537: Clear back!

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Such a voice appeared very abrupt, and it was directly introduced into Alphara’s ear, directly letting his body stop, and there was a slight trembling in vagueness...


Alfala's body shape immediately turned into a black shadow, quickly flashed to one side, and then looked straight in the direction of the sound of the eyes, the whole person is also very shocked.

This voice, he is very familiar with, it belongs to the Qin side.

The problem is...

Qin Fangming clearly calculated his konjac's calculations, and his consciousness was completely immersed in the illusory space created by the konjac. It was impossible to rush out so easily... So how could Qin Fang speak?


Qin Fang was able to break his konjac in such a short period of time and rush out from that illusory space!

But is this possible?

Over the years, it seems that I have not heard of anyone who can smash the konjac's imprisonment... Even if the strength exceeds two levels of the konjac, you must be careful to guard against the konjac's plot, instead of tough against the konjac!

However, Alphala has seen an exception this time!

"you you you……"

Even if he is a top young master like Alpha, he sees that Qin Fang is standing there at the moment, his face is very bright, and when he is staring at himself, he has no way to calm down.

"Qin Fang actually rushed out?"

Posse and others were already guarding Alphara, but they suddenly found that Alphara was a little abnormal. At this time, he also noticed that Qin Fang had resumed his freedom of movement and suddenly became dumbfounded.

"He broke Alfira's konjac!"

Relatively speaking, Shi Qingfeng is very excited. In the eyes, I shot a curious light... It can be said that Qin Fang has almost created a history, the only human warrior who forcibly broke through the konjac imprisonment, and the time spent is still so short.

"This... how is this possible?"

Although Thor is standing on the same line as Li Wuhua and others, he is full of maliciousness to Qin Fang... If this is not for the sake of interest. He will not be so easy to compromise.

But if there is a chance for the Qin side to be killed by Alphara, Ray Thor does not mind adding a knife at the back.

What surprised him was...

The Qin side actually escaped. The little bit in his heart was maliciously thought out, and he couldn’t help but exclaimed him!

"Sure enough, metamorphosis!"

Li Wuhua snorted and couldn't tell the envy and hate... Of course, more is still happy and excited. At least this way they have a bigger advantage.

"The area is konjac, do you really think you can trap me?"

Qin Fang smiled and said with disdain, it seems that the konjac is really just a gadget...

"You are... chaotic?"

Alphala looked at the Qin side and could not see her eyes through the glasses, but Qin Fang could also feel her surprise and fear... this time. But suddenly I couldn’t help but say.


Suddenly heard the word, Thor is also a glimpse of the heart, very surprised to look at the Qin side ... For this particular physique, he naturally heard of it, but just too surprised, but there is no such direction want.

As soon as Alphala reminded him, he suddenly felt that this was possible!

Look at the eyes of Qin Fang again. It became extremely shocking... At the same time, the eyes were more resentful, and the mind was already thinking about other vicious and careful thoughts!


However, Qin Fang is very arrogant. "Although I also hope that I am a legendary chaos, but it is a pity that there is no such thing... it really disappoints you!"


Alphala snorted.

There is no doubt that he is a little bit unbelievable!

The power of konjac is definitely not that simple... except for the legendary chaos, it is almost invincible!

Qin Fang broke his konjac. Then it must be a chaotic body, there is no other possibility!

As for Qin Fang’s denial, this is also what he expected...

Between the specialities of chaos, no one can easily admit this until the strength really grows to ignore other enemies. Even if it is a fascinating background with a deep background and background!

Therefore, the Qin party’s denial naturally has no meaning.

Alfala will not believe that Thor will not believe it, even the Qin dynasty comrades Li Wuhua, Bossi, Shi Qingfeng and others have doubts... but the goddess Athena, who is completely out of the way, uses a very strange Eyes, a deep look at Qin Fang.

"Do you want to continue playing?"

Qin Fang also knew that these people did not believe it, but he could not get any evidence. He simply did not mention this matter, and turned to smile and looked at Alphala.

Alfala's strength is indeed very tyrannical. One-on-one, it is estimated that except for Qin Fang and Shi Qingfeng, it is the fact that Poseidhi is not his opponent in the late Supreme Court...

If it is coupled with the threat of konjac, then only the Qin side can hold it!

Of course, now that the Qinfang has broken Alfa's konjac, then Alphara's advantage has been reduced to an extreme... As long as he can't merge with the candidate temple messengers and open the glory of the glory, then he has no Threatened.

"Okay, let's admit defeat..."

Alphala is quite simple, and he directly admits defeat!

Without the strong support of the konjac, he really can't do anything about Qin Fang, and even break through the defense of Qin Fang. It's quite difficult... Without the aura of glory, he can't expel Qin Fang and others, and maybe even let himself Most of the men and women are killed and injured.

Li Wuhua, Shi Qingfeng and others will definitely not die for him because of their concerns... But for those candidates, the messenger of the temple is different, even if it is killed, there is no big deal.

As long as it is not rushing to kill, then it is totally nothing...

The candidate temple messenger has only ten people complete, plus him, can open the strongest power of the magical aura... If there are fewer people, the power will be weakened and many will not be even opened.

The advantage is completely gone, it is better to admit defeat!

"A few of you go out..."

Moreover, Alphara also very simply told the twelve candidate temple messengers to leave the altar of the Holy Mountain... They all had injuries on their bodies, and there was not much use left.

What's more, Qin Fang and others will not allow them to stay...

"Yes, less respect for the Lord!"

Although these candidate temple messengers are depressed and resentful, they are helpless... At the same time, they are more relieved, at least not worried that they will die here.

Twelve people, supporting each other, walked toward the valley mouth of the valley!

Li Wuhua and other people are also walking with their feet...

Although Alphara left these candidate temple messengers to leave, it does not mean that they will not play any moths... The distance is so close, if they forcibly impact, it is easy to get close to Alphara.

As soon as the magical aura is opened, their troubles will be great!

Therefore, before these candidate temple messengers did not completely leave, they were not able to make mistakes.

Fortunately, Al Fara did not seem to be doing anything. Even if he saw the actions of Li Wuhua and others, he just glanced at it, then turned his head and continued to stare at Qin Fang...

Perhaps in his view, among so many people, only Qin Fang is his real opponent!

The Qin side is also the same, staring at Alphala!

The attention to Alphara is even more...Because Qin Fang has felt a threat from the body of Alphara, it is obvious that this konjac has other backhands.

Even more powerful than his konjac...

This has to make Qin Fang feel nervous, cautious and vigilant!

Of course, Alphala has no intention of shooting, and Qin Fang is not good at taking the initiative...

"You are not a chaotic body, I am very curious... Are you breaking through the confinement space created by my konjac?"

Alphala sat down and looked at the Qin side quietly, then asked curiously.

"Do you really want me to say it?"

Qin Fang smiled and asked, with a sly look.


Alphara is also silent.

He wants to know the answer, but obviously does not want the Qin side to say it directly... If this method is universal, it will definitely be a nightmare for his konjac.

Once the konjac loses its threat, his strength will be greatly reduced.

At least when Qin Fang said this, Li Wuhua, Bossi, Shi Qingfeng, and even Thor, listened at the same time and quietly... They obviously wanted to know.

Alphala naturally does not want the Qin side to say it... at least not in public!

"So, you still don't know well..."

At this time, Qin Fang said slowly.

As for how he came out of the confined space created by Alphara's konjac... In fact, he himself was confused, and he had already clarified the confinement space, and he had already rushed out from it.

This is why the konjac has been broken for a short time...

However, Qin Fang has not figured out how he did it.

"Is it a special physique? Is it a secret technique of cultivation? Or is Xiaolong, Shenmian, and Renyuan Jindan helping the top hand?..."

Things happened too fast, and Qin Fang did not have time to think carefully about the reasons.

Alphala asked, Qin Fang could not show weakness, and he used such an ambiguous answer to fool Alphara... I believe that Alphara would not mention this matter even if he was half-timed, even For the Qin Fang taboo, then taboo.

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